

554 Uppsatser om Dilemma i yrkespraktik - Sida 18 av 37

Samhällets insatser mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

The aim of this study was to analyze society's efforts for girls who are victims of honorrelatedviolence and oppression. More specifically its aim was to examine what efforts thesociety can offer girls who are exposed to honor-related violence and oppression, and howsocial services and shelters cooperate on issues of honor. We have chosen to focus on girlswho are victims of honor-related violence, but we are aware that even boys and men face thisproblem. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach through interviews. Tocomplete the study we have conducted eight interviews throughout Sweden.

Övergång av verksamhet : En avtalsrättslig tolkning av vad det arbetsrättsligt innebär att enligt 6 b § LAS ta ställning till fortsatt anställning

The swedish law of contract is fundamental within several civil law areas, among others labour law. The labour law contains more explicit legislation specificly adapted to the relation between employers and employees. Sometimes the labour law needs to rely on more general regulations, such as the law of contract. When the situation contains a specific contract relation dilemma it is logical to use the law of contract, when for example the law of employee protection does not reach an acceptabel solution.Transfer of undertaking is a situation were the employee protection is disregarded. The Euro directive 2001/23/EG prescribes, by its implemented rules in the law of employee protection, that rights and duties, such as employement agreements, passes on to the earner of the business.

Att lära sig spela gitarr : Skolans betydelse för att lära sig spela gitarr?

Studien syftar till att öka musiklärarens förståelse för elevernas uppfattning om fördelar och nackdelar med dagens gängse undervisningsmetoder. Jag har i min undersökning utgått från faktorer som jag funnit i tidigare undersökningar som visat sig vara viktiga för musikundervisningens kvalité. Genom en intervjuundersökning har ett antal elever fått beskriva vad de uppfattat av specifika moment, som att lära sig sitt första ackord på gitarr. Samt skillnaden mellan att lära sig spela nya ackord på gitarr nu och i början. Svaren har sedan jämförts med vad som tidigare framhållits som viktiga faktorer för att uppnå god kvalitet på undervisningen.

Skriftens magi : en betydelsefull & reflekterande resa

The theme of this essay is literacy training in pre-school. The theme takes it starting point in a project, where my colleagues and I noticed our children playing with writing and symbols. It leads to an exciting, reflecting and developing project, a project that will go on for six months together with twenty children in the age of five and six.The essay describes how I and the rest of the staff work with the project, and also how we try to find challenges that are meaningful for our children. When we worked with the project I ended up in a dilemma how I as a teacher was to retain the children?s joy and curiosity for writing without making it boring.

Inkludering : En studie kring lärares uppfattningar om begreppet inkludering

Syftet med studien är att undersöka lärares uppfattningar kring begreppet inkludering utifrån elever inom autismspektrumstörning. Frågeställningarna handlar om hur lärare uppfattar begreppet inkludering samt lärares beskrivning hur elever inom autismspektrumstörning kan inkluderas. Studien utgår från ett sociokulturellt perspektiv, där lärandet sker i interaktion mellan människor och att människor känner sig delaktiga i processen. Studien tar också stöd av de specialpedagogiska perspektiven, det relationella, det kompensatoriska och dilemma perspektivet. Den metod som använts är kvalitativa intervjuer, som har analyserats med hjälp av tematisk innehållsanalys.

Filmberättandets kraft : om att vara pedagog och konstnärlig ledare i skolan

This essay follows a Media Teacher in her work as a coordinator and an artistic leader for a European project called Legalopoli concerning laws and ethics in a senior level school for 13-16 year-olds in Mora, Sweden. The students write film stories about how their characters have to make choices in ethical dilemma situations. Then the learners create interactive computer games together through practical film work. At the same time we can see how the educator also gets into difficult ethical situations, when she is working with the students. This forces her to self-reflection.

I demokratins vagga : en essä om demokratins väg på förskolan

This essay is about how basic democratic values are formed in preschool. I have focused on children´s abilities to take on responsibility and also, on the importance of relationships in the development of democratic values in preschool.This essay starts in self-perceived dilemmas, based on my own feeling that the children should have more rights and that the preschool often has too many unreflected rules and routines. The dilemma has been reflected on and has been discussed in relation to other theories. I have also reflected on my own behavior as a teacher and to what extent this behavior has influence on the outcome.The relationship between the governing documents and the work in preschool has been reviewed with the conclusion that they are not synchronized with each other.The investigation shows several examples of the meaning of a good working relationship between teacher and child and that children´s own sense of responsibility should be taken seriously and be recognized as a resource.In the discussion with the theories a connection between democracy, relationships and children´s responsibility was detected. The meaning of a good working communication and the teacher?s significance for the development is central and is made visible and problematized.The concluding words show how the approach to democratic and fundamental values must come to a change in preschools, a change that the teacher partly is responsible for.

Kunskap, Färdighet och Attityd : En undersökning om grundskolebibliotekariers syn på och arbete med digital kompetens

There is little doubt that the digital technology has played a major role in reshaping the ways in which we experience the world. In a few decades the Internet has become a vast repository for knowledge and ideas. New arenas where people may meet and fraternize have emerged, and with the help of various digital tools and websites, the production of new material has increased to an almost unfathomable level.But all is not well on the digital front. As the Internet has become a crucial part of our everyday life, certain skills in handling digital media has become very important to master. A well-developed ability to navigate through this ocean of information is needed, and knowledge in managing the risky nature of the internet is critical.

Den svenska statens dilemma : En fallstudie om samernas grupprättigheter

The Swedish society has trough decades developed into a multicultural society. Minority groups such as Sami have been a part of the country for a long time. By being separated from the majority through culture, language etc. minorities demand the right to become independent and have the ability to practice their culture. History show that minorities all over the world have been discriminated and abused by the majorities. Democratic procedures are often advantages for the majority.

I en klass för sig. Segregering i Sveriges bästa skolkommun - ett implementeringsproblem?

This Master's thesis examines segregation between Swedes and immigrants in school, and more specifically segregation between the two elementary schools Vikingaskolan and Tunaskolan in Lund. This case provides a particularly interesting puzzle, since Lund doesn?t have any pronounced immigrant districts, and was also recognized nationally as best municipality for its schools (2004). In this thesis we try to understand the segregation between the two schools in Lund as an implementation dilemma.The theoretical framework applies a model designed by Lennart Lundquist, which includes three potential causes for implementation problems: the implementer doesn?t understand the decision, the implementer can?t apply the decision, the implementer doesn?t want to carry out the decision.

FINNS DET ETT DILEMMA ? : En fallstudie av mellanchefer

The study deals with the causes of unjustified differences in pay between women and men in the banking sector. The purpose of this paper has been to examine how a gender project implemented in the private banking organizations from a gender-and implementation perspective. The aim of the project examined is to even unjustified differences in pay between men and women in the banking and finance sector. The main issues are: ? How has the project been implemented and what are the real and perceived results? ? How can the opportunities and barriers to successful implementation course with emphasis on gender? The method used is a qualitative study, where the empirical material consisted of focus group interviews.

"Barnens bästa". En poststrukturalistisk studie av debatten om en individualiserad föräldraförsäkring.

The thesis explores the meaning of the concept "children's best" in relation to the social Swedish parental insurance debate from a post-structuralist view. The main material has been taken from daily news papers and the methodological as well as theoretical basis is provided for by Laclau & Mouffes discourse theory. In particular has the concept "empty signifiers" been of use when investigating "children's best" as a strong argument on both the "pro" and "against" sides of the debate of an individualized parental insurance. The theoretic purpose of the thesis is also to examine the poststructuralist/feminist dilemma in order to approach a more pragmatic and useful model of the two combined provided by Alcoff and Fraser. One conclusion is that "children's best" may never have an objective answer and will be a changing concept in time, ideology preference and discoursive field.

Omsorgspersonals kunskaper och inställning till de boendes munvård

Physiotherapists treat people with different views of the world and medical beliefs, which require a good understanding of cultural differences. One way to achieve cultural understanding is through self-reflection in a new context. During five weeks the authors, two physiotherapy students, completed a clinical practice at the rehabilitation center Pina Palmera, Zipolite, Oaxaca, Mexico. At the beginning of the period a critical incident was chosen, when the head physiotherapist for the ward Cuidados Especiales intended to sell jewellery to the authors during a treatment of a patient. The authors have by using the reflection framework "Framework to guide reflective process", and Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) for analysis, discussed different ways of communication, adherence, education, and self-reflection and critical thinking.

Lärares upplevelser av elever med svårigheter

Trots att det har gått snart 30 år sedan Brasiliens militärdiktatur ersattes av en demokratiskt vald regim är det flera forskare som har kommit att ifrågasätta landets faktiska grad av demokrati ? framförallt i Rio de Janeiros favelas, informella bosättningar. Favelan har under senare årtionden kommit att bli synonymt med; parallell stat under kriminella gängs dominans, extremvåld och en stigmatiserad folkgrupp. Statens många försök i att krossa gängverksamheten har visat sig mindre framgångsrika, men år 2008 introducerar säkerhetssekretariatet en ny polisiär strategi för favelan ? först pacificering och sedan implementering av fredsbevarande polisenheter, s.k.

Centralisering och decentralisering: En fallstudie på Apoteket och Swedbank

Multi-branch companies are facing many challenges in order to become successful. Competitive advantages can be gained through a unified strong brand, standardised products and economies of scale. This normally calls for centralisation. On the contrary is decentralisation, which is said to improve work motivation and local market orientation, which are also competitive advantages. The focus of this thesis is to study how local branch managers want their companies to be structured in accordance with this dilemma.

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