

1507 Uppsatser om Degenerative joint disease rehabilitation - Sida 7 av 101

Kronisk hjärtsvikt hos katt

This student report is a literature study about cardiac insufficiency in cats and it is written mainly for veterinary nurses. It is about cats with an underlying heart disease that has led to an incompensated heart failure.It presents a general basis on normal anatomy and physiology, and also how to make the diagnosis, therapy and intensive care.The student report is also about the role of the veterinary nurse during the process of the disease, how to help the veterinarian in the best way, how to handle anesthesia in cats with a heart disease, which factors that can have a significant matter in feeding, and what advices to give to a pet owner with a cat with a incompensated heart failure..

Det dolda hotet - om Europas minskande befolkning

Som en reaktion på ökad globalisering och teknisk utveckling har antalet samarbeten överorganisationsgränser ökat. När två eller flera samarbetsparter går samman och skapar ett gemensamtbolag benämns samarbetet som ett joint venture, vilket är en vanlig form av interorganisatorisksamverkan. För att kunna dra nytta av de fördelar som ett interorganisatoriskt samarbete erbjuderkrävs en ändamålsenlig ekonomistyrning. Antalet studier rörande styrningen i interorganisatoriskasamarbeten har ökat, men få behandlar den speciella problematik som föreligger i joint ventures, därrelationen mellan ägarna såväl som relationen mellan ägarna och det samägda bolaget skall beaktas.Studien syftar till att utveckla kunskap om vilken typ av styrning som tillämpas i relationerna, hurstyrningen utvecklas över tid och vad som påverkar styrningens utformning. En fallstudie av ett jointventure-bolag genomfördes och resultatet visar att styrningen i den horisontella relationen mellanägarna till övervägande del var förtroendebaserad som en följd av restriktivitet i val avsamarbetspartners.

Några rehabiliteringspatienters upplevelser av påverkan och kontroll i samband med rehabilitering efter cerebrovaskulär skada

The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of how patients following cerebral vascular attacks percieve personal Control and their ability to influence the course of their rehabilitation. Specific questions relating to the concept of Health Locus of Control such as perception of personal responsibility and own influences as well as the recognition of the influence of outside phenomena such as faith, luck and divine power were asked for. The empirical findings of this study were based upon semistrucutural interviews with five respondents. The results showed that the respondents efforts, together with the efforts of others were a necessity in successful rehabilitation. The influence of faith or luck on the other hand, was not percieved as a factor for success.

Livsstil och livskvalitet året efter avslutad hjärtrehabilitering : en enkätstudie

ABSTRACTBackground: To be stricken with a cardiac infarction is among other things linked to different risk factors.  Many studies show that the participants in cardiac rehabilitation programs learn to deal with the risk factors, increase their quality of life and lessen the risk for re-infarction.Objective: To describe the lifestyle and perceived quality of life of the individuals after having participated in cardiac rehabilitation program and to see if they had maintained their results up to a year after having a cardiac infarction.Method: The 19 individuals who had participated in cardiac rehabilitation in 2010 after having had a cardiac infarction were asked to participate in the study. Everyone agreed to participate. The study was made analyzing the surveys, one a locally made, that the individuals had filled out four and eight months after cardiac infarction, and the other the generic Quality of life questionnaire EQ-5D, that the individuals had filled out two and twelve months after cardiac infarction. Result: The individuals have not changed their lifestyle after having participated in cardiac rehabilitation which can be interpreted that they have followed existing recommendations. The mean weight increased with one kilogram, no depression is shown and they stress less.

Lokal samförvaltning av fiske ? hållbar lösning eller misslyckad politik?

Som en reaktion på ökad globalisering och teknisk utveckling har antalet samarbeten överorganisationsgränser ökat. När två eller flera samarbetsparter går samman och skapar ett gemensamtbolag benämns samarbetet som ett joint venture, vilket är en vanlig form av interorganisatorisksamverkan. För att kunna dra nytta av de fördelar som ett interorganisatoriskt samarbete erbjuderkrävs en ändamålsenlig ekonomistyrning. Antalet studier rörande styrningen i interorganisatoriskasamarbeten har ökat, men få behandlar den speciella problematik som föreligger i joint ventures, därrelationen mellan ägarna såväl som relationen mellan ägarna och det samägda bolaget skall beaktas.Studien syftar till att utveckla kunskap om vilken typ av styrning som tillämpas i relationerna, hurstyrningen utvecklas över tid och vad som påverkar styrningens utformning. En fallstudie av ett jointventure-bolag genomfördes och resultatet visar att styrningen i den horisontella relationen mellanägarna till övervägande del var förtroendebaserad som en följd av restriktivitet i val avsamarbetspartners.

Överlevt trafficking i Nepal: vad händer sedan? : En studie om det rehabiliterande sociala arbetet

Human trafficking is one of the biggest social problems in Nepal with over 12.000 Nepali women and children being trafficked over the border to India every year. Despite the scale and the severe consequences of trafficking in the Nepalese society, very little is known about efforts to rehabilitate survivors of human trafficking. The purpose of this study was to illustrate the rehabilitation methods and interventions in Nepal. It is based on the results from five interviews with three different nongovernmental organizations in Nepal. The result from this study shows that counseling is the main intervention for rehabilitation of the mental health of victims of trafficking.


Aphasia is a disease that brings on disability. The purpose of the study is to describe the daily life when afflicted with aphasia and gain a deeper understanding of persons with aphasia in working ages. The study was made with a qualitative approach with a combination of data sources; literature, internet lectures, live lectures, interviews with personnel in medical and educational services and three persons with aphasia. More research in aphasiology is welcome. This may be aimed at developing knowledge about the importance of communication, of active participation in the social environment, and the achievement of improved attitudes towards people with disabilities. The study should give rehabilitation actors and close relations knowledge and support in their action when they meet people with aphasia..

Formell makt = reell makt? En undersökning om män och kvinnors förutsättningar att bedriva politisk verksamhet

Som en reaktion på ökad globalisering och teknisk utveckling har antalet samarbeten överorganisationsgränser ökat. När två eller flera samarbetsparter går samman och skapar ett gemensamtbolag benämns samarbetet som ett joint venture, vilket är en vanlig form av interorganisatorisksamverkan. För att kunna dra nytta av de fördelar som ett interorganisatoriskt samarbete erbjuderkrävs en ändamålsenlig ekonomistyrning. Antalet studier rörande styrningen i interorganisatoriskasamarbeten har ökat, men få behandlar den speciella problematik som föreligger i joint ventures, därrelationen mellan ägarna såväl som relationen mellan ägarna och det samägda bolaget skall beaktas.Studien syftar till att utveckla kunskap om vilken typ av styrning som tillämpas i relationerna, hurstyrningen utvecklas över tid och vad som påverkar styrningens utformning. En fallstudie av ett jointventure-bolag genomfördes och resultatet visar att styrningen i den horisontella relationen mellanägarna till övervägande del var förtroendebaserad som en följd av restriktivitet i val avsamarbetspartners.

Talmotoriska avvikelser vid Parkinsons sjukdom och vid stamning: en jämförande studie

The following study examined whether similarities in motor speech deficits in Parkinson?s disease and in developmental stuttering could be observed. Furthermore, intelligibility was examined. Assessments of 16 people with Parkinson?s disease, 35 people with developmental stuttering and 49 matched controls were performed with the tests Dysartribedömningen and the Swedish Test of Intelligibility.

Utvärdering av autologt konditionerat serum :

Joint injury (inflammation) or osteoarthritis is the most common cause of poor performance in the athletic horse. Osteoarthritis is the ensuing degeneration of joint cartilage due to inflammation/injury. The single most important factor in the inflammation cascade of joint injuries is interleukin-1 (IL-1). Until recently, these injuries have been treated with products like hyaluronic acid, cortisone and polysulphated glycosaminoglycans (PSGAG). Several studies have not been able to demonstrate a significant difference in the clinical improvement of joint injuries treated with hyaluronic acid or PSGAG and saline.

Förhandlingslösning som alternativ till fortsatt militär kamp : en studie av två irreguljära parters val

The Swedish Armed Forces tend to ask themselves if it is sufficiently multinational interoperablefor participation in international operations. An equally valid question today should be whether theSwedish Armed Forces are sufficiently nationally / internally interoperable, between their branchesof service, to be able to conduct independent operations based on the joint warfare theory.The lack of ability to joint warfare in the armed forces in general and the Swedish Armed Forcesspecially constitutes the essay´s fundamental problem. By using Codners and Sjöbloms custominteroperability theory, the Swedish Armed Forces documents were analyzed to highlight anyweaknesses related to joint warfare and national interoperability between Ground and Air Forces.The survey shows weaknesses linked to the custom theory and Swedish Armed Forces governingdocuments. The ability of a national interoperability is limited between Ground and Air Forcestoday, mostly because of weaknesses in the Swedish Armed Forces strategic concept which doesnot describe the importance of joint warfare at all levels sufficiently. This leads to deficienciesreflected in doctrines, regulations, technology, techniques and exercises.

Sjukdomsresistens eller sjukdomstolerans inom husdjursaveln - en jämförelse

Tolerance and resistance are two different defence mechanisms within the immune system that differ from each other in many ways: However it is not clear which of the two is the most advantageous in dairy production. Resistance is described as the ability to fight a pathogen in a host. Tolerance is, on the other hand, not aggressive to the pathogen per se, but rather protects the host and its tissues. Furthermore tolerance rather offsets the toxin from, for example, a parasite whilst resistance offsets the parasite itself. Resistance is however disease specific, which means breeding for a large number of diseases is needed in order to make resistance worth the cost for the host.

Trädgårdsmästarens roll i en rehabiliteringsträdgård :

The aim of this essay is to find out how different factors influence the occupational role in a rehabilitation garden. The study is based on two qualitative interviews with and shadowing of the gardeners in the rehabilitation gardens of Alnarp and Gröna Rehab in Gothenburg. The result shows that the main factors that influence the occupational role is the gardener?s background, the garden/place, the participants, the team and the possibilities for development. The occupational role appears to consist of several different roles; the team-worker, the activity and project manager, the source of inspiration, the educationalist, the informer, the therapist and the fellow human being.

Problematiken vid samägd jord- och skogsbruksfastighet : De rättsliga förhållanden

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyze existing law concerning joint owner-ship in agriculture and forestry businesses. Joint ownership often arises through a succes-sion of ownership, therefore we will go through the most useful methods.Even if the owners of agriculture and forestry businesses are getting older, the numbers of succession of ownerships are still low. A succession of ownership is important to plan and its time is demanding. Often it takes three to five years for the completion of a succession of ownership. Therefore, owners must start their planning in time and think about what is to come of their business.

Skolgård : Ett pedagogiskt verktyg för fritidspedagoger

The present study aimed to replicate Tversky & Kahneman's' survey of 1981 The Asian Disease Problem. A survey was conducted on the Internet (N = 200). An identical problem was added, yet with The Swine Flu as the disease. This was done to be able to investigate if there are any order effects, and also if it matters whether the mentioned disease is fictional or real. The results show the same results as Tversky & Kahneman already noted; positively and negatively framed problems generate different responses from the participants.

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