

15 Uppsatser om Curator - Sida 1 av 1

The Curator as a Collector

Om lusten att samla på sig saker och om lusten att visa sin samling. Att synliggöra en smak,en kunskap, ett intresse för andra. Om processer och tankar kring ett arbete där självavisningen av det insamlade materialet bildar (blir) (är) en tillgänglig rörlig samling, ett privatmobilt arkiv, ett levande nätverk. Är det en bekräftelse i sig att publiken kommer och tittareller krävs det mer? Ett samtal kring upplevelsen eller bara ett utrymme för samtal efter det upplevda..

Gränser och passager : En analys av de curatoriska och konstnärliga subfälten

I have, with a point of departure in two case studies; the artist, Curator and scientist Andreas Gedin and Maria Lind, Curator and director of Tensta konsthall, contextualized with a couple of respondents; the freelance Curator, writer and editor Power Ekroth and the freelance Curator and artist Carl Michael von Hausswolff, conducted a field analysis on Curatorial and artistic practices. I have applied key concepts in order to conduct the analysis.Furthermore, the case studies and the respondents have been placed in a contemporary artworld. These components have been related to a contemporary historical segment of the artworld. This in turn, has been related to older, international cicumstances of change and various conditions in the two subfields. I have suggested certain a proximity in the artistic and Curatorial practices.

Curatorns ordning : En diskursanalys av curatorns yrkesroll utifrån 15 curatorutbildningar

This study departs from the observation that since the late 1980´s educational programmes for Curators have been established and since then expanded greatly. The programmes are part of a process of institutionalization and professionalization of the role of the Curator within the international contemporary art field where the role as such has gained much power. Even though many statements have been made about this relatively new phenomenon of Curatorial studies, there is a lack of sufficient research. The intention of this study is therefore to examine the educational programmes as such. The selection of 15 programmes has been made with the purpose to include early as well as newly established and to cover a wide geographic area.

Från översättning till undersökning : om att överbrygga klyftan mellan innehåll och form i utställningsprocessen

The making of a cultural historical exhibition usually involves the collaboration of two categories of professionals: the Curator, in charge of the exhibition content, and the designer. From these positions, representing content and form, the team is in charge of cooperating towards a shared goal ? the exhibition ? which is the spatial expression of ideas.This MA thesis is based on my work experience as a designer of cultural historical exhibitions. By means of situations where my perspective collided with that of the museum Curators?, I examine our different concepts on a number of issues: the meaning of an exhibition; the process; and the perception of what our respective roles are.

Fanan, förrädarna och friheten : Musiktexter med ideologiska teman från Tredje Riket till Vit Makt-rörelsen ? en komparativ textanalys

The making of a cultural historical exhibition usually involves the collaboration of two categories of professionals: the Curator, in charge of the exhibition content, and the designer. From these positions, representing content and form, the team is in charge of cooperating towards a shared goal ? the exhibition ? which is the spatial expression of ideas.This MA thesis is based on my work experience as a designer of cultural historical exhibitions. By means of situations where my perspective collided with that of the museum Curators?, I examine our different concepts on a number of issues: the meaning of an exhibition; the process; and the perception of what our respective roles are.

Den falska nyckeln : Stångbett för skolridning - historia, terminologi, katalogisering

The art of riding is a fugitive art, which signifies that the means available for documentation of performances are insufficient, and that the equipment used by the old masters are important clues for the understanding of their art. The most specialized tool used for riding is the bit, in particular the curb. As museum catalogues become accessible to the public through the internet, riders will look for information about bits. It is then important that the information provided in the catalogues is valid not just for the Curator, archaeologist or art historian, but also for the rider.In this paper, I add context to the bits by explaining two opposing philosophies of bitting, and how they affect the design of the bits. This is followed by a brief history of the art of riding and how the bits have evolved since the 16?th century.

Koloni Volym I. Hierakier bryts ner / Gemenskap byggs upp. Ett dokumentations - , arkiv - och utställningsarbete om en subkultur genom konsertarrangören Koloni .

Koloni is a concert promoter that put up shows in lots of different locationswith a wide variety of music styles and artistic expressions. In this work I havecollected material from Koloni?s nine years of existence to form a volume. Thevolume tells the story of Koloni?s work, but also shed some light and understandingon the alternative cultural scene of today.

Att levandegöra historia : En undersökning om att använda Stockholms Stadsmuseums historia i historieundervisningen

The purpose of this paper has been to shed light on the ways the history represented at the City Museum of Stockholm can be used in education at the Gymnasia level. I have made use of the following set of questions to attain this purpose: 1) How is the City Museum's activity vis-á-vis the gymnasia organized and what is the purpose of this activity? 2) What positive results do the interviewees see in the collaboration between the schools and the Museum? 3) Why did the teachers represented in this paper choose to make use of the Museum in their education? The bulk of the study is based upon three interviews with the First Curator at the City Museum of Stockholm and two teachers, from Viola Gymnasiet and Skogsgårds Gymnasiet respectively. My method is qualitative and interpretative with hermeneutic features.In my interpretation of the source material I have made use of historian Klas-Göran Karlsson's classifications regarding the needs for various forms of history, use of history, users and functions of results. In this way I have been able to establish how the Museum and the teachers represented in the study make use of the history that is represented at the Museum.

Uppbrott från hemmet : en kvantitativ studie av ungdomar som rymmer eller kastas ut hemifrån

Aim:The study's aim is to examine whether and to what extent elementary school pupils aged 13 and 16 report that they ever have been forced to leave home by parents, have run away from home voluntarily or have seriously considered doing so. The aim is also to illuminate which circumstances contribute to these break-ups. Method: A quantitative approach is used; a survey material consisting of 1193 questionnaires is analysed. The data material has been used in earlier studies but the issue addressed here has not been studied earlier. The circumstances analysed are gender, ethnicity, the parents? religious belief and education, living conditions (sharing home with both parents, one of them or none), contacts with professionals (psychologist, school nurse or Curator), physical and mental wellbeing, way of upbringing (liberal vs authoritarian) and communication with parents.

Konstens dematerialisering

Dematerialiseringen av konsten är inget nytt fenomen, den har pågått länge. Under konceptkonsten ansåg många att konsten är en idé och tankeprocess som inte alltid behöver materialiseras. I samtidskonsten är verken allt oftare virtuella eller relationella och nomadism och impermanens betraktas som progressiva egenskaper. Dematerialiseringen av konsten är parallell med annan dematerialiserande samhällsutveckling och immateriell form utvecklas på internet och i virtuella världar. Konstens dematerialising för med sig förändrade konstnärsroller.

Ung, samtida och postmodern : En studie av det svenska konstfältet under 1980-talet utifrån Lars Nilssons konstnärskap

The aim of this thesis is to study the Swedish art field during the 1980s, from the perspective of the artistic production of Lars Nilsson. During this decade he became one of the most well known young artists associated with postmodernism.The thesis is divided into three parts, where the first part examines different influences and aspects of the art of Lars Nilsson, as well as the contexts he was a part of. This is performed through a chronological as well as a categorizing presentation, based upon different exhibitions where Nilsson participated during the 1980s.In the second part the subject is the Swedish art field, and how Lars Nilsson came to be part of a a new established category of a young generation of artists, mostly born in the 1950s, who were associated with youth, postmodernism and contemporaneousness. This part also puts attention to the importance of Lars Nittve, then art critic and Curator, in introducing postmodernism, as well as establishing this new categorization of artists in Sweden.The last part of the thesis studies four different group exhibitions, and how they all exemplify how "a younger generation of artists" were to be connected with notions of postmodernism and contemporaneousness through Curatorial practice. Lars Nilsson participated at the thirst three of these exhibitions.

Vem får ställa ut på den samtida konstscenen? : Betydelsen av kön

This examination studies the gender balance of contemporary art exhibitions in Sweden. To what extent genders are equally represented assumes to be based on how the curating process considers equality work. Three categories of art organisations are studied with the intention to determine differences in equality approach between the categories. Official documents of each organisation are examined to understand how they formally relate to equality work. Statistics of the actual gender balance of each organisation are produced based on the last two years exhibition archives.

Det publika samtalet som curatorisk praktik

The focus of this study is on the nature of social support from the rape survivor's perspective. Research has shown that social support is essential to the survivor's ability to recover from rape and that it acts as a powerful tool for the survivor to effectively deal with the PTSD symptoms that follow rape. The research also shows that survivors often receive or interpret reactions after a rape as negative. Hence, these reactions can be detrimental tothe healing process.Qualitative interviews with six women on their experience of social support after rape form the base of this study and Anthony Giddens terms ontological security, fateful moments and bodily self-management are a part of the analytical apparatus. Rape is commonly analyzed from a feminist perspective.

Kyrkorestaurering ? problematiken kring kulturhistoriska värden

This thesis handles the problems regarding different value aspects which are applied during restoration and renovation of churches. The Curator?s aspects along with the interests regarding change that exists today, is often integrated and is therefore affecting the final results. The thesis aims to discuss the different perspectives and to look at the different values the room possesses. Furthermore, the historical aspects are discussed along with possible strategies to increase a positive outcome of restorations and how to integrate churches to the modern standards in terms of use and allowing them to be a part of a living cultural heritage.Church buildings have historically speaking always had a significant meaning to people, independent of religious belief.

Göteborgs konstmuseibibliotek : En skildring av bibliotekets historia till och med 1939

The subject of this thesis is the history of the library at The Göteborg Museum of Art. The aim of the thesis is to depict and analyze the emergence and the expansion of the library?s holdings until 1939. To fulfill the aim, two questions are asked. The first question is: Is it possible to argue that the library?s holdings were collected to document the entire world of art? The question is formulated in relation to a comment by Susan Wyngaard.