

317 Uppsatser om Diet - Sida 2 av 22

Diet och identitet : Analyser av kol- kväve- och svavelisotoper på indivier från det kristna senvikingatida gravfältet i Björned, Torsåkers socken, Ångermanland

This paper deals with the late Viking age/early medieval grave field in Björned, Torsåker parish, Ångermanland County in northern Sweden. The grave field in Björned is rare because it has all the signs of being Christianized before the surroundings. This awakes questions such as if the people of Björned came from another place and brought the religion with them or if someone else did that for them. To find these answers I have analysed the stable isotope ratios [delta]13C, [delta]15N and [delta]34S in human bone collagen. Through these stable isotopes we can not only see what the people consumed but also where their food had its origin.

Varnhems tidiga kyrka och kyrkogård : Isotopanalys av skelettmaterialet i området

This paper deals with stable isotope analysis on the children of the early Christian cemetery in Varnhem, Västergötland. Human bone and tooth material from the cemetery has been analysed for stable carbon, nitrogen and sulphur isotopes. The analysis showed that the Diet had been homogeneous and that the children had been breastfed, with a possible exception of the child from grave 100..

Kunskaper, attityder och beteende gällande kost och motion ? en enkätundersökning bland elever för vidareutveckling av ett överviktsprojekt i Svedala kommun

The proportion of overweight children is increasing rapidly in Sweden. International and National goals of public health aim to improve Diet and physical activity. Health promotion consists of preventing illness and promoting health. Within the school a well planned health promoting work proceed from students, parents and teachers. The aim of this study was to investigate knowledge, attitudes and behaviour pertaining to Diet and physical activity among students from 6th to 9th grade at Klågerupskolan in the community of Svedala.

Högfettskost till obesa barn : Pilotstudie

Syftet med denna pilotstudie var att studera om man hos pediatriska patienter som lider av sjuklig fetma kan se förändringar i metabolismen genom att ersätta den traditionella kosten med en kost bestående av hög andel fett och låg andel kolhydrater. De frågeställningar som används är om den förändrade kosten leder till en gynnsam förändring av metabola markörer samt hur patientupplevelsen av de nya kostråden är. Studien har både en kvantitativ och kvalitativ design. Totalt ingår 4 barn i åldern 4-17 år. Två av dessa har under fyra veckor ätit en kost bestående av hög andel fett (50-60E%) och låg andel kolhydrater (15-20E%).

Differences in host plant preferences and olfactory physiology between populations of the moth Spodoptera littoralis established in Egypt and Benin

This study was made to compare and distinguish any differences in olfactory recognition and host plant adaptation between two strains of cotton leaf worm, Spodoptera littoralis. The populations used were established in Egypt and Benin, Africa. The documentation consisted of information about (1) each of the strains development through the larval stage up to pupation on Diets of cotton, clover and cowpea. (2) Their oviposition preferences as adults between cotton, clover, cowpea, maize and cabbage. (3) Electroantennographic recordings to quantify any possible responses to plant volatiles. Throughout the Diet experiments the larvae from the Benin strain showed significantly a better development between artificial, clover, cowpea and cotton respectively, while the Egypt strain had significance between artificial, cotton and cowpea/clover as Diet. Also noted was how the strains substantial development of weight differentiated if fed the cotton Diet, followed by the cowpea Diet showing that the Benin strain would develop a higher body mass on a cotton Diet as well as on a cowpea Diet. This trend was however switched once the pupal stage was reached, where the Egyptian strain contained a significantly greater body mass than the Benin strain on the artificial and the Benin strain a greater on cowpea, which suggests that in the end, the Benin strain develops significantly better on cowpea while the Egypt strain develops better on an artificial Diet. During the oviposition experiment that both stains showed a clear difference in hierarchy of host plants considered suitable for oviposition, where the Egyptian strain is significantly more attracted to clover than the Benin strain. Also showed with electroantennographic recordings and significant values was the higher sensitivity the Egypt strain had towards (E)2-hexenal, (E/Z)-b-ocimene, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, Nonanal, (-)-linalool and ?-myrcene when compared to the responses from the Benin strain..

Hur påverkar energi- och proteinrik kost intaget av energi och makronutrienter?

Today 70 percent of the people residing in nursing homes are undernourished. One way to avoid that an individual is affected by malnutrition it is a necessity that the meals is customized after special needs current among other things as energy and protein. Food record is a method that can be used to examine and evaluate if an individual is getting sufficient nutrition and energy to cover the daily needs. For those suffering from malnutrition it is recommended to eat energy and protein enriched Diet.AimsThe aim is to compare the intake of energy and macronutrients in a group of elderly people living in a nursing home in southern Sweden before and after the introduction of an energy and protein enriched Diet based on newly developed recipes.MethodsFood record was made during four days. Food record means that everything that is consumed by an individual is noted precisely.

Something fishy in Christians : Dietrekonstruktioner genom analys av stabila isotoper på tidigmedeltida skelett från Rambodal, Styrstad Sn, Östergötland

Dietary patterns has varied throughout history, both due to resource and cultural limitations. In this thesis, a study was conducted to establish the Dietary patterns of eight individuals from an early Midieaval gravesite in Rambodal, Östergötland, in order to explain why they were buried there. This was done through stable isotope analysis on collagen extracted from bone and tooth on the buried individuals. The analysis showed that these indviduals had a Diet that was mainly based on freshwater fish. This suggests that these people may have been christians, due to the fact that fish was not regarded as meat and therefore you did not have to abstain from it during periods of fasting.

Vätskebalansen hos arbetande hästar på olika dieter

Kunskapen om hur tränande hästar påverkas av olika Dieter behöver bli större. Därför utfodrades 6 tränande travhästar med 3 olika typer av foderstater. Våra frågeställningar var:Hur påverkas hästens vattenintag och vätskebalans av olika foderstater? Hur vätskebalansen påverkas under arbete.Hypotesen var att hästens vattenintag och vätskebalans skulle påverkas och att vätskebalansen kommer att påverkas av de olika Dieterna under arbete.Hästen får i sig vatten från tre källor, dricksvatten, vatten i foder och metaboliskt vatten. För att behålla vätskebalansen måste intaget av vatten täcka det hästen förlorar.

Vegetarisk kost - ett möjligt behandlingskomplement för symtomlindring vid reumatoid artrit?

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: A vegetarian Diet, a possible treatment complement for relief of symptoms ofrheumatoid arthritis? A systematic review.Author: Alexandra Ahlsén and Caroline ForsbergSupervisor: Mette AxelsenExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 22, 2012Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic remitting polyarthritis that is relapsing.Symptoms are inflammation of the joints with pain, stiffness and degradation of joint tissue.In some cases, also other parts of the body are involved. The treatment consists ofmedications to reduce pain, inflammation and degradation of joint tissue. Today, the offerednutritional treatment is primarily focused on meeting energy requirements and nutrient needs.The Diet has also been discussed as symptomatic treatment, and one of the factors believed toinfluence the symptoms is meat.Objective: To assess the evidence as to whether a vegetarian Diet affects the symptoms ofrheumatoid arthritis, and if so, to suggest how it can be implemented in practical Dieteticswork.Search strategy The databases used in the literature search was PubMed, Scopus, and AMED.The search words used were: "rheumatiod arthritis", "vegetarian", "vegan", "Diet", "meat" and"animal protein".Selection criteria: Studies investigating a vegetarian Diet on the symptoms of RA wereincluded. Only RCT, clinical trial, controlled clinical trial, human studies and original articlesin English or Swedish were included.

Rasa åtta kilo på en månad : En kvantitativ studie om hur bantning förekommer på löpsedlarna

Almost half of the population in Sweden suffers from obesity and the cases of eating disorders are increasing. We are exposed daily to the belief that losing weight will make us happier and it will just be through this particular Diet. Even if it has been proven that short Dieting plans like ?lose 20 pounds in one month? doesn?t give a long-term result, society continues to buy into the idea that they do.Every day 16000 placards are placed around us in Sweden with loud yellow colors and big black letters which make them almost impossible to avoid. Their main purpose is to attract and get as many people as possible to buy single copies.This essay deals with several questions: How Diet tips figures on placards and how this has developed through years.

Påverkan av tillskott av död ved och reducerat evertebratnedfall på öringens (Salmo trutta L.) diet i en skogsbäck

Det svenska skogsbruket har lett till minskade vedmängder i skogsbäckarna. Detta kan undvikas genom att orörda kantzoner lämnas. Kantzonsvegetatioen har även visats påverka nedfallet av terrestra evertebrater, vilket visats minska andelen terrestra evertebrater i laxfiskars Diet. Ofta lämnas dock inga kantzoner. Vedmängden kan återställas genom ett vedtillskott.

Påverkan av tillskott av död ved och reducerat evertebratnedfall på öringens (Salmo trutta L.) diet i en skogsbäck

Det svenska skogsbruket har lett till minskade vedmängder i skogsbäckarna. Detta kan undvikas genom att orörda kantzoner lämnas. Kantzonsvegetatioen har även visats påverka nedfallet av terrestra evertebrater, vilket visats minska andelen terrestra evertebrater i laxfiskars Diet. Ofta lämnas dock inga kantzoner. Vedmängden kan återställas genom ett vedtillskott.

Kost och hälsa : En utvärdering av utbildningseffekter

The purpose of this study is to examine possible teaching effects in the subject home economics at a school. The study has included one question, which aims to identify if there are any differences in the knowledge between boys and girls in the subject.The theoretical survey is discussing the subject Diet and health in school and is emphasising on the different parts that are included in the subject home economics. Further, a historical point of view is given on the development of the subject, and also on Swedish research concerning health and Diet.A questionnaire with fixed and open answering options has been constructed and handed out to two different groups of students. One of the groups are students in year 7, who have not yet had education in the subject, the other group are students in year 8 who have had education in the subject. The results show that the effects of education are different between groups that have been educated in the subject and groups that haven?t had any education.

Vegetarisk kost - om sjuksköterskors kunskaper. En empirisk studie.

The purpose of our study was to establish whether the knowledge about vegetarian Diet was enough among nurses in order to practise professional nursing. We made an empirical study based on a questionnaire. Twenty-one registered nurses answered the questionnaire that consisted of mostly open questions. The result showed that almost everyone experienced that they gave Dietcounselling and many nurses mentioned that Dietcounselling was important. The majority of the nurses thought that they had enough knowledge to be able in order to deliver a fundamental Dietcounselling but nobody considered that they knew much about vegetarian Diet..

Kyrkotillhörighet och diet i det medeltida Visby : Diet och social status utifrån isotopanalyser av gravlagda från tre Visbykyrkor

This paper deals with three mediaeval churches in the town Visby, Gotland. These churches were located in different areas in Visby. Allegedly the areas where St Hans and Ste Gertrud were located were inhabited by wealthier people, and the more peripheral area where St Mikael was located was where the poor lived. Therefore, the people that were buried at St Mikael should be of lower social status than the people buried at St Hans and Ste Gertrud. Based on the fact that an individuals Diet was dependant on his or hers social status, Dietary studies on skeletal remains from the three different churches have been conducted to find out Dietary patterns among the individuals buried at each church respectively.

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