996 Uppsatser om Cross border regions - Sida 30 av 67
Höjdförändringar på Lomonosovfonna, Svalbard, 1996-2012
The climate changes and the global warming have a great impact on the Arctic environments. This partially depends on that the albedo is getting lower when snow and ice is melting and exposes more and more dark surfaces of the land and sea. This leads to a feedback effect; the melting accelerates because dark surfaces attract more sun radiation. Because of the heating the glaciers in Arctic retreat. The purpose of this report is to obtain an eventual change in elevation on the glacier Lomonosovfonna that is located on Svalbard by comparing elevation data collected by NASA and GPS data from 1996-2012.
Solidaritet möter säkerhet - Vad 'immigranterna' får representera i immigrationspolitisk diskurs
This essay concerns the notion of how immigration politics, defined as a political discursive structure that explains and justifies how and why the movement of people into a state's territory is restricted and controlled, has come to present its purpose not as solidarity with the 'immigrants' wanting to enter the state but as a protective measure for the state's citizens. By using discourse theory combined with theories from the International Relations field I attempt to explain why and how such a discourse positions 'immigrants' as a threat to the state.First, I concentrate on why an immigration politics discourse would position 'immigrants' as a threat. I argue that in order for people to construct their identity, the 'outside' what they "are not" has to be repressed. In the same way, the state has to dislocate the "outside" and create threats to uphold its supremacy. These boundaries are set to create a feeling of predictability and security, and ultimately they are a way of making peoples' "world" coherent.
Kommunala avskrivningar
In 1985 the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions published a paper on recommended depreciation time on capital assets for the public sector. This paper should only be seen as guidance, but many municipals use it without any further investigations. Swedish municipals are not like private companies; one very distinguished difference is that they are not allowed to make any profit. The municipals in Sweden are regulated by the constitution law which means that they can not go bankrupt. The public and the private sector have different legislations that result in different ways on how they for example treat depreciations.
ABSTRACTThe privatization of pharmacies in Sweden took place in 2009, in part with higher availability of medicines as justification. For a good adherence, the patients needs a good availability of medicines from pharmacies. The aim of the study was that two years after the pharmacy reform study older people?s opinions on drug supply and pharmacy services, and which pharmacy chains they know about and use. The method used was a quantitative cross-sectional study and was conducted using questionnaires.
Digital kontra manuell blodtrycksmätning-Är resultaten samstämmiga?
Blodtrycksmätning är en viktig del i en sjuksköterskas arbetsuppgifter och då
både manuell och digital blodtrycksmätning idag förekommer parallellt inom
svensk sjukvård syftar denna studie till att undersöka om det finns någon skillnad
mellan de uppmätta resultaten i dessa mätmetoder och beskriva denna eventuella
skillnad. Undersökningen genomfördes på en kärlkirurgisk avdelning på ett
sjukhus i södra Sverige under hösten 2009. Populationen bestod av 38
inneliggande patienter som följdes upp med totalt 65 blodtrycksmätningar. För att
utföra undersökningen tillämpades cross-over design med kvantitativ ansats.
Resultaten visade skillnader mellan de två mätmetoderna då den digitala metoden
uppmätte högre blodtryck än den manuella. Digital blodtrycksmätning visade
genomgående högre mätresultat jämfört med manuell metod.
Konkurrens eller samarbete mellan kommuner - hur ser relationen ut inom turismnäringen? : Med perspektiv på större kommuner i Norrland
This paper is the result of a study of competition and cooperation in regard to tourism between the five largest municipalities in Norrland in northern Sweden. The municipalities are Luleå, Skellefteå, Umeå, Sundsvall and Gävle. The aim was to study the relation between competition and cooperation between these municipalities. An important theoretical aspect in this study is coopetition, where competition and cooperation occur at the same time. The studies on coopetition in the Nordic kontext is limited and the main literature on coopetition study the relationship between firms. This study however takes a geographical standpoint and aims to fill the gap in the literature on how competition and cooperation are connected to each other between chosen municipalities. To do this the tourism strategies of the municipalities were studied thoroughly. These written strategies provided information about how the municipalities view their competitive advantages and disadvantages and some general information about how they cooperate with the nearest regions. To find out how the municipalities think about competition and cooperation with the other four specific municipalities interviews were made with experts on the tourism field in each municipality. The results show that the municipalities do not have established strategies for how they are to be competitive compared with other specific municipalities. They do not see it as profitable to compete, instead they should complement each other. At the same time however, most of the municipalities mostly cooperate with municipalities in a short distance from them, and due to lack of resources only briefly or not at all with the municipalities studied here..
Flykten från landsbygden ? en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av mångfalden i det lokala nyhetsmaterialet i Arbetarbladet och Gefle Dagblad
Title: A Rural Pluralism Abandoned ? A quantitative analysis of the diversity in the local news content in Arbetarbladet and Gefle DagbladAuthors: Kalle Berg, Viktor Johansson och Francisco Ramirez Franzén.Subject: Undergraduate research paper in journalism studies, Dept. of journalism,media and communication (JMG) Gothenburg UniversityTerm: Autumn 2013Supervisor: Jonas Ohlsson, JMG, Gothenburg University.Pages: 47Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to examine how diversity in the news content changes when two competitive newspapers, in this case Gefle Dagblad and Arbetarbladet, is brought in to the same media company.Method: Quantitative content analysis.Procedure: 4 930 articles from a study period of three weeks during the years of 2001,2004, 2008 and 2012 has been coded into different variables and analysed from the perspective of diversity and media ownership concentration.Results: The main result is that since the two newspapers were incorporated in to the same media company there has been a change in the diversity of the news content. The aspect of which geographical regions, covered by the liberal newspaper Gefle Dagblad, show a tendency that Gefle Dagblad concentrate their news coverage to the main region, the municipal of Gävle..
Evaluating the effects of a tax increase : how the Swedish demand for snus will react to the new tax increase proposed by the government
This thesis deals with the concept of how price affects demand for a good by estimating various price elasticities of demand for snu sold in Sweden. Information was gathered on price development for snus and cigarettes as well as sales data from Swedish Match, the largest supplier of snus in Sweden. Income-, price- and cross-price elasticities were estimated based on log-log regression. Results show that snus is an inelastic good since the coefficient for price of snus was -0.536. This proved that a 1% increase in price causes a 0.536% decrease in quantity demanded.
Hur är tillförlitligheten vid identifikation av människor ur andra etniska grupper kontra den egna?
Inledningsvis belyses generella faktorer som påverkar ansikts- igenkänning. Därefter läggs fokus på cross- race fenomenet, vilken studien syftar till att undersöka. Uppsatsen grundar sig på två hypoteser som båda berör förmågan till igenkänning av ansikten från den egna samt av annan etnisk grupp. I studien deltog två grupper (N = 63), kineser och svenskar som testades med ett bildspel uppdelat i två delar. I instuderingsfasen visades 21 ansikten, med jämn fördelning av asiatiska, afrikanska och europeiska ansikten.
Inte homofob, men... : Socialarbetares attityder till homo- och bisexuella personer
The purpose of this study is to identify and make attitudes among social workers towards homosexual and bisexual people visible, examine how these attitudes relate to their actions in their professional role and how these attitudes and actions can be understood by theories of heteronormativity and power. The study is a cross-sectional quantitative survey in the form of a questionnaire completed by social workers. The result shows that there are two groups among the social workers. One larger group that reproduces a norm of acceptance toward homosexual and bisexual people and one smaller that reproduces a heterosexual norm. This reproduction of heteronormativity increases the risk for homosexual and bisexual people to be made invisible and treated more negatively in contact with social workers, which in turn can lead to worse health among the clients..
Stresseffekter hos får vid vallning och hantering
Vallhundar används av fårproducenter som ett arbetsredskap i den dagliga hanteringen av fåren, såsom vid flyttning, hämtning eller då enskilda individer ska separeras från flocken. Det finns många olika vallhundsraser och border collien är en av de vanligaste som används. Vid vallning utnyttjas fårens vilja att samla sig till en flock vid närvaro av predatorer. Vid stress hos får uppkommer ofta ett förändrat beteendemönster. Vid närvaro av en upplevd predator, till exempel en hund eller främmande människa, bräker djuren mindre än vanligt och stampar i marken.
Alternate Reality Games : Framtidens Marknadsföringsform
An alternate reality game, often abbreviated as ARG, is a mix between a game and a crossmedia interactive story using mainly the Internet as a platform. The game is built around the idea of teamwork among its participants. The players cooperate to solve puzzles allowing them to go forward in the story of the game. The marketing element is in different ways included in the story.A few Alternate Reality Games such as The Beast, The Art of the H3ist and The Lost Ring have previously been launched as marketing campaigns. This bachelor thesis aims to examine the possibilities of Alternate Reality Games as an alternative marketing tool for profit-driven companies.
Politiskt deltagande hos Kanistammen i Kerala: en fallstudie
This study is case study of political participation among the Kani tribe from Kuttichal grama panchayat in the Thiruvananthapuram district in Kerala, India. The study is based on the collected data of 117 people of the Kani tribe living in four different settlements: Pankavu, Mangode-Valippara, Chonampara and Kaithode. The aim of the study is to examine the impact on political participation by different factors, which is done by the use of the quantitative method of cross tables. The study confirms previous studies in its conclusion that high status individuals, defined in terms of education and economic standard, are the group of the highest political participation, when this is defined as being involved in political work and holding a party membership. On the local political scene however, where political participation consists of participation in local assemblies and voluntary work, the impact of the examined variables are very limited.
Proportionalitetsprincipen : En studie av dess inverkan i LOU
The principle of proportionality is considered one of the most important contemporary legal principles on which it intends to protect individual citizens against disproportionate action by the authorities. This aroused our interest prior to this study. The essay reveals how such behavior might look like and how courts have chosen to adjudicate in cases where the individual has been discriminated against or subjected to unreasonable demands in public procurement. That section of the law that were current throughout all court cases are Public Procurement Act (2007:1097) LOU. That which we have seen in every court case is that the applicant has not received a proper fair chance when the requirements of the contract often been asked in a way that either exclude the smaller applicant company or rule out various potential applicants parties due to excessive and sometimes unnecessary requirements.
Arbeta och leva i Kina : Upplevda kulturella skillnader från ett svenskt perspektiv
En ökad handel med Kina har inneburit att fler svenskar arbetar och bor där tillfälligt. Det betyder att det finns intresse att undersöka kulturella skillnader för att underlätta anpassningar vid arbete och fritid. Åtta personer med erfarenhet av att arbeta och leva i Kina intervjuades. Resultatet visade på betydande skillnader i kommunikation, tidsuppfattning, organisation, relationer och socialt beteende. Kommunikationssvårigheter fanns både under arbete och vid fritid vilket berodde på språket i sig samt olika kommunikationsstilar.