14305 Uppsatser om Difference- in- difference analys - Sida 38 av 954
En nypa socker : En kvantitativ analys av hur socker framställs i Aftonbladet 1995 och 2013
The subject for our bachelor thesis is how sugar is portrayed in Aftonbladet. By analyzing newspapers from 1995 and 2013 we wanted to research if the portrayal of sugar has changed during the years. We have noticed that there is a trend of being healthy and fit today. ?Strong is the new skinny? is a quote we can see in social media and on blogs today.
Fredningseffekter och rekryteringsproblem hos abborre (Perca fluviatilis) i Stockholms skärgård
Effects of fishery closure on perch was detected as female perch was on average 5 cm longer in closed areas compared to non-closed areas. This could be a result of larger individuals surviving as an effect of reduced fishing. No effect was detected on the reproduction rate of YOY (young of the year) perch.A zooplankton survey revealed less amounts of the most important plankton groups for YOY perch in areas with failed reproduction, though the difference was statistically insignificant.The distribution of YOY perch and YOY/adult stickleback differed completely in this study with no area where the two species are both present. It is sketchy to draw any conclusions from this data but it remains a field for further investigation.The reproduction problem is concentrated to the outer parts of the archipelago which confirms previous studies of the geographic extension..
Humankapital i redovisningen : En studie av kunskapsintensiva företag
Annual reports are by many considered to be companies primary way to inform their world where the CEO's words are read most carefully by shareholders. The purpose of this paper is to examine the design of the CEO's words in annual reports in light of the financial crisis in 2008. The study seeking explanations for change, similarities and differences in the various texts based on three themes which are results, future and confidence. In this qualitative study five CEO's words are explored by means of a discourse analysis, all from large Swedish industrial companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Some of the results shown is that the CEO tends to talk about the company's results in a self-serving manner and CEO speaks more aboutm the results before than after the crisis.
Analys av vävnadsprover med endimensionell elektrofores
The following project has been made in collaboration with, Denator AB, a biotechnology enterprise. One-dimensional electrophoreses have been used to analyze protein contents of tissue samples. Tissue samples have been either treated according to the company´s newly developed tissue treatment technique or not treated at all and comparisons between these samples have been made. In order to see differences in protein patterns between samples more clearly, a conversion method has been developed where electrophoresis gel visual patterns are used to produce curves, similar to densitometer curves.Denator AB would like to know if the proteins in their treated samples will change visibly over 48 h when incubated at room temperature. This has been investigated using the above mentioned method.
Timmersorteringens inverkan på sågverksekonomin :
Modern sawmills are using the raw-material and the production-capacity more efficiently
today, due to rising raw-material prices and higher production costs. Log sweepness has a
negative effect on the sawn yield, for sawmills with straight-sawing. It is desirable that these logs could be sorted based on more criteria, if it increases value-yield and consequently the utilization of raw-material.
Bow-heights over 1 cm have a negative effect on sawn yield, since the surface of the
mantle cuts down in the sawn pattern. Some of these small bow-heights reduce the logs yield of value which affects the production planning negatively. Nearly half of all the Swedish logs have a bow-height over 1 cm.
Bakre skallgropens form hos hund : en studie av occipital hypoplasi hos hund
Chiari type I malformation is a condition in humans characterized by a small
posterior cranial fossa, downward herniation of the cerebellar tonsils, foramen
magnum overcrowding and disturbances of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics.
Syringohydromyelia is often seen in patients with Chiari type I malformation.
Syringohydromyelia is characterized by fluid-filled cavities in the spinal cord.
This causes damage to the nervous tissue in the spinal cord. In recent years, a
condition similar to Chiari type I malformation has been recognized in dogs. It has
mostly been seen in Cavalier King Charles spaniels (CKCS). The condition seen
in dogs is usually called occipital bone hypoplasia.
The aim of the study was to examine whether there is a difference in the shape of
the caudal fossa between CKCS, small bred dogs with a similar head shape and
dogs with a normal head shape and if occipital bone hypoplasia is related to a
head shape with a steep back of the head. Other aims of the study were to examine
the crowding of nervous tissue in the foramen magnum in each breed group, the
extent of syringohydromyelia and to what extent the malformation had caused
neurological signs.
Sculls from dogs on autopsy were divided in halves and the position of the
cerebellum compared to the level of the foramen magnum was studied.
Förväntningar och erfarenheter kring skolledarskap : en jämförande studie ur lärarperspektiv
Background: There have been several reforms within the Swedish educational system since the 1960´s, not only within the elementary school but also within the teachers? education and the school leaders´ educational program.Aim: My aim with this study is to explore if teachers´ expectations and experiences of school leadership have changed since the many educational reforms began in the 1960´s.Method: For this study I have a used a comparative design. By making qualitative interviews with five teachers born in the 1940´s and five teachers born in the 1980´s I have then analyzed the result.Result: Regardless of the 40 years of age difference and the multiple reforms within the educational system in Sweden the result shows that the teachers in this study did not have any clear expectations on their school leaders as they started their careers..
Spenarnas kondition i automatiska mjölkningssystem : en studie av två spensprayer
Two post milkning teat dips (PMTD´s) were compared in an automatic milking system at Kungsängen Research Farm, owned by SLU (Swedish University of Agriculture) in Uppsala. In the experiment an evaluation system was used where teat condition regarding skin and teat ends was graded according to a scale where 1 was the best score and 5 the worst. The evaluation period was almost six months in total devided into four minor experimental periods. The technician scoring the teats did not know which PMTD that was currently used. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference between the two PMTD´s regarding teat skin condition, but not regarding teat ends.
Prognostisering av räntabilitet på eget kapital - En jämförelsestudie av tre regressionsmodellers prognosförmåga applicerat på svenska data
A multivariate cross-sectional model is used in this thesis to proxy for expected earnings and to estimate return on equity for 214 companies over the period 2009-2013, using Swedish data. The model, which has never been tested on Swedish data before, is first confirmed to function as a forecasting model for expected return. Furthermore, the model is evaluated through a comparison with two univariate models based on the assumption that return on equity follows a mean reversion process. Forecast accuracy is calculated as the difference of estimated returns and actual returns. The results show that the univariate models' forecasts are superior to the multivariate model's..
Event Marketing : En alternativ väg till kund lojalitet
Marks do not only work as an acknowledge of the effort that has been made under a long period of time, but also as a receipt for eligibility to further studies. Within the political debate, marks have often caused a big discussion among the political parties. That is due to the obvious difference between the political parties on the left, and their counterparts on the right. However, there is one thing that they all have in common. Everyone of them have plans of measure within their political agenda, regarding the use of marks.The aim of this study has been to try to understand the way pupils think about marks.
Egen och social påverkan på perfektionsim hos individuella idrottare
The main purpose of this study was to examine own and social influence on perfectionismwith individual athletes. The participants (n= 96) of this study represented ten different sportsand their ages was between 15 and 44. An interview with four of the participant wasconducted. The instruments used for this study was the Positive and Negative PerfectionismScale (Terry-Short et al., 1995) and for the interviews questions was based on own and socialinfluence. The results showed that there was a relationship between positive perfectionismand own influence, negative perfectionism and own influence, negative perfectionism andsocial influence.
Användning av accelerometrar för detektering av rörelse i Husqvarna ABs gräsklippare Automower
In order to detect movements and vibrations on different appliance, especially robots and self-going devices are used different sensors. One of the most used movement sensors are accelerometers. They are three different types of accelerometers one-axes, two-axes and three-axes. They can be analogue or digital. Husqvarna AB uses an accelerometer to detect movements of their self-going lawnmower Automower.
Biståndsbedömning inom äldreomsorgen : En studie av genusperspektivet inom biståndsbedömning gällande hemtjänst
Our purpose was to study how care managers in practice evaluate needs in eldercare. A specific focus was set on elderly persons' sex, an area where former research show that decisions vary considerably. Were the care managers influenced in their decision making by the elderly person's sex? If so, in what ways? Were there variations in the definition of eldercare needs between the four chosen municipalities. And, finally, how did the care managers handle set criteria and priorities in their evaluation of such needs?The study was based on literature as well as interviews with eight care managers, chosen from four Scanian municipalities.We arrived at the conclusion that there is no specific difference in how the care managers evaluate eldercare needs in relation to sex..
Skadliga nollflödespunkter i Fortum Värmes fjärrvärmenät i Stockholm : En analys av dess förekomst och effekter
When several production units provide a district heating network, water is pumped from different directions. When the flows from the plants finally meet in the network, the water can be completely still. These places are called zero flow zones. In district heating networks with several plants, which also have different supply temperatures, large and frequent temperature fluctuations can occur when the zero flow zones move. This may cause wear on the pipes, a phenomenon called low cycle fatigue.For this reason it is important to examine where and when zero flow zones that cause temperature changes occur.
Budgetstyrning och Balanserat styrkort : i form av en kombinationsmodell
Traditional financial management has lately been criticized, since it gives inadequate and unilateral information for decisions and strategy of the operation. The purpose of this essay is to investigate if a balanced scorecard is able to work together with a budget and become a stronger control system for the management. Essential theory underlies the gathering of data as well as the analysis, and the empirical investigation is based on personal interviews. The conclusions drawn from my analysis are that two parallel control systems could complement each other?s weaknesses.