12851 Uppsatser om Design theory - Sida 13 av 857
Under parasollen : En komparativ studie utifrån whole language-teorin och LTG-metoden
AbstractThe purpose of this study is to analyse the reading- and writing-approaches: the LTG-method and the whole language-theory. The attention is to perform a comparative literate-study to distinguish their similarities and differences, and examine which one of the approaches that is most clearly anchored in the syllabus of the subject Swedish. The starting-point of the study is the questions: Which similarities respectively differences have the LTG-method and the whole language-theory? Which one of these theories is most clearly anchored in the syllabus of the subject Swedish? The study has shown that both the whole language-theory and the LTG-method can anchor in the syllabus for Swedish. However the whole language-theory has stronger hold in the syllabus, as the whole language emphasises the meaning of literature for reading- and writing-learning, and considers the pupils reflection during their learning-process and conquered knowledge-goal.
Mängdlära och kardinalitet : Cantors paradis
This paper is about basic set theory and cardinalities for infinite sets. One of the results are that the line R and the plane R2 contains exactly the same number of points. Because of that the set theory is described with a formal language this the paper has an appendix about formal languages..
Motivation beroende på anställningsform? : En fallstudie om motivationsrelaterade skillnader mellan fast anställda och inhyrda medarbetare på ett bank- och försäkringsföretag
Bemanningsbranschen växer och allt fler personer blir anställda via bemanningsföretag. Bemanningsföretagens viktigaste uppgift är att öka flexibiliteten på arbetsmarknaden. De gör det lättare för företagen att snabbt anpassa arbetsstyrkan till efterfrågan. Samtidigt finns problem och risker med att hyra in personal. Flertalet studier kring dessa problem tangerar ämnena motivation och/eller inhyrda medarbetare, men forskningen är begränsad vad gäller inhyrda medarbetares motivation.
Sourcingmöjligheter ? en jämförelse mellan den portugisiska och kinesiska
The lifecycle of fashion products get shorter and shorter. Companies in the fashion business needto make sure that they can offer their customers the right products, in the right quantity at theexact right time. The competition on the fashion market today is tough and if companies aregoing to be successful they need to have access to the most reliable suppliers, and also offer theircustomers products with high quality to attractive prices. It is therefore of highest importance toevaluate and choose the right sourcing strategy. Product category and type of organisation aresome of the factors that will determine which strategy that is most appropriate.
Design and implementation of a 5GHz radio front-end module
The overall goal of this diploma work is to produce a design of a 5 GHz radio frontend using Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS) and then build a working prototype. Using this prototype to determine if RF circuits at 5 GHz can be successfully produced using distributed components on a laminate substrate. The design process for the radio front-end consists of two stages. In the first stage the distributed components are designed and simulated, and in the second stage all components are merged into a PCB. This PCB is then manufactured and assembled.
Användbarhetens roll i de mobila webbshopparna
This paper reports a study on the usability of e-commerce accessed through smartphones. There is much research in the usability of mobile interfaces and many sets of design patterns have been created but a few studies are available for specific domains, and in this report we focus on mobile e-commerce. In this study a framework is developed for how to design mobile e-commerce interfaces with a high degree of usability. Furthermore, the study also contributes a method to how other specific domain can develop a framework with general standards to work from when creating a web interface. By examining two sets of design principles and 14 design patterns, we evaluate which ones are critical in the design of a mobile e-commerce interface for achieving a high degree of usability.
Kalvhyddans utformning : påverkan på kalvens hälsa och komfort
This paper aims to, through a literature review, examine how to best design and adapt calf huts to meet the calf's physiological requirements and reduce the infection pressure for enteric and respiratory diseases. It illuminates how the calf relates to different temperatures and climate, which temperature control mechanisms it uses and its ability to perform these regulations, as well as providing a summary of the past decades´ research on the calf huts housing system. These two theory chapters, along with a concluding discussion, provide a better understanding of how to, especially in temperate climates, design the most suitable calf hut, which cater to the calf's both thermal comfort and physical health. The literature suggests that the calf's own temperature control works well to counteract the temperature outside the desired range, and that one of the most important factors rather is ventilation of a calf hut, which reduces moisture and pathogens. The conclusion of this paper is mainly that there is not an obvious way to place and construct a calf hutch and that most design principles contribute to both positive and negative effects simultaneously.
Jag har i mitt examensarbete skapat ett cykelmärke. Syftet har varit att fördjupa mig i grafisk design och skapa en komplett grafisk profil till ett företag och samtidigt att lära mig mer om hur man skapar en varumärkesidentitet. Det konkreta målet var att ta fram tillräckligt mycket material för att cykelmärket, komet, ska kunna lanseras på riktigt. Alltså ett identitetsprogram med grafisk profil, en provcykel, kommunikationsmaterial, en hemsida, en katalog, ett event etc..
Universell Design - en användbarhetsutvärdering av MyTobii C-series Control
Universal Design is a well established methodology with the fundamental purpose of designing products to be usable for as wide audience as possible, without the need of special adjustment to suit the individual. In this essay, Universal Design has had a clear influence in both the process and the result. The choice to use Universal Design as methodology in this usability evaluation, has essentiallv to do with the target audience.As a part of the design process of MyTobii C8 has Tobii Technology ask for a usability evaluation. MyTobii C8 is an 8" touch screen computer with a windows based operating system which will initiate the software MyTobii C-Series Control. MyTobii C-Series Control is the control panel for MyTobii C8, whose interfaces constitute the platform for various modificarion of the unit.
Det var en gång...
In this essay I want to investigate how the poodle strategy affects a person?s credibility when he or she uses it. The poodle strategy is a strategy, which someone uses when he or she is scrutinized by the media. It?s primary purpose is to suppress further media coverage but it is also a strategy for defending oneself and hence rescuing one?s reputation either as a private person or as an official.The essay?s research questions are:How has the strategy been applied for defensive purposes and what are the results?To which extent can the Stasis theory and Benoit?s theory on Apologia be connected to the strategy?Does the strategy affect the user?s credibility?To answer these questions four cases from the political sphere in Sweden where persons have been said to have ?done a poodle? have been analyzed.
Project Inti : Produktutveckling av en solugn
In this report the two authors, and project contributors alike, describe their work withdeveloping a solar cooker intended for usage in the developing countries of the world.Specifically, the work aims at developing a new, solar heat driven cooking device, possiblybased upon the current product. This should, in comparison to the current product, be lighter,easier to transport and to produce. Also, the new product?s production mustn?t be more costlythan today and the included materials and components must be obtainable from within theBolivian national borders where the product is currently produced. During the project, certainadvantages with a more efficient, and, above all, a more moderately priced product, werediscovered.
Kvinnligt och manligt i Veckorevyn : - En kritisk diskursanalys
The purpose of this paper is to explore how masculinity and femininity are constructed in the magazine Veckorevyn, through a critical discourse analysis of 18 articles from six issues in 2011. This is done by using a variety of theories and previous research results, which is gender theory, the theory of late-modern society and media theory. The analysis shows that Veckorevyn depicts virility and feminine differently. Furthermore, pointing the results from the analysis that a change of manhood and womanhood takes place in the social practice. The selection of articles from the magazine also shows that Veckorevyn seems to promote gender equality. .
Designstrategi & produktdesign
Projektet har gjorts för företaget Björn Borg med inriktning mot design management och designstrategi.
Arbetet delades upp i två delar, under den första delen genomfördes research på såväl Björn Borg som på ämnena design management och designstrategi, i form av litteraturstudier, intervjuer och observationer. Detta ledde till att ett problemområde identiferades och att en ny produktutvecklingsprocess utvecklades genom designstrategiskt tänkande.
Den andra delen behandlade hur två exempel- produkter utvecklades genom den framtagna processen för företaget. Slutsatsen blev att den nya processen skapar ett mer förankrat designarbete hos företaget som kommer att ge ett mer fokuserat uttryck på marknaden..
Militärteorins inflytande på doktriner : William S. Linds påverkan på svensk doktrin för markoperationer.
Influences from military theory are a part of the development of military doctrines. This thesis has, by using a method with three different dichotomies, traced and classified influences from William S Lind?s theories regarding manoeuvre warfare in the Swedish military doctrine, for land operations. The purpose has been to discuss the connection between military theory and how the Swedish doctrine for land operations (DMarkO) has been formulated. It has also been to show what this influence depends on and what consequences it will present.The examination has shown that William S.
Design från intressen : Hur intressen kan påverka utformningen av ett stridsfordon till att framstå som vänligt sinnat och eget
Detta examensarbete behandlar hur individers mål, ståndpunkter och attityder kring ett föremål kan användas i föremålets design för att individerna lättare skall kunna identifiera sig med föremålet ifråga samt betrakta det som eget och/eller vänligt sinnat. Denna metod för design av föremål testades genom design och modellering av ett stridsfordon, vilket sedan utvärderades i en enkätundersökning tillsammans med ett redan existerande västerländskt stridsfordon. Syftet med undersökningen var att undersöka vilket av stridsfordonen som målgruppen ansåg vara lättast att identifiera sig med/framstod mest som egen.Undersökningen visade att stridsfordonet som designats med tanke på målgruppens mål, ståndpunkter och attityder också i större utsträckning upplevdes som vänligt sinnat/egen..