

13479 Uppsatser om Design-process - Sida 15 av 899

E-handel: en studie om konsumenters köpbeteende vid köp av böcker online

The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding about consumer buying behaviour when purchasing books online. In order to acquire data for the study we used a questionnaire that 75 students where asked to respond. The respondents were students at the University of Technology in Luleå. Our findings suggest that the following factors are the most commonly cited reasons for deciding to complete the purchase: trust, perceived risk, price, convenience, design of the website and experience. The following factors are the most commonly cited rea-sons for deciding not to complete the purchase: trust, perceived risk, price and the design of the website.

Mobile first design vs. desktop first design : En jämförelse av en prototyp och en befintlig webbplats ur ett användbarhetsperspektiv

Detta examensarbete har haft till syfte att åskådliggöra eventuella skillnader och/eller likheter i den upplevda användbarheten vid användandet av en webbplats skapad via mobile first design och desktop first design. Målsättningen med examensarbetet har varit att ta fram en hifi-prototyp, skapad utifrån mobile first design, som visualiserade ett designförslag för flygfotoföretaget HimlaFotos startsida. Jämförelsen har utgått ifrån en egendefinierad version av begreppet användbarhet baserad på ISO:s definition, där användbarhet består av tre faktorer; kraftfullhet, effektivitet och tillfredställelse. För att samla in data om den upplevda användbarheten har användartester genomförts. Flera likheter har identifierats gällande användbarhetsmåtten kraftfullhet och effektivitet, medan skillnader har funnits vid måttet för tillfredställelse.

Re: Yarning

From a social perspective, I have been working on how to change current consumption patterns through a change in people's behavior and attitude towards their possessions. The concept is based on how we can value, care for, and preserve our belongings by using theories in the empathic design field. I have created a structure that allows people to become an active part of a creative process and create their own products. Through this commitment, an emotional relationship is built between the user and the product, and the product tends to gain a longer life. Based on a method to manufacture your own yarn by reusing old clothes, I want to provide the basic tools for an easy and playful way to build the knowledge needed to produce something useful..

Intelligent vattendesign : utformning av Gjutarplan i Kallhälls centrum

The thesis aims to be an informative study for landscape architects and hopes to contributeto an understanding of ways water can be used and managed at sites lacking open, greensurfaces.The title "intelligent water design" should evoke the reader?s thoughts concerning intelligentaspects of water. Text, images and the design proposition give hints about these aspects.In the first part of this thesis, various examples of water design are presented. The chosenexamples are all applicable in urban environments with a high percentage of impervioussurfaces.The second part examines Gjutarplan, an urban square in the centre of Kallhäll, in Järfälla,north of Stockholm. Gjutarplan is first framed in a geographical and historical context.

Silikonprodukter för vardagsbruk

The aim of this thesis is to practice the theoretical methods that are concerned during the product development process of two new products. The theoretical concepts that embody the two products are created out of a product specification which is given by a commissioner with a private interest. The primary tasks of the design of the concepts are aimed on the products shape, which is to be created as a flexible structure by using silicon rubber as material.The storage box is a further development of the already known food storage box, or lunch box, which is common used in consumer kitchens. The main idea is to design a flexible product by using silicone rubber. It will able the storage box to be compressed when it is not used, be storage friendly and not consume more space than necessary in a storage compartment.

Cirkulationsplatser ? estetik och design :

The purpose with this final thesis has been to study the aesthetics and design of roundabouts and to ascertain important factors that influence the experience of them. The investigation was carried out through literature-, field studies and interviews with persons that in different ways have participated in the formation of roundabouts. Furthermore, six roundabouts have been explored in more depth so that the survey would get a more practical link. These six roundabouts all occur in the rim of a city and do thereby have an important role as a gateway. The environments in such contexts are often complex which adds additional difficulty in achieving a visually appealing design, especially when taking into account the usually high traffic intensity.

Junior : utveckling av barnglasögon för Polaris Eyewear AB

Polaris Eyewear is one of the world's leading companies in innovative eyeweardesign. My assignment has been to, in collaboration with them, expand their range with a pair of children's glasses, while maintaining the innovative character they are so known for.The problem with childrens eyewear today is that most of the time the glasses tries to mimic the adult eyewear and the ?childish? type of designing is spared. From an ergonomic point of view, a child's nose is smaller than an adults and therefore needs a different type of shape and nosebridge. In addition, children have softer ears, which means that they need a different type of shaftend as well.

Konstruktion av statorstomme för synkrongenerator : Förslag på design av statorstomme för användning i vertikalaxlade vindkraftverk

This thesis describes a conceptual design of a support frame for a synchronousgenerator used in a vertical axis wind power plant. In this system the generator isplaced on ground level. The thesis also considers the design of housing for thesupport frame and generator. The concept presented in this report is based on anearlier design. Besides geometric design, simplified simulations has been run in orderto optimize some of the parts included in the construction considering naturalfrequencies and structural strength.The result is presented as CAD-models andan assembly drawing..

Att skapa en välfungerande arbetsprocess Processutveckling på Ericsson i Katrineholm

In process oriented organizations, it is important to have well-functioning work processes tosupport the work being performed. In order to accomplish this, the organization has to makecertain decisions regarding the design and usage of the processes. This master thesis is based ona case study of a work process that is being used for the industrialization of products at Ericssonin Katrineholm. The aim of the study is twofold. One aim is to improve the studied process byidentifying improvement opportunities and carrying out the required adjustments.

Investeringsbedömningsprocessen för strategiska investeringar - en fallstudie av NordiCorp

The aim of this study is to examine the investment decision process for investments that arise due to strategic changes and are of strategic importance to the company. At the foundation of this study is the previous research in this area, done by King (1975) and Bower (1970), which examines the investment process on a more generic level. At the core is the investment decision process pertaining to Projekt X, an investment performed by NordiCorp. Having conducted a case study including six interviews with employees from various parts of the organization, combined with a large number of internal documents, the process regarding the investment decision was carefully illuminated. The results show that in many regards, this process follows the more generic investment process.

Röstförmedlingen : Att skapa en kreativ designlösning till ett nytt företag

It becomes increasingly more important that, as a new buisness, both to be seen and heard in an increasingly harder competition situation where the range of similar products and services increase. It requires a well planned and well thought visual profile to succesfully stand out on the market. To give a good impression, this profile should be both distinct and aesthetically appealing. In the making of a new profile it requires creativity to succesfully think in new directions and to separate from the competition.This practical report presents the production process for a designsolution to the new website Röstförmedlingen (Voice agency), a commission from the production and commercial bureau Bartos media. The task in this project was to create a graphic profile and a lofi-prototype that would represent Röstförmedlingen as a buissness.

Ökad medvetenhet under jakt i skog och mark

This reportcommunicates the processes and results of my degree work in industrial design at candidate level at Umeå Institute of Design.During my degree work I had a cooperation with Svenska Jägareförbundet (Swedish Hunters Assosiation).The aim for my project has been to explore how I could make hunting a safer hobby and undertaking. Every year people get seriously injured and in average 2 people a year dies  due to hunting accidents. My goal is to identify problems within the hunters communication and approach. Through a creative design process I will find a valid  nd realistic solution to these problems. My project will be presented as a conceptual solution  hat will be based on currently existing technology.

External thoughts

External Thoughts is a studio based project with its purpose to throughworkshops establish contacts and create a dialouge about the content of contemporarygraphic design. The project also aims to apply a design curaticalmethod where the designer is both client and contractor, client and designer.We also wanted to investigate the design content as open-source and examinethe school versus the Internet?s future role in the design and for thedesigner. The project is a collaboration with Rasmus Östgård Ohlson fromBeckmans..

Förstudie för automatisering av manuell lödning

This degree project has been carried out in cooperation with Enertech AB in Ljungby and is pilot study to automating all current manual soldering. The soldering process accounts for a large part of the processing cost in the production of a heat pump. The process is also a quality risk and has a major impact on the lifetime of the final product.The Main task of this project has been to evaluate automation of the soldering process, to develop automation solutions and a principle layout, to draw the design changes required for the automation and to calculate the supposed solution.This pilot study has resulted in a suggested automation solution using laser as a heat source for soldering. Calculations of the solution show that a automating a laser soldering cell is very profitable..

Inger iterativ arbetsstruktur fler fördelar än nackdelar inom level design till Unreal Tournament 3? : Reflektioner kring arbetsprocessen bakom "DM-Theatre"

Rapporten är en reflekterande text som behandlar arbetsprocessen och omkringliggande mål för ett examensarbete inom medier som bedrivits mot Högskolan Skövde. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att analysera huruvida en iterativ arbetsform inger fler fördelar än nackdelar vid level design till Unreal Tournament 3. Rapporten tar i diskussionsform upp delar ur hela produktionen för att redovisa utmaningar, framsteg och lösningar författaren bemött. En inblick ges för hur en iterativ level design-produktion kan utföras och för- respektive nackdelar gällande olika delar av denna specifika process. Slutsatsen som dras hävdar att det för med sig många fördelar att lägga upp arbetet iterativt.

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