

1529 Uppsatser om Degree of Internationalization (DOI) - Sida 45 av 102

Användarinvolvering i ett systemutvecklingsprojekt -Är det effektivt?

In most software engineering project, users are only involved in the beginning of the project as a help to design the requirements specification but users can be involved after this phase too, but is it effective to do so? With this report we would like to investigate how effective it is to involve users after the requirements specification has been written and approved. To find out how effective it is to involve the users we try some fast and simple involvement techniques on a quite far gone project. These techniques include ethnographic studies, prototypes and surveys. We also interviewed a couple of people who work with usability and finally delivered a report with our results to them to find out if they found our result relevant.

Hur organiserar forskare sitt material? : Personlig informationshantering i en vetenskaplig forskningsmiljö

The domain of this thesis is Personal Information Management (PIM) which is a sub-domain to human-computer interaction (HCI) that specifically concerns the interaction between human and information. The purpose of the study is to make an exploration of information management in a scientific research setting, to study which tools and strategies for information interaction that are used in the context and to suggest possible improvements of today's practices. Three in-depth interviews with scientific researchers have been conducted followed by a qualitative analysis of the results. The results show that there are great variations among the three respondents and that there can be distinguished as much as 15 different dimensions that when put together forms a unique PIM profile for each individual. The recommendation following this is that tools for PIM have to allow a high degree of individualisation.

Organisation och marknadsorientering av äldreomsorgen : En jämförelse mellan Sverige och Tyskland

Organisation and market orientation of elderly careThis comparative literature study is intended to describe how elderly care is organised and financed in Germany and Sweden. Furthermore, it analyses the degree of competition and market orientation in both countries' care systems. Important aspects in this context are the kinds of measurements which are used on the two markets and the question if there are quasimarkets.The theoretical backgrounds of the study are Esping-Andersen's "Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism" and Harold Wilensky's convergence theory. Esping-Andersen's theory describes Sweden as a social democratic and Germany as a conservative welfare regime which means that there are different conditions for the development of welfare. The use of Wilensky's theory shows that both welfare systems are converging since the end of the 20th century.

Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst : En stor violinist i skuggan av Paganini

AbstractTobias Wilczkowski: Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst ? A great violinist in the shadow of Paganini. Uppsala universitet: Institutionen för musikvetenskap, uppsats för 60p., 2005.As a boy, Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst adopted Paganini's virtuosic style. He became a popular violinist who later developed his own style. He used the potential of the violin to its extreme and explored new possibilities on the instrument.

Förutsättningar för goda elitidrottsmiljöer : Hur går det att skapa goda elitidrottsmiljöer för städer med riksidrottsuniversitet?

This study was a survey of how it is possible to create conditions for good elite environments in cities with elite universities. The purpose of the study was to create an understanding of how sports associations and National elit sportuniversities in Sweden can co-operate to create a good elite environments for people with dual careers. The study analyzed the current situation and what increased co-operation would do for the elitesports environments. To answer the purpose of the study interviews where conducted with leaders from sports associations and with a representative from the national sports university in Umeå. The result showed that in the current situation were was no cooperation to a significant degree.

Undersökning av exponeringsindex för bildplattesystem inför optimeringsarbete

The county hospital of Dalarna has for the last couple of years carried through a process of digitalization. The result is that within the county it exists image plate systems from two different manufacturers. In an attempt to create a tool for dose optimization and dose surveillance the county of Dalarna would like to investigate if the exposure index from Agfa and Fuji is suitable as a dose indicator. An investigation of the exposure index, S, from Fuji has already been done. This thesis has been continuing the investigation by evaluating the stability of the exposure index, lgM, from Agfa.

Han, Tarzan; Hon, Jane?: En studie om skillnader mellan pojkar och flickor i utredningsarbete på en socialförvaltning

The purpose of this essay was to examine whether there were any differences in social workers way of investigating boys and girls, age 13-15. The main questions we wanted to answer were; which were the factors that the social workers focused on? Did the investigations lead to a measure and if so, which one? How were risk and protection factors described and ana-lysed?To answer our questions we read and analyzed 22 reports, written by social workers 2004 at the department for teenagers and families at a social welfare service in Sweden. We came to the conclusion that there were some differences, but these were few and not extensive. Recreational activities was mentioned in a higher degree in the boys reports while health, housing conditions and network were mentioned more often in the girl´s reports.

Konvertering från UDK till SAB

The main purpose of this thesis is to examine what problems may arise when converting class symbols from one classification scheme to another. In order to fulfill this purpose, a conversion table between parts of the Swedish online-version of the UDC and the Swedish classification system SAB was constructed. For main classes 0 and 3 every class number from this abridged version of the UDC was converted, whereas for the rest of the main classes only class numbers with fewer than four figures were converted. The conversion table was constructed using the alphabetical index of SAB and different UDC-indexed library catalogues. Various aspects of the conversion table were then analysed using methods mainly devised by the authors themselves, but inspired by lexicography and multilingual thesaurus construction.

Upplevd förändring av aggressionsnivåer hos svenska soldater efter utlandstjänstgöring i Afghanistan

The major part of the existing research on psychological effects on participating in war or residing in a war zone shows negative effects on the person?s mental health. However not all research, from an international perspective, shows the same results. Since we haven?t found any research regarding Swedish conditions and there has been a recent implementation of a decision from the Supreme Commander regarding commanded international service for all staff within the Swedish armed forces, the question has now become more relevant.

ICC-profilers duglighet vid gråbalansjustering av arkoffsettryck

Adjustment to a neutral colour balance when printing was the starting point in this degree project. Onthis base ICC-profiles were evaluated and assessed. The survey was concentrated on the similarity betweenreproductions on different papers with various ICC-profiles. The colour balancing introduced aconsistent variable between four graphic papers. With raised uniformity the probability increased toreceive similarities between the various combinations of ICC-profiles and papers.Numerous of measurements and calculations have been carried out, mainly to confirm whether or notadjustment to a neutral colour balance is possible and repeatable.

Är borderline personlighetsstörning en kvinnlig diagnos? : En kvalitativ studie om borderline personlighetsstörning och könsskillnader

The aim of the study is to investigate how clinicians in psychiatric care for adults consider borderline personality disorder to be manifested in men and women, respectively. Could there be a tendency to over-diagnose women and under-diagnose men? In addition, the purpose of the study is to bring clarity to the reasons for gender differences within borderline personality as perceived by the clinicians. The study is based on an inductive approach, in which interviews have been conducted with twelve clinicians working with borderline personality disorders to gain a deeper understanding of how the clinicians consider the manifestations of gender differences.The clinicians described tendencies for women to deliberate self-harm, have mood swings and problems in relations. Men with borderline personality disorders are described as having a higher degree of e.g.

Marknadsmässig spannmålshandel

The agriculture throughout the world is becoming increasingly deregulated and this has affected the prices of raw materials to fluctuate at a higher degree than earlier. This in turn has made it interesting and in some cases even necessary for the trader as well as the producer to gain knowledge about the trade instruments available to ensure a good enough price for their produced goods. This study encompasses a number of ways to trade grain and oil plants in order to clarify what differences there are in the several contracts that exist in the present situation, economical as well as practical. The various trade instruments available to the producers on the Swedish market are described in the theoretical part of this study. The study also contains a simple arithmetic example, based on historical prices collected from grain traders and trading floors, in order to point out the differences in the economical outcomes depending on the business strategy used to sell the produced goods. The study shows the importance, as a producer, of being able to use and take advantage of the different trading instruments at hand to monitor and exploit the shifts in the market. From an economical point of view it is not enough to just excel at farming but knowledge about the market functions and the trade instruments at hand is also required to be able to secure a good enough price for your goods.

Automatisk viktkontroll av glascontainer

This degree project has been carried out in cooperation with Gedevelop in Helsingborg.Gedevelop has developed a camera that can calculate the weight of a liquid glass mass.Because of the density and viscosity changes in the glass, the weight information issometimes incorrect given. Glass industry is today addressing the problem by an operatorperforming a manual weighing of a few bottles which, in turn, calibrates the camera system.The project aimed to develop an automated system to control the weighing of glass bottles forglass industries. This system must be so flexible that it can be easily mounted on plants withdifferent production equipment around the world.The project includes design and construction of equipment that meets the requirementsformulated together with Gedevelop. Work has been done both in Halmstad and Helsingborgand has included both calculations and review of the theory to understand the forces thatinfluence the design of different construction parts. A prototype was produced that meets theoperating requirements for the design and can be used in testing features.

Tillgänglighet på svenska folkbiblioteks webbplatser en kvantitativ tillgänglighetsstudie

Information technology has become an integral part of our everyday lives. The Web is an important part of this development, however, web pages can be inaccessible to many groups of users. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the accessibility of Swedish public library websites. Besides examining the general accessibility, this study also covers whether any specific aspect of accessibility is particularly poor and if so which groups may be affected. In addition, this study also examines whether a correlation can be found between the degree of accessibility and the size of the website.

Leder hög bonus till sämre redovisningskvalitet

This paper seeks to investigate whether there is a positive relationship between bonus as a part of total executive compensation and lower accounting quality among Swedish companies. In this study, accounting quality is defined as the degree by which a company's earnings are subject to earnings management. To detect earnings management accrual-based modified Jones model is applied to companies listed on the Large-, Mid- and Small-Cap lists on the Stockholm stock exchange during 2011. We find a statistically significant positive relationship between bonus as a part of total executive compensation and lower accounting quality. Thus, in line with prior research, our results suggest that managers, interested in maximizing their bonus, will select income increasing accruals to manage earnings upwards.

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