

3755 Uppsatser om Dampness in the indoor environment - Sida 17 av 251

Energiförbrukning för putsade, odränerade träregelväggar i fuktigt respektive torrt tillstånd

In recent years, moisture damages have been noticed in rendered, undrained stud walls. The design is built on the principle one-stage tightening which means that there is no air gap in the construction. The damages have occurred when water has permeated through the rendering in leaking connections and fittings for windows, doors, canopies, balconies, terraces and awnings. Behind the plaster carrier, which consists of either polystyrene or rigid mineral wool, plasterboard has often been used as a wind protection barrier. In many cases the wind protection barrier and the underlying wooden studs have been exposed to mould and in some cases even rot.

Calf health before and after change in housing system ? isolated barn vs. hutches

Calf health is of importance both from a financial perspective and from an animal welfare point of view. Housing system and environment are factors affecting the calves? health. The objective of this project was to make a review of literature on calf health and housing and to perform an observational study on calf health at Nötcenter Viken, Research Dairy Farm, Lantmännen Sweden that changed calf housing system; from a traditional indoor system (Group IN) to outdoor hutches (Group OUT). It was only the housing system that was changed; the routines and feed were the same in both systems.

Den fysiska miljöns betydelse i förskolan : Miljöns utformning och barns delaktighet

My intention with this paper was to investigate how the teachers in pre-school thinks about the physical environment in pre-school. Both the significance for the pedagogical activity and the children?s involvement in the design. I have done five interviews with pre-school teachers. The result shows that the pre-school teachers consider that the size of the premises and the availability to the material is important factors for children?s development and learning.

Den byggda utemiljöns betydelse för människors motionsvanor : -Sett ur ett hälsopedagogisk perspektiv

AbstractIn order to investigate whether people living in Linköping city feel that the built environment affects their exercise habits, a quantitative cross-sectional study with qualitative elements was conducted. A questionnaire was the chosen approach in which information about exercise habits, education level, built environment was requested. The selected group was people working at Skatteverket in Linköping where many people work and where age, gender and education level varies. The built environment does affect the exercise habits, where major proportions choose to exercise in areas considered inviting. The majority of the respondents had a tertiary education, and many lived in the city of Linköping.

Socialsekreterares värdering av olika arbetsmiljöfaktorers betydelse för en god arbetsmiljö

Lately, alarming reports have appeared regarding the work environment and work situation of social workers. Research focusing on the promotion of health and well-being in the workplace among other professionals show that factors such as social relationships, ability to influence their work situation and leadership are important. A quantitative study was conducted focusing on the work climate for social workers employed by some of the district administrations in the City of Malmö. A questionnaire with questions and statements on various factors in the work environment was sent to 34 social workers. They were asked how important these factors were for their well-being, as well as to what extent they felt that these factors were present at work.

Gemenskap och utanförskap i bemanningsbranschen : En studie om inhyrda arbetstagares psykosociala arbetsmiljö.

The aim of this study is to examine the legal regulation regarding the psychosocial work environment for temporary agency workers. Furthermore, the aim of the study is to examine how temporary agency workers perceive their psychosocial work environment, and possible consequences of such perception. The methodology of the study consists of practical legal method and qualitative method in the form of interviews.The results show that the psychosocial work environment for temporary agency workers is regulated at both the EU legal level by Directive as well as at national level in Arbetsmiljölagen and regulations issued by Arbetsmiljöverket. The study finds that health and safety responsibility for temporary agency workers is shared between the agency and the client company. The result of the study indicates that there are shortcomings in the introduction and training of temporary agency workers, which can contribute to an unsatisfactory work environment.

Hur utvecklar enmansföretagare sin kompetens utifrån den uppfattade lärmiljön?

The purpose of this study is to gain understanding of how self employed entrepreneurs (hereafter referred to as ?entrepreneurs?) develop their competence based on their perceived learning space. The main question is: How do these entrepreneurs develop their competence based on their perceived learning space? Other questions relevant for the study are: How important is the social environment for these entrepreneurs and how do they interact with their social environment in order to develop their competence. The study has a qualitative approach.

Skolan runt läraren : En undersökning av lärares psykosociala arbetsmiljö i en svensk och en nya zeeländsk skola.

AbstractThe purpose of this thesis is to highlight the organization's importance to teachers' working environment. Through a survey conducted at a primary school in New Zealand and at a primary school in Sweden, teacher perceptions of their psychosocial work environment were compared. This study has answered the questions: ?How does a teacher at a school in New Zealand and at a school in Sweden view their psychosocial work environment from an organizational perspective?? and ?What are the similarities and differences in psychosocial working environment between a school in New Zealand and a school in Sweden?? The results were analyzed based on Karasek and Theorells demands-control-social support model. The study shows that teachers at both schools are experiencing high demands, but that New Zealand teachers are experiencing greater demands.

Utvärdering av befintliga passivhus : En byggnadsfysikalisk bedömning och mätningar om temperatur, och fukt analys på ytterväggarna

Energy price are on the way up to a high level that will not diminish in the future make us to focus more on the sustainable development for a better solution of residential houses. Passive house or low energy housing are one of the solution to make residential more environment friendly, in same time it´s a financial security using less energy, and saving money. The last 10 years in Germany and all around Europe the concept of passive house been developed, and people aim to know more about these concept that leading the market more attractive for passive houses. A passive house is a well designed building highly insulated and air tight with mechanical ventilated system for the whole building envelope that minimizes the use of energy for heating [1].The housing company Mimer has chosen to invest in low energy consumption in every new housing project.  These future plan projects are decided to use less than 75 kwh per square meter annually in purchased energy [2].This thesis is about new constructed passive houses, and focuses on the evaluations of the temperature, and moisture condition for attic, external walls and joist.

Art in Healthcare A study of the Art in Diagnostic Center (DC) University Hospital in Malmö.

The role of Art in Healthcare and its requirements through a study of Diagnostic Center (DC), a Hospital with Art and Architecture integrated.Issues: Who selected Art for DC and on what foundations? How are Art and Architecture integrated, and what is the established knowledge of Art in Healthcare?Studies of reference material, theses, research articles and interviews. Hermeneutic and discourse analyses were used.Theorists: Barthes, Bourdieu, Foucault, Arnheim, Sjögren, Rasmussen.Results: A regional group selected local Art, mainly nonfigurative, and integrated it early in the architectural process. A stimulating non-traditional hospital environment with a modern design and two artists created work specifically for the environment.Art affects our Health and Caring Sciences is a scientific field that is studying how art affects patients and staff. It is relatively new but it is growing into a vast field of research, learning more about Art's effect on Health..

Skolmatsalsmiljö och schemaplanering ur ett hälsoperspektiv : Kvalitativ ansats

To investigate if the student?s school centeent, and that planning of the school lunch is done from a health perspective. Qualitative research approach was used, including both interviews and observations, to view the purpose. Evidence was collected using a participating observer, semi constructed questions and structured observation. To focus on specific parts in the material, a directed content analysis was used. One large and one smaller school participated in the study.

Miljöutredning vid FORIA AB : En nulägesanalys av miljöaspekter från transporter

An environmental review has been carried out at FORIA AB, a transportation- and machine service company, to analyze the company?s environmental aspects from the transportation segment. This report describes the essential background and the methods of identifying and evaluate the environmental aspects. It also describes how the work with the environmental aspects often vary between different actors. The design of the ISO 14001 is intentionally broad in order to apply on all sorts of activities and organizations.

Att vara i en intensivvårdsmiljö : patientens perspektiv

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a special unit for patients who is in the need for emergency life-sustaining measures and every patient has complex medical- technical equipment. The experiences of a critical illness and the needs of critical care are experienced in different ways. The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences from patients in the ICU and how this experience has an influence on the patients. The method was a study of literature with a qualitative inception based on eight scientific articles and the analysis of content has been inspired by Graneheim and Lundman (2003). The result of the study is presented by four categories: to loose the ability to make themselves understood, to be forced to adjust to the environment of caring, to have the lack of connection with reality and to be in an intensive care environment, The results showed that patients in the ICU are affected by the attitude from the staff, the equipment around them as well as the sounds and lights in the environment there.

Rationell riskanalys inom VA-verksamhet med avseende på säkerhet, hälsa, miljö och kvalitet

This master thesis is developed based on the desire of the water and sewage department in the municipality of Karlskrona. The department, which vouches for the quality of produced drinking water and sewage cleaning, was in need of help dealing with risk analysis.The water and sewage department is obliged to identify and assess risks according to Swedish legislation. However, no guides for this purpose regarding safety, health, environment and quality were available. The aim of this report was to accomplish a guideline for the performance of risk analysis within water and sewage plants. If the guideline is used, the requirements in the legislation will be obtained.

Entreprenörskap och tillväxt : En studie om externa faktorers påverkan på tillväxt

In today?s Sweden there is great belief in entrepreneurship and the benefits it can bring to the country. The Swedish government has taken note of this growing enthusiasm and realized the contribution it can make to facilitate national growth. Successful efforts have been made in Sweden to support entrepreneurship and innovation, which has resulted in a relative ease for individuals to start their own businesses.The number of companies started today is higher than ever and there are signs of a common faith in growth among new entrepreneurs. Unfortunately only a small fraction of these new businesses succeed in growing big.

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