

317 Uppsatser om Diet - Sida 3 av 22

Genus på menyn : Analyser av stabila kol- och kväveisotoper på skelettmaterial från Bjärbygravfältet från äldre romersk järnålder i Kastlösa på Öland

This paper deals with Diet and gender in the early roman iron age in Sweden. Human bone and tooth material from the Iron Age cemetery at Bjärby in Kastlösa parish on the island of Öland have been analysed for stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. 21 individuals were sampled. Where possible 4 samples were taken from each individual, from the first, second and third molar respectively and from one compact bone. By doing so it is possible, at least in theory, to trace intra-individual Diets throughout life.

Effekten av total mängd dietärt fett på lipidprofilen : En litteraturstudie

The effect of total Dietary fat on the blood lipid profile: a reviewFat consumption has increased in Sweden in the 21th century, probably due to the advancement of the Diet low car high fat (LCHF). Also, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of premature death in Sweden. Various blood lipids are used to evaluate the cardiovascular disease risk; total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides among others. High levels of total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides and low levels of HDL are believed to increase the risk. The purpose of this review was to examine the effects of high-fat-Diet on blood lipids, cholesterol, LDL, HDL the ratio between LDL/HDL and triglycerides through a systematic review.

Vad ska vi dricka idag?

Background The usage of Nutrition supplement in the elderly care is commonly occurring and plays an important role in the intake of nutrition for the elderly. The usage of nutrition supplement is to reduce malnutrition within elderly care. For the elderly it is crucial to keep a healthy Diet and to never lose weight. The loss of weight can be very dangerous it could even be fatal for the aged and should therefore be avoided. To have a Diet that is rich in energy such as enriched meals prevents the elderly from receiving a shortage of calories since the Diet is rich in fat, protein and thus also rich in energy.

LCHF som samhällsfenomen i modern tid: Nya dieter, nya målgrupper. En kvalitativ intervjustudie.

Denna uppsats handlar om ett antal individers upplevelse av att använda en Diet för att modifiera kroppen eller att genomföra en mer djupgående och bestående livsstilsförändring. Uppsatsen berör Dieter i allmänhet men LCHF i synnerhet. Syftet är att belysa faktorer i ett modernt samhällsklimat som medverkande till individuellt beslutsfattande. Respondenternas berättelser lyfter fram olika faktorer som påverkat deras val av kostkontroll. Uppsatsen har en explorativ och deskriptiv prägel och med hjälp av teorier, intervjuer och internetundersökningar, söks svar på vilka faktorer i samhället och hos individerna själva som bidrar till valet av att börja använda en Diet, samt vilken Diet man väljer.

Faktorer som kan förhindra avhopp från gruppträffar vid behandling av övervikt och fetma

To complete an overweight treatment program is associated with better weight loss. Previous studies have in principle focused on drop-out from the entire program, not individual parts of a program. Factors previously shown to influence the patients´ weight loss results are: frequency of individual meetings with a professional, the lack of social support from family or friends, the lack of motivation and in a few studies vacations. In several studies the drop-out patients have stated that their reasons for drop-out were dissatisfaction with the staff and the program design. Drop-out has also been shown to be connected with difficulties in adherence to the Diet.

Low carb high fat : Passar det normalviktiga?

Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) ses som en striktare variant av GI eller Atkins och är en Diet riktad framförallt till personer som lider av det metabola syndromet, där man utesluter i princip alla kolhydrater för att undvika blodsockerhöjningar. Överviktiga och diabetiker som testat denna Diet har både fått bättre blodfetter, viktnedgång samt ett förbättrat blodsocker men samtidigt finns det många motsträvare ? framförallt SNR (svenska näringsrekommendationer). Syftet med detta projekt var att visa effekterna hos friska, normalviktiga personer som genomgått en tre veckors Dietperiod med LCHF kost. Hur vikten, blodfetterna samt det psykiska har påverkats.

Effekt på mjölkavkastning hos mjölkkor vid ökad andel bete i foderstaten

Compared with a few years ago, the cost of concentrates has increased substantially and because of that an increased proportion of pasture is of interest. Pasture is cheap and the farmer does not have to harvest when the cows do it themselves by grazing. This saves both money and time. According to research milk yield decrease with an increasing proportion of pasture in the Diet. This is because cows on pasture will have lower dry matter intake than cows with supplements.

Kost- och motionsvanors betydelse vid Diabetes Mellitus : En litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to describe the importance of Diet and physical activity related to Diabetes Mellitus (diabetes). Method used was a descriptive literature study based on empirical studies. The study shows that Diet, physical activity and lifestyle-changes are very important factors when it comes to preventing and treating of diabetes. By the right Diet and physical activity the treatment with medications in some cases can be superfluous and people with the disease could live longer and be healthier during their lifetime. Nurses have the responsibility to educate, inform and make sure that the diabetic patient gets the best care as possible specially suited for this individual patient.

Barns eget perspektiv på ?bra? mat : en kvalitativ studie med elever i årskurs tre

This exam is about student?s perception of food and Dietary advice. I illustrate food and eating from the youth's own perspective. The aim is to investigate how students perceive as "good" Diet. It also reveals that students at the surveyed schools have poor knowledge of what is plate model.

"ÄTA BÖR MAN, ANNARS DÖR MAN" : En studie om möjligheten till implementering av lakto-ovo-vegetarisk och ekologisk kost i Eskilstuna kommuns förskola

The purpose of this study was to describe the possibility of implementing a lacto-ovo-vegetarian and organic Diet in Eskilstuna municipality?s public preschool. Furthermore the purpose was to identify and describe the most important components involved in the implementation and their influence in the process.  The methods used were a survey based on a literature study. This study includes general information about meat production and consumption and also the use of pesticides in farming. It also brings up the environmental and health effects caused by the previously mentioned areas.

VARFÖR LÅGKOLHYDRATKOST? : Röster om den höga sockerkonsumtionen.

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka familjers upplevelser av att minimera intaget av socker/snabba kolhydrater. Detta genomfördes med kvalitativa ostrukturerade intervjuer där föräldrarna i familjen fritt fick berätta utifrån olika teman. Dessa teman täckte områden som anledning, tillvägagångssätt, reaktioner, svårigheter, beteenden och eventuella hälsovinster relaterade till kostomläggningen. Utöver dessa familjer valdes tre bloggar ut inom området lågkolhydratkost. Dessa följdes och analyserades som komplement till intervjuerna.

Födoval hos juvenil piggvar (Psetta Maxima) : effekter av bytesstorlek

The effects of prey size on prey choice in different cohorts of juvenile turbot (Psetta maxima)were studied in three nursery areas at Gotland. Prey length measurements showed that gobies(Gobiidae) increased in average length during the season, while mysids (Mysidae) did not.Experiments on predation capacity of different size classes of turbot on different size classesof prey showed that juvenile turbot easily can eat gobies that are up to two thirds of their ownbody length, while the body size of turbot does not have any effect on the predation capacityon mysids. Stomach content of 217 turbots, less or equal 35 mm, was analysed to see if therewas any change in Diet during the season, but there was no significant change in Diet. Theoverall conclusion was that early settlers most likely have an advantage due to greater accessof alternative prey..

Bakomliggande faktorer till presbyacusis; en litteraturstudie av mindre kända faktorer

Background: More than half of the elderly (65-84 years) in Sweden have problems with hearing. In some studiesit?s discussed if age related hearing loss or presbyacusis is a part of natural aging or if it depends on underlyingfactors.The purpose of this literature study was to analyse scientific papers which illustrate correlations between lessknown underlying factors and presbyacusis, defined from psychoacoustic and/or neurofysiological tests.Material and method; Literature study where scientific papers, relevant to the purpose of the study and thequestions at issue were found in the database PubMed.The result shows that cardiovascular disease, hormones, Diet and drugs have an influence on presbyacusis. Thehealth condition of the individual and their lifestyle matters, likewise estrogen which according to the results of 2studies has a protective effect on hearing.Conclusion; The studies show that heart attack and high systolic blood pressure in women have a correlation topresbyacusis, but not in men, - the hormone estrogen, - some vitamins, antioxidants and Diet have a protectiveeffect on hearing and studies show that smoking and alcohol have negative effects..

The effect of rapeseed oil and palm oil supplement and milking frequency on milk yield and milk fat quality

Milk fat is an important feature in many different milk products and other foodstuffs and it is often crucial for the dairy plants that the milk fat is stable for different manufacturing processes. Lipolysis is the enzymatic degradation of fat and is the one of the causes for an elevated amount of free fatty acids (FFA) in milk. Further, the change in fatty acid (FA) composition in milk can affect the stability of the product and also the manufacturing process. Both internal and external factors, at farm level or at the dairy plants can affect both FA composition and content of FFA. Milking frequency (MF=number of milkings per cow and day) and the composition of feed are two examples of factors generally performed at farm level. The objective of the present study was to evaluate how FA composition of milk and amount of FFA are influenced by two different ingredients supplemented to concentrate.

Dödsrikets livshistorier : Benkemiska isotopanalyser på artikulerade och disartikulerade individer i Frälsegårdens gånggrift

The aim in this thesis is to use carbon, nitrogen and sulfur isotope analysis on teeth and bone to track Diet and mobility of the population as well as the individual level from the articulated and disarticulated individuals from the passage grave Frälsegården, situated in Gökhem parish in the region of Falbygden, western Sweden.50 human samples were analyzed from tooth, mandibula and femur, together with 11 faunal samples from different bone elements of local wild and domestic animals.The results fall well in line with earlier stable isotope work done on passage grave individuals from Falbygden in stable isotopes: A homogenous group with a Diet which was clearly terrestrial and lived on a pretty high trophic level. It also seems that the analyzed individuals deliberately focused their food intake to the cultural and natural, megalith and limestone landscape of Falbygden, and not to its surroundings, even if the passage grave is situated in the outermost areas of the region.A small study compares the sulfur results to with earlier work done on strontium isotopes. The results show that the different methods might provide a deeper understanding in the interpretation of the methods, and therefore suggesting that further work should be done to compare the methods..

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