608 Uppsatser om Crop insurance - Sida 38 av 41
Aktiviteten hos thymidinkinas 1 i serum från hundar med juvertumörer och malignt lymfom
With the farming methods of the past century the agricultural landscape has changed. This has led to the fact that many habitats and species have been significantly reduced. Sweden is committed to the preservation of biodiversity through various conventions and laws. In the EU's Common Agricultural Policy there are currently agro-environmental schemes, which were created as an instrument for reducing the negative impacts of agriculture on nature and environment. Within this system any farmer who perform environmental measures are financially compensated for this.
Corporate Social Responsibility : Strategisk Tillämpning Mellan Olika Branscher
Corporate Social ResponsibilityThis thesis intends to exam the strategic use of Corporate Social Responsibility within fifthteen different companies, classified/divided into three various industries. The aim is to compare the three different industries, to look for disparities and similarities in their use of CSR. The disseration looks into both variance and resemblance in the use of Corporate Social Responsibility between the companies within the same branch of trade and between the industries.The industries of intrestThe three industries that the study has focus on is consumer, manufacturing and service related industries. Where the consumer industry is classified as companies with direct sales towards private consumers, the physical citizen. The manufacturing industry is classified as companies that manufacture products but that does´nt sell their products directly to the regular consumer.
Försök med olika såmaskiner vid konventionell sådd och direktsådd
In this thesis, two studies with different drills were included. In one of the studies two drills were compared: Väderstad Rapid and Väderstad Spirit. In the other study various drills for direct drilling were compared.
The study with Rapid and Spirit was placed in two locations with different autumn tillage; one on ploughed land in Uppsala and one on cultivated land in Västerås, both with relatively high clay content. Rapid drills have a single disc coulter, while the Spirit drills have a double disc coulter. Various aspects were compared such as aggregate distribution, seed placement, emergence, crop yield and economic outcome.
Medicinen är kryckan, inte lösningen: personals upplevelser av de psykosociala inslagen i läkemedelsassisterad underhållsbehandling
The meaning of the concept of psychosocial treatment is ambiguous. The purpose of this study was to examine how professionals within some care institutions, which provide methadone, buprenorphine or naloxone treatment, regard and carry out the psychosocial features of such treatment. Central issues discussed were; how personnel approach the psychosocial features of the treatment, what personnel regard as a focus in the psychosocial treatment, what conditions personnel consider affect treatment positively in order for it to be successful and how personnel see the relation between the medical and psychosocial features of the treatment. The method used was interviews with nine professionals in six qualitative interviews. The theoretical perspectives and concepts used in our analysis were; the theory of biological dependence, an organizational perspective, Prochaska and DiClemente's Stages of Change Model, the concept of individual reality and the concept of marginal conflict.Results show that the conditions most important for successful treatment are; that the patient has a place to live, an occupation, motivation, that the patient take responsibility for his/hers progress and have realistic expectations about the effects of the medicine.
Lantbrukare och rådgivare : tillsammans kan de främja biologisk mångfald.
With the farming methods of the past century the agricultural landscape has changed. This has led to the fact that many habitats and species have been significantly reduced. Sweden is committed to the preservation of biodiversity through various conventions and laws. In the EU's Common Agricultural Policy there are currently agro-environmental schemes, which were created as an instrument for reducing the negative impacts of agriculture on nature and environment. Within this system any farmer who perform environmental measures are financially compensated for this.
"Då rökte jag på. Sen började jag lite med tjack och sånt också." :en studie om hur ungdomars missbruk påverkar familjen
The purpose of our report was to analyze the effects of youth drug abuse on the families concerned. Youth drug abuse made us wonder about the effects on the family as a whole, of those involved with drug abuse. To answer this question, we decided to employ an empiric study in the form of interviews with four teenagers, five parents and four drug counselors. Because our intent was to understand rather than try to measure the problems involved, we decided on a qualitative method. Our method built upon semi-structured interviews using open questions, where the interviewees were free to express their own thoughts and opinions.
Bosättning, agrarkris och fäbodväsende : vegetations- och markanvändningshistoria i Läde, Dalarna
By using pollen analysis, 14C-dating and historical sources, I studied the history of vegetation and land use at an abandoned forest settlement near the Lade summer farms in the parish of Mora, Dalama. The aim of this paper is to investigate the agricultural establishment and development, the effects of this on forest vegetation, and the origin and development of summer farming.
The analysis of pollen in a peat core revealed that a settlement was established at Lade around 1000 AD. Cereal cultivation, hay-making on the mire and extensive forest grazing were intro-duced as a complete agricultural system. Pollen analysis and the presence of ancient fields suggests that cultivation took place on permanent fields. Barley was the main crop, but rye and hops/hemp were also grown at the settlement.
Tjustempiren : fallstudier av Casimirsborg och Blekhem
This paper concerning the regional architectural term known as the Tjust Empire style analyses manor houses built in the Tjust area by the east coast of Småland in the period 1810-1860. The term Tjust Empire style was invented in 1937 by PhD. Manne Hofrén in his dissertation on architecture in Kalmar län in the period 1650-1850. The aim of the paper is firstly to determine whether there is a distinct difference between the regional Tjust Empire style in architecture and the common Swedish empire style or as its Swedish equivalent is known; the Karl Johan style. Secondly, the paper strives to analyse why and how the Empire style became so popular in the area during this period, focusing on architecture as a means to express social identity and status.
Constant proportion portfolio insurance - en undersökning av två CPPI-strategier
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilket användningsområde journalister, som är anknutna till en redaktion, har att använda sig av bloggar och dess möjligheter. Vi vill undersöka bloggen som fenomen och då i synnerhet varför journalisten väljer att använda sig av denna alternativa medieproduktion, trots att han har möjlighet att genom sin redaktion kunna uttrycka sig och bli publicerad för en allmänhet som lyssnar till honom/henne. Vi kommer med hjälp av intervjuer, gjorda via mail, försöka att klargöra hur bloggen används av journalister och till vår hjälp kommer vi att använda Jürgen Habermas teori om offentlighet så som han har förklarat det i sin bok Borgerlig offentlighet.Frågeställningen i uppsatsen är:· Hur ser journalisten på bloggen i avseende på det offentliga och det privata?· Vilket urval gör journalisten då han/hon skriver i sin blogg?· Hur kan journalisten använda sig av bloggen?Undersökningen grundar sig i två stycken mailintervjuer med journalister som själva bloggar. Dessa två är Anders Linder, ledarskribent på Svenska Dagbladet, som bloggar under Svenska dagbladets redaktionella flagg och Andreas Ekström, journalist på Sydsvenskan, som skriver i ett mer privat rum.
Driving forces of land use : underlying factors in peri-urban land use
Swedish agriculture faces future challenges regarding food production and land use. Increased competition for agricultural land creates complex situations, where conflicts may arise when productive crop land is in demand not only for food production but also energy- and fodder production. On top of that there is an obvious conflict of goals between agricultural production and non-agricultural exploitation of agricultural land. In several emerging economic regions it is noticeable how agricultural land is being expropriated for development of urban settlement and infrastructure, carrying potentially significant long-term effects.
During the last decade the exploitation of agricultural land in activities other than food production has increased in Sweden and is expected to continue in the same manor. Approximately 700 hectare of land in Sweden is diverted from food production, annually, and in 2013, the Uppsala Municipality showed the greatest change in land use of all municipalities (SCB, 2013).
Organisationen, ledaren, individen: vem ansvarar för hälsan? En kvalitativ studie om det hälsofrämjande och ohälsoförebyggande personalarbetet i Malmö stads stadsdelar.
The purpose of this study was to examine health promotion and ill-health prevention in the workplaces of the City District Committees in the City of Malmö. More specifically, we wanted to find what types of health problems there were and what kinds of strategies were applied to prevent them. Furthermore, the aim was to examine whether the leaders of the City of Malmö saw any effects of the strategies in use and if so, which. Finally, the intention was to compare our empirical results to previous research in the field of health promotion and ill-health prevention in workplaces. We conducted a qualitative study consisting of semi-structured interviews with five leaders in different levels, two personnel secretaries, two employees assigned to improve the health of the personnel in the City Districts, and one safety representative.
Om föräldrarna och föräldraförsäkringen
Syftet med denna C-uppsats är att studera hur olika utformningar av föräldraförsäkringen påverkar enskilda föräldrapars familjesituation. Upprinnelsen till att vi kom att intressera oss för detta var det förslag om reformerad föräldraförsäkring som kom från en utredning om föräldraförsäkringen i september 2005. Förslaget har till största delen inte trätt ikraft ännu beroende på att dess utformning kräver en utökning av föräldradagarna, och det är inte aktuellt i dagsläget. Det vi fann intressant att studera var hur familjer påverkas av att utformningen av föräldraförsäkringen förändras och vad det skulle kunna innebära om utredningens förslag träder ikraft. För att kunna studera detta valde vi att göra en enkätundersökning bland småbarnsföräldrar för att ta reda på hur olika utformningar påverkar den enskilda familjen.Det teoretiska underlag vi har haft som utgångspunkt inför denna studie är SOU 2005:73 ? Reformerad föräldraförsäkring ?Kärlek omvårdnad trygghet? och Lisbeth Bekkengens (sociolog och fil dr i arbetsvetenskap) avhandling Man får välja ? om föräldraskap och föräldraledighet i arbetsliv och familjeliv.
Våldtagen eller inte? En studie kring professionellas syn på den våldtagna kvinnan och den rättsprocess hon genomgår
Many sexual crime matters are in a difficult position when it comes to proof, where it's word against word between the parties. However, the legislation states that it's the offender's actions that are to be in focus for the judicial judgement, but often the focus is on the woman, whether she said no and how she acted in that particular situation (Sutorius & Kaldal, 2003).The purpose with this essay was to investigate the professionals' view of the raped woman and what image the professionals convey/construct of the legal proceedings she goes through. With professionals, we mean lawyers and other professionals that function as support or treatment contacts for raped women. The questions we considered to be relevant for our investigation were: What image of the raped woman do the professionals convey? What image of the crime rape do the professionals convey and what image do they convey/construct of the legal proceedings the woman goes through? How is the view of the raped woman constructed in society? We considered qualitative interviews mixed with earlier studies and theories to be the best investigative method for our purpose.
Med elevens ögon: resan från grundskola till särskola
Today in Sweden the concept of the greyzone students that stands between the nine-year compulsory school and special school for mentally retarded children is recognised in different studies and reports. It is not obvious for this group of students to decide which category best can comply with their needs. Should they go in nine-year compulsory school or special school for mentally retarded children? In the last years there have been alarming rapports about how the share of students in special school increases. A study shows that the greyzone students are a group that distinctly is on the increase in the special school.
Strategier och kanaler vid marknadsföring för fysiska researrangörer och traditionella resebyråer
The tourism industry in Sweden has expanded in recent years and the increasing industry has meant that customers are in need of a reseller for their trips abroad. Today there are three types of retailers available. These are : Traditional travel agencies , tour operators and online travel agencies.Online Travel agencies are the most modern online option for customers. Their existence has made it easier for the customer and reservation can be made anytime and anywhere. The competition has intensified between the three retailers and the traditional alternatives must find new ways to survive.