

5467 Uppsatser om Decision factors - Sida 16 av 365

Erfarenhetsöverföring vid svenska utlandsstyrkan : Vilka faktorer påverkar och hur?

The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors affecting the experience transfer at the rotation of the missions. This is to identify the respective influences are inhibitory factor, which contributes to a less efficient transfer, or if it contributes to a more efficient handover. The method used for the production of this paper is a qualitative case study of squad leaders who have done service in Kosovo or Afghanistan. Through interviews with focus on the transfer of experience, both on individual and organizational level, the factors that affect are being identified. The model used is expressed in a general perspective, where each factor is categorized as inhibitory or contributing to success, and if it appears on an organizational or individual level.

Ledtidsreduktion i en kundorderstyrd produktion

AbstractPurpose ? The purpose of this study is to investigate possible reasons for long lead-time in a customer driven production, and how the lead-time can be reduced. To fulfil the purpose the study has been broken down into two questions.1. Whichfactorsaffectthelead-timeinacustomer-drivenproduction?2.

Familjens närvaro vid återupplivning : En litteraturöversikt av sjuksköterskors erfarenheter

Background:The new guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation states that the family should be given the opportunity to be present at the resuscitation of a close relative. A cardiac arrest is an emotional experience for the family. In addition to being part of the resuscitation effort, the nurse also needs to take care of the family.Aim:The aim of this study was to describe nurses' experiences of family presence during resuscitation.Method:A literature review has been made of 13 studies where differences and similarities were analyzed. The articles were published between the years of 2009 ? 2013Result:The nurses' experiences were divided into three categories; Factors that affect family presence, The nurse' experience surrounding the presence of the family, Factors affecting family presence in the resuscitation room.

Drivet bakom klivet - en studie av drivkrafterna bakom steget från näringsliv till ideell sektor

The Swedish nonprofit sector is experiencing a sectoral change, moving closer to the corporate sector to become more commercialized. The recruitment of leaders with corporate experience constitutes one of the factors influencing this development. Hence, to create an understanding of this sectoral change, the thesis aims to investigate the motivational forces underlying the leaders' decisions to work within the nonprofit sector. Additionally, the thesis seeks an understanding of why the leaders' decisions were made later in their careers. Through conducting qualitative interviews with leaders representing top management of six humanitarian organizations in Sweden, the study finds that nonprofit leaders with corporate background, analogous to volunteers and employees, are motivated by a sense of relatedness to the vision of the organization.

Inomorganisatorisk kreativitet och innovation

This essay discusses organizational culture and focus on corporate creativity and innovation. The aim is to see which organizational factors that foster creativity and innovation in organizations. The essay will provide answer on how organizational culture can encourage creativity and innovation and how organizations can promote the rise of a creative work environment. The research design of this essay is a qualitative case study with interviews at Gotland Energi AB (GEAB). The interviews provided insight in factors that can foster creativity and innovation in organizations.

Kampen om Piteå handelshamn 1950 - 1973 : från lokal stadshamn till nationell handelshamn

Survey's purpose is to illustrate why and how the process happened when Piteå relocated its commercial port away from Skuthamn to the new construction on Haraholmen 1950-1973. How decision-makers worked to achieve their goals, how the work changed and what incentives motivated them to act. The results showed that the decision was taken not to retain the existing commercial port in large part due to Skuthamns physics attributes, which made it impossible to ship large deep vessels from there. The reason that the decision about the port took such a long time was due to a local political conflict which was based on interest in the ownership of Haraholmen. The reason for the location of the trading port became Haraholmen had political backgrounds.

Should I Stay or Should I Go : En studie av relationen mellan de anställdas möjligheter till kompetensutveckling och deras intention att stanna på företaget

The management of information is a significant competitiveness in companies. Companies stored and save information every day, and it is very common to save de information in different sources. This makes de management of information complex. To mange, monitor and analyze the information, companies can use a system called Business Intelligence. BI system is an analytical system that extracts and converts data into useful information that helps employees to make informed decisions.

Hur paraplyorganisationer fungerar - en fallstudie på ESTOC

Umbrella organizations, organizations that have other organizations as members, are in previous research described as arenas of conflicts with problematic decision-making and contradictory parallel action towards political decision-makers. However, the research within this subject is limited, and therefore the aim of this paper is to add knowledge to how such organizations in fact work. After conducting a case study at the trade association ESTOC this thesis challenge previous statements about umbrella organizations and conclude that there, under certain circumstances, may exist harmony within an umbrella organizations. The main implication, thus, is that we have to readdress umbrella organizations in quite another way to be able to make a more realistic interpretation of collaborations in umbrella organizations..

Man vill ju inte se glupsk ut : En kvalitativ studie om unga vuxna kvinnors ätande

The decisions for investment are forward-looking and the base of a long-term strategy. The research within investment have focused on diverse formulas which are used in financial assessment, which also should be complemented with qualitative evaluation. Consequently, the focus should not only be on the execution of the formulas. Less time have been spent on research concerning what actually initiates the investment proposals and affects the decision-making. This will be highlighted in this essay.

Betydelsefulla motivationsfaktorer hos unga vuxna som skall söka arbete : -Rädsla för att hamna utanför samhället

A young adult is defined to be in the ages 16?25 and it is during these years that they step in to the job market. Many young adults feel pressured by society to have a job and to keep it. There are motivational factors such as money, activity level, variation, social contacts and personal development that drives the young adult to want a job. The purpose of the study was to examine which motivational factors are significant and the difference between the genders.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av patienter med psykossjukdom och deras delaktighet i den psykiatriska öppenvården

Several studies show that the clinical reality in psychiatric care does not correspond to the demand of consumer participation from a variety of policy documents that has been produced recently. Studies also show that there is a lot to do in improving, patients with sever mental illness, becoming more involved in their own care. The nurse has a central role in this work. The Norwegian nursing theorist Jan-Ka?re Hummelvolls holistic, existentialistic model for psychiatric nursing were used as theoretical ground.The aim of this study was to examine how nurses in psychiatric outpatient units, caring for patients with psychotic disorders, experiences consumer participation.Qualitative phenomenological method was used.

Romers rätt till politisk delaktighet och inflytande i Sverige : en diskursorienterad policyanalys av artikel 15 i Ramkonventionen

The aim of this essay is to study the decision making process and implementation of the principle of political participation and influence for Roma minority in Sweden. The results regarding the decision making process is structured through a discourse influenced policy analyses. Problem picture and recommended measures in the political documents representing the decision making process are analysed through theories of minority rights and equality. The implementation is seen through, by the author given minority discourse and the work in the roma council and analysed by the same theories already mentioned.The results show that regarding the decision process the aim of art.15 in the framework convention is based on the idea of equality while the Swedish documents relates more to an idea of the right to speak for the group. Regarding recommended measures, the framework convention gives several recommendations on specific measures for political participation while the Swedish documents focuses on the general politics of the state.

Att åter fungera som vilken medborgare som helst - om att bli integrerad i samhället efter drogmissbruk

The decisions for investment are forward-looking and the base of a long-term strategy. The research within investment have focused on diverse formulas which are used in financial assessment, which also should be complemented with qualitative evaluation. Consequently, the focus should not only be on the execution of the formulas. Less time have been spent on research concerning what actually initiates the investment proposals and affects the decision-making. This will be highlighted in this essay.

Vad påverkar folkbibliotekens inköp av skönlitteratur för vuxna ? en jämförande studie av ett svenskt folkbibliotek och dess engelska motsvarighet

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to do a comparativecase study between a public library in Sweden and one in England. Our aim is to examine what factors affect alibrarian in charge of purchasing fiction for adults and to what degree. We have used two methods of study, specifically semi-constructed interviews with two librarians and text analysis of policies in place at each library respectively. Our research questions share the above mentioned context and should therefore be read with that backdrop:-How is selection and purchase covered in the policies?-What selection criteria are used by the respondents?-What differences are there regarding the decision making? -How can the viewpoints be explained?Our analytical framework was based on three arguments namely market demand, quality and social inclusion when examining our material.

Förändringsarbete inom socialförvaltningen

This report is about changes in an organization. Changes is something that every organization sooner or later is bound to do. In many cases the changes leads to problems and conflicts. I have chosen to study one change process in the home help service of the municipality of Bollnäs. The change process I have chosen to study is about changes in the day-to-day work for the employees at the home help service.

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