

816 Uppsatser om Direct forecast - Sida 53 av 55

Arbetsgivares möjlighet att vid rekrytering lägga vikt vidarbetssökandes personliga lämplighet ? diskriminerande?

Att göra en meritvärdering är svårt, särskilt när det gäller faktorn personlig lämplighet ? en bedömningsgrund som är relativt svårmätt och som både Diskrimineringsombudsmannen och Arbetsdomstolen ser risker med. Det huvudsakliga syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda vilket utrymme den svenska lagstiftningen ger arbetsgivare i Sverige att i en rekryteringssituation ta hänsyn till arbetssökandes personliga lämplighet utan att göra sig skyldig till direkt diskriminering. Även frågan huruvida det finns en risk för att arbetsgivares möjlighet att lägga vikt vid personlig lämplighet i större utsträckning drabbar kvinnor i arbetsledande befattningar negativt än män i arbetsledande befattningar ämnas analyseras. Uppsatsen anlägger ett analytiskt perspektiv, med grund i rättsdogmatisk metod men med användning av teori om ledarskap och kön.

Rovdjurens påverkan på den svenska älgstammen och konsekvenser för dess förvaltning

Den svenska älgstammen har i stort sett levt i frånvaro av björn och varg under större delen av 1900-talet. Istället har stammen reglerats genom en intensiv älgjakt. Nu har både björn och varg återetablerats i våra skogar och expanderar i antal och utbredning. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på hur återkomsten av dessa stora rovdjur påverkar älgstammens antal, köns- och åldersstruktur och beteende, samt hur älgförvaltningen påverkas av närvaro av björn och varg. Rovdjursstammarna är ojämnt fördelade över landet och även älgtätheten varierar. Därför kommer en del områden att påverkas mycket och andra väldigt lite.

Parallel Import of Pharmaceuticals in the EU

Parallel import in the European Union is the perfectly legal activity under Art. 28-30 EC of buying goods in a low-price country in order to ship and sell them in a high-price country. The pharmaceutical market in Europe is subject to the subsidiartiy principle of Art. 5 EC and heavily characterised by national regulations that lead to significant price differentials between ? generally speaking ? Northern and Southern Europe.

Geokemisk undersökning vid Rävlidmyrgruvan, Västerbottens län : provtagning, analys och förslag till åtgärder

The mining industry, in terms of ore excavation and metal production, is and has been important to the Swedish economy. In connection with the ore excavation process, large amounts of partly sulphidic waste are produced. When the metal sulphides are exposed to air and water they are eventually oxidised, which leads to the formation of acidic water with high concentrations of metal cations and sulphate ions, so called Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). This water may reach the nearest surroundings and cause negative environmental effects. By covering the waste with soil or water, the oxidation process can be minimised. At the Rävlidmyran mine in the county of Västerbotten open pit mining took place between 1951 and 1991.

Skolkvalitetens lokala bakgrunder : -En explorativ fallstudie av fyra svenska kommuner för att kartlägga anledningar till deras olika placering i lärarförbundets undersökning ?Bästa skolkommun 2011?

Torstensson, Niklas (2012): Anledningar till olikheter mellan Svenska kommuners skolkvalitet (Causes behind the differences in Swedish municipality´s quality of school) Örebro University.This essay is an explorative case study that will compare four Swedish municipalities quality of local school system against the municipality ´s backgrounddata and a governing document: Skolplan. This study begins in a previous benchmarking study made by one of Sweden?s teachers unions Lärarförbundet. This is a statistical study that ranked the Swedish municipalities against each other?s according to their accomplishments in a number of areas related to their school systems.

Nytt ventilationssystem till djurstallar :

There is two dairy farms in Sweden with ability to be opened on both long sides, one outside Hjo and the other one, Brandstadholm, north of Sjöbo. When there is no measures and results or not enough literature about natural ventilation and especially on this kind of air inlet, makes my tests very interesting not only on Alnarp, but among other companies. I would like to find out if there is any air movements direct on the cows, how high/low temperature, air humidity, light intensity and noise standard inside the barn. Does Brandstadholm fulfil the rules and regulations when it comes to climate inside the barn? Could this system become the new dairy barn instead of the conventional barns in Sweden? I am going to focus on the animals environment, after all they are the one who is going to spend the most of the time in the barn. I used five electrical loggers distributed inside the barn to measure the temperature and one of the loggers measured the air humidity, every 15th minute. One logger were placed on the outside which measured both temperature and air humidity.

Realtidsanalys av kiselsol

Traditionell mätteknik innebär att instrument monteras i rör eller på andra sätt förs in i processen. Detta kan vara problematiskt vid svårhanterliga processfluider och i vissa fall ge missvisande analysresultat. Tekniken Aktiv Akustisk Spektroskopi, som bygger på att mäta en utsänd ljudsignals dämpning genom processfluider, kan dock kringgå detta. Mätinstrumentet med denna teknik kallas för Acospector och marknadsförs av företaget Acosense. Instrumentet är helt beröringsfritt och kan installeras och underhållas utan processtopp.


International Marine Group, IMG AB, was established in year 2000, and became the parent company of the three sister companies, Momec AB, Isolamin AB and Premec AB. The IMG ? group supplies complete marine/offshore interior accommodation and tailor-made system supplies to the Building/Industrial sector. With a starting point to develop IMG AB?s logistic and distribution the company has decided to survey the present logistic at their subsidiaries, mainly concentrated on the goods for delivery.

KR?PTA : spår och ärrbildningar hos Johannes Heldén, Ingrid Storholmen och Anna Hallberg

Trough the analyses of three young contemporary Swedish and Norwegian poets, who all in one way or another work with the language as material, I will circulate around the term language materialism. Each poet has his or her specific distinctive feature wich makes them three completely different poets. But they are all challenging the borders of literature and even the grammatical laws of language. Apart from the analyses I sketch an historical line between the predecessors of the experiments with the poetic language in the past, starting with Mallarmé, and the experiments of today. My essay will in conclusion discuss the language poetry in a wider philosophical point of view, connected to Derrida and Wittgenstein.The first analysis introduces the author and artist Johannes Heldén through his debute poetry collection Burner.

Uthållig sanitet : en förstudie i staden Picota, Peru

The access to good sanitary facilities is an important factor that elevates the experienced living standard as it improves hygiene and reduces the transmission of deseases. The ratification of the millennium goals by 189 countries demonstrates that this is an important international issue. Together the countries have taken upon themselves that the proportion of the population that lacked access to sustainable safe drinking water and sanitary facilities in the year 2000 will have been reduced by half by the year 2015. In Peru, the construction of sewage pipe networks to transport the sewage out of the direct human environment is progressing. The safety and sustainability of these systems can be questioned, since in Peru the sewage seldom receive any treatment before being emitted to a recipient. This is taking place in Picota and sorrunding villages as well. In the last 25 years several systems implementing small-scale onsite treatment have been introduced throughout Latin America in an attempt to give more people access to sustainable and safe sanitary facilities, reducing water consumption and taking advantage of the agricultural values of the sewage fractions while protecting the environment from its negative impact. In this study three different sanitary systems and the effects of different population growths were compared.

Bilden av kvinnliga och manliga elitfotbollspelare i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter : ? en kvantitativ och diskursiv analys av fotbollsVM 2002 och 2003

Author: Camilla AnderssonTitle: The depiction of female and male elite soccer players in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter ?  A quantitative and discursive analysis of the World Cup 2002 and 2003Level of education: CSubject: Media and Communication Studies Umeå University: Department of Culture and Media Studies Term: Spring 2004 Pages: 70 The purpose of this essay is that from a gender theoretical and critical discourse analysis perspective  study how the image of the Swedish football national teams and players in the 2002 World Cup (men) and 2003 (women) were constructed in the media coverage. I analyze articles published in Dagens Nyheter, Swedens biggest morningpaper and Aftonbladet, biggest eveningpaper. The method is based on a quantitative content analysis, and critical discourse analysis in which I use van Dijk's analytical approach. Issues :1. What constructed the World Cup in 2002 and 2003  players and teams, from a gender theoretical perspective in the mediatexts?2.

Utvärdering - till vilken nytta? : En studie om hur utvärderingar användas och vad som gör dem användbara

Syftet med denna studie är att göra en metaanalys kring användningen av utvärderingen Aktiveringspolitikens Janusansikte. Utvärderingen har genomförts i fyra stadsdelar i Malmö inom ramen för storstadssatsningen.Fokus har legat på att undersöka om resultatet av utvärderingen Aktiveringspolitikens Janusansikte har använts i de utvärderade verksamheterna, samt vilka faktorer som påverkar användande eller icke-användande av utvärderingar.För att analysera vilken typ av användning som har förekommit har Carol H Weiss modell för användning av utvärderingsresultat används. Denna har kombinerats tre förklaringsfaktorer för att försöka förstå varför det sker eller varför det inte sker någon användning av utvärderingsresultat. Dessa faktorer är den personliga faktorn, den kontextuella faktorn och utvärderingsfaktorn.Undersökningen visar att användningen av Aktiveringspolitikens Janusansikte inte varit så utbredd i de undersökta stadsdelarna. Däremot framkommer det en generellt positiv inställning till utvärderingar.

Förslaget i fokus : om att skapa kommunikativa bilder

Th is thesis is about how to create communicative images. It is mainly for landscape architects. With communicative images, I mean images created with the purpose to communicate a proposal or idea in a direct way to. By only looking at the image, the viewer should get an idea of what the proposal entails. A communicative image should also create an interest in the proposal.

Matematikundervisning i internationella miljöer : En studie av arbetet med att överbrygga skillnader i matematikundervisningen

This study investigates the difficulties that may arise for students as a consequence of differences that exist in mathematics education between different educational systems. The questions asked are when and why difficulties as a consequence of differences in writing or types of student problems may arise and in which way teachers and students attend to these difficulties. The focus is thus on the written parts of mathematics education and the questions are asked within the frame of general upper secondary education.In order to answer these questions, a sociocultural perspective based mainly on Sfard?s (2006) participationist theories together with Vygotsky?s (1999) general theories on development and learning is used. An important analytic tool is the discourse concept which in this context means a type of communication that brings some people together while excluding others from the communication.

Commitment to Innovation

?The management of innovation is inherently difficult and risky, most new technologies fail to be translated into products and services, and most new products and services are not commercial successes. In short, innovation can enhance competitiveness, but it requires a different set of management knowledge and skills from those of everyday business administration? (Bessant et al. 2005 p.

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