

9151 Uppsatser om Critcal Discourse Analysis - Sida 31 av 611

Nobody likes the Middle East. There is nothing there to like. : En postkolonial studie av hur Hollywoodfilmer framställer människor från Mellanöstern före och efter 9/11

This study is a comparative analysis of how Hollywood portrays people from the Middle East before and after 9/11. The films used to conduct this study are True Lies (1994), The Siege (1998), The Kingdom (2007) and Body of Lies (2008). With a qualitative methodology, discourse analysis and postcolonial theory this study analysed not only how people from the Middle East is portrayed, but also how the Americans in the films are presented and how the characters in the films changed in the movies produced after 9/11.     The results show that people from the Middle East are portrayed in a negative way and that Hollywood uses stereotypes. However, people from the Middle East are more gradated in the films post-9/11. There is a bigger focus on Islam in the movies produced after 9/11 and the study also shows that family values play a less central part in the story in the films made after 9/11 and that work is of more importance.

Eurocentrering i läromedel, Eurocentering in schoolbooks

En diskursanalys på två av de mest frekvent använda historieböckerna på den svenska gymnasieskolan "Epos" och "Alla tiders historia A". Dessa läses med hjälp av en diskursanlys framtagen av Lennart Hellspong "Metoder för brukstextanalys". För att se om där finns spår av eurocentrism och om de motsvarar Lpf11s kursplan för ämnet historia. Resultatet visar på att de båda böckerna är allt för vinklade till Europas fördel och att de på egenhand inte motsvarar kursplanen..

?Gift att dö eller drömmar att leva?

The purpose of this study is, based on theories of gender and hegemonic masculinity, to studyhow masculinity and femininity is constructed and reproduced in one of the most popularSwedish podcast: Filip & Fredriks podcast. The main theory in this study is that gender issocially created and sustained by humans through language and interaction with others.The study's research questions is: How are gender roles/gender portrayed in Filip & Fredrik'spodcast? What characteristics are attributed to men and women in Filip & Fredrik's podcast?How does Filip & Fredrik's podcast represents conditions and power relations between menand women?Through an linguistic textual analysis, which is an application of discourse analysis, I seek toget beneath the surface meanings of texts and examine more implicit social meanings andideologies regarding gender. It includes an analysis of metaphors, word choices and syntax.The analysis shows underlying values and ideologies that indicates gender structures in abroader societal context. Choice of words and metaphores in Filip & Fredriks's podcastexpresses symbolism where men and male-typical attributes are highly valued, whilst womanand female-typical attributes is being devalued and representative of the opposite.Masculinities and femininities are also constructed and represented in various ways throughsentence constructions that guides the listeners in certain directions.

Machobögen, Brukspatronen, Vapendragaren & Queerkvinnan : En kvalitativ analys av män och kvinnor i HBT-magasinet QX

The aim of our study was to examine how homosexual and heterosexual men and women are represented in the Swedish magazine QX, a magazine for gay, bisexual and transgender people. We wanted to find out what kind of roles the persons in QX appears in, and inquire the relationships that exist between them.We analyzed the texts in twelve magazines, from December 2008 to November 2009, in order to get the most current results as possible. We used a discourse analysis, with focus on identities, relationships and the representation of the world. Representations, gender, hegemonic masculinity and stereotypes have been significant theories to analyze our results.The results showed that the successful gay man is the most important person in QX. He is the perfect masculine macho fagot, who is highest in rank.

- För vi har slutat nian, fyfan va' vi é bra! : En kritisk diskursanalys av grundskolans fostran från Lgr62 till och med Lpo94

I have studied the curriculum for the compulsory Swedish school, from the curriculum from year 1962 when the Swedish grundskolan became a reality, to the curriculum from year 1994, the one in practice today. My primary interest has been what the curriculum says about bringing up the Swedish youth. My theory has been the British analyst Norman Fairclough?s Critical Language Studies. His thoughts about actual discourse, type of discourse and order of discourse has led me through out this essay.

Media om Wikipedia: en diskursanalys av nationella facktidskrifter

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how librarians, information specialists and teachers discuss Wikipedia within national (Swedish) professional journals. Questions asked in the study are: How is Wikipedia perceived in the professional journals? What different positions do writers and commentators take in relation to Wikipedia? 133 articles from 31 different professional journals in the period from 2001 to the middle of 2010 were analysed. The theory and method used is Laclau?s and Mouffe?s discourse theory from which we created our own model with sex different steps.

Ikeas retuscherade kvinnor : En kvalitativ studie av Ikeas val att retuschera kvinnor i den Saudiska Ikea-katalogen

On the first of October 2012 the media reported that the women in the Ikea cataloguehad been airbrushed in the Saudi edition. Initially the blame was put on either theSaudi government the Islamic culture or the Saudi franchise. In the end it wasrevealed that the Swedish company Inter Ikea Systems had the full responsibility forIkeas actions and therefore was the culprit behind the airbrushing. On whoseinitiative or why the airbrushing was done the media never found out. These areanswers only Ikea has, although they remain unresponsive to these questionsthroughout the news portrayal.This study methodology uses a qualitative content analysis as framework to furtherinvestigate the news media with support of theoretical perspectives such as mediatheory, power relations and cultural differences.

Att bevara och förändra: en diskurspsykologisk studie av jämställdhetssamtal på Malmö stadsbibliotek

The aim of this master's thesis is to study how gender equity is discussed and worked with at a Swedish public library, and what potential consequences these discussions will bring. By analysing different types of documents and interviews with library staff using discourse psychological theories and methods we show that two dominating discourses coexist and determine the direction of how gender equity is discussed. These discourses are argued to create and uphold gender and gender roles within the organisation as well as in society at large.In our study we find that one of the identified discourses has, as one of its consequences, that it preserves and regenerates traditional gender roles. This discourse is mainly used when discussing personnel policies and when recruiting. We call this the discourse of gender role preservation.The second discourse is mainly seen when discussing the public dimension of the library's functions.

Föreställningar och uppfattningar om genus i förskolan. En fallstudie

Den här fallstudien behandlar olika individers föreställningar och uppfattningar om kön och genus i förskolan, i studien ingår både förskolepedagoger och föräldrar. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för studien är det socialkonstruktionistiska perspektivet. Studien är uppdelad i två delstudier; delstudie I består av intervjuer som analyserats med hjälp av kritisk diskursanalys och delstudie II har etnografisk ansats. Att studien består av två delstudier beror på att jag därmed kan belysa problematiken runt arbetsprocessen kring skapandet av ett gemensamt förhållningsätt vad gäller genusarbete i förskolan. Studien påvisar att begreppet genus uppfattas som något svårdefinierbart och informanternas svar tyder på en osäkerhet kring just detta begrepp.

Kritik av värdegrunden : Att förankra en kultur

The values of the Swedish school system is said to be rooted in the ethics of Christianity and western humanism. Critics say that this expression can be seen as a sign of an obscured eurocentrism when world-wide accepted values is said to be cared for by Christianity and the west. The purpose of this paper is to examine how the politicians argue on this issue, why the values of the Swedish school system should be said to be cared for by the ethics of Christianity and the western humanism. I also want to examine if these arguments in fact corresponds with the worldview of eurocentrism. The examination consists of a discourse analysis review of, for example, journals of the Swedish parliament, which is later compared with the theories of eurocentrism.I believe the argumentation can be categorized in three main categories: first a conservative ideological perspective where they are driven by the notion that the Swedish culture could be defined by establishing and defending its foundations; a philosophical/religious perspective where they want to justify the indisputable values they believe should be maintained in the schools; a eurocentric/psychological perspective where they tend to express the Swedish identity by defining what is typically characteristic of ?us? and typically characteristic of ?the others?.

Vem har rätt till rättigheter? : En kritisk diskursanalys av regeringens migrationspolitik

This bachelor thesis is titled Who has Right to Rights ? a Critical Discourse Analysis of the Swedish Government?s Migration Politics and is written by Sofia Lindqvist within the discipline of International Relations.The thesis takes its departure in the paradox that irregular migrants in Sweden are given different rights depending on which state institution they face. Through its collaboration with the Environmental party, the Swedish government has made it possible for irregular migrants to access extended health care. At the same time, one of the main goals of the current migration policy is to make deportations more effective. This essay aims to explore if the Swedish migration policies are compatible with universal human rights standards.

"Förlåt dem Fader, för de vet icke vad de gör" : En religionspsykologisk studie av sista uttalanden på Texas Death Row

The United States is one of few Western nations that administers capital punishment to their condemned criminals. Texas has executed the most inmates of any state in the U.S. This prompted questions about the psychological characteristics of death row inmates. The purpose of this essay is to widen the perspective on inmates serving capital sentences by analyzing their final statements. The focus of this essay was centered on acute anxiety of death among inmates, visible in their final statements, as a result of an accelerated process of dying.

Det för(s)könade biblioteket En diskursteoretisk läsning av biblioteket vid KVINFO

This thesis applies a discourse theoretical approach in order to examine in whatways and with what possible meanings the library at KVINFO participates in the overall gender discourse in society. This means that our reading takes place at a metatheoretical level, focussing on the library as a constructor of meaning in relation to society's gender discourse.Besides the actual reading, the thesis argues for the fruitfulness of using both a discourse theoretical and a feministic perspective in the field of Library and Information Science. By looking at libraries in general through a lens provided by these perspectives, libraries are staged as battlegrounds for competing discourses,that attempt to promote its particular knowledge claim on how reality should be perceived.The reading shows that it is possible to perceive the library at KVINFO as amaterial articulation that takes shape by and is part in a feministic counterdiscourse against the masculinistic hegemonic discourse, which throughout ?hisstory? has positioned women as ?the other?, and established men as the normative category in society, including the libraries. Through its practise KVINFO has contributed to a change in the collective identity ascribed to women.

Roman om ett samhälle Samhällsskildringen i Sjöwall/Wahlöös Roman om ett brott i förhållande till vänsterdiskursen i Sverige 1965-1975

This Masters thesis concerns a series of ten police procedural novels, Roman om ett brott, Novel of a crime, by Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö. These books are among the most translated Swedish novels and have been popular among audiences and critics all over the world. The books were produced 1965 1975, a period during which a left wing movement swept over the Western world. Besides from being detective stories Novel of a crime is an analysis of contemporary society, and this thesis will focus on the social and political ideas and the criticism expressed in the books. Theories used in this study are the Sociology of Literature and the Analysis of Ideas.

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