12851 Uppsatser om Design Theory - Sida 15 av 857
Utveckling och utvärdering av gränssnitt : En gränssnittsprototyp för design av t-shirtar
This thesis project is based on a business idea where users can design their own t-shirt online. The project shows the first step in the development process where a prototype for a user interface is created and evaluated.The purpose of this thesis project is to answer the following question:How does one develop a user interface for t-shirt design with consideration to interaction design theories?In order to answer this question the design process began with scheduling the work at hand. The first step was to build a conceptual model based on specifications made prior to this project. This conceptual model became the foundation for the physical design.A high fidelity prototype was created using Macromedia Flash and Actionscript 2.0.
Är mamma verkligen lik sin mamma? : En studie kring motivation utifrån generationstillhörighet och personlighetsdrag i temporära arbetsgrupper
Purpose ? The current study aims to analyze how employees in temporary groups gets motivated, based on their personality traits and generation belonging, focusing on the goal setting theory. The study also focuses on the combination of these two variables concerning the goal setting theory.Design ? A total of 56 individuals working in project groups completed the questionnaire made for measure their personality traits and their work motivation.Findings ? Results in this specific case demonstrated differences in motivation based on their personality traits and generation. The study also found differences when studying the combination of the two variables.
Platsanalys, grunden för en gestaltningsprocess
Uppsats för avläggande av högskoleexamen i Kulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design 7,5 hp, 2014.
Det är ju logiskt, men det är väldigt ologiskt om man jämför med allt annat logiskt.? - En studie om elevers syn på ämnet Gehörs- och musiklära.
Title: "It is logical, but not logical at all compared to every other logical thing." - A study about how students in upper secondary school reflect about their studies in Pitch and music theory.Pitch and music theory is a compulsory subject for music students in the art programme of upper secondary school of Sweden. The aim of the subject is to develop the students? knowledge about music theory concepts in order to help them play and create music on their own. The aim of this paper is to discuss how students talk about ear training and music theory. Qualitative group interviews were carried out with two student groups from the first and second year of the upper secondary school.
Utveckling av dynamiska farthinder
The aim of this Master of Science Thesis is to develop guidelines and improvementsuggestions of RiNOVA Traffic AB?s dynamic speed bump. The project started with athorough pre study of the design and its function to find out how passing vehiclesaffects the dynamic speed bump. The majority part of the pre study was to createnecessary mathematical models to explain the arisen forces and strains.The results of the mathematical models gave necessary information about the designregarding weaknesses and flaws. The most critical ones where those which interferedwith the design?s performance and reliability, and therefore needed to be corrected.These problems where more thorough analysed and discussed with experts before thefinal guidelines and improvement suggestions where developed.The parts of the design that had to be redesigned were the extension springs and thebearing that enables the dynamic properties.
Användarcentrerad Design : Utveckling av prototyper för pekskärmsgränssnitt
Det här arbetet preciserar ett problem utifrån ett problemområde som faller inom ramen för användarcentrerad design. Den preciserade problemformuleringen är: I vilken utsträckning kan ett gränssnitt göras användbart genom prototyping, aktiv användarmedverkan och iterativ utveckling genom användningen av en modifierad version av ISO 13407 standarden som ett utvecklingsramverk? Den här frågeställningen har tillämpats och avgränsats till ett pekskärmsgränssnitt vid namn Navigator som är utvecklat av Asko. Resultaten visar att de gränssnittsprototyper som har skapats är användbara. Vidare visar resultaten även att det inte är tillräckligt att enbart använda tre nyckelprinciper för användarcentrerad design i syfte att uppnå användbarhet..
Stor problematik på liten yta : Att skriva informationsmaterial för skattefinansierade verksamheter
The purpose of this thesis has been about processing an already existing folder for a tax funded organization which is also the employer for this mission ? Expectrum. The reason is that both Expectrum themselves and the recievers of the folder are unhappy with the existing material. The critic that has been directed to Expectrum is that the recievers have trouble understanding what Expectrum is and what they do. Based on qualitative methods such as interviews and text analysis I?ve been able to answer my questions for this thesis.
Tjej & gay bland tidningsställ (Girl & gay among magazine racks)
The purpose of this essay is to examine the relationship between visual communication and female homosexuality within the field of magazine design. As the creative part of the project I have chosen to make a redesign of Lotus magazine, the very first Swedish magazine with lesbian and bisexual girls as the target audience. The questions of which the project is based on are: Which stereotypes, differences and similarities can be found in visual communication addressed to a heterosexual versus a homosexual target audience? What kind of design attracts non-heterosexual girls and how can I create a design for Lotus magazine that is appealing to lesbian and bisexual girls and yet still makes it possible to compete with traditional girls? magazines?
In order to examine my research questions I have done literature studies within the field of gender and sexual identity in relation to visual communication. Additionally, I have analysed the design of competing magazines on the market and conducted a survey among representatives of the target audience of Lotus magazine..
Breaking the habitual : ett gestaltningsförslag för Hagebys nya aktivitetscentrum
Utifrån rapporter från bl.a. Riksidrottsförbundet (2007) går det att fastställa att aktivitetsytor som
planeras för barn och unga idag inte används jämlikt. Dagens planering tenderar att gynna killar i högre utsträckning än tjejer. Examensarbetet Breaking the Habitual ? Ett gestaltningsförslag för Hagebys nya aktivitetscentrum ställer sig kritiskt till detta och strävar efter att bryta denna planeringsstruktur.
Vila i grönska. Gestaltningsförslag av en askgravplats till Tidaholms kyrka
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design 21 hp.
Droppar i havet - Mönsterdesignens relation till design för hållbar utveckling
Ett mönster är uppbyggt av ett motiv som upprepas. Denna upprepning kan
fortsätta i all oändlighet. Hållbar antyder långsiktighet. Mönstrets
övergripande egenskap är oändlighet. Hur kan denna egenskap hos mönstret
nyttjas inom mönsterdesign för att främja hållbar utveckling?
Det här kandidatarbetet undersöker mönsterdesignens möjlighet att verka för
hållbar utveckling genom att se till begreppet mönster ur ett bredare
perspektiv, samt i relation till design för hållbar utveckling.
Gestaltningsförslag för S:t Eriks torg i Uppsala : med utgångspunkt från Jan Gehls teorier för att främja liv och aktivitet
In this work a new design for S:t Erik?s square in Uppsala is being proposed. The square is situated in the middle of the city, surrounded by historical buildings. Today the square is a parking lot. The aim of the design proposal is to promote life and activity of pedestrians and cyclists.
Trovärdighet på onlinebutiker inom mode : En kvalitativ studie av den estetiska utformningens påverkan på trovärdigheten vid ett första intryck
E-commerce is becoming more common in Sweden and many Swedes buy clothing and sporting goods online. Online fashion retailers offer a visually pleasing range of products, which places greater emphasis on the aesthetic design of the online retailer. This paper examines how the perceived credibility of an online fashion retailer is influenced by the aesthetic design through a first impression. This study was conducted through ten interviews where the informants observed, assessed, and then discussed the online fashion retailers that were used in this study. Results show that recognition of an aesthetic design and a perception of usability and professionalism affects the perceived credibility in a positive way.
"Evolutionen är ett syfte" : en studie av elevers världsbilder angående evolutionsteorin
In this thesis swedish students? worldsviews, in relation to the theory of evolution, were studied. Thirty students from two different schools and cities took part in the survey and four students were later chosen for interviews. The results showed that there are many different types of students and categories in this matter. The study also showed that for some religious students, accepting the theory of evolution was not difficult thus showing that religious students can both believe in God and in the theory of evolution..
Hur ska vi komma vidare? : frågor rörande neolitiseringen i Sydskandinavien
This paper deals with the question of neolithisation of Southern Scandinavia. The main goal is to give an overview of three theories regarding how agriculture and livestock breeding was introduced to the Southern Scandinavia. These are as follows: the immigration theory, the socio-economic theory and the historical explanation theory. Furthermore it is investigated which theory has the most probably support in material culture. There are obvious difficulties in interpreting the archaeological material.