

13334 Uppsatser om Design Research - Sida 21 av 889

Värdering av handelsfastigheter : En undersökning av värderingsmetoder, bedömningen avdess parametrar samt problem som kan uppkomma

In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.

Effekten av e-handelns framgång på hyresmarknaden för köpcentrum : En analys av utformningen för hyresavtal

In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.

Configuration management system för Moderna Museet

This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, incollaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a companyoperating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitatesnew ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis.Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since SaabDynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a usermethodology with clear guidelines. Due to lack of time, they chose to assign thetask to students, which resulted in this thesis.The aim of the thesis is to develop a methodology in mechanical design, wherethe designer uses the FE analysis early in the design process to develop thestructures' mechanical properties.

Från webb till app : En studie i hur interaktions- och grafisk design påverkas i utvecklingen från webbplats till mobilapplikation

This paper reports a study in how interaction design and graphic design is affected in the process of developing an mobile application to complement the use of an existing webbsite. The paper also ask how developers are affected in this process by the use of designpatterns. The purpous of the report was to see how designpatterns affects the development of mobile applications and how the interaction and graphic design differs between various company webbsites and their related application. A study was conducted by comparing three diffrent webbsites with three related applications to find material for our thesis. Interviews were conducted on three diffrent companys that work professionaly with creating mobile applications.

Operatörsoberoende SMS-leverans med designmönstret Bridge

When different type of programs are developed one wants to make these adjustable to future changes and requirements. It must be done a good design of the program from the beginning to make it possible to continue development of it without having to redo big parts of it to high costs. In the area of object orientation there are design pattern, which can be used to design systems that can be adjusted to new changes in an easier way. I have in this thesis chosen to take a closer look at how to design a program that sends SMS to cell phones through a system of an operator. One requirement on the program is that it has to be possible to change what operator to send though in an easy way.

Balettmapp Kungliga Operan : Operahusens design och arkitektur

En presentation av Kungliga Svenska Baletten. Denna ska distribueras till operahus världen över innan ny turné påbörjas. Shanghais operahus var det första som fick den färdiga produkten.Fördjupningen rör olika operahus design och arkitektur ut- och invändigt. Även en del av husens relevanta historia tas upp..

Att skapa kunskap i informationshavet : Om hur text kan struktureras för att skapa lärande i intranät

Creating instructions is not just about words, but also about text structure. A company creates many instructions to document their management systems, which often are presented through an intranet. This study examines how the text can be presented to make content understandable and give employees the knowledge to take action. An interview survey was made at Skanska Sweden and their management system "Vårt sätt att arbeta". The results show that it is mainly about creating an overview of the system and creating separations between different text sections.

Introduktion till online PD : en specificering och jämförelse av tillgängliga mätsystem

During Spring semester 2011, Linda Engstrom and Malin Heder performed ?Golden Ratio?, a thesis which included 22.5 hp. The thesis followed the syllabus for the Degree Project for degree of Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Design Engineering (MSGC12) which was a unit in the Innovation and Design Engineering program within the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University.The client was Crem International AB, a company located in Åmotfors that develops the design, manufactures and markets coffee machines. The supervisor at the company has been Peter Larsson and supervisor at Karlstad University has been Monica Jakobsson. Examiner for the thesis has been Professor Fredrik Thuvander at the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University.Crem International AB controls a patent, representing a new technology to streamline and minimize use of energy during the coffee preparation and results in a good coffee quality.

Anestesiologisk omvårdnad av patient med obesitas

ABSTRACTBackground: Obesity and overweight are health issues that more than every tenth person around the world suffers from and the number of individuals with BMI >30 is every growing. As a result, more patients that are subjects to anesthesia will have an increased BMI. Changes in respiration, airway anatomy, altered drug metabolism and multiple physiological changes in the body makes general anesthesia, of the patient with obesity, an anesthesiological challenge.Purpose: The aim of this study is to identify the specific anesthesiological nursing care of the patient with a BMI >30, undergoing general anesthesia.Method: A research plan is created and to test its credibility, a pilotstudy of 15 surveys in two surgical departments will be conducted. This study has a qualitative inductive design and the data collected through semistructured questionnaires. The result was analyzed using qualitative content analysis.Result: The result showed a clear focus on three main areas; airway management, pharmaceuticals and positioning of the patient.

Navigera rätt med användaren : Användarinvolvering inom produktutveckling

This Master Thesis has been carried out in cooperation with Silva Sweden AB. A companywhich manufactures products like compasses, pedometers, headlamps, hiking poles and otherequipment for the out door life and navigation. The purpose of the project has been toassemble methods and models which support user involvement in Silva?s design process.Thus, to increase the number of products with purchasing power, enhance product quality aswell as increase foundation for new product ideas.The focus through out the project has been to assemble a pallet with methods for userinvolvement and from this select a few methods that will fit the company. The purpose of thepallet is to be accessible for the company during their work of change with the design processthat has been going on and will be in the future.

Utvärdering av strategier för prestandaoptimering i relationsdatabaser

När ett nytt databassystem ska tas fram och införas i en organisation ska funktioner och krav på systemet identifieras och analyseras i en designprocess. Ett krav på ett databassystem kan vara att systemet ska uppvisa en viss prestanda. Designprocessen leder så småningom fram till fysisk design av databasen och dess applikationer. Det kan finnas flera olika lösningar för fysisk design av databasen och dess applikationer som tillgodoser kraven och funktionerna som ska finnas i systemet. Dessa olika lösningsalternativ ger olika prestanda.

Personer med Asperger och svårigheteri samhället ? en fråga om kommunikation? : - en jämförande studie mellan forskning och egnaupplevelser hos personer med Asperger

This study is about people with Asperger syndrome and their difficulties in all kinds of communication in society. Through the language we code objects and events to remember and observe the environment. The aim is to compare research with the actual experiences of people with Asperger syndrome, in relation to their difficulties in society / communication. Three questions have been given extra attention. The first is what similarities and differences there are between people with Asperger syndrome.

Opera i Stockholm, Galärvarvet

During Spring semester 2011, Linda Engstrom and Malin Heder performed ?Golden Ratio?, a thesis which included 22.5 hp. The thesis followed the syllabus for the Degree Project for degree of Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Design Engineering (MSGC12) which was a unit in the Innovation and Design Engineering program within the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University.The client was Crem International AB, a company located in Åmotfors that develops the design, manufactures and markets coffee machines. The supervisor at the company has been Peter Larsson and supervisor at Karlstad University has been Monica Jakobsson. Examiner for the thesis has been Professor Fredrik Thuvander at the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University.Crem International AB controls a patent, representing a new technology to streamline and minimize use of energy during the coffee preparation and results in a good coffee quality.

Tankinsats för dieselbilar : Från idé till prototyp

This thesis describes the development of a tank insert for diesel cars, from idea to a prototype. The idea is to design an insert which makes it impossible to refuel petrol in a diesel car. The insert shall be installed in the existing tank opening on diesel cars. The tank insert is designed for the Swedish company SverigeGrepen AB located in Vänge, just outside Uppsala. Their main product is a pitchfork that is ergonomically designed and durable.A pre-study were performed in which information relating to fuel caps, tank openings, petrol- and diesel nozzles were collected.

Digitala tjänstens registreringsprocess ? hur påverkar den helhetsintrycket?

The outset of this thesis is to raise questions on how we design for the mobile context and the capabilities of smartphones. Not only the presentation but also the use of input and interaction between a service and a user.This work evolves around sign up forms and answers the question: How does the sign up process affect the holistic perspective of a digital service regarding usability and user experience? This thesis consists of a case studies, and design experiments conducted on Twitter, Instagram and Randos sign up processes to explore if and how the usability, and the user experience could be affected and im- proved.This concluded some important aspects to be considered when designing sign up forms for a digital service.The usability, and the user experience is not only affected by user interaction, and the choice of input method but it?s also affected by which data the service is requesting, and more important; if that data is motivated to request by the service..

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