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Frågor som berör ungdomar med sociala problem har länge varit av intresse för mig. I inledningsskedet av uppsatsarbetet kom jag att bli särskilt intresserad av en ung flicka, Saga. Hennes liv har fyllts med sociala problem som i grunden har varit kopplade till föräldrarnas missbruk, främst till mammans. Hennes pappa dog av sitt missbruk när hon var tolv år. Jag valde att göra en fallstudie om Saga för att skildra hennes liv och för att lyfta fram den problematik som finns hos ungdomar med liknande sociala problem.Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett enskilt fall kunna illustrera djupet, detaljerna och skildringar om det konkreta.

Adoption: professionellas och ideellt engagerades tankar kring samhällets beredskap för adoptivfamiljer

The Swedish legislation (Socialtjänstlagen, SoL 5 kap 1§ 6 st.) state that the social welfare committee is particularly responsible for those children whom are in need of support and help after an adoption or custody matter has been decided. "Adoption - but at what price?" SOU 2003:49 is a state report with the purpose to investigate different aspects around international adoptions, which brings up and discusses what supports there is for adoptive families in Sweden. With this background and a special attention towards adoptive children's health conditions when arriving to their new country we decided to study the subject adoption. By interviewing different professionals and volunteers that work with adoptive families in Sweden the aim with this study was to acknowledge how they look upon the support the Swedish community offers for adoptive parents and also how they consider the knowledge about adoption among those who in their line of work can meet adoptive children is.

Trädgårdsergonomi : om konsten att undvika de vanligaste riskfaktorerna för hälsan i små trädgårdsföretag med krukodling

This paper is based on a literature review and interviews made with managers in small-scale nurseries for pot plant production. The review helped to identify the worst occupational hazards in pot plant production. The interviews provided a way to investigate how the nurseries act so as to avoid the worst hazards and what they do to even out work intensive periods during the season in order to get a more even distribution of work over the year. According to available statistics problems with back and shoulders are the most common of the physical disorders and the risk for occupational accidents are high for greenhouse workers. Most of the occupational injuries are connected to musculoskeletal problems. The handling of material is often manual and involves frequent lifting and carrying of heavy loads, the strenuous work postures and static muscular tensions these repetitive tasks are associated with causes straining and overloading.

Elevhälsa: en kvantitativ studie om elevhälsans tillgänglighet i fyra industrikommuner

The aim of this investigation was to determine if, and in that case how, the resources of personne1 in what in this essay will be referred to as the department of students' health in four industrial municipalities had changed from 1999 until 2004. The establishment of the department of students' health could be discussed and analys ed in regard of a few concepts from new institutionaI organizational theory and studies on implementation. The investigation answers the following questions:What differences were there between the municipalities regarding the children's accessibility to the department of students' health?What differences were there between pre-school, compulsory school and upper secondary school within the municipalities regarding the children's accessibility to the department of student's health?The municipalities were commissioned by the government to combine school health service, student welfare and the field of remediaI teaching in order to establish a new section, the department of students' health. The study was carried out quantitatively.

The controversy surrounding the Swedish methadone assisted rehabilitation program over time: a literature study.

The purpose of this study was to examine the controversy surrounding the Swedish methadone assisted rehabilitation program over time. Which course has the Swedish methadone assisted rehabilitation program, and the controversy surrounding it, taken since the start? Which arguments have been for and which have been against a methadone assisted rehabilitation program in Sweden, and what are these arguments based on? We chose to write this thesis as a literature study to get a broad and in depth picture of the development of the program in Sweden. In our analysis we used social constructionism and a medical aspect on substance abuse as theories.It is clear that it has been, and still are, differences in opinions when it comes to the effects of the program. As early as in the 1980's the methadone assisted rehabilitation program was scientifically proved effective and approved by the Swedish Board of Health and Social Affairs.

Familjen i skuggan av alkoholismen: om medberoendeproblematik ur klass-, kultur- och könsperspektiv

The aim of our thesis was to describe how the connection between co-dependent relatives and the alcohol-dependent influences the family into changes in their teamwork.Our purpose was also to answer the following questions: How is it living with an alcoholic? Are there any differences in how men and women feel and behave in their relationship with an alcoholic? Are factors like cultural belonging, genre or social class important for how the co-dependent relatives feels and behaves and handle their co-dependency?To answer these questions we made twelve thematic qualitative interviews with six adult children to alcoholics and six people married to alcoholics. We compared the results of these interviews with earlier research. We also applied System Theory and Goffman's Role Theory, as well as Bourdieu´s Capital and Habitus concept.We believe that co-dependency is a family divergence that is very similar to family disease, but that a change in attitude can trigger recovery. According to the interviews many spouses stand by their alcoholic husbands and do actions that perpetuate the alcoholic dependence and thereby hold back any recovery.

"Arbetslöshetssjukan": en kvalitativ studie av arbetsförmedlares upplevelse av arbetslösas mående

The purpose of this study was to examine how the personnel of the Employment Office in Malmoe interpret the emotional situation and health of unemployed individuals. We also wanted to examine if and how the personnel work with these aspects. In relation to this we found it very interesting how the personnel dealt with the responsibilities of power, hierarchy and how subordination afflicts the unemployed. Our main questions were: Are the previous studies results confirmed by the response the personnel of the Employment Office give about the difficult situation among unemployed individuals? Which factors do the personnel at the Employment Office consider the main causes of negative emotional situations among the unemployed? How do the personnel deal with the emotions of the unemployed? How does the important responsibilities of power affect the relationship between the personnel and the unemployed? Which effects/impacts from current political changes are the personnel able to see on the situation of the unemployed? We interviewed eight people working at the Employment Office in Malmoe.

Supply & value chain analysis of onions in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is a developing country situated on Africa?s horn. Ethiopia ranks 173rd on United Nations human development index where the least developed country ranks 186. About 85% of all Ethiopians are employed in agriculture. Onion is one of the basic ingredients in the Ethiopian cuisine and thus an important crop.

Banktjänstemän och representanter från Skatteverkets upplevda nytta med att företag revideras av revisorer

Despite the fact that mandatory financial auditing has been abolished for small private public companies in Sweden we still see this service being used by these firms. Earlier research, papers and published articles tend to focus on the abolishment of the mandatory audits seen from the accountant?s point of view. There has however been less emphasis on the fact that 85 percept of the companies relived from the mandatory audits still utilises this service. We think that we have found a new and until now unexplored angel on this subject, and the purpose of our study has been to explore what the Swedish bank officials and what the Swedish Tax Agency?s officials think that they have to gain from a mandatory financial audit.The scientific method used in the study is deduction due to the fact that existing theories has been used to form the hypothesis.

En retrospektiv epidemiologisk studie om hudproblem på dobermann :

It is a well known fact today that suffering due to skin disorders is one of the most common causes to veterinary calls. For the Doberman breed included in the group of working dogs, the frequency and distribution of the different skinrelated diagnoses that causes visits to the veterinary clinics remains undocumented. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency of skinrelated problems causing veterinary visits of Doberman at four different veterinaryclinics in Sweden retrospectively, and compare these results with dogs in general and three other working dog breeds with the help of information collected from Agria - a Swedish animal insurance company. The total amount of veterinary calls that were registered at the clinics in question during the time of the study was 2460 visits. From these, 658 visits were due to skinrelated disorders, which amount to 27%. The most frequent cause to skinsuffering was injury caused by trauma, 15,7% of the Dobermans that were included in the study were affected, the second most frequent cause was inflammatory and infectious skin problems with 12,3% followed by neoplastic changes in the skin with 7% of the Dobermans affected.

Eftermarknadens möjligheter : En studie av Swecon AB:s tjänsteutbud

ProblemThe manufacturing industry is a mature industry where the profit margins are small and the competition is hard. This makes it hard for both manufacturers and resellers to gain market shares and reach reasonable profit margins only by selling products. Therefore Swecon who is reseller for Volvo Construction Equipment tries to find alternative methods and ways to increase their profit. An alternative source of income could be to develop the range of services that are connected to the ground products.PurposeThe purpose of the thesis is to examine how Swecon in southern Sweden can improve their offers of existing services connected to the ground product and investigate the demand of new such services.MethodThis study is based on a qualitative study of five of Swecons local offices and five of Swecons customers. The empirical framework is mostly based on personal interviews but in some cases information was retrieved by using phone interviews.

"It's about empowering the family": en deskriptiv studie med komparativa inslag om familjerådslag i Helsingborg, Höör och Belfast

In August 2007 we went to New Zealand for a placement at Child Youth and Family Services. There our interest in Family Group Conferences (FGC) took off. FGC is not near as common in Sweden as in New Zealand. Therefore the purpose of this study was to examine how the Social Services in Helsingborg and Höör in Sweden and Belfast in Northern Ireland work with FGC. We had the privilege to go to Belfast in Northern Ireland as part of the project Insight Europe.

Ingen skola är en ö : en studie av förutsättningarna för projekt med närproducerad skolmat på Sollerö skola

Sedan nästan tjugo år arbetar pedagoger och kökspersonal på Sollerö skola med projekt som syftar till att öka miljömedvetenhet hos eleverna och servera dem närproducerad och näringsrik skolmat. Detta arbete består bland annat av odlingar där skolpersonal, elever och föräldrar tillsammans odlar potatis, lök, morötter och rotsaker till skolmåltiderna. Många av de engagerade i verksamheten uttrycker dock att de upplever motstånd från skolledning och kommuntjänstemän, vilket leder till frustration och osäkerhet kring verksamhetens framtida överlevnad. I denna uppsats undersöker jag hur de engagerade i verksamheten påverkas av Mora kommuns policy för verksamheten, hur viktigt skolledningens stöd är för verksamhetens fortlevnad, samt vilka strategier de engagerade använder sig av för att påverka sina förutsättningar. För att försöka förstå detta har jag vid två tillfällen besökt Sollerön och de platser som är aktuella för verksamheten, intervjuat sju personer som är eller har varit aktiva i Sollerö skolodlingar samt deltagit i ett verksam-hetsmöte.

Behövs det kommunala uppföljningsansvaret?: Tjänstemäns syn på uppföljningsansvaret och avhopp från gymnasieskolan i Helsingborgs kommun

The number of young people that graduate from upper secondary education has decreased while a growing number of young people are in an outside position in the sense that they neither work or study or have any other known occupation. In addition to this the labour market has gone trough changes, which has brought difficulties for some groups to establish themselves on to the labour market. One of the groups that have been affected by this is the young people. As an answer to the increasing number of young people in an outside position, a new law was introduced on the 1st of July 2005. The law is called (kommunala uppföljningsansvaret) and it stands for the municipality's responsibility to follow up on young people between the age of 16-19 years that is not enrolled in any upper secondary school and that does not have any other known occupation.The purpose of this essay has been to examine how the responsible administrations in Helsingborgs municipality view their responsibility to follow up young people between the ages of 16-19 years and the practical application of the law, and also if they can see any risks with not following up on young people in that age span.

Profitability and competitiveness of grain handling at farm level

The Swedish agricultural sector is currently experiencing substantial structural changes, where the number of agricultural enterprises continuously decreases and the average farm size increases. In order to maintain competitiveness, it is important to be aware and adapt to changes concerning the surroundings of the company (Johnson et al., 2011). Agricultural commodity prices sharply fluctuate on the global market in recent years, affecting the profitability of farmers. High volatility market requires tools to reduce price variations and increases the need of decision-making (Bouder & Beth, 2003). Farm-based grain handling facilities increases the sale options regarding agricultural commodities; a flexible strategy to get additional compensation for the storing the grain produced on the farm (Edling, 2002; Edwards, 2013).

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