254 Uppsatser om Density - Sida 13 av 17
Predicerar skriftliga bildbeskrivningar demens? : -En retrospektiv studie
Skrivning är en biomekaniskt invecklad process som kräver en viss nivå av såväl motorisksom kognitiv förmåga. Forskning om Alzheimers sjukdom tyder på att nedsättningar i flerakognitiva domäner förekommer innan den kliniska diagnosen ställs. Det finns även forskningsom tyder på att ett innehållsrikt skriftspråk i unga år minskar risken för demensutveckling påäldre dagar. För att studera om mått från texter kunde predicera demens på ett tidigt stadiumanalyserades 141 skriftliga bildbeskrivningar insamlade inom ramen för rutinmässigaminnesutredningar vid Karolinska universitetssjukhuset, Huddinge. Deltagarna delades in itre grupper utifrån diagnos (minnesutredning, lindrig kognitiv svikt och demens).Utgångspunkt för studien var de fyra textmåtten: idétäthet, verbtäthet, läsbarhetsindex (LIX)och T-enheter.
Pilot study: influence of the Samoan dog population on visitors
A range of public health and animal welfare problems has been shown to be associated with free-roaming dogs. With a high Density of free-roaming dogs and with a major tourism industry, Samoan tourists are likely to be influenced by the presence of the dogs. The tourists are mainly from the Oceanic region; with New Zealand and Australia as the biggest contributors. The aim of this study was to examine the potential impacts of dogs on visitors to Samoa.
A questionnaire was handed out to 281 visitors all over Samoa, collecting opinions and information on visitors? experiences and behaviour regarding the Samoan dogs.
Comparison of bird communities in stands of introduced lodgepole pine and native Scots pine in Sweden
The introduced lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) occupies more than 650 000 hectares in Sweden. There are some differences between lodgepole pine and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests which could affect bird assemblages, for example differences in canopy Density and ground vegetation. Birds were surveyed in 14 localities in northern Sweden, each characterized by one middle-aged stand of lodgepole pine next to a stand of Scots pine. The two paired stands in each locality were planted by the forestry company SCA at the same time and in similar environment to evaluate the potential of lodgepole pine in Sweden. In those 14 localities, one to three point count stations were established in both the lodgepole pine and the Scots pine stand, depending on the size of the area.
Vilken effekt har vassleprotein p? benmineraldensitet? En systematisk litteratur?versikt bland vuxna ? 35 ?r.
Syftet med denna systematiska litteratur?versikt ?r att unders?ka om supplementering av vassleprotein har n?gon p?verkan p? bent?thet (BMD) hos vuxna ?35 ?r.
Litteraturs?kningen gjordes i tv? databaser, Pubmed och Scopus. S?kord f?r blocken var vassleprotein, BMD och randomiserade kontrollerade studier (RCT). Deltagarna i de inkluderade studierna var m?n och kvinnor ?35 ?r d?r interventionsgruppen fick supplementering av vassleprotein medan kontrollgruppen fick supplementering med likv?rdigt energiinneh?ll som ej inneh?ll vassleprotein.
Konflikten mellan bevarandekrav och tilläggsisolering : The conflict between conservation requirements and additional insulation
Sweden has formulated ambitious energy goals which signify that by year 2050 the energy usage should be halved. One of the objectives is the reduction of energy usage by 20% by year 2020 and that it should be compared to the usage of energy from 1995. In parallel with increased energy requirements for buildings the demand on housing conservation, by highlighting also buildings from the last 50 years as part of the building heritage, continues to enhance, which in theory means that there is a conflict between these.The law will never be able to point out unique buildings and PBL (planning and building act) is not especially concrete. The National Housing Board has tried to make this more concrete by the new BBR regulations though there are still an enormous variety of interpretations.This report deals with the conflict between conservation requirements and additional insulation of the building envelope and is limited to multi-residential buildings built between the years 1945 and 1975. It is the stock with the greatest energy consumption and that is where the big challenge lies.
Ett kandidatexamensarbete inom lättviktskonstruktioner .
Due to recent legal enactments regarding carbon dioxide emissions, the car industry is facing higher demands. An effective way of reducing these emissions is to minimize the weight of the vehicle. This thesis constitutes a feasibility study on whether or not it is applicable for the car industry to utilize an inner floor structure comprising composite materials. The principal was the projectSåNätt, in which the main participant was Volvo Cars Corp. In consultation with a reference group, consisting of delegates from the industry and KTH, a specification of requirements was produced.
Stormskador i lärk och gran : en jämförelse efter stormen Gudrun
The storm Gudrun January 8-9 2005 felled about 70 millions cubic metres forest in southern Sweden. The majority of the wind damaged forest was spruce (Picea abies). In order to decrease the risk of wind damages in the future other trees species are of interest for forestry in southern Sweden.
The purpose of this master thesis was to study if larch were more wind tolerant than spruce. The method was to compare larch, Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi Lamb.), European larch (L.
Utredning om huruvida Dalarnas Tidningars produktion passar en KBA Cortina
This degree project illustrates newsprint and waterless offset. A new news press was introduced at Drupa-00, Cortina from KBA, which is the first news press dedicated the waterless technique. With actual statistics from the company in question an investigation was made whether their production fits this press. It came out in the investigation that the production of the company, from statistics, fits this press very good. A table was made where different timeschedules were accounted for the new press, with semi- and full automatic plate changing for present and to be added papers.
Utvärdering av lockmedel för marklevande predatorer under midvintermånader i Norrbottens inland
Many invasive species propose a big threat against the native fauna in the area that they colonise. Today the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) is speeding from Finland over the border in to northern Sweden. A project to stop the spread and eliminate the individuals that already have established was initiated in the autumn of 2008. To investigate areas that might be interesting for raccoon dogs and to confirm sightings, cameras with auto triggering mechanisms are used. To get the raccoon dog in front of the camera some kind of lure is used.
In this study three kinds of different lures was tested against each other?s.
Kartläggning av energiförluster : gällande klimatskal och ventilation för Stora Enso Timbers Pelletsfabrik i Grums
Due to recent legal enactments regarding carbon dioxide emissions, the car industry is facing higher demands. An effective way of reducing these emissions is to minimize the weight of the vehicle. This thesis constitutes a feasibility study on whether or not it is applicable for the car industry to utilize an inner floor structure comprising composite materials. The principal was the projectSåNätt, in which the main participant was Volvo Cars Corp. In consultation with a reference group, consisting of delegates from the industry and KTH, a specification of requirements was produced.
Export av får och nötkreatur från Australien
Live exports of animals began during the late 19th century and are nowadays a valuable alternative to the slaughter industry in Australia. About four million sheep and half a million to one million cattle are exported annually from Australia to the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Most of these animals are exported for slaughter, but some cattle are exported with the purpose of breeding. One factor that has been the driving force for the live export industry is that countries through tariffs and other barriers have favored the import of live animals rather than the import of meat.The export means that animals with a great cognitive ability are exposed to a long chain of production from the farm to the market and there are many factors that can affect the welfare of the animals in a negative way. Some of the most serious are high temperatures and a high stocking Density, although seasickness, noises and handling can also have a negative impact on the welfare of animals.
Återvinningsstationer på Lidingö : attityder och lokalisering
When the producers? responsibility for packaging was introduced in Sweden in 1994 the industry set up public recycling stations to facilitate the collection of the waste material. In order to establish recycling stations at suitable locations the municipalities assist the industry?s service organization for operation of the recycling stations, the Package and Newspaper Collection Service (Förpacknings- och tidningsinsamlingen, FTI). The objectives of this thesis are to improve the service of the public recycling stations within Lidingö town and to increase the accessibility to these stations for the inhabitants of Lidingö.
Kostnadsutjämningen inom Barnomsorgen i Sverige - en diskriminantanalys
Sweden?s District councils and Country councils are in itself to a large extent responsible for the state financed welfare. Because of this, Sweden has a contribution- and adjustment system. The reason for this system is to create equal chance, for all District councils and Country councils, to be able to give the citizens service independently of their income and non-influential structural differences. The adjustment is built upon the so-called standard cost method, which contains four different parts.
Simulering av valkar i pappersrullar : och analys av de slappa stråk som uppkommer
Då en pappersrulle har partier där pappret är längre kallas det ibland för slappa stråk. Det finns flera orsaker till slappa stråk och en av dessa orsaker är att pappret har en ojämn tjockleksprofil. I dessa fall uppstår de slappa stråken eftersom den ojämna tjockleksprofilen gör att pappersrullen på de positioner där pappret är tjockare får en större diameter än i övrigt. Då papper rullas över dessa åsar eller valkar som har en större diameter töjs pappret ut och då det rullas av rullen är det slappt. Körbarhetsproblem till följd av att pappret är slappt i vissa partier är ett stort problem inom pappersindustrin.
Ekonomi vid uttag av långa toppar som skogsbränsle i slutavverkning :
The market for biofuels from the forests have had a positive development and the job initiators for this master´s thesis wanted to examine the profitability of a method for harvesting forest fuel, which was unfamiliar to them. The method was the ?long tree tops-method?, here called the LT-method.
The LT-method is characterised by the fact that timber is harvested as the only roundwood assortment while the rest of the stem, which in other cases would become pulpwood, is harvested as forest fuel together with the logging residues. The method is based on the assumption that advantages in handling of the forest fuel assortment such as increased load weights for forest hauling and truck transportation, should compensate for the lower price for pulpwood when sold as forest fuel.
The aim of the study was to compare the profitability of the LT-method with the GROT-method (harvest of timber, pulpwood and logging residues) and conventional logging without any harvest of forest fuel, and aslo to try to identify factors affecting the profitability of the different methods.