834 Uppsatser om Debate - Sida 22 av 56
Medborgaren och språket - En studie av Folkpartiets förslag att införa språktest för att erhålla medborgarskap
AbstractThe aim of this thesis is to analyse a proposition that was made by the Swedish liberal party in the election campaign in 2002. The proposition was part of an integration program and the main point was that to become a Swedish citizen you should do a test to prove your ability in Swedish. In this paper, I?ve been investigating the way that this proposition was presented and the reactions that it met among the Swedish people. In my work I have noticed that there are some specific arguments that were very powerful and which were the ones that attracted most people.
Att förstå medborgardialoger från olika perspektiv
The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the problems caused by students that characterize themselves as highly sensitive. The issue of high sensitivity and other categorizations are fiercely Debated in the research. This empirical study was conducted in light of literature about high sensitivity, pedagogies, and interview methods. The students answered questions about what makes them categorize themselves and how they believe that the categorization affects their learning and social development. They also responded to questions about what they consider appropriate measures to improve their situation.
Varför har European Civil Peace Corps inte bildats?: En studie om civilt fredsbevarande, maktutövande och kämpande diskurser.
The purpose of this study is to find out why the EU has not yet implemented the EuropeanCivil Peace Corps (ECPC), which the EU Parliament took a resolution about in 1999. Themore specific questions posed are whether the concept of ECPC has been redefined, whetherthe issue of ECPC has been prevented from coming up for discussion and decision-making,and what this has meant for the non-implementation. Steven Lukes' theory about the threedimensions of power is used in combination with a discourse analysis method. The materialused is documents from the EU Parliament's decisions and Debate about ECPC, and ECPCfeasibility studies. In the analysis I find one "law and order"-discourse and one "peaceknowledge"-discourse.
Normbrytande beteende : en studie av uppfattningar och resonemang hos kuratorer på högstadieskolor
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how staff at secondary schools are thinking and reasoning about notifications to social services based on norm breaking behaviors in students. To find this out five qualitative interviews has been made with counselors in two public schools and three private schools in Örebro län. The results show that there is no clear definition of what norm breaking behavior is which making the reasoning difficult. There are clear procedures for the staff to dealing with norm breaking behaviors but they do not know when they will be applied. The decision to report behavior to the social service is usually not taken individually, it is a result of several people?s views and experiences.
Grönskan i Staden : grönstrukturens utveckling, funktioner & innehåll
The report by Boverket (2004), Hållbara städer och tätorter i Sverige - ett förslag till strategi says that large and somewhat intact green areas are better than severalsmall. Linking rural natural areas with the city's green areas, improves the opportunities for recreation and biodiversity (Boverket 2004). To create this, there isneed for a green structure in the city and its surroundings. But how to create this structure and what are the problems with the green areas in the city today? Thescenario that more and more people choose to settle in urban areas is a trend which not appears to decline, and at the same time our green spaces in cities and ruralareas decreases (Boverket 2007).
Chefskap, administration och IT - Hur går det ihop? : En kvalitativ studie av hur enhetschefer inom kommunal verksamhet upplever IT-system
The increasing administration in IT-systems is the target of much Debate today. It is viewed as taking time from what is considered to be managers? real tasks as well as resulting in an ineffective and stressful work environment. This view of IT-systems as problematic and time consuming can also been found among unit managers in a municipality in the north of Sweden. To be able to understand why IT-systems are perceived in this way this study?s aim has been to find what leads to this view.
Det politiska i författningspolitiken - en idéanalys av riksdagsdebatten i anknytning till Grundlagsutredningen
This essay revolves around two questions: what is the nature of politics, and what kind of political order ensures a high rate of citizen participation? By using Cantal Mouffes theory on the political this essay shows how different understandings of the nature of politics can lead to diverging views on what forms democracy should take. Two such understandings are identified; one that sees the nature of politics as characterized by conflict and power, one that sees it as a space for cooperation in search for the common good. I trace these different ideas about the political in the parliamentary Debate concerning Swedish constitutional reform. I conclude that the left-of-centre parties hold a view of the political closer to the conflict-perspective, while the green party together with the liberals/conservatives lean closer to the opposite view..
Den önskvärda demokratin? - Om demokratins tillstånd och försvar
This thesis deals with non-wanted political parties e.g. right wing populism. How should a democracy handle these opinions? So far these parties have been neglected and not even considered as real parties. By excluding them from the Debate and the political arena, media and more established parties have seen them merely as a threat than as democratic parties.
Företagande som strategi: -Frihet kostar trygghet, det måste man kunna leva med
Over the last decade the conversation on entrepreneurship has been both worldwide and intense. In Sweden, as in many other countries, this conversation has also concerned women?s entrepreneurship. Parallel with this conversation has been the Debate on women in leading position in large corporations. This thesis aims to find out why and how women use entrepreneurship to handle existing conditions in life (such as the hardship of combining a traditional career with a traditional family life) and to create new conditions that suit them better.
Tro och vetande : om evolution och kreationism i skolans biologiundervisning
The purpose of this essay is to study the public Debate on the subject of creationism, the belief that there is a creator of all life on earth. The study is focused on creationism in different forms in schools and the more general discussion of creationism as an alternative to the theory of evolution. The overall question is what should be taught as the origin of life: Evolution or creationism in various shapes and forms? The essay consists of an overview of previous research in both the USA and Sweden, and an analysis of argumentation on the issue in newspapers. A comparison is made between the USA and Sweden.The analysis of newspapers shows that there are some arguments for different forms of creationism but there are considerably more arguments against creationism.
Der Wille zur Macht. En analys av den editionsteoretiska striden om Friedrich Nietzsches litterära kvarlåtenskap
In my thesis I examine the editorial theory and practice of the Nietzsche-Archives. At the center of the academic Debate we find the posthumous edition Der Wille zur Macht, firstly published 1901 as Friedrich Nietzsches magnum opus. 1906 a new edition was published, which has been described by Nietzsche-scholars as canonical. The editors Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche and Heinrich Köselitz manipulated the literary remains of Friedrich Nietzsche. The Nietzsche-scholars interpret these textual corrections and interventions differently.
Att tala är att träta : En analys av debatten i det brittiska underhuset rörande Turkiets EU-medlemskap
The prospect of Turkish accession to the EU has sparked controversy in many of the member countries. It has highlighted the different ways in which European as well as Turkish identity is being defined in the Debate, with some politicians seemingly trying to draw on old prejudices in order to make the case against membership. By utilising discourse analysis as advocated by Thomas Diez, this thesis seeks to explore the Debates regarding the Turkish accession bid in the British House of Commons. Its purpose is to analyse how ?EU? and ?Turkey?, understood as contested concepts, gets described in different ways.
En debatt om kollektivhus i det tidiga 1930-talet : Den gifta kvinnan möter moderniteten
Denna uppsats handlar om en debatt, som fördes i en brytningstid, då den gifta kvinnans rätt till yrkesarbete ifrågasattes. Ett funktionalistiskt förslag om kollektivhus, där hushållsarbetet och en del av barnavården skulle skötas av kollektivt anställd personal, avsåg att underlätta kvinnans yrkesarbete. Den gällande normen förutsatte, att den gifta kvinnan var hemarbetande och mannen försörjare. Debatten kom att kretsa kring hustruns plikter mot familjen och barnens liv i det kollektiva huset. Här stod bevarare av traditionen mot anhängare av ett nytt familjemönster.Syftet har varit att fokusera anhängare och motståndare och analysera deras argument och strategier.
"Den stora stygga vargen?" : En argumentationsanalys om vargens moraliska värde i vargdebatten
The purpose of this paper is to see which ethical content arguments have in the Debate about wolfhunting, particularly with regard to the Svensk Jakt respective Tidningen Djurens Rätt's arguments. The method used in this paper is the analysis of arguments in which I investigate the pro and contra arguments of the four authors of the articles that I have chosen to study. I will avail myself of theories from Carruthers and Franklin. Analysis shows that the authors of the Swedish hunting above all have a ecocentric view of the wolf where it is an instrumental value for the ecosystem, and the authors of Djurens Rätt's has especially a biocentric view of the wolf where it may be an absolute value, but they can also extend to the that the wolf has instrumental value in the ecocentric perspective. The discussion has shown that Djurens Rätt's and Svensk Jakt has a common position that is an ecocentric perspective where the wolf has instrumental value, even though they believe that different actions are different law to protect the species and the ecosystem..
Om eleverna själva får välja : En studie av högstadieelevers attityder till litteraturläsning
This essay examines the decline of reading comprehension in Swedish schools, and also aims to provide insight into the Debate concerning a literary canon and its usage in schools. While some claim that the literary canon is only a list of irrelevant white dead men which only serves to perpetuate feelings of alienation in, for example, female students, others see it as a means to bring society together using the only literature that stood the test of time. This essay will look to studies concerning reading comprehension, and questions regarding reading habits which our own students answered. It will also explain the different viewpoints of both sides of the canon Debate.There are several studies that show this decline in reading comprehension, PISA and PIRLS being the foremost of them. They point to a trend where the reading skills of boys are much worse than those of girls, a trend which still has not panned out.Bloom and the different researchers who are the basis for Verhaest's thesis are of the opinion that canonical literature serves a purpose in that it teaches students aesthetic literary values.