

11549 Uppsatser om Data validation - Sida 64 av 770

Kvoterad föräldraledighet - Jämställdhet eller tvång?

The essay?s purpose is to illustrate the topic of parental leave and the distribution of the domestic work in the households. Furthermore this essay aims to investigate the following questions:§ Which factors will be of importance while considering how to divide the parental leave?§ How do families with small children distribute the domestic work?§ What are the opinions regarding equal allocation of parental leave quotas in families with small children?We have used a quantitative method to gather our empirical data. Surveys were handed out to parents visiting six ?Öppna förskolan? in Örebro.

En kvalitativ utvärdering av det accelerometerbaserade hältdetektionssystemet ?Lameness Locator? :

Background: Evaluation of lameness in horses is traditionally performed by a veterinarian who subjectively evaluates the movements of the horse. Accordingly, lameness diagnosis varies with the veterinarian and circumstances for which the horse is examined. Research within the area has long tried to establish an objective and standardized method for lamenessevaluation in horses. Several methods have been shown to be reliable and are used regularly within research, for example measurement of forces between the hoof and ground, and measurement of movements with high speed cameras or accelerometers. However these methods require considerable preparation, standardization, and expensive equipment as well as produce large amounts of data that are incomprehensible for the clinician.

Främmande i två länder : -En studie om att växa upp med två kulturer

Idag finns det inga regler i Sverige fo?r hur ha?llbarhetsarbete ska redovisas vilket har resulterat i att redovisningen av ha?llbarhetsarbete ser olika ut fo?r olika fo?retag. Den ha?r studien har underso?kt vilka delar av ha?llbarhet svenska fo?retag redovisar och till vilken grad samt hur redovisningen har fo?ra?ndrats o?ver tiden. Vidare har den underso?kt vilka fo?rklaringar som kan ligga till grund fo?r resultatet.

Design och Produktutveckling : En fallstudie om hur företag med hjälp av design kan skapa mervärde till konsumenten i produktutvecklingen

In today?s competitive market, design is an important element for the companies. They must succeed with delivering an increased value and an experience for the consumer to be able to survive. The Swedish company?s have become better in the design area, the higher standards the consumer?s demands forces the company to invest more in design.

Möte med ett okänt musikstycke Musikhögskolestudenters strategier när de ska bilda sig en uppfattning om ett nytt musikverk utifrån ett fonogram eller en notbild

Title: An encounter with an unknown piece of music. This essay describes the mechanisms involved in musical interpretation, by studying a score and listening to a recording. I have tried to map processes dealing with listening and score reading through an experiment, in which students from the Malmö Academy of Music were presented with a novel piece of music. I have made some conclusions, for instance it seems as though there is a connection in the interpretation between musical complexity and tempo, and a connection between dynamics and pitch, moreover that the participants in this study seem to be affected by the interpretational practice at the Malmö Academy of Music. The study is qualitative in its design both regarding data collection and interpretation of data.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser och copingstrategier vid palliativ hemsjukvård

Aim: The aim of the current study was to investigate nurses? experiences of caring for palliative patients in palliative home care, and to examine the coping strategies they use.Method: The study was empirical descriptive with qualitative approach. The data was collected by nine semi-structured interviews and analyzed by using manifest content analysis.Result: By analysing data three categories: Positive experiences of palliative home care, Stressful experiences of palliative home care and Problem-focused coping strategies, and 15 subcategories, were distinguished.Conclusion: Experiences of palliative home care were both of positive and challenging characters. Stressful situations were managed by problem-focused coping strategies. Nurses are in need of the work situation at home to become more ergonomic and designed to protect the nurse?s physical wellbeing.

Generiska strategiers påverkan på köpbeteenden - En studie av kunderna till två livsmedelsbutiker

Due to the well-developed rhetoric and the relative easiness to estimate costs, cost considerations are usually more in-depth than revenue considerations when discussing strategies impact on profitability. To avoid dysfunctional companies and poorly judged strategy decisions it is necessary to develop the rhetoric of revenue considerations.By collecting data from 230 respondents in a quantitative study of two grocery stores in Mora, the study aimed to assess the relationship between choice of generic strategy and self-reported buying behavior, considering differing decision-making processes of customers.The results of the study indicate that a differentiation strategy performs better than a low-cost strategy in terms of buyer frequency, number of goods and cost of purchase. However, due to a poor data collection method, the results are weak, and should therefore be questioned. The study indicates that reliability considerations for behavioral measures should be treated in the same respect as psychological measures, and therefore illuminates the need for new methods and measures to be developed..

Prisstrategier : En studie om dynamisk prissättning på Major events

Purpose: The purpose of this Bachelor is to analyze how the organizers of a Major event price their tickets and how these strategies consistent and differs from dynamic pricing. The study also aims to analyze whether there are conditions for dynamic pricing in Major events in the future.Theories: Dynamic pricing - Kimes model, Segmentation, price discrimination, variable ticket pricing.Method: The study used a triangulation where a qualitative interview was combined with quantitative data collection. Primary data was collected through a qualitative approach through an interview with General Secretary Tony Wiréhn and Marketing Director Malin Eldh in the local organization of the IIHF World Championship in Sweden. The quantitative data collection was to collect price information from the games played in the Swedish side of the World Championship organization arrangements.Conclusion: The conclusions that can be drawn are that the organizer of Ice Hockey World Championships today largely applies segmentation and also the second and third degree price discrimination. World Cup organization believes that it has something they call "semi-dynamic pricing", which according to this study involves a variable pricing with dynamic tendencies, then prices on some games adapted based on supply and demand during the sales period.

IDQ Viewer: För enklare Visning av Databasstruktur : Viewer : För enklare Visning av Databasstruktur

The social community is structured around data, a lot of that data is stored in different types of databases. The meaning of this essay is to develop an interactive tool that will change the way database visualization is done, and also to research in which fields a tool of this type can be used. With the help of different methods we discovered areas where it could be of use, such as; presentation of a database, development and documentation of a database. The primary goal of the prototype was to make viewing of database structures easier, even people without prior database knowledge should be able to understand the structure. During the development we used prototypes.

EU och informationsfriheten. En idé- och ideologianalys av informationsfriheten i EU:s datalagringsdirektiv 2006/24/EG.

This master?s thesis is about freedom of information ideas in the European Union data retention directive, 2006/24/EC. The directive means that data about electronic communications services will be retentioned. The aim of the thesis is to examine what ideas related to freedom of information that appear in the directive and how these ideas belong to the ideology of freedom of information that is common within the library community and to the juridical restrictions. In the light of surveillance tendencies that have occurred over the last years, the most well-known is probably the USA Patriot Act, it is interesting to study how freedom of information ideas appears when surveillance is legislated.

Ledningsarbete på ISS Trafficare AB : En fallstudie av hur pendeltågsstationerna drivs i Stockholm

This essay was written at Södertörn University during the spring semester of 2010, in the field of Business Administration, and more precisely within management and organization. The essay is based on a case study of the management of the staff working at the commuter train stations in Stockholm. The study consists of a number of interviews with the management staff and with the personnel working at the stations, where the aim of the study is to describe how management works within ISS Trafficare AB and what the personnel working at the stations think of it. ISS Trafficare AB is the entrepreneur who runs the commuter train stations in Stockholm by an agreement met with Stockholmståg KB.The study is based on information from the interviews with the personnel and other material from ISS Trafficare AB. Research on the area of management have been used to put data into perspective and to further deepen our analysis and conclusions from the case.The essay shows that the management has tried to implement several changes on the organization in order to provide more service to the travelers.

Kommunikationens inverkan på prestation i ett interkulturellt perspektiv

Ledaren har en avsevärd påverkan på medarbetarens prestationsförmåga ocharbetstillfredsställelse. Stöd är en kommunikationsaspekt som främjardelaktighet, tillfredställelse och prestationsutveckling för individen, menbidrar också till företagets lönsamhet. Första delstudien undersökersambandet mellan ledares kommunikationsförmåga och medarbetarnasprestationsförmåga. Data insamlad i interkulturellt, industriellt företag i sexländer, tre världsdelar (N=2568). Resultatet visar ett signifikant sambandmellan ledarens kommunikationsförmåga och medarbetares prestationsförmåga.Ifrågasätta predicerar medarbetarnas prestation i störstutsträckning i fem av sex länder.

Undersökning & Utvinning av Smartphones : En djupgående analys av positionsdata

The ordinary phone of today is not the same as it was 10 years ago. We still use them tomake phone calls and to send text messages, but the ordinary phone of today has muchmore uses, it is essentially a computer. To put into context to 10 years ago, it is a verypowerful computer, capable of processing wide array of information and presenting it tothe user. Nearly every single device today has a wireless connection, which makes everyuser connectable and able to use online services and internet at any time and place.This gives the user the possibility to integrate his or hers everyday actions with socialmedia and different search functions. Being able to search the internet for persons,restaurants, public transportation and a lot more is very useful to most.


Beans are a global source of plant-based protein, and in some countries, they constitute a primary source of protein intake. With ongoing climate change, including rising temperatures, it is necessary to adapt beans to ensure a reliable food supply. An important mechanism that many plants have, to cope with high temperatures, is cooling through transpiration. During transpiration, stomata open and release water vapor. Water molecules use heat energy from the leaf to convert into gas, thereby cooling the leaf.

Annorlunda liv : En C-uppsats om personer med svåra psykiska problem och deras syn på livet i förhållande till utanförskap och återinträde

The aim of the essay was to see how the respondents reasoned about different themes like, isolation, integration and barriers to integration, given that they had all been diagnosed with a psychosis diagnosis. The essay takes part of secondary data that had been gathered through interviews by researchers at the department of Research and Development Psychiatric South Stockholm during a 3 year period. To work with the interview data a qualitative interview analysis method was used. The interviews were analyzed against theories of social interaction, labeling, stigma and the theory of ?role exit?.

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