

6638 Uppsatser om Design Pattern - Sida 3 av 443

Kappa och Klänning - Retro plagg med modern passform

För företag som arbetar med måttlistor och skisser och låter mönstret skapas på en fabrik kan det vara problematiskt att få plaggen att sitta som man vill. Speciellt svårt kan det vara med ärmhål, ärmkullar och halshål. Jag har arbetat med ett sådant företag för att ta fram en kappa och klänning från designskisser i sextiotalsstil med modern passform i storlekarna XS-XL. Moderniseringen innebär till exempel mer rörelsevidd, inte spetsig byst och längre ärmar. Till detta skapas plaggmåttlistor, materialspecifikationer och plaggdelsdokument för att plaggen ska vara färdigt för att produceras på fabrik.

Det delade klassrummet : Det sociala rummets betydelse för särskiljande

We have, after three years of studying at Södertörns University Collage, experienced that there is great division in the classroom between students of foreign origin and ethnically Swedish students. How the students choose to place themselves in the classroom form a pattern on the basis of students? outer shells. The aim of this study is to understand what impact the student?s social orders has on the position they choose in the classroom.

Omega System Kalibrering: Strål X-Separation mätning och kalibrering

Micronic Laser Systems AB produces and develops machines for the photo mask production market. One of their products is the Omega machine which exposes photo masks using 5 laser beams simultaneously. It is important that the distance between the each laser beam, the x-separation, is the same. The x-separation is today measured by exposing a photo mask with a certain pattern and thereafter measured with a metrology system. This takes to much time and it is desired to find a faster method to measure the x-separation without loosing precision.The task for this master thesis is to improve an existing measurement method which uses a calibration mask.

Business Navigator : Anva?ndarcentrerad utveckling av framtidens internetbank

This thesis deals with an iterative user-centered IT-development project in a bank setting. The aim is to present a solution for deployment of future Internet banking for small businesses. The project features a design of IT-related concepts and ideas with a strong emphasis on scenario-based design and the usage of patterns as a documentation tool.The project plan featured an iterative framework and was carried out by a group of designers in collaboration with a reference group representing the future users of the system. This group consisted of company managers and bank employees, all from the small town of Åtvidaberg in Sweden.The method used in the development process was Scrum. A total of three sprints were completed with user meetings at the end of every sprint.

Påverkar suggors grymtande under digivningen smågrisarnas tillväxt? :

The pig is unique in the way that it gives birth to a large number of newborns in each litter. Because of this the sow has developed a special behaviour during suckling to ensure that not only a part of the litter gets all the milk. Milk is only available during milk letdown. The piglets have to massage the udder for a long time before letdown and the more piglets at the udder the sooner the milk comes. The sow has developed a special grunting pattern to let the piglets know when she is ready for suckling and to signal milk letdown. Our aim with this study was to investigate if sows have individual grunting patterns repeated over time. We also wanted to know if sows with a more distinct grunting pattern have better growth in their litters.

Hantering av digitalt designmaterial i kollaborativ miljö

A case study of professional interaction designers' usage of design materials was conducted. Five interviews were performed in order to gain insight in the systems used by designers, how these work, how they collaborate within them, and what they think of recent research about them. Design studios allow collaboration for several users at once. Digital material (mockups, pictures, etc.) are commonly used, but needs to be made analog, e.g. printed, to be usable in the design studio environment.

Patterns of Touch : En analys av touchspel till iPad utifrån gränssnittspatterns

For this essay we used pattern theory from interface design and applied it in an analysis of touch games. In order to make full use of the patterns, we selected five of them and adapted these slightly with the help of game related patterns to be useful for the framework of this essay. The selection of games were the top eight games on the App Store?s ?What?s Hot?. The results showed, among other things, that the games had a clear focus on getting a pleasant apperance, and they did it relatively well.

Design management i produktutvecklingsföretag : Samarbetet mellan en design manager och en designkonsult

Design management är ett arbetssätt som har börjat tillämpas av allt fler företag de senaste åren, men det kan fortfarande vara svårt att förstå betydelsen av design management. I uppsatsen undersöks det vilken betydelse en design managers kompetens och position har för samarbetet mellan det designköpande företaget och en designkonsult under ett designinköp. Genom ett flertal intervjuer, utifrån både design managers och designkonsulters perspektiv, undersöks det hur samarbetet fungerar mellan dessa parter. En analys av intervjumaterial med hjälp av en teoretisk referensram bestående av design management-teori, design som en integrerad process och beslutsrollsteori har lett fram till ett antal slutsatser om design management. Några av slutsatserna är att design management, enligt teorierna, som arbetssätt inte är så vanligt och att det finns en viss samarbetsbrist enligt de intervjuade designkonsulterna, som i viss mån underlättas om design managern har kunskap om vad design innebär..

Analys av kvalitet i en webbpanel : Studie av webbpanelsmedlemmarna och deras svarsmönster

During 2012, the employer of this essay carried out a telephone survey with 18000 participants and a web panel survey with 708 participants. Those who partook in the telephone survey were given a choice to join the web panel. The purpose of this work is to study the participants of the telephone survey and see if they reflect the Swedish population with regards to several socio-demographic factors. Also, we intend to investigate if the propensity to join the web panel differs for participants of the telephone survey with regards to various socio-demographic affiliations. It is also of interest to study if the response pattern is different for participants of the telephone survey that would like to join the web panel and those who reject.

Designprincipers applicerbarhet på domänen streamad-TV

In our study, we investigated how the streamed TV domain relates to existing design principles for web design. Further, we have investigated whether there are specific characteristics of the domain that the design principles do not cover. In the survey we have studied two sites which are representative of the streamed TV domain. Finally, we discuss how applicable the design principles are for the domain and the specific characteristics that would require new or further developed design principles..

Nyckelfaktorer för en designs slutskede

The final stage of a designers work is always a bit tricky. Design is an abstract phenomenon and no one can tell when a design is really finished. The design process that designers work within has been thoroughly studied but cannot be truly mapped with strict constraints which the designer can follow to succeed. Therefore, in this paper we take a look at the final stage in the design process. The main goal is to get more knowledge and highlight key factors about what designers face when they are about finish their design or what forces them to leave a project that can stay in development for eternity.

Camp Vamp - Att ljussätta en dansföreställning med skiftande förutsättningar

I work on a lighting design for a dance performance to be on tour. A lighting design adapted for three different conditions was made: - One comprehensive where I allow myself a great deal of creative freedom, adapted for the stages with major technical conditions. - One smaller version for stages with less equipment and with less time for preparation on site. - One design for very simple conditions. I also examine the specific differences between typical theatrical lighting design and typical dance lighting design, and the best way to prepare for the hands-on stage design phase..

Automatiserad inlärning av detaljer för igenkänning och robotplockning

Just how far is it possible to make learning of new parts for recognition and robot picking autonomous? This thesis initially gives the prerequisites for the steps in learning and calibration that are to be automated. Among these tasks are to select a suitable part model from numerous candidates with the help of a new part segmenter, as well as computing the spatial extent of this part, facilitating robotic collision handling. Other tasks are to analyze the part model in order to highlight correct and suitable edge segments for increasing pattern matching certainty, and to choose appropriate acceptance levels for pattern matching. Furthermore, tasks deal with simplifying camera calibration by analyzing the calibration pattern, as well as compensating for differences in perspective at great depth variations, by calculating the centre of perspective of the image.

Mr Chester Jester

Jag har i mitt projekt jobbat med mönsterformgivning och produktion av vävda möbeltyger, digitaltryckta tapeter- och textilier för en fiktiv hemmiljö. Mina designbeslut grundar sig på en fiktiv karaktär, Mr Chester Jester, hans estetiska preferenser och behov i samrådan med mina egna. Arbetets resultat är en gestaltning av världen han lever i, komprimerad till ett hemma hos reportage på gränsen mellan verklighet och illusion. Jag har jobbat med dubbelhet och speglingar - av mönster, av rummet, av tekniker och mig själv. Jag har undersökt illusionens verklighet och verklighetens illusion.My bachelor project is a work of pattern design and production of woven upholstery fabrics, digital prints on textile materials and wallpaper, made for a fictional home environment.

Synchronous Latency Insensitive Design in FPGA

A design methodology to mitigate timing problems due to long wire delays is proposed. The timing problems are taking care of at architecture level instead of layout level in this design method so that no change is needed when the whole design goes to backend design. Hence design iterations are avoided by using this design methodology. The proposed design method is based on STARI architecture, and a novel initialization mechanism is proposed in this paper. Low frequency global clock is used to synchronize the communication and PLLs are used to provide high frequency working clocks.

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