

2481 Uppsatser om Customer relations - Sida 10 av 166

Mer värde i mobilen och mindre i plånboken - En fallstudie av mobila betalningslösningars genomslag i Sverige

This thesis presents the question of a possible breakthrough for mobile payment solutions in Sweden. The way payments are made and the way cash is being used in the society is changing. To be accepted as an alternative method, if cash isn't king anymore, the new technology will have to acquire user acceptance. In this thesis a case study of Swish, a mobile payment solution for P2P-payments, is presented. The focus of the study is customer value and technology acceptance of the service.

Kundtillfredsställelse : bland köp- och säljkunder i samarbete med LRF Konsult

The purpose of this thesis was, on the mission of LRF Konsult Södra marknadsområdet, to research on why their customers were satisfied and/or dissatisfied. The research was performed in two segments: customers that had joined the company through acquisitions of other accounting firms and customers that had been in contact with LRF Konsult?s personal sellers.To be able to find the answer to our purpose we chose to do a qualitative study. Five interviews were performed with customers in southern Sweden, Skåne and Halland, to get their personal view of the service and of their relation to LRF Konsult and their contact person.The theories suggested that the satisfaction of the customers would increase depending on their relation with LRF Konsult and their contact person. Our research concluded the relation differed for each customer and that it was of great importance that the contact person at LRF Konsult understood and adapted the relation to what the customer wanted.

Försörja sig på hästar? En studie av hur värde konstrueras i hästverksamheter

This study aims to investigate how value is constructed in horse business, in order to increase knowledge and contribute to development of theory in this field. This is important since the horse plays a significant role in the rural development in Sweden. The study assumes that value is something created through relationships in the social network. Therefore theories of sensemaking are combined with a discourse analytic method. By interviewing customers to two companies, one with orientation on trotting horses and one with orientation on showjumping horses, it was found that value is constructed through retrospective stories.

"Dom som är tysta och vi andra" : Elevers sociala relationer och grupperingar på en högstadieskola i Stockholm

Recent research in classrooms has often had its focus on the pupil, the individual, and not on the different groups of students that exist. In a classroom there are normally several different groupings, each one having its own personal attitude towards the current lesson. If there had been more research we would find it easier to understand why pupils sometimes behave the way they do.The purpose of this essay is to analyze how pupils` social relations create groupings. Furthermore I intend to investigate how and why pupils show their belonging to a certain group.The two questions of the essay are:1. How pupils? social relations appear in a classroom?2.

Customer Relationship Management ? en studie om hur CRM tillämpas i företagen

Denna rapport handlar om implementering samt användning av den kundorienteradeaffärsstrategin Customer relationship Management, CRM. Enligt statisk från Gartner,misslyckas företag med två av tre och orsaken är att det är få som har kunskap om vad CRMegentligen är och hur det bör implementeras, då informationen som har samlats in ofta varitöverflödig och det har därmed varit svårt att kunna förutse kundernas behov. Syftet meduppsatsen är därför att ta reda på hur långt de medverkande företagen inom Sverige harkommit i deras implementering gällande Customer relationship Management och i hur storutsträckning företagen tillämpar kriterierna i teorin för en bra kundrelation. Resultaten skaligga till grund för möjligheter att utveckla företagens kundrelationer. Med hjälp av enenkätundersökning har empiriskt material samlats in och sammanställt med den teoretiskareferensramen.

Bilderbokens förmåga att skildra relationer : Analys av fem bilderböcker med fokus på relationen mellan barn och vuxna

This study analyses five different picture books from the last few decades. The aim of the analysis was to investigate how relations between children and adults are presented in the picture books. One way to achieve this has been to focus on the adults? presence or absence in the narrative, and also what kind of authority the adult(s) can have in the action and how it can affect relations between children and adults. The idea is that this degree project can be adapted for practical use in school.

Vanebeteende - Det lojala beteendet?

The Swedish sports retail industry has experienced extensive growth during the last decade, and this has attracted new entrants to the market, both start-ups and international followers. This has inevitably put more pressure on incumbents, which are now confronted with major challenges as how to retain their customers and market shares. Customer loyalty has been proved to be an important factor for customer retention and proposed to constitute inertia of switching behavior. In light of this problematization, the purpose of this study is to describe the underlying factors of loyalty and whether purchase habits could further explain customer loyalty. The aim is also to understand the strategic implications of the factors involved.

Smartphoneapplikationer ? ett värdeskapande verktyg? : I bank- och livsmedelsbutiksbranschen

The smartphone market is growing rapidly, between Google Play and App Store more than 25 billion apps have been downloaded since 2008. Today many companies develop their own smartphone applications (apps) for their customers. We believe that many apps are developed without much consideration about the actual value it brings to the customer, and through them, value for the company. Instead they create applications with hope of keeping the company modern. Developing and implementing apps in a business is neither easy nor free and must therefore add value to the business in some way.

Servicelandskap i Dagligvaruhandeln. : Image, lojalitet och relationer.

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to clarify and analyze the servicescapes impact on brand image and customer loyalty among general dealers. The research question that we have used in the study is what characterizes the connection between the servicescape and the possibility to maintain and strengthen the customer relation among general dealers. The study is based on a qualitative approach and we have conducted eight interviews with experts and special advisers within the field. We have chosen to focus our study on the fact the market for general dealers have changed and the demands from the customers are severed throughout the years. The servicescape consists of the physical surroundings where the service is produced, examples of factors that influence the servicescape is the employees and the customers.

Rätt till sjukersättning : en praxisstudie om orsaker till skillnader i bedömningar vid förvaltningsrätterna

Since the nineties the words customer, effectiveness and quality have become part of everyday school life. Municipalities? makes regular customer surveys to measure both independent schools as municipal schools ' quality. A common method for customer research and background studies is that parents and students are asked to respond to simple Web-based surveys. Customer satisfaction and/or customer dissatisfaction options are presented in tabular form, based on the percentage that expresses a particular position within a query.

Gymnasieungdomars självkänsla och fysiska självbild på Facebook : En kvantitativ studie sett ur ett könsperspektiv

AbstractThe banking industry has during later years gone through several technological changes (Svenska Bankföreningen 2014). These big changes have led to several advantages seen both from a customer ? and corporate point of view. Advantages in easier usage, increased availability and more competition have made the banks more cost effective at the same time as the customer is being offered better prices. Even though the advantages seem to weigh over the disadvantages there are still those who thinks that things where ?better in the past?.

Kvalitetsstyrning i grundskolan : Hur relaterar skolor till begreppet kund, måluppfyllelse och kvalitet? En studie av tio grundskolors kvalitetsredovisningar.

Since the nineties the words customer, effectiveness and quality have become part of everyday school life. Municipalities? makes regular customer surveys to measure both independent schools as municipal schools ' quality. A common method for customer research and background studies is that parents and students are asked to respond to simple Web-based surveys. Customer satisfaction and/or customer dissatisfaction options are presented in tabular form, based on the percentage that expresses a particular position within a query.

Tjänstekvalitetens inverkan på kundlojalitet : när en tjänst går från att vara avgiftsfri till att bli avgiftsbelagd

Title: The impact of service quality on customer loyalty - when a service changes from being free to become surcharged Authors: Carl Johan Olsson, Marcus Johansson and Victor Carlsson Supervisor: Hans LundbergCourse: Bachelor thesis in business administration, 15 Credits (15 ECTS) Keywords: Service quality, customer loyalty, price movementPurposeThe purpose of this essay is to increase the understanding if the perceived quality by the service users correlates with a future loyalty to a service when it cease from being free, to become charged.? Does the perceived quality of a service by the service users affect a future loyalty to a service, when it cease from being free, to become charged?MethodIn this essay we have chosen to implement a quantitative research method based on a survey. This choice was made in order to reach a sufficient large amount of service users and empirical data to answer our problem.ConclusionsAccording to the theory, customer satisfaction can be expressed through a comparison between customer?s expectations and the experience of using a service, and there are also positive correlations between service quality and customer satisfaction. Additionally, loyalty is based on service quality and customer satisfaction.

Faktorer som underbygger och motverkar användningen av doping : En genomgång och analys av dopingforskningen 2004-2009

Business across the Internet has increased in recent years and most companies that are selling trips have increased their sales online. Many companies that are selling trips strive for customers to receive and experience a personal service online. The meeting between the client and a webpage service system on the Internet should work. Service encounters are an essential part of the contact between customer and company and play a big part in how the first impression is perceived by the customer. To understand how a service encounter works, meeting face to face, companies need to understand how customers perceive that meeting.

CRM i ett konkurrensutsatt monopol : En jämförande studie om arbetet med kundrelationer och kundlojalitet i spelbranschen

Efter ett antal företagsskandaler bestämde sig Sverige för, som många andra länder, att utveckla en kod för bolagsstyrning. Den första kom att träda i kraft 2005 och 2008 började en reviderad version gälla. Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning är ett regelverk för företag registrerade på börsen. Den innehåller regler och rekommendationer om valberedning, styrelsesammansättningar och arbetsuppgifter för styrelser. I arbetet har vi velat ta reda på i vilket avseende bolag väljer att frångå koden och om detta skulle kunna leda till minskat förtroende för bolagen.

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