

18379 Uppsatser om Customer information - Sida 2 av 1226

"Man får mycket gratis med en öppen attityd" : Projektledarens upplevelse av kundrelationen i kundorderprojekt

The purpose of this paper has been to describe the project manager's experience of the customer relationship in customer order projects. A qualitative interview study has been conducted in which seven project managers were interviewed. A thematic analysis resulted in four overall themes. The results showed the importance of a clear, responsive and open communication as well as a large degree of customization to meet the customer the best way as possible. The experience was also characterized by a dynamic relationship and the importance of the customer's expectations.

Språksvårigheter: : Pedagogernas och logopedernas arbete med att utveckla språket hos barn med språksvårigheter

Customer satisfaction is a key aspect for many corporations, among them Exacta Distributionscenter. To raise their customer satisfaction, we have researched ways to raise customer satisfaction through the implementation of an error-handling system and recommendations on how the organization should function in the future. This paper describes how these recommendations and the application has been developed, through help in existing theories. This results in a customer portal with the main purpose to provide help in handling orders with errors, and several routines recommended to Exacta Distributionscenter. .

Branded for life: En kvantitativ studie av hur tatueringar på butiksbiträden påverkar kundnöjdhet

The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate whether or not tattoos have an impact on perceived customer satisfaction. We constructed an experiment where a service worker's physical appearance was manipulated. Our result indicates no significant impact of tattoos on customer satisfaction. However, the thesis succeeds to replicate previous findings on the links between physical attractiveness, attitude and customer satisfaction, and creates a ground for further discussion on the subject of tattoos in a professional environment..

Hur väljer du bank? : En studie om kundens val av bank och kundlojalitet gentemot banken

Problem formulation: What factors influence the customer?s choice of bank? How is the customer loyalty towards the customer?s current bank?Purpose: The main purpose is to see what factors are definitive to the customer?s choice of bank and how strong the customer loyalty is towards the bank. It is also interesting to see whether customers who are satisfied with their current bank may still consider switching to something else.Method: The method is both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection, with main focus on a quantitative survey. The qualitative part consists of interviews with a smaller focus group to receive a deeper insight of the consumer?s thoughts regarding the main purpose and problem formulations.Conclusion: The main factor when choosing a bank is recommendations from family or friends.

Dagligvaruföretags arbete med kundinformation

The competitive environment forces companies to find new ways to meet their customers? needs and satisfy their wants. Companies have to get to know their customers and therefore they collect more and more information about them. The purpose of this study was to examine how convenience stores use Customer information. To meet this case study?s purpose two interviews were carried out at both a central level as well as a local level at the studied company.

Utformning av felhanteringssystem hos företag inom tredjepartslogistikbranschen : med stöd i erkända felhanteringsprocesser

Customer satisfaction is a key aspect for many corporations, among them Exacta Distributionscenter. To raise their customer satisfaction, we have researched ways to raise customer satisfaction through the implementation of an error-handling system and recommendations on how the organization should function in the future. This paper describes how these recommendations and the application has been developed, through help in existing theories. This results in a customer portal with the main purpose to provide help in handling orders with errors, and several routines recommended to Exacta Distributionscenter. .

Produktivitetsmodellen : Hur kan detaljhandelsbutiker arbeta med produktivitet och lönsamhet med hjälp av denna modell

The store manager can make great benefits of having an eye on how the staff works towards the customer, because the personnel is an important tool when competing with other stores. This paper is focusing on the part that relates to the staff in the store, which is one of the key tools in the competition for customers after the customer made it to the store. Many stores have guidelines which the staff should follow when they meet with customers. If the staff is too tightly controlled by these guidelines, customers can perceive the first encounter with the staff as artificial and as if the genuine friendliness does not exist. It is important that the staff looks at the individual customer and treat every customer in a personal way and that the staff can see the customer?s needs.

Kundlönsamhetsanalys som avbildande kalkyl och medskapande praktik: En fallstudie av Billerud

In recent years, customer profitability has become a focal point of academic discussions on business performance. However, researchers remain divided as to how evaluation of customers ought to be conducted, resulting in uncertainty of how accounting systems should be adapted to prevailing conditions. This paper aims to investigate the application of customer accounting techniques and the role they play in the organisational and commercial context in which they take place. In a case study of Billerud, a Swedish company providing materials and services for packaging solutions, the interplay between customer accounting techniques and customer relationship characteristics has been examined through the application of a theoretical framework developed by Lind and Strömsten. Particular emphasis has been put on deviations from the prescribed pattern of the framework.

The Effects of Culture on Retail Customer Service Expectations in the US and Sweden

This thesis attempts to clarify the impact of cultural differenceson customer expectations of service level. Furthermore, wewant to determine whether or not expectations of service differenough to be quantifiable between two countries, Sweden andthe US, mostly regarded as similar in business practices. The conclusion showed that higher ratings on four of Hofstede?s five cultural indexes were associated with higher customer service expectations overall, and in all four SERVQUAL dimensions. This research contributes to retail internationalization and customer expectations theory.

Arbetsmodell vid förändringsarbete : Hur intern och extern kund tillfredsställelse kan bibehållas, genom ett systematisktarbetssätt före och under ett förändringsarbete i praktiken.

The purpose of this study is to develop and practically evaluate a new approach for the introduction of changes in internal and external processes in a customer front, but with the aim of maintaining or increasing customer perceived quality during insertion. A working model has been developed and is used in a qualitative research in the form of a case study carried out in a customer front, on a customer group in Telia's mobile customer service in Sweden. There is currently little research that has studied the implementation phase.The results of the study show that the designed working model works satisfactorily, but also that it can be developed more. Employees are satisfied and the sale was a positive boost, however, declined the customer experience a little bit. Employees raises questions as leader behavior, confidence in the group ahead, everyone's different circumstances and desire for the individual choice.The biggest challenge for future leaders will be to manage and lead continuous change.

Kunddatabas i Java och MySQL

The purpose with this work that is the basis for this thesis was to help Nattavaara Economical association to develop a program for handling invoices, Customer information, and storage. The program and this thesis have been done in cooperation with the economical association in Nattavaara. Some of the demands on the program are that it shall handle Customer information, storage status, invoices and diesel consumption. The program must be able to printout invoices, reminders, delivery notes, a customer list and a storage list. All information will be stored in a database.

Vikten av att målgruppsanpassa butiksatmosfären: en studie om atmosfärens påverkan på konsumenter i modebranschen

Research in the FMCG sector shows that in-store atmosphere has a great impact on customer attitude and behavior. Despite this, there is a lack of knowledge regarding how the atmosphere influences the customer in a fashion store setting. The purpose with this paper is to investigate if and how visible in-store atmospherics influence customer attitude and behavior in a fashion store setting. We also investigate if behavior and attitude is affected by the customer's expertise and the purpose of the visit. The study takes place in two different fashion stores within the same fashion chain.

Kundlojalitet : En studie om hur långsiktiga kundrelationer skapas på en tjänstemarknad

Purpose: The study aims to, from a companys point of view, describe how strategic work with customer loyalty is done.Conclusion: Another possible way to try to create loyalty is to exceed the expectations whether the customer is a member of the loyalty program or not. A strong brand with a good reputation can also contribute to a stronger loyalty. Reward systems gradually reward the customers since they first need to collect points, or in this case miles, to be able to use them later on. The staff is often educated in service to be able to interact with the customer in a professional manner. One way to interact with the members of the loyalty program is through profiles on the internet.

Evaluation the Supply Chain of Plymovent AB

This Master Thesis is a part of PlymoVent?s business to customer plot, with the aim to investigate how the consumers receive the services that PlymoVent provides. With regard to PlymoVent's business strategy and reference theory, the demands of how to receive and monitor a supply chain for a better customer satisfaction where targeted. The findings refer to poor customer satisfaction due to obscure procedures in problem resolution and discrepancy handling, and vague transportation accuracy..

Var det värt det - Hur prisnivå påverkar uppfattad kvalitet, prisvärde och kundnöjdhet

The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect that price has on quality expectations and customer satisfaction and how price fits into a customer satisfaction model. An experiment in which participants are subject to scenarios of a high or low quality flight are used to test the hypotheses. The analysis shows that perceived quality has a bigger impact on satisfaction than price. Furthermore, price and quality do not affect customer satisfaction independently of each other. The importance of value compared to quality changes whether the actor is a high or low price actor.

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