

1665 Uppsatser om Criticism of religion - Sida 5 av 111

Hälsa mellan raderna : en källkritisk studie av svenska hälsomagasin

This is a study about source criticism in Swedish health magazines in 2014 which is based on Torsten Thuréns positivist philosophy of science and formulations about source criticism. The thesis was based on the hypothesis that the Swedish health magazines are inadequate in their source-critical approach. To prove or disprove the hypothesis a quantitative content analysis of one hundred articles was made. The quantitative content analysis was based on twelve variables and the results showed that the hypothesis to some extent was true. The magazines reported their sources in most cases, but the majority of the sources consisted of various authorities such as doctors, psychologists, and personal trainers.

Religionskunskapsämnet i förändring : en historisk exposé samt nutida jämförelser

AbstractThe purpose with this essay is to present a picture of the changes in religious education in Sweden, and to make comparisons between Denmark?s and the USA?s model about teaching in religion. I have consequently described the historical development, with the beginning of the establishement of the public school, inte the year of 1842. 1919, a new document about the religious education was released, wich result in some major changes. This was in a time were the debate about religion and the Lutheran State Church of Sweden authority was an issue.

Den enda rätta demokratin : en idéanalys av gymnasielitteratur och dess beskrivning av demokratibegreppet

The right kind of democracy ? an ideology analysis of school literatures description of the term democracy.Writers: Fredrik Hedlund & Mattias AhlqvistDemocracy is today a word and a concept that in many ways is taken for granted and almost never is reflected on. The concept democracy is also considered as an essential issue in the swedish school system, both regarding the way the education should be managed and also as a part of the students democratic schooling ? all according to the comprehensive document Läroplanen för de frivilliga skolformerna (Lpf94).The main purpose of this paper is to investigate how swedish literature in political and social science talks about and looks upon democracy ? what do the books say it means?The materials we have chosen for this report are the books Zigma and Forum. As metod we are using a textual ideology analysis in which we have created three dimensions ? meaning/associations, criticism of democracy, and demos/citizenship.

Turordningsreglernas vara eller icke vara

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to investigate the priority rules in the event of termination due to redundancy, the rules functions according to the Swedish labour market and which other alternatives that exist besides the priority rules. The alternatives to the priority rules which are introduced in the essay are the Danish Flexicurity-model and a proposal from the Långtidsutredningen 2011. The rule of priority is a very controversial law at the Swedish labour market, which makes the essay also describing the criticism against the rules. The criticism that the essay presents claims that the rules of priority contribute to immobility effects for particularly older employees. Further on the essay presents the criticism towards the rules, that they disadvantage young employees on the labour market.  The essay investigates also what the researchers say about the criticism.The results that are presented in the essay points to the fact that the rules of priority contributes to the immobility effects of employees but the rules can not be claimed to be the only reason.

Självkänsla nu! ? ett substitut för religion? : En analys av Mia Törnbloms bok Självkänsla nu! utifrån ett religionsvetenskapligt perspektiv

Uppsatsen analyserar Mia Törnbloms bok Självkänsla nu! utifrån ett religionsvetenskapligt perspektiv och diskuterar om man kan se Törnbloms bok som ett substitut till religion i dagens sekulariserade samhälle..

?Det är ingen quickfix, utan någonting som man får jobba med varje dag? : en kvalitativ studie med ett poststrukturellt perspektiv om hur förskolepersonal beskriver normer och normkritiskt arbete angående kön och sexualitet i förskolan och öppna förskolan

The purpose of this study is to examine discourses about norms and norm criticism regarding sex/gender and sexuality in preschool teachers? and nursery nurses? speech using a post-structuralist perspective. My two research questions are:How do the educators describe norms in general and norms about sex/gender and sexuality in relation to their work?How do the educators describe their work with norm criticism in relation to norms about sex/gender and sexuality?The theoretical base of this thesis is feminist post-structuralism and queer theory. Qualitative interviews were used as method to gather material and then a form of discourse analysis was made based on the transcribed interviews.

Att vara same igår och idag : samisk religion och natursyn i litteratur och media

Ett syfte med denna uppsats är att belysa hur det är att vara same och troende i dagens samhälle. Jag kommer att skriva om samernas religion idag med fokus på deras natursyn samt deras synsätt på miljöfrågor och den globala uppvärmningen. För att kunna göra detta har jag även fördjupat mig i deras traditionella religion och förhållandet till naturen. Jag ska försöka besvara frågeställningarna nedan.Hur såg den traditionella samiska religionen ut och hur förhöll man sig till naturen?Vilken påverkan har kristendomen haft?Hur ser samerna på de aktuella miljöfrågorna och den globala uppvärmningen?Hur framställs samerna idag i litteratur och media? Hur ser religion ut bland samer idag?.

Attityder till tabuord bland amerikaner : Kognition, intensitet och frekvens.

This essay examines the role religion plays in kindergarten. Today, the Swedish kindergarten provides child care for a secular and multicultural society where religion is considered a private matter that should not influence government nor the policy documents of kindergarten and elementary school. According to a study by Jenny Berglund, there is a so-called Protestant bias present in the Swedish elementary school. Protestant bias is shaped by a ?marinade? of liberal Protestant Christianity and has an indirect influence on how other religions are described, how religion is defined and how concepts such as religion, tradition or culture are viwed.The study was also based on Ninian Smart?s dimensions of religion, whichcorrelates to Berglund?s theory on Protestant bias.

Religion ett ämne i förändring

En studie om religionsämnets utveckling under 1900-talet genom läroplanerna och en religionsdidaktisk debatt om ämnets vikt och svårigheter. Vidare en empirisk undersökning om vad lärare och elever tycker om ämnet i grundskolan..

New Age & Kristendom : en jämförelse

En jämförelse mellan New Age och kristendom som visar likheter och skillnader, samt en prövning efter en religionsdefinition..

En vandring genom Skymningssagors land : Samhällskritik, konst, natur och saga i Gustav Sandgrens Skymningssagor

Abstract The aim of this study is to create a pathway through Gustav Sandgren?s short-story collection Skymningssagor and the second collection with that title, based on his social criticism, notions of art and nature, use of fairytale motifs and finally, his view of the metaphoric liberation of mankind. The study is based on a comparative and thematic investigation, illustrated by examples from Sandgren?s short stories. The theoretical framework is based on Eva Nordlinder?s study of the art fairytale in Sekelskiftets svenska konstsaga och sagodiktaren Helena Nyblom (1992) and Konstsaga och Kultursyn (1992) as well as Torben Brostrøm?s study of the folktale in Folksagan och den moderna litteraturen (1992). The investigation shows that Sandgren?s social criticism permeates his short stories, but that his keys to salvation, nature and art (first and foremost music) exist to help mankind rise above our shackles. The investigation also shows that Sandgren?s short stories are firmly placed within the tradition of the fairytale and the romantic notion of a relation between nature and man.  Keywords social criticism, fairytale, nature, music, art, liberation.

Religionslitteraturen och dess låntagare: en studie på två folkbibliotek

This thesis treats lending figures of literature on religion at libraries in Vårgårda and Lerum.Formulated hypotheses are: The use of literature on religion is higher at the library in Vårgårdathan at the one in Lerum; In Lerum the most literature on religion is used by highly educatedpeople; Ethnic groups and librarians have an influence on the stock.The Christian literature has other patterns than other literature regarding selection criteria,reviews and distribution. The conclusions are: The fact that there are many members ofChurch and Chapel in Vårgårda, does reflect the number of loans of literature on religion in apositive way; Education does not influence, but distance between school and library; Thelibrarians' interest and therefore knowledge regarding religious topics has an impact on theirtreatment of religious books, while ethnic groups do not effect stock and use in either Vårgårdaor Lerum..

Läroböcker i religionskunskap - en analys ur ett lärarperspektiv

Syftet med denna utbildningsrapport har varit att analysera de läroböcker inom religion som de tre läroboksförlagen Bonnier utbildning, Gleerups och Liber, erbjuder för den svenska skolan. Min avsikt har varit att se om dessa är anpassade för hur den rådande kursplanen för religion(Lpo 94) lyfter fram vissa delar inom områdena Livsfrågor och livstolkning, Etik samt Tro och tradition. För att nå ett resultat har jag använt mig av textanalys och utvecklat en modell som jag sedan följt för att i slutändan se i vilken grad som läroböckerna uppfyller detta..

Konflikt och konsensus : En studie av den keltiska religionens förändring under den romerska kolonisationen

In this essay I investigate how the Roman colonization (around 50 BC to 400 AD) affected the Celtic religion. I inquire which operators that were behind these changes and under what circumstances they happened. I take a closer look on three places in Gaul and one place and one area in Britain. In my study of these places I see that it was the elite of the Celtic societies who together and under pressure from Rome made these changes. The religion and gods did not change; instead the ritual ceremonies changed to fit into something that Rome thought was right.

?Religion som vägledning, försvagad och problematiskt? : ? En studie om gymnasieelevers resonemang kring religion och religionskunskapsämnet

Abstract This essay has grown out of an interest for the subject of religion and religious education for upper secondary pupils in Sweden. Our society is characterized by cultural, religious and secular diversity, which also reflects in the classroom where individuals with different religious preferences share space and participate in discussions. One of my aims is that this essay can be a contribution for future studies in the religious field. Previous research has shown that Swedish pupils increasingly lose interest in the subject of religion (on a personal level but also more in general). There is a possibility that this picture might have changed since these studies where done, and that is what I want to investigate in this essay.

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