254 Uppsatser om Density - Sida 15 av 17
Den bäcknära zonen vid små skogliga vattendrag i Värmland : generell beskrivning, förekomst av traktorspår samt kvicksilverhalter i körpåverkat ytvatten
Forest streams and the associated riparian zones are sensitive to disturbances and changes that occur within these riparian areas. Particularly sensitive are small streams of low order, which will have large impacts down-stream. The disturbances that occur in the riparian zones are reflected quickly in the stream. Driving with forestry machines in the riparian zone will have detrimental effects to the soil and water. Driving the machines will lead to changes in the mineral soil composition, resulting in the reduction of porosity, less infiltration, compaction, and an increased bulk Density.
Beräkning av bindningsenergier i atomära system med Bi2Te3 och SiO2 ? Simuleringar med täthetsfunktionalteori
This report presents suggestions and recommendations on how to convert an old industrial building, built in 1958, to an office hotel. One of the main criteria was that the floor plan should be flexible. The building is situated at Jonsereds Fabriker and the study was conducted for Hantverkslokaler i Göteborg AB, the estate owner.The survey is initiated with study visits at various office hotels, together with studies of literature regarding office planning. One conclusion from the study visits is that meeting-places, where the different companies can meet and exchange ideas and services, are important. Another one, and probably the most important parameter when planning offices is that they should have windows.
Syntes av hydroxyapatit/ nanocellulosa kompositer
Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) are great candidates for composite materials. The reasons why CNCs are such attractive materials for them are due to their great mechanical properties, high aspect ratio and low Density. On the other hand, hydroxyapatite (HAp) is a kind of calcium phosphate and a main component of bones and teeth. The purpose of the present study is to make oriented nano-sized composites with CNC and HAp. Although some researchers carried out to make CNC composites with HAp for biomedical materials, nano-sized and oriented ones haven?t been achieved yet.
Utveckling i Ammerån : att skapa ett hållbart fiske med hög kvalitet
Ammerån which is a small forest river in eastern Jämtland is a well-known river that has been a popular fishing river for a long time. The actual Ammerån begins downstream the lake Solbergsvattnet at Hammerdal and flows into the Indalsälven 10 km upstream Hammarstrand. The river environment switches between forests with wilderness feeling and open agricultural land. The entire Ammerån is today a nature reserve and protected from hydropower development. Fishing in Ammerån has mainly been focused on trout and grayling, and is so even today.
Fältinstruktion för skogsbruksplanering av inhemska skogar i Andinska Patagonien :
The thesis first objective was to develop field instructions for forest planning of native forests in Andean Patagonia, and the second objective was to test the plan on an actual property in the area. The thesis was limited to studies in the province of Rio Negro. Today, there are no official forest management plans for native forests in the Argentinean province of Rio Negro; thus, there is an obvious need for an official forest management plan with clear guidelines. To be granted permission to manage, i.e. through thinning, the native forests on a property it is required to have a forest management plan that is approved by the Forestry Board in the province in question (Thill, B.
Miljö för fysisk aktivitet i den täta gröna staden
Urbaniseringen i världen fortsätter öka samtidigt som mängden fysisk aktivitet generellt sett
minskar. Sverige är inte i något av fallen, ett undantag. En strategi som förespråkas av Sveriges
tre största städer Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö för att, bland annat, möta urbaniseringen är
förtätning. Denna stadsbyggnadsprincip innebär att bebyggelse- liksom befolkningstäthet ökar
inom samma yta. Samtidigt, som en konsekvens av detta, har tätorternas friyteareal minskat
kraftigt och för fysisk aktivitet har den byggda miljön påvisats vara en av de faktorer som kan
påverka människans val och vilja att aktivera sig.
Utgångspunkten för uppsatsen ligger i en alternativ stadsbyggnadsprincip, som stödjer förtätning,
men där förespråkarna menar att staden kan vara både tät och grön genom utvecklade metoder
för friyteplanering.
Sverige 2112 : Ett narrativ om hur arkitekturen kan utvecklas om världen går igenom stora förändringar på grund av klimatförändringarna. En linjär och vertikal stad.
Om världen till följd av klimatförändringarna blir mycket varmare kommer förutsättningarna för hur vi planerar städer, infrastruktur och jordbruk helt att vändas upp och ner. De delar av världen som idag står för världens livsmedelsproduktion kommer vid bara några graders förändring bli obrukbara som betes och odlingsmark. Dessa förändringar kan komma att starta konflikter, och stora flyktingströmmar som tillsammans med förändrade klimatzoner helt kommer att rita om världskartan. i Skandinavien är det då troligt att vi behöver bygga samhällen och städer för miljontals nya immigranter, och detta samtidigt som vi befinner oss mitt i den mest fruktbara jordbruksmarken i världen. Om hundra år måste vi dessutom, oavsett detta, dubbla livsmedelsproduktionen globalt sett.Vårt samhälle blir allt mer rörligt och infrastrukturen utvecklas i allt snabbare takt.
Stengrunder och gränser : en studie av kontinuitet från äldre järnålderns stengrundsbygd till nutid
This thesis studies settlement continuity on Gotland between approximately AD 200 and AD 1700. The method used is to calculate correlation between the geographical distribution of all known Iron Age stone-wall-houses (on Gotland known as "kämpagravar") and all farms included in the detailed taxation maps from approximately 1700. The number of remaining house foundations is between 1800 and 1900. A model to estimate the number of removed foundations is presented. It is based on the assumption that the settlement Density was proportional to land use around 1700, and that the rate of removal is related to the current land use.
Kravspecifikation för en knapp till ett automatväxlingskoncept
This thesis deals with the development of a specification regarding a push-button, which will be used to control the gear-shifting function in an automobile. In addition to this the author will describe different techniques and theories that have been helpful in achieving data and results for the specification.Kongsberg Automotive AB, is located in Mullsjö, Sweden, the company supplies parts to the automotive industry. In the research and development department, R&D, there is a group that works with development of Shift-By-Wire systems. In an automobile with a Shift-By-Wire system the communication between the gear-shifter and the gear-box occurs electronically. The mechanical link is, in most cases, taken away and replaced by the digital system.
Inventering och riskklassning av förorenade områden i Öna och Östnor :
This work consists of a survey and risk classification of eleven metal industries including foundries, finishers and engineering industries in two industrial areas in Mora. The study follows a method called MIFO (Method of Surveying Contaminated Sites) composed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. In the method assessments of the degree of hazard posed by the pollutants, the level of pollution, the conditions of dispersal, sensitivity and the degree to which the area is worthy to protect are made for each contaminated site (object). The assessment classify the objects into four risk classes in which risk class 1 denotes a very large risk, 2 large risk, 3 moderate risk and risk class 4 little risk. The work of surveying using MIFO is divided into two phases.
Hårdgörning av Asp
Hårdgörning av trä syftar till att göra materialet hårdare. Detta går att åstadkomma genom komprimering, det komprimerade materialet tenderar dock att återgå mot sin ursprungsform då materialet utsätts för fukt om ingen låsning sker. Låsningen kan ske mekaniskt i en treskiktskonstruktion som motverkar träets fuktrörelser. Dessa skivor har dock visat sig vara instabila och tidigare försök har uppvisat deformationer i form av kupning. Denna undersökning syftar till att utreda förutsättningarna för att använda komprimerad asp samt att ta fram underlag för framtagning av en kommersiell produkt.Praktiska tester har genomförts för att studera hårdhet, återfjädring och densitet hos det komprimerade virket.
Digitala fotogrammetriska arbetsstationer för skoglig flygbildstolkning :
SCA Skog has taken the initiative to this Master?s thesis. Today SCA Skog has a great need to update their informtion on young forest stands across large areas. Traditional field inventory methods for updating stand databases are expensive and time consuming. However, the inventory could be made more efficient if stand boundaries and stand characteristics are derived from aerial photographs.
Retention of stumps on wet ground at stump-harvest and its effects on saproxylic insects
Low stumps represent on their own up to 80% of the dead wood remaining on clear cuts and therefore supply suitable habitat for saproxylic insects i.e. insects depending on dead wood for their survival. Recent stump harvesting activities threaten this substrate of ecological importance and increase the anthropogenic negative impacts on these species. Because of technical and environmental reasons (nutrient leakage, erosion) guidelines for stump harvesting recommend to retain stumps standing in wet parts of clear cuts. However, stumps in wet positions might not be a satisfactory substrate for saproxylic insects and therefore might not be as much used as stumps in dry positions.
Jord i portföljen : jordbruksmark som en del av en investeringsportfölj
People who invest capital in promising projects as a profession are called venture capitalists. They are constantly looking for new investment opportunities. Recently, media have observed a growing interest in forest land as capital investment. This is because several fund and investment company market the possibility of safe return through investment in woodland, both in Sweden and abroad. When an investment in forests is seen as an acceptable investment option, focus turns to nearby areas, namely agricultural land.
Utvecklingspotential till en mer attraktiv bostadsmarknad : En teoretisk värderingsanalys av stadskvaliteter och dess relevans för bostadsbyggandet
Stockholm has in recent years experienced a strong population increase but despite that fact, the demand for housing has not been followed by enough housing contracts. According to forecasts, growth in population will further be continued upward. With more condominiums than rental units on the market, new apartments are too expensive to live in. This creates unsustainable problems for those in lower classes of society. Creating a housing market in the periphery of Stockholm is not sustainable from a social perspective.