

1526 Uppsatser om Degree of Internationalization (DOI) - Sida 3 av 102

Vad är det som skiljer vuxna med diabetes, i att bemästra sin sjukdom

Background: Diabetes is a common disease where the degree of self-management is of paramount importance. Individual factors influences both cooping and general wellbeing among diabetic patients. Glycemic control is known to be important but other factors ought to be considered. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how individual self-management influences the general wellbeing among adult diabetic patients. Method: This literature study is based on scientific articles.

"Jag tycker nog att jag bor på Araby, det är nog alla andra som tycker att jag inte gör det." : - En kvalitativ studie om hur distinktioner påverkar tryggheten

This thesis suggests an explanation for how it is possible for individuals living in an unsafe neighborhood to expressa highlevel of security. Araby is the district in Växjö municipality withthe highest level of insecurity. Within the district, there is acategory of individuals in security-measurements showing a high degree of security. Inhabitants living in house in Araby also seem to show a higher level of security than inhabitants in the same accommodation in other neighborhoods in the municipality.The study's purpose is to understand how individuals belonging to an unsafe neighborhood can experience a high degree of security.Qualitative data were collected from an observation in Araby and from interviews with individuals living in house in the district.Previous research has shown that security in the surrounding area depends on several factors, such as disorders, the degree of social control and personal opinions. Thestudy shows how a distinction to places and people in the district can explain the degree of security.

Self-efficacy, arbetsprestation och arbetstillfredsställelse på ett callcenter företag i södra Sverige

This essay looks into the concept of self-efficacy and its implications for work performance. The participants in this study work for a call center company situated in the southern part of Sweden. The hypothesis is that a high degree of self-efficacy exerts a positive effect on work performance. Furthermore, the study seeks to identify the factors that give rise to work satisfaction among the participants. The results of the study show that there is a negative correlation between high self-efficacy and work performance.

Grad av marknadslösning och omfattning av formella åtgärder kring korruption :  - en jämförande fåfallsstudie med syfte att pröva ett indikerat samband

This thesis is a study of the indicated connection between degree of market orientated solutions and range of formal actions against corruption in Swedish municipalities. The indicated connection points in the direction that municipalities with a high degree of market orientated solutions have a higher range of formal actions against corruptionthan municipalities with a low degree of market orientated solutions. In this thesis the indicated connection is studied by analyzing documents fromand interviewing representatives of two Swedish municipalities with differentdegree of market oriented solutions; Botkyrka municipality representing a lowdegree and Nacka municipality representing a high degree. The results of analyzed documents and interviews show the range of formal actions taken against corruption by the municipalities.The empirical results of this thesis is that Nacka municipality have a higher range of formal actions against corruption than Botkyrka municipality has, a result which corresponds with and confirm the indicated connection between high degree of market orientated solutions and high range of formal actions against corruption..

PROKRASTINERING : gapet mellan avsikt och handling Studenter på högre utbildningar

The definition of procrastination can be described as a behavior with deliberate postponement of tasks or commitments despite expected negative consequences for the individual and his or her environment. This study examined how widespread this behavior is among students in higher education in Sweden. Using a web-based survey, data was collected for analysis. A statistical program, SPSS, was used for evaluation of the collected data. The purpose of this study was to examine whether there are differences in the degree of procrastination between students located on campus versus students who do their education at distance.

Modebranschens Internationella Arena: En studie om svenska modeföretags etablering och varumärkesbyggande på internationella marknader

Syftet med denna uppsats ämnar att beskriva svenska modeföretags internationaliseringsprocess. Därför ska vi undersöka och analysera nätverkets betydelse, barriärers påverkan, val av etableringsstrategier och varumärkesbyggnad vid internationalisering. För att uppnå syftet med vår studie har nedanstående huvudproblem formulerats: Hur går svenska modeföretag tillväga vid etablering och varumärkesbyggnad på den internationella marknaden? Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkt innefattar svenska modeföretags etablering på den internationella marknaden vilket berör internationaliseringsprocessen, nätverksperspektiv, barriärer, etableringsstrategier samt varumärkesbyggnad. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en deduktiv ansats där fyra fallstudier har tillämpats.

Ett varumärke kan inte välja sina föräldrar

Within the interconnected global markets of today; people, products, and information travel at a pace never met before. In light of the global retail markets recent integration, consumers are opened up to new products and are beginning to develop a vetted interest in the heritage of those products. Within literature this process has been coined "Country of Origin" COO, and its impacts on consumer attitudes, product value- assessment, and overall behaviors has been one of the most emphasized areas of "international business" studies, during the last three decades. Numerous studies have shown a correlation between positive or advantageous associations to a country of origin, and the actual products representing and coming out of that country. It is by this synergetic process that so-called positive COO-effects are brought forth.The goal of this thesis stems directly from the still unexplored potential for Swedish firms to differentiate their products and brands on new international markets, through a strategic and coherent communication of relevant Swedish COO-effects.

 Utvärdering av Revit Architecture :  Med hänsyn till Autocad Architecture

This Degree project summarizes how it is to work in the CAD program Revit Architecture. This was done because AQ Arkitekter in Eskilstuna is interested in how Revit works. Especially compared to AutoCad which is the software they are using today. Will their work become more efficient with the new software?The starting point was to find out how it is to work with Revit when you only used AutoCAD Architecture before.

Visualisering av tomten Pelarsalen, Välle Broar

This Degree project summarizes how it is to work in the CAD program Revit Architecture. This was done because AQ Arkitekter in Eskilstuna is interested in how Revit works. Especially compared to AutoCad which is the software they are using today. Will their work become more efficient with the new software?The starting point was to find out how it is to work with Revit when you only used AutoCAD Architecture before.

Ska ekonomin få styra miljön? : En studie om public-private partnerships

This thesis aims at investigating the two municipality?s Gislaved and Ljungby. Where the aim is to see if there is any connections, between the type and the degree of public-private partnerships, and the municipalities obtained environment performance. In this essay the starting point is that the environmental performance in the chosen municipalities is good.Interviews among local politicians and representatives for the municipalities plastic industries, has functioned as a way to test the hypothesis. Gislaved and Ljungby have thereafter been compared, in order to see if there is any similarity in the sort and the degree of public-private partnerships, and how that will affect the environmental performance. The overall questions in this essay are:How can the cooperation among the chosen municipalities and the      local business life be described? What kind of Public-private partnership      exists in the selected municipalities?Is there any difference between the municipalities, referring to      the degree of cooperation between the municipalities and the local      business life? Does the degree of cooperation affect the progress on the environmental      performance? The end result shows that the local business life doesn?t have any impact on the environmental performance.

PROKRASTINERING - gapet mellan avsikt och handling Studenter på högre utbildningar

The definition of procrastination can be described as a behavior with deliberate postponement of tasks or commitments despite expected negative consequences for the individual and his or her environment. This study examined how widespread this behavior is among students in higher education in Sweden. Using a web-based survey, data was collected for analysis. A statistical program, SPSS, was used for evaluation of the collected data. The purpose of this study was to examine whether there are differences in the degree of procrastination between students located on campus versus students who do their education at distance.

Ekonomisk frihet och nationers välstånd

This bachelor thesis examines the relation between countries? degree of economic freedom and their economic performance. Economic freedom as a concept is defined as the degree of market economy within a nation.The variable of measure that is used is the Frasier institute Economic freedom of the world index (EFI). The paper is built upon the Solow growth model and is extended by incorporation of additional variables; among which of course economic freedom. The study is performed through regression analysis, based on the neoclassical model both on rich countries, poor countries and on all investigated countries.Two investigations are performed: i) the impact from economic freedom on countries level of GDP per capita and ii) the impact from economic freedom on the growth rate in GDP per capita.The finding is that economic freedom can be seen as a relevant determinant of differences in GDP per capita growth rates between nations.

Ökad medvetenhet under jakt i skog och mark

This reportcommunicates the processes and results of my degree work in industrial design at candidate level at Umeå Institute of Design.During my degree work I had a cooperation with Svenska Jägareförbundet (Swedish Hunters Assosiation).The aim for my project has been to explore how I could make hunting a safer hobby and undertaking. Every year people get seriously injured and in average 2 people a year dies  due to hunting accidents. My goal is to identify problems within the hunters communication and approach. Through a creative design process I will find a valid  nd realistic solution to these problems. My project will be presented as a conceptual solution  hat will be based on currently existing technology.

Personer med utmattningssyndrom: : Finns det ett samband mellan subjektiv och objektiv kognition?

Research shows that people with burnout experience a high degree of impairments in a range of cognitive functions including memory, attention and concentration. The overall aim of the present study is to investigate whether there is a correlation between subjective estimates of cognition and cognitive performance with objective tests in people with burnout with a focus on working memory and executive functions. Three specific questions were addressed; First, what cognitive problems are described and to what degree? Second, is the performance of executive and working memory tests related to self-reported cognitive problems? Third, are the self-reported cognitive problems related to measures of psychological distress? The study included 77 patients, 65 women and 12 men, with a mean age of 43.48 years. The results show that patients with burnout perceive themselves as having significantly impaired cognition in everyday life, which is clearly evident on the basis of the self-assessment forms PRMQ and CFQ.

Internationella etableringar : en studie av Uppsalaskolans förklaringsvärde

Bakgrund: Dagens samhälle är i förändring, vilket av forskare har kallats att det gått från det moderna till det postmoderna samhället (Löwendahl & Revang, 1998). För företag har denna förändring bland annat inneburit att de måste internationaliseras, det vill säga starta engagemang på utländska marknader, för att överleva. Syfte: Uppsatsen syftar till att ge ett bidrag till nuvarande forskning genom att undersöka huruvida Uppsalaskolans internationaliseringsteori har ett tillfredsställande förklaringsvärde, eller om en uppdatering av denna vore att föredra.Avgränsningar: Vi avgränsar vår studie till att omfatta ett företag inom tillverkningsindustrin eftersom Uppsalaskolan bygger på en studie av tillverkningsföretag och är därmed applicerbar på denna typ av företag.Genomförande: För att kunna undersöka Uppsalaskolans förklaringsvärde, har vi utfört en kvalitativ studie av ett företags internationella engagemang genom att studera dess etablerings- samt internationaliseringsprocess. Resultat: Studiens resultat visar ett visst mönster av engagemang likt en stegvis etableringskedja i enlighet med Uppsalaskolans teori. Det förekommer dock avvikelser i form av att fallföretaget bland annat har snabbat på etableringar genom att inleda engagemangen med högre resursåtagande än vad som hävdas i teorin.

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