11680 Uppsatser om Dataöverföring - Sida 6 av 779
Kopplingsbeslag för resårbottnar
The project has been implemented in collaboration with Carl-Johan Lundberg on Deltagruppen Ltd in Jönköping. Problem introduction comes from Carl-Johan's own experience from the hotel sector. The problem that all hotels has is that they sell two products, i e. simple - and double rooms. Persons that travel in companies do not desire always to share bed.Focus in the work is to develop a product that holds together two simple beds and forms double bed, concurrent that it goes that converters to two simple bed without needing to disassemble the product and be done invisible.
Datakvalitet : En fallstudie om kvaliteten i SJ:s underhållssystem
SJ is a government-owned passenger train operator in Sweden. SJ currently uses asystem called Ford for control and monitoring of maintenance. Technical andorganizational factors have given Ford the character of a monolithic system withoutflexibility and conditions to meet SJ's increased requirements.The main purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate how data quality can bedefined at SJ and to examine the data quality in Ford. This will give SJ an indication ofwhat their quality efforts should focus on in the future.The technical data quality parameters found are: accuracy, timeliness, completenessand consistency. The user centred data quality parameters are: accessibility,understandability and reliability.
Coops egna ma?rkesvaror : en uppdatering av varukraven
Coop Sverige inga?r i ett nordiskt inko?pssamarbete fo?r sina egna ma?rkesvaruprodukter (EMV), Coop Trading. Na?sta a?r, 2012, bryter man sig ur detta samarbete och av den anledningen vill Coop Sverige se o?ver varukraven fo?r sina EMV-produkter.
Coop har som ma?lsa?ttning att vara det ledande och mest innovativa detaljhandelsfo?retaget och branschens fra?msta spra?kro?r och inspirationska?lla fo?r ha?llbar konsumtion.
Blästring av trä : Ett materialbibliotek av blästrade och ytbehandladeträytor
In my thesis I have sand blasted different type of woods - ring-porous and diffuseporous deciduous tree species and conifers - to show different results depending on the species, the direction of the grain and the effects of surface treatment of a blasted surface.The results of my tests were sometimes unexpected, such as that the sand from blasting almost completely disappeared, that all wood surfaces after blasting exhibited a much lighter or paler surface than before and that the diffuse-porous tree species showed differences in hardness between the beginning and end of annual rings.By creating a library of different kinds of wood and sandblasted surface treatment, I have created a reference bank that I will be able to use me in the manufacturing of interiors, furniture and other objects..
Energieffektivitet i datahallar
The number of data centers and their capacity is increasing throughout the world. Theenergy used in these data centers and the emissions from the use are increasing at thesame rate. The total use of energy will double from 2008 to 2011 based on the trends indata centers use. Research in this area says that the emissions from data centers willhave surpassed the level of airline traffic in 2020. The index used today to compare howefficient a data center is, called PUE, is lacking some information.
Debattens tvärmediala rörelser - en studie av tre debattformat och deras förutsättningar
This thesis studies three kinds of debate formats. Those are DN Debatt, SVT Debatt and Ring P1. The focus lies in the interrelations between these forums and how they interact with theri audience. Since debate is an essential tool for political and democratic practice, it is vital to study the movements and the realtions between these media formats. Some of the questions in this study are: What happens with a debate topic when it moves between the formats? In which way are the formats democratic and what does their communicative forms mean for political practice and citizen participation? The study shoes how the interpretation of a specific term can expand during a debate.
Hantering av viktiga framgångsfaktorer vid utveckling av ett Data Warehouse
Business Intelligence may help organizations in making the right decisions byproviding data for analysis which can be presented to decision makers. DataWarehouse which is a central part of Business Intelligence can be built in severalways but the methods presented by Ralph Kimball and Bill Inmons are considered thetwo main methods. The solution provided by Inmon focuses on integrating the entirebusiness into one large database using relational database development. Kimballhowever proposes dimensional database modeling by creating one or more data martsand integrating these using a data bus. Previous research has shown that the quality ofa Data Warehouse can be measured through critical factors such as data quality andsystem quality.
Utvärdering av riktlinjer för inkorporering av syndikat data i datalager : Praktikfältets syn på tillämpbarhet och nyttoeffekt av Strands riktlinjer för inkorporering av syndikat data i datalager.
Inkorporering av extern data i datalager är problematiskt och problematiken bekräftas av aktuella undersökningar inom området. Detta har medfört att det utvecklats olika former av stöd för att bemöta och analysera problemen som organisationer ställs inför.För organisationer är det i högsta grad viktigt att dess beslutsfattare är välinformerade och klarar av att selektera information från stora mängder data. Det är i dessa sammanhang som en datalagerlösning är en viktig hörnsten för att stödja analys och presentation av data som ursprungligen är lagrad i olika datakällor (både interna och externa). Genom att inkorporera extern data i datalagret uppnår datalagret en betydligt högre potential och således kan även organisationer och framförallt dess beslutsfattare utvinna stora fördelar.Strand (2005) har tagit fram riktlinjer för att stödja inkorporeringsprocessen av extern data i datalager. Dock saknas en utvärdering av riktlinjerna.
Platt Hierarki : Metoder för omvandling av relationsdata till hierarkisk data
The relational database model was defined in the 1970?s and is the dominating database type today. The main difference between data from a relational database and a hierarchical data structure is that the relational database stores records in tables. The records have no particular order, but can include links in terms of relationships with other records. A hierarchical structure organizes data in the form of a tree structure and can for an example be found in organizational structures in which different levels involves different responsibilities. If the data stored in a relational database is to be presented in a hierarchically, a conversion of the data structure is required. The intention of this paper is to describe how such a conversion can be performed.  To investigate the conversion methods, case studies has been conducted on the basis of a specific organization?s hierarchical structure.
Minskad trädtillväxt under Lilla sitiden? : En dendroklimatologisk jämförelse mellan nutid och 1600-talet invid trädgränsen i norra Skandinavien
During the period called Little Ice Age (1400 ~ 1900) the climate of northern Europe was in an annual year-basis overall colder than it was before and after that period. The numbers of short, cold and rainy summers and long, bitter-cold winters where often repetitive under the approximately 500-years the period lasted. In Scandinavia, the coldest time during this period is estimated to have started around the end of the 16th century and lasted to the beginning of the 18th century. Trees growing at the tree-line are limited by temperature for their annual growth and hence showing differences of growth during changes in the climate, Â a method called dendroclimatology. The variations of growth can be read in the tree-rings either by analyze the width of the ring or by look into the density of the wood and is used to reconstruct past climates.
Förbättrar en kvalitetssäkring skördarens dimensionsmätning?
In this study it was investigated if the adoption of a new routine for quality control could improve the precision of the dimension measurement obtained by harvesters. Data was collected from three different harvesters. First, a reference data set was collected before the new procedures had been incorporated, and then when the new methodology was implemented another data set was collected by the harvester operators, allowing the two data set to be compered.
The results indicated that following the implementation of the new procedures, the reliability and the precision of the measurements has increased. All harvesters included in the study had improved regarding most of the controlled factors such as standard deviation, systematic difference and hit rate within ± 2 cm for length and ± 4 mm for diameter..
En doftstimulerad mo?belbutik : En studie om olfaktoriska stimulis pa?verkan pa? kunders produktutva?rdering
ForskningsfrågaPåverkas kunders utvärdering av produkten vid införseln av olfaktoriska stimuli?SyfteVi har för avsikt att beskriva, analysera och diskutera om införsel av olfaktoriska stimuli påverkar kundernas produktutvärdering i en butik.MetodikUppsatsen utgår från en kvantitativansats och använder sig av deduktion. Metodi-kvalet beror på att grunden till rapporten är baserad på hypoteser som författarna har valt att pröva, med hjälp av ett fältexperiment.SlutsatsRapporten kommer till slutsatsen att doftstimuli inte påverkar kunders produktutvärdering vid införseln av olfaktoriska stimuli i en möbelbutik..
Integrering av Digitala Färdskrivare och Telematik för den nya Europeiska Standarden
This Master of Science thesis project handles issues around managing data from the digital tachographsystem. European legislation states that companies must download the data of the digital tachograph systemand store it for at least one year for control purposes. The system stores data on the vehicle unit located inthe driving compartment and on smart cards personal for each driver.Acquiring data from the previous analogue tachograph was done instantaneously since the data wasphysically printed to a circular paper chart when driving. To acquire data from the digital system one mustperform a download from the vehicle unit and later transfer it to some form of backup solution for longterm storage. Data must also be downloaded from the driver smart cards.Download of data from the vehicle unit is the most time consuming task and may take up to 30minutes pervehicle.
Inre och yttre landskap : Tre platser i norra Europa från järnåldern och dessa platsers senare betydelse
This study sets out to investigate the social significance and political use of three historical places, from the theoretical starting points of landscape, objects, society and rituals. The Teutoburger Forest in North Germany has had an international effect, being a german national icon during the reformation and through two world wars, Old Uppsala is a place of great importance for the creation and reproduction of Swedish national identity during several hundred years, and Eketorp ring fort on Öland in Sweden is of more regional importance. All these places have been used for social and political reasons through history. History can be used in a constructive or a destructive way. This study stresses the importance of a critical scientific tradition..
Användningsområden för Big data inom analytisk CRM
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) är ett ofta använt konceptför verksamheter att hantera sina kundkontakter. En viktig del av CRMär användningen av tekniska lösningar för att lagra och analysera informationom kunder, till exempel genom data mining för att upptäckamönster hos kunders beteende. Idag produceras allt större mängderdata genom människors användning av informations- och kommunikationsteknik.Traditionell teknik klarar ej av att hantera den variation ochmängd data som existerar, vilket lett till utvecklingen av nya tekniskalösningar för dessa uppgifter. Begreppet Big data brukar användas föratt beskriva stora datamängder. Syftet med denna studie har varit att geökad förståelse för hur Big data kan användas inom CRM.