12851 Uppsatser om Design theory - Sida 59 av 857
Utveckling av takra?cken fo?r sla?pvagnar
This report is a bachelor thesis work in the field of product development and design. The assignment has been to develop a solution for roof racks, normally used for cars, to fit on the open trailer models FS1425 and Alugance. The project was implemented by Johan Andersson and Victor Karlsson, students at the Mechanical Engineering program with a focus on product development and design at Jo?nko?ping?s school of Engineering, in spring 2012.The client wants to use transport solutions in the same way as roof racks on cars. The user of such a product is assumed to desire simplicity, safety and an attractive design with an appealing price, which has been a challenge during the thesis work.Pre-studies have been conducted to examine the potential competitors and gain knowledge in the research area.
Demokratins gränser. Ett liberalt alternativ till påverkanprincipen
What every theory of democracy has in common is a reference to ?a people? who are, in one way or another, collectively self-governing. Given that, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the so called boundary problem of democratic theory, or, in other words, the question of who should be included in the democratic community. Lately, the historically given boundaries have been questioned in favour of a cosmopolitan democracy. Still, little has been said about the boundary problem in general, especially from a theoretical point of view.
Oregistrerad gemenskapsformgivning - Svaret på problemen med formskydd för modeprodukter?
In the year of 2002 a new council regulation on community designs was implemented. In the beginning of the essay the legal situtation before the implementation is investigated and part of the purpose is to evaluate if it constitutes a solution to the problems with protection of fashion designs that existed then. Because fashion designs more or less were excluded from protection during the period before the implementation the fashion business developed a habit of unauthorized reproduction. This attitude among the market players is a central point of the essay. The essay starts off with a review of the earlier lack of possibilities regarding the protection of fashion designs.
Bang! Let's smash the patriarchy Hur svenska serietecknare konstruerar och förhandlar feministiska diskurser
This essay analyzes three Swedish cartoon artists: Elias Ericson, Lisa Ewald and AmandaCasanellas. The aim is to examine how they construct feminist strategies through their workand how they convey this visually. The issue of whether these Swedish cartoons can be seenas a part of a bigger political platform is central. Through semiotics and post-colonial andqueer feminist theory, some answers to these questions are searched for.The result shows that all three of the artists can be seen in a bigger activist context, even ifthey work in and through different platforms. Casanellas questions the racism in Swedenand how we should prevent it.
Re: Yarning
From a social perspective, I have been working on how to change current consumption patterns through a change in people's behavior and attitude towards their possessions. The concept is based on how we can value, care for, and preserve our belongings by using theories in the empathic design field. I have created a structure that allows people to become an active part of a creative process and create their own products. Through this commitment, an emotional relationship is built between the user and the product, and the product tends to gain a longer life. Based on a method to manufacture your own yarn by reusing old clothes, I want to provide the basic tools for an easy and playful way to build the knowledge needed to produce something useful..
Förpackningsframställning för skönhetsvård
This degree project was intendet to construct and design packaging for beauty care. At the requestof AssiDomän Frövi the project group were instructed to innovate creative packagesmade of their cardboard Frövi Bright.Three different packages have been developed. Two of them are for child care products and onepackage is for several bath products. These results show that there are possibilities to create creativeand different packages of the cardboard Frövi Bright.The report also enters deeply into the special qualities of Frövi Bright and studies of packagingdesign..
Bokbloggen i de litterära kretsloppen : En litteratursociologisk analys
This thesis explores the position of book blogs in the literary system through Robert Escarpit's socio-literary model of the book market. Simultaneously the thesis serves as a test for Escarpit's theory: by actively applying his theory and model to a very new and contemporary actor on the book market I hoped to reach or confirm new insights into the usefulness and validity of Escarpit's work for contemporary socio-literary studies.Three book blogs were selected for the analysis and interviews were carried out with the authors. The interview questions were formulated specifically for the purpose of extracting the kind of information necessary for an analysis using Escarpit?s theory. As a complement to the interviews, statistics on the type of books reviewed on the blogs were also compiled.
Jämförande analys mellan svenska och portugisiska reklambyråer. : Saker som är bra att veta om man ska arbeta som grafisk formgivare i Sverige eller i Portugal
If you move from Sweden to Portugal to work as an Art Director at an Ad agency, there are certain things you ought to know. Perhaps even before you decide to move. There are a lot of things that are quite different if you compare Portugal to Sweden, not only the language, but also the design, software, working hours and much more. You have for example two month with double salary, you work till six p.m. and when it comes to maternity leave, you have 100% compensation with no taxes the first four months of every pregnancy.
Vad förklarar variationer i frivillig information?
There is an increased pressure for firms to provide the financial market with additional information. Such disclosure is attached with different kinds of costs. In spite of these costs, and in spite of increased mandatory disclosures, firms choose to voluntary disclosure financial information to analysts and others. This indicates that firms also benefit from providing additional information. The subjects of this study is 431 annual reports from firms listed at the Stockholm Stock Exchange for 2002 and 2005 and the objective is to survey factors that can explain variations in firms? voluntary disclosure.
Motivation och Bostadsköp : Self Determination Theory ur ett konsumentperspektiv
Studiens syfte: Vårt syfte är att med hjälp av en enkätundersökning och etablerade motivationsteorier ta reda på vad som motiverar konsumenter inför ett bostadsköp.Metod: Vi har använt oss av en kvantitativ metod och informationen har samlats in med hjälp av en elektronisk enkätundersökning för att sedan kopplas till Self Determination Theory (SDT).Resultat & slutsats: Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av statistikprogrammet SPSS. Faktoranalysen resulterade i 13 faktorer, vilket slutligen gav en bild av 6 olika typer av konsumenter som alla motiveras på olika sätt.Förslag till fortsatt forskning: SDT skulle kunna användas på fler konsumentområden såsom upplevelser, resor eller för att ta reda på varför vi köper olika typer av varor.Uppsatsens bidrag: Vårt examensarbete har bidragit med att identifiera de motiv som driver oss till bostadsköp. Studien har visat att SDT kan vara ett lämpligt verktyg för framtidens fastighetsmäklare och att resultatet kan vara användbart i fastighetsmäklarrollen. .
Vitt, fräscht och ingen reklam: om design och konsten att formge mjölkförpackningar
Uppsatsen handlar om mjölkförpackningar och dess design. En anledning till att vi valde just mjölkförpackningar beror på att det är en produkt som finns i de flesta hem. Vår frågeställning som ska besvaras är: Hur upplevs designen på mjölkförpackningar? Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på hur konsumenter upplever olika mjölkförpackningar, svenska såväl som utländska, samt att ta reda på hur mejerierna och/eller de som designar förpackningarna tänker. Vi vill även hitta likheter och olikheter bland de svenska och utländska förpackningarna.
Motivationsfaktorer : - Vad påverkar motivationsnivån hos telefonförsäljare?
Through an examination on a Telemarketing company this paper aim to investigate which relations there is between the level of motivation and performance and how these are related to the factors that are included in Herzbergs two-factor-theory.In this essay we have been using a questionnaire and interview. We have also been able to collect statistics on employees from the Telemarketing company we examine. On the basis of these data we have analyzed which relations there is.The examination shows on relations who mean that the factors Performance and Acknowledgement are the ones that affect the motivation the most, and therefore the level of Performance. The rest of the Motivation factors don?t show any clear relations.
Re-design av Titanpriset : Hur man utformar en designlösning som tillfredsställer intressenternas behov
Det visuella uttrycket har länge varit viktigt inom grafisk formgivning eftersom det förmedlar så mycket mer än ögat ser. Ett varumärke representerar inte bara namnet på företaget utan också dess syfte och idé. Därför ska den visuella profilen utstrålar organisationens visioner på ett tydligt sätt och ge betraktaren en skön helhets upplevelse. Många gånger hjälper det att fräscha upp ett varumärkes visuella profil för att på så sätt kunna lansera företaget på nytt och i viss mån även öka dess konsumtion.Detta examensarbete redovisar för produktionen och designprocessen kring re-design av Sveriges Kommunikationsbyråers (Komm!) specialpris Titanpriset. Komm! tyckte Titanpriset behövde få en egen identitet och gav mig i uppgift att skapa detta.
Stadsmöbler för ungdomar :
The title Urban furniture for young people reveals that this
paper handles two central phenomenon in landscape architecture;
the form and content of the urban spaces, respectively
the users and their need for an appropriate outdoor
environment in the city. In this paper youth is referred to as
15-18 year olds and the paper is based on theories of their
physical use of the city?s outdoor environment. Urban furniture
refers to equipment and components in the public room
which becomes furniture when people takes them in to claim
and gives them a meaning and a function that is useful for
the moment. The starting point is that the users, in this case
youths, defi nes urban furniture as something signifi cantly
more than traditional park furniture, bicycle racks and waste
This paper aims to investigate how the city?s furniture can be
developed to meet the youths need to see each other, move
and make their marks in the public room.
The theories about how youths uses the city are presented
in the Theory chapter.
Vi sitter tillsammans : Upplevelser av samhörighet och ledarskap i ett traditionellt kontorslandskap.
The office is the working environment in which an increasing proportion of the population spends their days . One type of office are open plan offices which are characterized by several people sitting together in the same room without spatial boundaries . The general discourse of this kind of offices is that they constitute an advantageous design that allows organizational changes without the need for redevelopment . From a work perspective, this office design is both criticized and acclaimed . Problems with noise is frequently reported in research which can lead to ill health.