996 Uppsatser om Cross border regions - Sida 43 av 67
Naturgasprisets frikoppling från oljepriset
Bakgrund och problem: Naturgas utgör omkring 24 procent av den totala energiförbrukningen i Europa och användningsområdena är framförallt till produktion av elektricitet (Percebois, 2008). Naturgas har historiskt sett varit oljeindexerat, men marknaden har allt eftersom blivit avreglerad och en spotmarknad för naturgas har uppkommit. Trots avregleringen har oljepriset och naturgaspriset varit väl korrelerat, naturgas har prissatts efter oljan. 2008 började dock oljepriset stiga kraftigt vilket kom att leda till en så kallad ?supply and demand shock? (Melling, 2010).
Utveckling av golvlucka för hoppgropssystem i kommunal idrottshall
In this thesis a concept for floor hatches for foam pits has been developed. Since there is an existing solution that is powered by hydraulics and is expensive, the goal was to develop a cheaper solution, as simple as possible.A number of different concepts were developed and evaluated. A concept with five sections that are pulled to the side and stacked on each other was chosen as it was thought to have the lowest risk of crush injuries and to be easiest to manage and control. In the opening behind the foam mattress a lifting table is placed to regulate the height of the stacked sections.To be allowed to be installed in the floor of sports halls the sections must be dimensioned according to the construction standards for these types of buildings. Different dimensions of beams in steel and wood materials were evaluated and of those, who lived up to the requirements of the standard, a concept was chosen.
Sexualvanor och preventivmedelsanvändning hos svenska gymnasieelever
The aim of this study was to examine sexual behavior, contraceptive use, self-rated health, lifestyle factors and the prevalence of HPV vaccination among last year high school students. The study was a quantitative cross-sectional study which was a substudy of the longitudinal study " Pornography, Youth and Health". Results showed that the majority of students had had sexual intercourse (75 %, n=524) and both performed (67 %, n=479) and received oralsex (70 %, n=498). Forty percent (n=282) of the students had had one night stand, a quarter (n=159) anal sex and 29 (n=202) percent sex with a friend. The contraceptive use increased from the first to the last intercourse while the use of condoms decreased.
Den kvantandliga diskursen : En undersökning om nyandlighetens möte med kvantfysiken
This paper aims to describe and elaborate on a recent discursive change within the new-age movement. Since the seventies and the publishing of speculative popular science books like The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra and The self-aware universe by Amit Goswami, the idea that quantum physics resonates with spirituality has become the topic of hundreds of books and movies.The quantum-spiritual discourse has three distinct ways to approach quantum physics in its discussion on spirituality: The parallelistic approach which emphasizes the similarities between eastern philosophies and modern physics, the monistic-idealistic approach which tells us that mind is the foundation of matter and the scientific spiritual approach which tries to explain spiritual claims scientifically. In the quantum-spiritual discourse, quantum physical phenomena (e.g. non-locality and entanglement) are being called upon to validate metaphysical statements. The primary assumption of the discourse is that the shift of paradigm due to the establishment of modern physics also is a shift of paradigm of spirituality.With the object to examine the common claims made in the discourse, cross-references between spiritual arguments and facts of quantum physics are being made.
Kreditgarantiföreningen i Gävleborg och Övre Norrlands Kreditgarantiförening : en jämföresle av framgångsfaktorer
Aim: The purpose of this work is to investigate what differences there are between a credit union that is connected to Sweden?s Credit Association and an independent association, and how these differences have affected the union?s success. Method: A qualitative study has been made by means of email and telephone interviews. Respondents were chosen from Sweden?s Credit Association, Credit Guarantee Association in Gävleborg and Övre Norrland Guarantee Association. The interviews were then analyzed in the light of our theoretical studies. Result and conclusions: We have found that there are three major differences between the unions.
Attityd till högre utbildning på universitet/högskola och studieengagemang bland gymnasieelever på bruksort
The present study examined high school students? attitudes to higher education at university/college and their study engagement in an industrial town in klarälvdalen in the county of Värmland. The main research question was whether there are any differences between students in vocational and theoretically oriented programs regarding their attitude to higher education and study engagement. The results was also compared with a study with the same research question conducted in Countryside town in fryksdalen, Värmland county to see whether attitude and student engagement differ between high school students in different parts of Värmland. The method used was quantitative with data collected by using questionnaires.
?Ett indiskret brott mot god takt och ton? : Om arkeologi och samtiden utifrån fångstmarksgravar
Hunting ground graves were distinguished as a separate category during the 1930s. There is however no clear definition of what a hunting ground grave is. They have been constructed over a large area over a long period of time (200 BC-1200 AD) and their morphology varies.This paper investigates how the archaeologists have discussed the hunting ground graves since they were distinguished as a separate category until today. It investigates what concepts that have been used to define and categorize the graves as a group. It also investigates if the choices of concepts are depending on a broader societal perspective.To find the answers to these questions two surveys have been done.
Sveriges Radio - Public Service : Den digitala vägen till nya användare
The purpose of this report was to study how the Swedish radio channel Sveriges Radio (SR) website changed over time. What are the differences between various media websites? How many people listen to normal and web-radio and what are the differences between the various services offered on the SR website?Reports from the BBC, Statistics Sweden, Mediavision and the Swedish National Post and Telecom Agency were compared. Several theoreticians have been studied, including Donald A Norman, Jonas Löwgren, Karen Holtzbratt, Jacob Nielsen and Geoffrey Moore.The method used by the author comprised a systematic mapping of statistics from webTrends, KiaIndex, SiteCensus, TNS Gallup/K2analys and reports from RUAB. The data studied have been collected from telephone interviews, postal surveys, internet panels, and from log files.
Självupptagna eller inbjudande? : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning om hur NGOs kommunicerar med sin publik på Facebook.
Worldwide result over internetusers show that Sweden internet users comes at third place. The technological development has been explosive. Individuals can with the help of technology live some, in other cases all their social lifes through social media. Therefore organizations has a lot to gain by using social media to interact and start up dialogue with their audicence. There are different views whether a civic society has developed on internet or not.
Arbetsmotivation och psykisk hälsa bland sjuksköterskor inom psykiatrin : En jämförande studie mellan yngre och äldre sjukksöterskor
Background: The relation between work motivation and well-being are relatively well theoretically entrenched, but few studies have been conducted on nurses within psychiatry. Objective: The aim of the present study was to examine the differences in intrinsic work motivation (autonomy, competence, relatedness), mental health and burnout between young (?40 years) and older (>40 years) nurses employed in psychiatry. Method: The study was an observational study with a cross-sectional design and group comparisons, conducted as a survey. The sample constituted of 60 employed nurses.
Sensory profiling of Swedish white wines and a contextual analysis of Swedish viticulture
The aim of the study is twofold, to generate a sensory profile of Swedish wine today and to investigate the opinion of both wine producers and wine experts on viticulture in Sweden and wine from grapes grown in Sweden, achieved through a contextual analysis comprising a literature study and interviews with wine producers in Sweden and Denmark and wine experts from Sweden and Germany, and a sensory analysis at the company Ipsos. ?Mixed methods? was the chosen research strategy as the semi-structured interviews gave qualitative results and the sensory analysis would give quantitative results displayed as spider charts.
There is a lack of studies investigating how the Swedish wine is perceived by consumers and consumers might be unaware that the Swedish wine, established through ?trial and error?, is increasing in quality every season, creating a need to display the sensory profile of Swedish wine to strengthening the perception of Swedish white wine.
This study shows that the Swedish white wine today is a wine with a fresh, citrusy and flowery aroma and a fresh, citrusy and green apple taste, however, a sensory analysis cannot show if the attributes are those that are desired by the customer, a consumer test is necessary to conclude that. Trends point towards locally produced products, one reason why Swedish wine has great potential, yet the future needs to be secured through job opportunities and education. Creating an approval system for Swedish wine is suggested as a future improvement, it is a common procedure in most wine regions.
Flen : Om stagnation i skuggan av Stockholm
This thesis aims at analyzing why the municipality of Flen, in the eastern part of Sweden, has experienced strong depopulation for the last forty years in spite of its relative vicinity to Stockholm. The study uses current theories on regional developement, population theory and theories on regional enlargment to help explain and to evaluate the different regional factors that affect the developement of Flen on the local level. The thesis is primarily focused on the subject of regional policy and strategies to meet regional depopulation. The study also gives a presentation of the strategies of major regional institutions as well as analyzing what impact regional policy have on local policy in the municipality of Flen.Interviews with local officials, politicians and other people representing the population of Flen were carried out to achieve a better understanding of the specific challenges that the municipality faces and of the measures that are taken to meet them. Regional policy in Sweden prioritises measures that promote regional enlargment to link the housing and labour markets together with the regional infrastructure.
Framgång i virtuella team : Hur chefer kan motivera sina medarbetare på distans
The work place is becoming more flexible and an increasing number of employees report to a leader in another location or country. The borders between different countries, work places and cultures are diminished to a greater extent than before. Working from a distance means new opportunities in terms of competence development, flexibility in working hours, tasks and resources, a larger platform for various career opportunities and an expanded network. The purpose with this study is to examine how leaders can create a successful virtual team and motivate remotely. The qualitative study is carried out through interviews with leaders and employees within Nielsen Nordic.
Skiftarbetares självskattade hälsa : Anledning till skiftarbete och kontroll i arbetet
ABSTRACTBackground:To work irregular hours, so called shift work, involves a greater risk to develop bad health compared to work daytime. The society today requires availability 24-hours per day which makes shiftwork necessary. We have to find a way to make shift working people remain at a good health.Purpose:The purpose of this study was to examine the self estimated health of shift workers. This study concerns significant differences between self estimated health and: main reason for shiftwork, possibility to decide what to do at work and possibility to decide how to perform work tasks.Method:A cross sectional study was performed in four companies in industrial manufacturing, printing business and service business in the community of Örebro. 113 questionnaires were delivered and 71 persons filled the questionnaires and returned them, the reply fervency were 65 %.Results:In this population almost 80 % of the participants declared their health good, very good or excellent and no one declared their health as poor.
KL-trä och limträ : hur råvarans kvalité tas tillvara i den färdiga produkten
Detta är en studie som behandlar hur väl kvalitén i trädet tas tillvara för sortimenten limträ och KL-trä. Limträ består av ett antal lameller som limmas samman med fibrerna i längdriktningen medan KL-trä är en krysslimmad skiva som består av en mängd sammansatta lameller. Trä är ett heterogent material som har skilda egenskaper beroende på var och hur det växt. Genom att sätta samman heterogena trälameller vill man skapa en homogenare produkt. Eftersom att produkterna används inom olika områden kan man tänka sig att det går att optimera användandet av råvaran till respektive produkt.