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Produktutveckling utifrån nya kundinsikter
Syftet med denna studie var att identifiera problem och behov som byggare i Sverige stöter på i sin vardag samt anordna en workshop där produktutveckling utifrån dessa behov diskuteras, samt hur denna information kan användas i produktutvecklingen. Studien grundar sig i teorier om innovation, behov och kvalitet, behovsidentifiering, innovationsspridning, produktlivscykel och metoden NABC: Need, Approach, Benefit, Competition. Grunden till arbetet är en föreställning att produktanvändare har behov som dem själva inte är medveten om. Genom att utgå från dessa omedvetna behov kan en bättre produkt utformas. Empatisk design (deltagande observation) användes för att kunna upptäcka outtalade behov samt skapa en god förståelse för byggarnas naturliga arbetsmiljö.
Kläderna gör mannen. En studie i manligt konsumentbeteende
På den nuvarande klädmarknaden råder en hård konkurrens eftersom utbudet av varor och tjänster har ökat. Konsumentens förändrade beteende har lett till att företag måste sticka ut med hjälp av sitt erbjudande. Ett sätt att utmärka sig på marknaden är att arbeta med relationer och få kunden att vilja återvända på grund av butikens service. En kund som känner sig trygg i shoppingsituationen kan bli en viktig stamkund. Den traditionella mannen finner inget nöje i att shoppa och vill därför att processen ska gå så snabbt som möjligt.
Korta tyglar? En queerfeministisk läsning av tio samtida hästklubbsböcker
This master thesis is discussing ten pony books from 2006 in relation to the heterosexual matrix. It contains a rather extensive research overview regarding horse riding from a gender perspective, pony books, traditional feminist studies of girls? books and queer readings of girls? and children?s literature. The aim of the empirical study is two folded; firstly to show how the girl protagonists? horse riding is presented in terms of masculinity and femininity (as defined by Natalie Koivula), secondly to analyze the relations between the girls appearing in the books from a queer perspective attempting to find some queer leakage in the depictions.
Behöver du företag på sociala medier eller behöver företagen dig? : En studie om kunders behov av företag på sociala medier och påverkan på relationer
Social medias impact recent years has been huge and an increasing number of companies have started using the services. The benefits for companies to be available thru social media are many and the costs are low. Social media makes it easier for companies to get in touch with their customers and at the same time they reach out to a lot of people since the number of frequent user?s constantly increase. A major part of the information that is available is seen from a company?s perspective and what benefits they can take advantage of thru social media.
"Hur mycket invandring tål Sverige?" : Invandrings- och integrationsdiskurser hos tre elitskribenter och på Avpixlat- en relationell studie
Drawing on theories of ethnic representations in mainstream news media and racial discrimination (van Dijk 2000, Hultén 2006, Husband & Downing 2005, Wodak 2011), and using methods of critical discourse analysis (mainly van Dijk 1993, 1991, Fairclough 1995) this bachelor thesis aims to investigate the inter-textual and inter-discursive relationship between selected editorial and opinion pieces written by three mainstream right wing ?symbolic elites? and the xenophobic blog ?Avpixlat?. The three selected symbolic elites are: Per Gudmundsson, editorial writer at the second largest Swedish newspaper SvD, Andreas Johansson Heinö, academic with a P.H.D. in political science, specialized on issues of integration and ethnic relations, and Paulina Neuding, editorial writer at SvD and editor in chief for right-wing oriented magazine Neo. All three are actively taking part in the mediated discussion of ethnic relations in Sweden from a liberal-conservative perspective.
Civil-militära relationer - förutsättningar för samverkan
Civil-military relations ? conditions for cooperationAbstract: Civil-military cooperation is a branch of current interest, both in studies and research. The importance has also increased after the government´s demands in a more developed and efficient coordination of national contribution to international peace support operations. Several studies show that there is a lack of ability to cooperate between different levels of command and other actors. The Swedish tradition of state administration is strong and the responsibility to cooperate lies within the hands of the different authorities.
Pandemin som hotar Sverige : En undersökning av hur risken för svininfluensan framställs i kvart-i-fem-ekot.
The aim of this thesis has been to examine how the risk for the swine flu was represented in the Swedish Radio news broadcast Ekot 16.45 during different phases of the pandemic in 2009. We wanted to study how the risk was described in different discourses and periods? Were the participants in the reporting calming or warning the listeners in relations to different aspects of the swine flu? What consequences for the community were reported in the broadcasting?To find the answers to our questions, we analysed 13 features about the swine flu broadcasted in Ekot?s main news broadcast Ekot 16.45. We used critical discourse analysis inspired by Norman Fairclough.We identified four types of discourses in our text, a journalistic discourse, a medical discourse, a nationalistic discourse and an authority discourse. The main discourse was the medical one.
Relationen är kunskapens moder. En kvalitativ studie om lärare som kränker elever.
According to reports from the department of education the majority of school children consider school as a place for happiness, security and development. However, one of ten children experience cruelty and abuse on a daily basis and research shows that children are more often violated by their teachers rather than their peers. In year 2006 legislature decided that school children needed to be protected from the harmful abuse and bullying from other children as well as their teachers. Despite the law approximately 50 000 children are the victims of adult abuse in school every year. Meanwhile science also proves that teachers dare not, for different reasons, confront colleagues when witnessing violations of children.
Relationen är kunskapens moder. En kvalitativ studie om lärare som kränker elever.
According to reports from the department of education the majority of school children consider school as a place for happiness, security and development. However, one of ten children experience cruelty and abuse on a daily basis and research shows that children are more often violated by their teachers rather than their peers. In year 2006 legislature decided that school children needed to be protected from the harmful abuse and bullying from other children as well as their teachers. Despite the law approximately 50 000 children are the victims of adult abuse in school every year. Meanwhile science also proves that teachers dare not, for different reasons, confront colleagues when witnessing violations of children.
Human Resource Management
SammanfattningSyftet med vår uppsats är att jämföra den traditionella personalavdelningens roll med den moderna Human Resource Management-funktionen. Vi söker en definition på begreppet HRM och hur utvecklingen gått från den traditionella funktionen Human Relations till Human Resource Management. Vi vill se på de likheter och olikheter som kan finnas mellan begreppen och hur de påverkat personalfrågor. Vi utgår från ett anglosaxiskt synsätt men tittar utifrån ett asiatiskt perspektiv, för att se hur kulturella infallsvinklar kan påverka HRM. För att få svar på våra frågor har vi använt oss av både empiriskt och vetenskapligt material för att få så korrekta svar som möjligt.
Finansiell Kommunikation 2.0: En kvalitativ fallstudie om de svenska storbankernas syn på och användning av sociala medier i syfte att bättre tillfredsställa ekonomiska journalisters, investerares och finansiella analytikers informationsbehov
Social media has today reached a level of maturity similar to the Internet in the beginning of the millennium. More and more people get involved both on a private and professional level and companies are starting to realize the need to keep up with the new online behavior of its target groups. The Investor Relations(IR) function has for a very long time been carried out by writing reports and press releases, but maybe as times change so will the tools needed to communicate the IR-issues for the companies? The purpose of this paper was to examine the views on and involvement in social media for IR-purposes at the four main banks in Sweden: Nordea, SEB, Handelsbanken and Swedbank. The study was carried out in the form of a qualitative case study in which the banks were analyzed separately with the help of Davids and Venkateshs TAM2-model(2000) and also analyzed against one another.
Repulsion : Subjektivitet och frågor kring det sociala
The scope of this investigation is the conditions under which readings of Repulsion (1965), and its depicted mental illness, took place in Sweden during the censorship debates in 1965, and also how the reception was related to narration and subjectivity in the film. The reason for this is the strong reactions to the images of the main character?s inner state, and concerns about negative effects in the public, that were raised. One major concern is how the film articulates discourses through which meanings are produced; that is, how it works as social technology. My thesis is therefore structured around two levels; textual analysis and discourse analysis.
Varumärkesidentitet och image ? En studie om Lindex och Prada
Competition is keen in the fashion industry of today. Homogenous products and prices aredriving competition and most firms are struggling hard to attract customers. Brands havebecome one of the most important assets for success and are often critical for the choices of theconsumers. A strong brand is often considered as a substantial value in the eyes of the consumerand gives the individual firm a competitive advantage in the marketplace. To build a strongbrand it takes that the brand identity not is in conflict with the brand image of a firm or a product.Sometimes one of these conflicts exit and sometimes the firms are not even aware of it.In this thesis we study how two firms, Lindex and Prada, perceive their own image and then wecompare how the images of the firms are perceived by the customers.
Den digitala kaffestugans gråzon : En beskrivande studie om läkemedelsbranschens användning av sociala medier
ABSTRACT TitelDen digitala kaffestugans gråzon- En beskrivande studie om läkemedelsbranschens användning av sociala medier FörfattareLouise Ottosson & Rebecka Hoberg HandledareEmma Håkansson KursMedie- och kommunikationsvetenskap GR (C), C-uppsats 15 hp, HT2010 SyfteStudien syftar till att beskriva hur läkemedelsbranschen använder sig av sociala medier utifrånde förutsättningar branschen har.Teoretiskt perspektivDen teoretiska grunden i denna studie bygger på Issues Management och Publics kopplat till Det nya medielandskapet. MetodStudien har genomförts med kvalitativa samtalsintervjuer med sex styckenkommunikationschefer inom läkemedelsbranschen. ResultatResultatet tyder på att läkemedelsbranschen har insett att sociala medier är en viktig del förbranschen i både omvärldsbevakningssyfte och för att interagera med publics. Dock har intesociala medier en framträdande roll i den dagliga omvärldsbevakningen men sociala medierhar en desto större del i branschens samarbete med patientföreningar. I användandet avsociala medier handlar det främst om att informera eller sprida sitt budskap för att förebyggaryktesspridning. På grund av lagen kan inte läkemedelsbranschen ta del av del av den dialogsom sociala medier erbjuder men i samarbete med patientföreningar har man hittat ett sätt attändå föra en dialog med publics. NyckelordPublic Relations, Sociala medier, Issues Management, Läkemedel, Omvärldsbevakning.
ADHD i skolan : En undersökning om anpassningar i skolverksamheten för elever med ADHD
In the new media society, social media has become an important part of many organizations' daily lives. Organizations, whether public or private, must be where their audience is and many times, these can be found on social media channels like Facebook. Leading researchers in the fields of crisis communication and relationship management believe that social media is a great tool for managing relationships between an organization and its' public, whether it's before, during or after a crisis.The purpose of this study is to examine how the Karlstad municipality use Facebook to manage civic relations before, during and after a crisis. The municipality's approach will be compared to the citizens' experiences of the municipality's communication in different stages of a crisis.The theoretical framework used in this essay is the research on crisis communication and relationship management. How these two frameworks can be integrated with social media like Facebook, is an important part of understanding how the Karlstad municipality make use of Facebook to manage civic relations and communicate before, during and after a crisis.The empirical study consists of a qualitative interview, two qualitative content analysis and an online survey.