

816 Uppsatser om Direct forecast - Sida 54 av 55

Förändringar i skogsbranschens organisation på 1990-talet : antalet tjänster, kompetens och utbildningsinsatser

In 1993 Sweden introduced a new Forest policy, with a larger freedom of action for the forest owners, but in the same time the forest owners are expected to take greater consideration of the forests and the environment, that is required by the law. This is necessary to be able to obtain the goals of the new policy. Therefore the demand for competence and guidance is larger than before. At the same period of time organisations where slimmed and trimmed during a economic recession and the question is how this has affected the number of employees on different levels in the organisations, the competence of the employees and their internal education and if these changes affects the possibility of implementing the forest policy. This study contains three points in time where measures were made, 1990, 1995 and 2000.

Collaborating for Corporate Social Responsibility : the case of conflict minerals in global supply chains

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to adjusting corporate goals so that they are not only based on maximizing corporate profits, but include ethical standards on socially desirable behavior (Boatright, 2008). Even though many companies have integrated CSR into their business operations, there are still many issues that are difficult to tackle. Especially Multinational Corporations (MNCs) in the global business environment face many challenging situations due to the fact that they often have linkages to countries where the local government is either unwilling or unable to take care of its responsibilities. MNCs often find themselves with increased responsibilities when they start solving some of the issues that earlier have been the sole responsibility of states. A specific case situation discussed in this paper is related to ?conflict minerals?.

Framtiden för snabbladdning och marknadsaktörerna inom eMobilitys syn på laddinfrastruktur

The electric vehicle market has potential to contribute to Sweden?s national goal to have a fossil fuel independent transport sector by 2030. However, the market answers to a lot of challenges making it difficult for the market to fully reach its potential. The volume of electric vehicles has seen a steady increase during the last year (2012), although many of these vehicles are mostly for PR purposes or bought by the public sector that wants to lead by example. Still, barriers in the form of high purchase costs, an anxiety for the limited battery capacity and the lack of standardisation are some of the problems that the market is struggling to solve.

Strategier för framtida utveckling av fastigheter. Ombyggnation Masthugget 11:13

HSB Göteborg owns and manages the property Masthugget 11:13 also called the Corvette in Gothenburg. The Corvette contains mostly office space but also shops, homes and garages. HSB Göteborg utilizes approximately 5000 square meters to its headquarters but in December 2014 they will move operations to Johanneberg Science Park. The risk of an increased proportion of vacancies in combination with relatively low rents and other tenant terminations allows HSB to ask for a future plan for how the real estate should be developed in order to remain profitable.Through studies of the area, urban office prospects, property current status and legal and economic conditions have different potential types of businesses been evaluated. City Planning Office program proposal forms the basis for the analysis of future plans for the area.

Ständiga Förbättringar av Ledningssystem : Organisation och Arbetsprocess för Skanska Sverige

The electric vehicle market has potential to contribute to Sweden?s national goal to have a fossil fuel independent transport sector by 2030. However, the market answers to a lot of challenges making it difficult for the market to fully reach its potential. The volume of electric vehicles has seen a steady increase during the last year (2012), although many of these vehicles are mostly for PR purposes or bought by the public sector that wants to lead by example. Still, barriers in the form of high purchase costs, an anxiety for the limited battery capacity and the lack of standardisation are some of the problems that the market is struggling to solve.

Individuell mätning av hushållsavfall i flerbostadshus : ?Ett incitament för minskad klimatpåverkan?

The electric vehicle market has potential to contribute to Sweden?s national goal to have a fossil fuel independent transport sector by 2030. However, the market answers to a lot of challenges making it difficult for the market to fully reach its potential. The volume of electric vehicles has seen a steady increase during the last year (2012), although many of these vehicles are mostly for PR purposes or bought by the public sector that wants to lead by example. Still, barriers in the form of high purchase costs, an anxiety for the limited battery capacity and the lack of standardisation are some of the problems that the market is struggling to solve.

Partnering för bättre samarbete men till vilket pris? : En studie av offentlig beställares argument till partnering

The electric vehicle market has potential to contribute to Sweden?s national goal to have a fossil fuel independent transport sector by 2030. However, the market answers to a lot of challenges making it difficult for the market to fully reach its potential. The volume of electric vehicles has seen a steady increase during the last year (2012), although many of these vehicles are mostly for PR purposes or bought by the public sector that wants to lead by example. Still, barriers in the form of high purchase costs, an anxiety for the limited battery capacity and the lack of standardisation are some of the problems that the market is struggling to solve.

Kvinnors upplevelse av sexuell lust och sexualliv efter barnafödande

Historiskt sett har mycket förändrats inom den kvinnliga sexualiteten, kvinnorna har gått från att inte ha några rättigheter alls till att under 1900-talet få fler och fler rättigheter. Hjärnan har stor betydelse för den sexuella lusten och många faktorer påverkar kvinnans lust. Påverkande faktorer på kvinnors lust och sexualliv efter att de har fött barn är bland annat fysiska, psykiska och hormonella. Syftet med studien är att beskriva kvinnors upplevelse av den sexuella lusten och sexuallivet efter att de har fött sitt första barn. Författarna har intervjuat kvinnor om deras upplevelse av sin sexuella lust samt sexuallivet när barnet var 9-18 månader, då kvinnan förmodas ha uppnått en trygghet i sin föräldraroll.

Konkurrenssituationen för den skånska grönsaksproduktionen :

The vegetable production in Sweden is concentrated to the very southern parts of the country. This is also were the major wholesalers are located. In recent years, there has been an extreme focus on price on the food market. As there are only a few big wholesalers and also very few food retail chains, these have a great impact on the producers. The pressure from prominent vegetable-producing countries, providing low price products, such as the Netherlands and Spain is strong.

Tillväxt för skogssådd och plantering fram till röjning och första gallring : föryngringsmetodernas potential att uppfylla olika produktionsmål

Holmen Skog nyttjar i stor utsträckning både sådd och plantering, varje år används sådd på omkring 20 % av föryngringsarealen. Företaget önskar sig dock mer kunskap om hur tillväxten skiljer sig åt över tiden mellan skogssådd och plantering. Syftet med studien var därför att jämföra tillväxt för skogssådd och plantering inför röjning och inför första gallring samt att undersöka hur väl olika produktionsmål kan uppfyllas genom valet av stamtäthet vid anläggnings- eller röjningstillfället. Studien genomfördes på Holmens Skogs egen mark, distrikt Umeå och Norsjö i Västerbottens län. Sådda bestånd parades med planteringar.

Mind the gap : the possibilities of the public space in the contemporary city

Mind the gap encourages you to beware of the interspaces. The project seeks to defend the gaps that occur in time and space and encourages the reader to care about the interruptions of the routine-like and planned, whilst also opening up a discussion about interaction and participation. Mind the gap is a project about the many opportunities the public space has in the contemporary city. What you have in front of you is the result of this project. As society constantly changes, new and different needs arise in the city and it is necessary that architects and planners understand and adapt to these changes. They have to be able to develop new ways of thinking and to challenge established perceptions of what the public space is and should be. This means being able to see that the public space could be different and to recognize the potentials for it to change. This project examines the underlying ideals of urbanism and investigates the potentials of the City when shaped by these ideals.

Uppföljning av plantering på nedlagd åkermark i Skåne 1991-1996 :

The study was performed for the Swedish Regional Forestry Board in Södra Götaland. The study examines broadleaf plantations on former farmland that were planted between 1991 and 1996 with subsidy payments for conversion of farmland into forest. In particular, the study reviews forests planted in 1991-92 and 1994-96. In the early 1990s, Swedish agriculture was deregulated and direct subsides to farmers ended. The Swedish state instead granted farmers financial support and offered incentives for conversion of farmland and investments in order to make their unproductive land productive. The state supported conversion of farmland to broadleaf forest, forest for energy biomass production, or establishment of wetlands on former farmland. The County Administrative Boards and Regional Forestry Boards together monitored the planting of broadleaf forests.

Handen bakom Vegeholms engelska park - en studie av parken och dess uppkomst

A boom in horticulture characterized the 18th century in Sweden and Skåne. Parks and gardens were gradually built out to become, at the end of the 18th century, large and comfortable facilities which responded to European parks. During the late 1700s the new fashion came to Sweden. In Sweden it was named ?the English style? which directly refers to the English expression ?Romantic style?.

Mode & Barn

Det blir allt vanligare idag att de stora modehusen skapar barnkollektioner. Internationellt sätt har nästan varje stor designer redan gett sig in på barnklädesmarknaden. Jag valde dock att inte fokusera på den internationella marknaden utan undersöka hur den såg ut i Sverige med svenska modeföretag som hade olika positioner. Jag plockade ut ett antal märken som skiljde sig markant i målgrupp. Företagen jag har valt att ha med till studien är Acne, KappAhl och Polarn O.

Markberedningsresultat och plantbildning med såddaggregaten Humax 2-4 och KSM-såddskopa

Fördelarna med skogssådd är bland annat att de kan ge stamtäta bestånd med potential att producera träd med bra vedegenskaper och bättre utvecklade rotsystem samt att sådder har en högre biomassaproduktion per ytenhet jämfört med planteringar. Nackdelar som kan nämnas är att de ofta täta förbanden ger ökade kostnader vid eventuella röjningar och att föryngringsresultatet är mera osäkert för sådd än för plantering.Mekaniseringen av skogssådden startade under 1970-talet. Humax och KSM är två kranspetsmonterade aggregat för skogssådd. De har utvecklats för att användas på marker med svår ytstruktur där dragna såddaggregat som harv och högläggare har svårigheter att skapa tillräckligt mycket lämplig såddbädd på grund av att aggregatet inte kommer ner mellan hindren eller att basmaskinen inte klarat av att köra över hela arealen. Fördelen med KSM och Humax är att aggregaten är kranspetsmonterade vilket gör att föraren väljer var aggregatet skall markbereda och på det viset kan markberedningen göras mellan hindren samt att kranarmens räckvidd gör att basmaskinen inte behöver köra över hela arealen som skall markberedas.

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