169 Uppsatser om Demographic forecast - Sida 5 av 12
Den åldrande befolkningens hot mot välfärden - En politisk myt i väst
The purpose of this thesis is to expose the political myth in the West about the ageing population seen as a threat against the welfare society. To do so I have described what a political myth is, and showed how it is presented in the most influential newspapers and organisations in the West. I have also presented alternative perspectives to the dominating view on the ageing population and it's impacts on welfare. In this way I have tried to point out that the subject has a political dimension. In the thesis last section I compare the message presented in the newspapers and the organisations with the characteristics of a political myth.
Demografiska faktorer i samband med trivselfaktorer på arbetsplatsen
Tiden människan spenderar på sin arbetsplats är en stor del av ens liv, därför är det fundamentalt för välbefinnandet att undersöka vilka faktorer som är avgörande för att du ska trivas där. Denna studie ämnade undersöka demografiska skillnader, exempelvis stora och mindre åldersskillnader mellan anställd och närmsta chef, detta ställde vi i relation till anställdas attityd till ledarskap och andra trivselfaktorer. Datainsamlingen bygger på en enkätundersökning konturerad utifrån utvalda frågor från två tidigare, redan väl beprövade mätinstrument. Resultaten indikerar att det fanns ett signifikant samband mellan Tiden anställd och chef har arbetat tillsammans och attityd till ledarskap. Det fanns även signifikanta skillnader mellan personer som jobbade inom den privata kontra offentliga sektorn i relation till upplevt socialt stöd..
Demografiskt perspektiv på Employer Branding : En kvantitativ studie om hur Ålö kan attrahera ingenjörsstudenter med Employer Branding
Engineers are a group of individuals who are attractive when companies are in need for competence in technology. Today it is a shortage of these competences in the labor market. Because of this there has grown a competition among companies when they strive to recruit the best engineers. Therefore companies spend more resources on marketing themselves as an attractive employer. This study was set out to find what engineers think is an attractive employer through a demographic perspective.
Hur vanligt är det? : Våld i nära relationer: män som offer och kvinnor som förövare. En systematisk litteraturstudie
The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze IntimatePartner Violence (IPV). How does contemporary science illustrate men as victimsand women as perpetrators in these relationships? Ten articles were presentedand analyzed in a systematic literature study. The results show that men beingabused by their female intimate partner, do exist and that they in many ways doconform to abused women. There are many underlying causes to the violence inclose relationships.
Beskattning av skalbolagstransaktioner : Analys av skalbolagsreglerna ur ett tillämpnings- och rättssäkerhetsperspektiv
Shell companies are characterized by containing liquid assets such as cash, securities or other similar assets. Transactions of shell companies constitutes a severe problem since the purchaser often has the aim of obtaining undue tax advantages by not paying the tax debt of the company.Historically it has been complicated for the legislator to stop the set-up in an efficient way since the transactions as such are not illegal, instead rather commonly used for example to restructure companies or for the transfer of companies to the younger generation. The purpose of the current legislation is to prevent individuals and corporations to involve in shell company trade. Aiming for an efficient legislation, the tax rate is at a very high level.The issue with the rules is that also honest buyers are at risk of being covered. This calls for high demands in complying with the principle of legal certainty and the possibility to forecast the tax consequences.The purpose of the thesis is to identify and analyze eventual problems when applying the legislation.
Kan den svenska avkastningskurvan användas som indikator för den svenska inflationen?
Abstrakt The yield curve as a forecasting tool for inflation has been thoroughly investigated. However, most of these studies considered only the major economies, such as the U.S. economy or the major European economies and not a small open economy such as the Swedish. The Swedish economy should be much more affected by the world economy then the bigger economies. The purpose with this study is then to investigate whether the Swedish yield curve, or the Swedish interest rate, can be used as forecasting tools for the Swedish inflation.
?Självklart att man skall läsa högt för barn!? En studie av läs- och högläsningsvanor hos småbarnsföräldrar som inte använder bibliotek.
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate reading habits among parents of preschool children who do not use the public library. Another aim has been to investigate why these parents don?t use the library and if there is anything the library can do to change this. Little research had earlier been done on this subject. The theoretical framework consists of two different models.
Finns det ett samband mellan självkänsla och upplevd stress hos högskolestudenter?
Tidigare forskning har pekat på samband mellan självkänsla och självupplevd stress vid akademiska studier. Hög självkänsla har varit en skyddsfaktor mot stress och medfört ett psykologiskt välbefinnande hos studenter. Det har dock förekommit både kulturella och demografiska skillnader gällande självkänsla och stress. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka svenska högskolestuderandes demografiska variabler kön, ålder, civilstatus, arbete och barn samt globala självkänsla i relation till upplevd stress. Deltagarna i studien var 111 högskolestudenter vid 2 högskolor i Mellansverige, varav 74 kvinnor.
Riskbenägenhet och Generation Y : en kvantitativ studie om hur riskbenägenheten påverkas hos Generation Y ur ett demografiskt perspektiv.
Ungdomarna idag tillhör en generation som kallas för Generation Y och de särskiljer sig från tidigare generationer med ett antal karaktäristiska drag. Dock, är det inte endast dessa drag som kan urskiljas utan även ett annorlunda riskbeteende gentemot tidigare generationer. Experter är eniga om att det finns ett flertal faktorer som påverkar individers riskbenägenhet och att faktorerna varierar beroende på individens ålder. Detta leder oftast till att när ämnet undersöks, riktar forskarna in sig på en viss åldersgrupp eller generation. Det begränsat med forskning som specifikt tar upp Generation Y och riskbenägenhet. Därav är syftet med denna forskning att undersöka hur utvalda demografiska faktorer påverkar riskbenägenheten hos studenter ur Generation Y. Uppsatsen antog en positivistisk forskningsfilosofi med ett beskrivande syfte.
Lika bolag leka bäst - En studie om betydelsen av likhet vid sammanslagningar av bolag
This study addresses the issue of mergers between consulting firms. Previous research has shown that there are specific factors that determine the outcome of a merger and that success is more likely if companies are more similar. The purpose of the study is therefore to define relevant factors and understand when resemblance matter and under what conditions disparity may cause problems. Furthermore, the aim of the study is to find a pattern of which factors are more important in a successful merger. The problem of the study is addressed through a qualitative research approach and is conducted on six different mergers.
Effekter av ett informationsintensivt material- och produktionsstyrningssystem
We were assigned to do this master thesis by Husqvarna AB who at the time for this thesis just had implemented a new material and production planning system called Replenishment system. Husqvarna AB wanted us to examine the effects of their new planning system to see if it was profitable or not. Husqvarna AB had for a time considered their delivery and supplier service to bee their biggest problem and they wanted to solve this problem by improving the communication with all involved actors in the logistic chain, which they hoped would result in a better mix of products in their warehouses. The aim of this report was therefor to analyze eventual effects for Husqvarna AB when changing from a traditional material- and production planing system to a more information intensive one. The result of this report showed effects on decreasing administrational routines and improved flexibility and lead-times.
Hälsa och välfärdsteknologi i tredje åldern : En explorativ marknadsundersökning kring teknik och hälsa inom äldreomsorgen
This report is a market research for the company 4 Body and Mind, a start-upcompany that works with personal training online. They wanted to know if themarket for elderly care could be interesting for them to enter. This report is hence aresearch of the market for health and welfare technology in elderly care within thepublic sector in Sweden. A general fact is that the world's population is getting older.This combined with rapid growth of individuals in the age 65+ changes the demandson the elderly care in Sweden?s municipalities.
I huvudet på folkbibliotekarien ? En studie om folkbibliotekariers uppfattningar om lässtimulerande insatser
During the last ten years, PIRLS and PISA have evaluated the reading levels of children and youth around the world, sometimes with grim results. The Swedish evaluation show a constant decline in reading comprehension, and Sweden, which from the start produced one of the best results in the world, have plummeted to the bottom of the ranks. The librarians of the public library have extensive experience of working with different projects engaging children and youth in reading, and so they have a major part to play in this matter. Consequently, the aim of this study is to examine and describe the different perceptions the public librarians have of these projects. Four research questions were formulated, each focusing on the perceptions regarding different aspects of the reading promotion projects.
Patienters självskattning av Aktiviteter i Dagligt Liv efter en protesnära fraktur
The purpose of this study was to investigate patients self-rated ADL-function after a periprosthetic fracture, to view the demographics of the patient group and investigate any gender differences in ADL-function. Whether patients managed to return to previous housing after the fracture and reasons for this was also studied.This is a register-based retrospective and prospective cohort study with a quantitative approach. Demographic and anamnestic patient data was collected from the electronic health records. The participants were called for an interview where Katz ADL-index and EQ5D was used to describe the participants´ ADL functioning together with physical and mental functioning.The result shows that the majority of the participants rated themselves as independent in their ADL-function. No gender differences were noted in ADL-functioning.
Hälsa och välfärdsteknologi i tredje åldern : En explorativ marknadsundersökning kring teknik och hälsa inom äldreomsorg
This report is a market research for the company 4 Body and Mind, a start-up company that works with personal training online. They wanted to know if the market for elderly care could be interesting for them to enter. This report is hence a research of the market for health and welfare technology in elderly care within the public sector in Sweden. A general fact is that the world's population is getting older. This combined with rapid growth of individuals in the age 65+ changes the demands on the elderly care in Sweden?s municipalities.