608 Uppsatser om Crop insurance - Sida 34 av 41
Har svensk narkotikapolitik rört sig mot ideologin om skademinimering?
This thesis discusses the Swedish drug policy and its principle of prohibition. In the world of today there is an ongoing discussion about prohibition and the concept of harm reduction. This thesis is an analysis of Swedish drug policy and an investigation as to whether the prohibition concept is in a state of decline. It tries to answer the question; is the Swedish drug policy moving away from its prohibition principle towards a harm reduction principle? The recent debate, articles, documents and earlier research has been analyzed in order to find answers to my questions.
Fri att missbruka: tvingad till vård. En argumentationsanalys av 70-talets debatt om tvång i socialvården
Can coercive care be justified against drug and alcohol addicts or should treatment be offered on a strictly voluntary basis? This was one of the central questions debated in Sweden during the 70's when the development of a new social legislation, The Social Services Act (Socialtjänstlagen), took place. The first aim of this thesis was to analyse whether the arguments that were presented both in favour for and against coercion were sound. To achieve this, a method for analysing arguments was employed, where a sound argument is defined as acceptable, relevant and adequate. The analysed material consists of both official government reports and books of influential debaters.
Till vilket pris? En kvalitativ studie om missbrukets påverkan på de sociala relationerna.
The aim of the study was to examine how substance abuse influences social relationships to families, friends and others. Five ex addicts in a treatment centre were interviewed. We used thematic interviews with themes that we regarded as relevant for our study. In the analysis we applied the theoretical concept of symbolic interactionism. Theories of emotions also helped us to explain feelings that arise in the social relationships.
Man måste fråga sig, vad är normalt och vad är inte normalt?: en kvalitativ studie angående yrkesverksamma tankar kring Aspergers syndrom, dess förhållande till högfungerande autism, diagnostisering och prognos
What compelled me to write this essay was the ongoing debate about DAMP/ADHD between mainly Eva Kärfve and Christopher Gillberg. The purpose of the essay was to ascertain whether there was a similar debate about Asperger Syndrome. My focus was on the causes of the syndrome, how Asperger Syndrome relates to high-functioning autism, how the causes of the syndrome are portrayed by the practitioners to those who have been diagnosed with it and their next of kin, how they view the prognosis of individuals with Asperger Syndrome and their thoughts about the method of diagnosis. To gather the material I have used semi-structured interview guides and qualitative interviews. Five interviews were carried out with six practitioners.
Värdepapperisering av samhällsfastigheters hyresflöden : En attraktiv finansierings- och investeringsmöjlighet för att bygga vård- och äldreboenden till en åldrande befolkning?
The number of elderly people has been steadily rising in Sweden for a long time and as a proportion of the population, the increase has been even greater. The population structure in the country means that in the not too distant future, there will be a sharp rise in demand for care and elderly accommodation.A tighter credit market as a consequence of new rules and regulations with a stricter capital and liquidity requirements combined with market turbulence, has made financing property developement more difficult and more expensive which has resulted in many companies using alternative sources of finance.DEmand for safe investments with low risk is high as the market is volatile and banks, pension funds, fund management and life insurance companies are looking for investments outside the stock market that can deliver a safe return in the longer term. There has also been a debate about whether institutional investors as the AP pension funds really should own properties directly.As properties for care and elderly accommodation are definable assets with predictable payment flows, long leases and often a local authority as tenant that would not risk cancelling payments, these would be highly appropriate for securitisation, i.e. to issue bonds or other tradable securities based on the cash flows from the assets.In other words, the securitisation of rent flows would offer the opportunity to create an attractive investment product of the type being demanded, well suited to institutional investor requirements, while at the same time, it can provide an attractive financing opportunity to meet the need for more care and elderly accommodation..
Hypoadrenokorticism hos storpudel :
Hypoadrenocorticism (Addison´s disease) results from insufficient production of glucocorticoid and mineralcorticoid hormones from the adrenal glands. The disease is often difficult to diagnose in an early stage because of the multitude of associated vague clinical signs. The standard poodle is one breed presupposed to be at higher risk of developing the disease. The purpose of this study was to give a review of canine hypoadrenocorticism as described in literature, and to characterise Addison´s disease in a population of standard poodles in Sweden. Statistics on incidenceproportions by breed for hypoadrenocorticism from the database of the Swedish insurance company Agria are presented.
En rörelse i förändring? - Om organisationsgraden i Sverige, idag och imorgon
Sammanfattning Den här uppsatsen behandlar den höga organisationsgraden som vi har i Sverige idag. Huvudsyftet är att ge ett svar på varför organisationsgraden är så hög. Syftet är också att undersöka hur fackföreningsrörelsen kommer att utvecklas i framtiden. Uppsatsen inleds med en redogörelse av faktorer som bidragit till den höga organisationsgrad vi åtnjuter idag. Fackföreningarnas struktur behandlas I första delen av uppsatsen.
"JAG ÄR RÄTT SÅ LÄTTÖVERTALAD": en studie i ungdomars resonemang om preventivmedel utifrån ett identitets- och utvecklingsperspektiv.
The aim of the study was to get a deeper understanding of how young people think and act when it comes to Contraceptive use, and also if outside factors have an impact on young peoples behaviour in these matters. We looked at our study from an identity and a development perspective. The method was conducted as a qualitative study. There were two groups of 8 young people, aged 16-17. Also 3 professionals that work with young people participated.
Klotter och skadegörelse på en högstadieskola: en miljöpsykologisk fallstudie med fokus på fysisk miljö.
The purpose of this study was to examine and try to understand the physical environment focusing on the fenomena of scribble and damage at a high school. More specifically its aim was to find out how the pupils themselves discribe their physical environment, the reasons why there are scribble and damage at their school and how they are treated by the adults at the school bearing in mind the scribble and damage that occur. The study took place at one high-school in the southern of Sweden and the methods used were six qualitative interviewes, a minor inquiry in six classes, fotographing the physical environment and putting up scribble boards on the pupils' toilets. The physcial environment was quite bare and monoton and the pupils often felt bored by it. There were few places where the pupils liked being at.
Välfärd & Rättvisa: socialsekreterarens roll i arbetet med yttrande för unga lagöverträdare
In the last couple of years changes in the legal systems treatment of young offenders has given the social worker more legal responsibility. In view of this, our purpose with this study was to examine how social workers and prosecutors apprehend the role of the social worker during the legal process. The study was delimited to look into the handling of young offenders between the ages of 15 and 18 years old. The questions we intended to look at were: How do the social workers reason when trying to see the need of a child within a legal context; Do prosecutors and social workers experience that they have different approaches when looking at young offenders, as a consequence of their different professions; What is the opinion among social workers considering the duty of the social services to administrate community service for young offenders; How do the social workers argue when determining whether or not a young offender has a "special need for care". These questions were answered through empirical studies where six social workers and two prosecutors were interviewed.
Utbrändhet och sjukskrivning : Tolkning av "sjukskrivares" förståelse
Arbetet har utvecklats utifrån min nyfikenhet över varför Sveriges utbrändhetsrelaterade sjukfrånvaro är bland den högsta i västvärlden. Det kan ses som att det är av stor vikt för företag liksom för individer att studera varför den utbrändhetsrelaterade sjukfrånvaron är så omfattande, då konsekvenserna av dessa är mycket krävande och kostsamma. Det finns redan mycket forskning på området men likväl är situationen i stort oförändrad.Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vad beslutsfattande parter i sjukskrivningsarbetet har för uppfattning om den utbrändhetsrelaterade sjukfrånvaron samt undersöka om sådana uppfattningar kan kopplas till fenomenets bestående karaktär.I min empiriska undersökning har jag använt mig av kvalitativa intervjufrågor och min forskningsansats har varit fenomenologiskt. Jag har utarbetat tre forskningsfrågor, utifrån vilka jag sammanställt och tolkat resultatet. Dessa tre frågor möjliggjorde även att besvara syftet med arbetet.Undersökningen visade att respondenternas uppfattning om begreppet "utbrändhet" var av betydelse för deras förklaring om var utbrändheten härstammar från.
Sjuksköterskors attityder och förhållningssätt kring patienter med psykisk ohälsa - en litteraturöversikt.
AimThe aim of this study was to map the injury panorama of traumatic injuries related to ice hockey in Sweden 2006-2011. In addition to that the aim was to compare whether there were any gender differences regarding traumatic ice hockey injuries. MethodThe present study was based on data from the Folksam insurance company between 2006 and 2011. The population consisted of ice hockey players in a club affiliated to the Swedish Ice Hockey Federation and that had sustained a traumatic injury related to ice hockey that resulted in medical care and then was reported to Folksam. The results are presented with descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation, median range and frequencies. ResultsThe head was the most common injury localization followed by the upper extremity where the shoulder accounted for a high number of injuries. Fracture was the most common type of injury for both male and female players.
Välfärdsstaten i tre post-kommunistiska stater: konservativ, liberal eller socialdemokratisk? En studie av socialpolitikens utveckling i Tjeckien, Polen och Ungern efter 1989
After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 the satellite states of the former Communist bloc immediately departed on a journey towards democracy and market capitalism. Among the many tasks of the newly elected governments, one was to transform the paternalist Communist welfare state into a social system that would decrease the oversized role of the state, at the same time as protecting the citizens from the hardships ensued from the transition.I have studied the evolution of new welfare systems in the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary, three countries generally agreed as the most similar and most successfull transition countries of the Eastern bloc. Gøsta Esping-Andersen's prominent typology of welfare regimes, consisting of the liberal, corporatist and social democratic regime-types, has constituted the theoretical basis of the analysis. Simultaneously, applying new cases to the typology implies an element of theory testing.The study shows that 40 years of Communism and partial isolation from the West has not prevented these three countries from developing welfare states fully compatible with those of Western Europe and the Anglo-Saxon nations and that all three of them in fact fall within the scope of the corporatist regime-type..
Kan mjölkkors utnyttjande av vallprotein bli bättre? : utfodringsstrategier och konserveringsmetoder
The purpose with this literature study was to investigate the possibilities for improvement of forage protein in dairy cows with focus on feeding strategies and conservation of forage protein. The utilization of forage protein in dairy cows is often not that efficient as it could be. The feed crude protein consists of both true proteins and non protein nitrogen. The digestion of proteins in the rumen depends on the protein degradation rate and the ability of the microbes to synthesize microbial protein. The microbes need a balance between carbohydrates that provide them with energy and proteins that are degradable in the rumen.
Traumatiska skador hos ishockeyspelare i Sverige : en registerstudie
AimThe aim of this study was to map the injury panorama of traumatic injuries related to ice hockey in Sweden 2006-2011. In addition to that the aim was to compare whether there were any gender differences regarding traumatic ice hockey injuries. MethodThe present study was based on data from the Folksam insurance company between 2006 and 2011. The population consisted of ice hockey players in a club affiliated to the Swedish Ice Hockey Federation and that had sustained a traumatic injury related to ice hockey that resulted in medical care and then was reported to Folksam. The results are presented with descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation, median range and frequencies. ResultsThe head was the most common injury localization followed by the upper extremity where the shoulder accounted for a high number of injuries. Fracture was the most common type of injury for both male and female players.