

13479 Uppsatser om Design-process - Sida 44 av 899

Larmbolagets webbplats : En studie om skapandet av en tillgänglig och användbar webbplats

This paper accounts for the work with a website for a company whose real name will not be disclosed in the text of this paper. Instead, they have been assigned the fictitious name Larmbolaget, which can be translated as ?The Alarm Company?.During our work with Larmbolaget?s website, we consulted a selection of accessibility guidelines from the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, developed by a working group within the World Wide Web Consortium, as well as a number of design principles and heuristics outlined in this paper. We also conducted several usability tests on users from our intended target group. All the measures taken were an effort to ensure that Larmbolaget?s website be as accessible and usable as possible.Our conclusion is that the resulting website does comply with the accessibility guidelines and design principles described in this paper, and thus we consider it to be accessible and usable to a wide range of users, including those with disabilities..

Mekanismen i generationsskiftet. Strategisk planering vid generationsskiften i familjef?retag: en kvalitativ unders?kning av processen

This study investigates the succession process in family businesses and aims to enhance the understanding of the process as a whole, as well as how family businesses strategically plan for succession. The research is based on a case study of a family corporate group undergoing a transition from the fourth to the fifth generation. A qualitative research approach was employed, involving interviews with individuals from both the fourth and fifth generations, as well as external stakeholders who have influenced the process. The results show that the planning and implementation of succession are complex and that there is a certain lack of existing theory. Empirical evidence indicates that contracts and documentation are crucial for advancing the process. Inclusion of external parties is also important, not only for their expertise but also to provide an objective perspective.

Användarinvolvering -        en viktig faktor vid implementering av affärssystem i små företag

Idag är det många företag som misslyckas med sina implementeringsprojekt av affärssystem och många forskare anser att det beror på bristande användarinvolvering. Implementeringsprojekt av affärssystem blir allt vanligare i små företag, men effekten blir dock stor om ett mindre företag misslyckas med sitt projekt. Små företags misslyckanden är oftast relaterade till finansiella och humanitära kritiska framgångsfaktorer. Ett affärssystem kan ge ett företag en rad olika fördelar och möjligheter. Men för att ett företag ska uppnå dem krävs ett lyckat implementeringsprojekt samt att användarna omgående efter driftstart kan använda affärssystemet. Därför måste företagsledare under projektet se till en rad olika kritiska framgångsfaktorer som är relaterade till användarinvolvering.

Utveckling av design till mötesplats på Internet

Ett community är en mötesplats på Internet där människor kan hålla kontakt, lära känna nya människor, diskutera osv. Det finns idag en mängd olika communities med många olika inriktningar. Communityn är idag mycket populära sidor på nätet och vissa har enormt mycket besökare och tjänar stora pengar. Det kan därför vara svårt att locka medlemmar om inte communityt innehåller nyheter som inte redan finns. Målet med det här arbetet har varit att skapa en tilltalande och användarvänlig design till ett community med ett sommar, fest och rese- tema.


The report presents a thesis carried out on behalf of the company SAAB Training and Simulation which is situated in Huskvarna. The authors of this report are going to graduate as mechanical engineers focusing on product development and design, and this thesis should reflect the knowledge obtained during the education. The assignment, given from the company was to develop a concept of a stand that will constitute as a part of a mobile system for target practice. The reader get to follow throughout the project and can hopefully learn from the smart solutions and approaches that have arisen during the process.Today SAAB doesn?t have a mobile application in their portfolio that utilizes the benefits of their sensor measuring system, also called the LOMAH-bar.

Utveckling av hygienfunktioner i diskmaskiner : Desinfektion med ånga

This report is the result of a thesis work in Integrated Product Development, regarding hygienic features in dishwashers and especially disinfection by the use of steam.The thesis is performed at Electrolux Primary Development Dishcare in Stockholm and in collaboration with the Department of Machine Design at the Royal Institute of Technology.The targets of the thesis are to prove the advantages of a technology suitable to implement as a hygienic feature inside a dishwasher and to realize a functional prototype of a differentiated hygienic feature that does not exist on the market today.The process followed to perform the thesis is the process defined for Electrolux Primary Development.The technology chosen for development is disinfection by heating the water on the surface of the dishware, by the use of steam.A number of tests on how steam behaves when injected into the dishwasher tub have been performed, providing the results that have been taken in consideration when designing the prototype.The prototype consists of a pipe system provided with nozzles to eject the steam into the upper parts of the dishwasher. Tests of the final prototype show that thermal disinfection of water in a dedicated area of the tub can be reached within 9 minutes. The operation requires 0,17 liters of water and consumes 0.2kWh..

Utveckling av personlyft till badkar

This thesis is performed as a summarizing project for the mechanical engineering education at School of Engineering in Jönköping. All knowledge necessary to complete this thesis was gathered from previous courses and education.This project was to develop a new product for the company TR Equipment AB in Tranås. The new product is going to be based on an already existing product, TR 1700. TR 1700 is a bathtub equipped with a height adjustable function. This product is used in retirement homes and in the care of disabled people.

Styrd tid är stulen tid, kontrollerad tid är fri tid : Om fyra kvinnors syn på tid och hur den används

Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera fyra kvinnors syn på tid, struktur och kreativitet på servicedesignbyrån Transformator design. Genom intervjuer och deltagande observation undersöker jag hur tid, struktur och kreativitet samspelar för mina informanter, och hur de använder tiden. Slutsatsen av denna studie är i korthet att kontrollen av tid är viktig för upplevelsen av tid. Strukturer, synliga och osynliga, är centrala för att se och förstå tiden och upprätthålla kontrollen av tid. Informanternas strävan är att skapa fylld tid, som är värdefull tid, och genom kontroll av tiden skapa en positiv känsla av att ha tid.

Ekologisk gestaltning : en utvärdering av hur landskapsarkitektur påverkas av ett ekologiskt förhållningssätt

This paper examines and compares several different sites in Sweden in addition to one in Mexico regarding whether the ecological requirements theses sites have had during planning and construction has affected the design in any way. Is it possible that, for different reasons, one thinks ?like nature? when one thinks of ecology and, if true, how does this reflect on the spatial and structural design? This paper tries to identify if some sort of general design expression is used in projects with requirements on ecological sustainability. In total, five projects have been compared in different areas such as choice of materials and their composition. These projects have an ecologically sustainable processing of water in common, although most also have ecological consideration in other areas as well.

Patientjournalen på fickan - en studie som visar att handdatorn kan stödja distriktssköterskans yrkespraktik och hur det grafiska gränssnittet utvecklats när distrikttsköterskor deltagit i designprocessen.

Projektets syfte var att undersöka om en handdator kan stödja distriktssköterskans arbete. I rapporten beskrivs hur vi tillsammans med distriktssköterskor har iakttagit i vilka situationer handdatorn kan vara ett hjälpmedel. Om patientjournalen är tillgänglig via handdatorn vid hembesök skulle det styrka de av oss utvalda nyckelorden som representerar distriktssköterskans yrkeskunnande; "seende", lyhördhet, kommunikation, flexibilitet, prioritering, beslutsfattande, dokumentation, framförhållning samt utveckla ett minne och självständighet. I rapporten skriver vi också om hur distriktssköterskorna tillsammans med oss har påverkat utvecklingen av det grafiska gränssnittet i designprocessen. Vi visar med mock-upbilder hur denna process har framskridit och vi pekar på hur viktig användarmedverkan är.

Utveckling av ramverk för editering och simuleringav BPMN

Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) is a way to graphically draw a diagram of a business process. A BPMN diagram consists of several so-called flow objects. These are interconnected in the graph through sequence  flows. BPMN models are merely graphical representations of business process and there is a need to simulate these diagrams for different purposes. The simulation that now is available for BPMN is that the model is evaluated by checking if it is correct.

Viktigt att lyfta fram vad man klarar av : Inkludering av personer med ADHD i samhället genom att informera om diagnosen, styrkor och hjälpmedel med avgränsning mot arbetslivet.

ADHD has for a long time been perceived as something that affects children and grows away with time. American psychiatric association state that ADHD may appear differently with adolescences and adults than with children. That could lead to misunderstandings and exclusion by adults and adolescences with ADHD at work life amongst other situations. This report investigates that exclusion and tries to find what information that needs to reach certain target groups to prevent it from happen.The works focus is text design, a part of information design, and looks firstly at the factors that make good information material. Then I investigate if there is a need for more information about ADHD within working life and if so what it would contain.

Förväntningarna på en systemvetare efter studierna : En undersökning kring samspelet mellan arbetsgivare, traineeprogram och utbildningen systemvetenskap

Många människor lider av kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar. Det kan försämraförmågan att använda teknik och leda till att människor går miste om många verktyg och funktionersom andra tar för givet. Att ta hänsyn till kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar i utvecklingen avmobilapplikationer är utmanande då vissa gränssnitt och funktioner kan upplevas som för kompliceradeeller ostrukturerade. I denna uppsats presenteras designmönster som kan bidra till en inkluderandedesign enligt konceptet Design för alla. Design för alla innebär design som möjliggör användande föralla människor.

Design och utveckling av kommersielltbabypaket för blivande föräldrar

This project is implemented as a thesis at the Royal Institute of Technology in the master?s degree program Integrated Product Design and Industrial Design Engineering. The project has involved development and efficiency of a free starter package for expectant parents with useful content consisting of useful products for both before and after childbirth. Areas that have been investigated include packaging development, service design and appropriate content for the package.During the work, theory about packaging design, materials, manufacturing techniques and logistics have been processed to base the further work on. The project process has involved competitor analysis and interviews with store owners and customer surveys, that have been conducted to identify areas for improvement of the current solution.

Att söka form

Previously when I have made proposals for privately owned gardens, I have found it difficult to find strong, extensive designs and to work with room and space. Since this is the field within which I am going to work in the future I feel that I need more experience, reference material and ideas on how I, in an early stage of the working process, can work with and consider room and space. The aim of this project has therefore been to procure experience, reference material and ideas for design of a garden in relation to space. To procure experience and reference material I have, during the fall of 2008, made two incredible study tours to France and to Japan. I have interviewed the landscaping architect Maria Arborgh and studied literature. I have also used a garden outside of Gothenburg in which I have been able to try out different thoughts and ideas regarding shape that have appeared during the course of my work. My conclusions about landscaping are that you should first find the different functions in the garden. The next step is to find an overall theme or shape, use a small number of materials, build a room with sealing, walls and portals with the help of vertical elements e.g.

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