

1472 Uppsatser om Crisis Leadership - Sida 59 av 99

Ett extra år i grundskolan

The basic idea behind an extra year in school was to offer students who have not read nine years in Swedish primary school an opportunity to prepare themselves to pass a high school. This first group that went an extra year in school consisted of eleven students who completed their studies and went on to high school. During the time the group expanded, the school received students from various schools in the same municipality. During the follow-up of these groups could be noted that there were many students who registered, but only few students completed their studies and went on to high school. The purpose of this study was to explore why leadership in the classroom is important for students.

Mobbning i arbetslivet : en dokumentanalys

Mobbning i arbetslivet är ett dolt problem som alltid funnits på arbetsplatser i Sverige. Vuxenmobbning handlar om psykiskt våld och upprepade kränkningar som skadar människor och leder till utfrysning, utslagning och isolering. Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen och kunskapen kring mobbningsproblematiken på arbetsplatsen och dess konsekvenser. Syftet är också att ta reda på vilka rättsliga möjligheter och begränsningar det finns att vidta, samt vilka förebyggande strategier som forskning och utredningar föreslår. Materialet består av fyra domstolsbeslut kring mobbning i arbetslivet.

Livscykelkostnad för tak och fasad

Title: Time to renovate ? The effect of communication on the relationship between company and customer in a change situationCourse/subject:Busniess administration, Leadership, 15hpAuthors:Fredrik Elghag, Ossian OlssonTutors:Ingemar WictorKeywords:The Million Programme, Communication, Relationship Marketing, Tentant, Landlord.Problem formulation:How does communication affect the relationship between company and customer in a change situation?Purpose:Examining how different parts of a communication process affects customers trust, commitment and loyalty to their company.Theoretical framework:The starting point for the study?s theoretical perspectives have been Morgan and Hunt?s (1994) previous studies on relationship marketing and Laswell?s (1948) communication model.Methodology:The paper is performed with a qualitative research approach and a deductive approach to answer the research question. Personal interviews were conducted with four employees in real estate companies and two tenants in each company stock.Conclusion:We have found that communication affects the relationship between company and customer. Tentants have experinced credibility of businesses is important for them to have a confidence and loyalty in the relationship. .

Påverkas officerarnas beslutsfattning om de utsätts för stress?

Den här uppsatsen handlar om stress och ledarskap och hur de två begreppen påverkar varandra. Bakgrunden till detta arbete är att belysa hur stress påverkar ledarskapet och beslutsfattandet. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur stress påverkar officerare inom Försvarsmakten som sitter i beslutsfattande ställningar. Med den här uppsatsen vill författaren ge en större förståelse för hur stress påverkar officerare när de ska fatta beslut. Det här ska genomföras genom att besvara följande trefrågeställningar: Vad är stress? Vad är ledarskap? Hur påverkas en officer vid beslutsfattande om han/hon befinner sig under stress? Problemformuleringen är att idag talas det om att stress påverkar oss mer än vad den gjorde förr.

Skada, vinst och samhällsflytt : En kvalitativ studie om hur LKAB porträtteras i Dagens Nyheter

The purpose of this paper is to examine how LKAB are portrayed in the newspaper Dagens Nyheter (DN). The methods that were used were: Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) combined with Critical Linguistic Analysis. These were used since they help to reveal the structures and unconscious meaning and power of word. It gives the tools to see how authority, power and meaning of words are constructed during social practice of the way they are used. To complement the method the theories that?s used are discourse analysis since CDA is both a method and a theory.

Arbetsmotivation på äldreboenden : en intervjustudie med chefer och medarbetare

Den här studien handlar om arbetsmotivation på två äldreboenden i Gävleborgs län. Vi gjorde en jämförelse mellan ett privat äldreboende och ett kommunalt äldreboende för att undersöka hur arbetsmotivation diskuteras på enheterna. Syftet med studien var att se om det fanns skillnader mellan det privata och det kommunala boendet samt mellan chef och medarbetare i definitionen arbetsmotivation. För att få svar på våra frågor använde vi oss av en kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervjuform. Det vi i huvudsak kom fram till var att arbetskamraterna, de boende och att prestera bra var de mest framträdande faktorerna till arbetsmotivation.

SCHEMALAGD OHÄLSA? : - en studie om skiftarbete och sjuksköterskors stressrelaterade hälsa

Bakgrund: En fungerande sjukvård kräver att sjuksköterskor arbetar obekväma arbetstider, övervägande del utav yrkeskåren arbetar även skift. Tidigare studier visar att skiftarbete kan bidra till att individens naturliga dygnsrytm rubbas och att sömnen kan bli lidande. Dessa två faktorer kan leda till ett ökat stresspåslag hos skiftarbetande individer, dock finns tvetydiga studier.Syfte: Att undersöka hur skiftarbetande sjuksköterskor skattade stressrelaterade symtom.Metod: En enkätundersökning genomfördes bland skiftarbetande sjuksköterskor inom ett landsting i södra Sverige. Självskattningsformuläret som användes för att mäta stressrelaterade symtom var Stress and Crisis Inventory -93.Resultat: Studiens deltagare representerades utav 86 skiftarbetande sjuksköterskor. Utav deltagarna uppgav 85 % att de i någon grad stördes utav en allmän trötthetskänsla och 69 % uttryckte att de besvärades utav sömnsvårigheter.

Förmågan att leda en klass - något som kommer med tiden

During my practical training I have seen what after-school offers children. Large groups of children and little staff, often results in that the children had to play freely until they go home. Few activities are offered to the children and the staff is busy looking after the children and ensures that they are not fighting.The purpose of this study is to find out how children feel about their leisure activities and if they think they are being offered a meaningful leisure. The main research questions were:How do children experience their leisure-time?Do after-school offers children a meaningful leisure and is it the children's interests and needs that govern the activities and the environment?How do the number of children in the leisure group affect the leisure time?The methods to collect data in the study are observations and interviews.

Mobiltelefonens grafiska gränssnitt : och dess betydelse för pensionärer

The Mobile phone has contributed to massive changes in the way that human beings communicate with each other and is a part of society?s globalization. Opinions differ in the area of user interface where some feel that mobile phones exclude users such as senior citizens or users with an intellectual or a physical disability.Universal Design ??design for all?, is a vision that intends to bring about settings, products and services that suits as many people as possible irrespective of an individual?s needs and prospects. The criteria for ?design for all? are among other things flexibility, user friendliness, comprehensibility and a high tolerance for mistakes.The purpose of this essay was to investigate the mobile phones graphic user-interface from the theory of a universal design.

En intressant gemenskap - En analys av begreppet intressegemenskap i ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna

The establishment of loan-based structures within a group of associated enterprises with the purpose of lowering the group's taxes by using deductible interest payments to transfer money has become increasingly popular in Sweden during the past few years. The legislator has therefore implemented new laws which restrict the amount of interest payments that are deductible within a group of associated enterprises. As a consequence the definition of associated enterprises has become of high importance. The definition has been criticized and is perceived by many as vague and difficult to interpret. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the definition of associated enterprises in Swedish tax law with the aim of clarifying its scope and meaning.

Chefshandledning i grupp - en arena för insikt : En studie i hur känslor kan tolkas utifrån utsagor om handledning

Detta är en fenomenologisk studie där jag med utgångspunkt i ett socialpsykologisktperspektiv undersöker hur känslor av skam och stolthet kommer till uttryck i utsagor omsjälvbild. Mitt material utgörs av fokusgruppsintervjuer där enhetschefer i Stockholms Stadutvärderar sitt deltagande i grupphandledning ur ett ledarskapsperspektiv. Materialet är endel i ett större forskningsprojekt kallat Stockholmsprojektet där Kompetensfonden,Riddarfjärden AB och Karolinska Institutet samarbetade. Mitt teoretiska ramverk har ettsociologiskt perspektiv med teorier kring social interaktion, sociala band och system.För att öka förståelsen av chefers ?inre? perspektiv har jag utifrån transkriberadefokusgruppssamtal, som handlar om erfarenhet av deltagande i chefsgruppshandledning,undersökt hur chefer uttrycker vad som format förändrad självbild och påverkat derasväxande i sitt ledarskap.

Katastrofhantering i kapitalets förlovade land : Den amerikanska statens hantering av Dust Bowl och orkanen Katrina

In this thesis, I enquire into how the USA ? our world?s wealthiest and most powerful nation ?  and its federal government has dealt with two of its most severe natural disasters: the drought and dust storms that plagued the Great Plains during the 1930?s, i.e. the Dust Bowl, and Hurricane Katrina, which made landfall in late August 2005. I attempt to identify differences and similarities and analyze if and, in that case, how the hegemonic politico-economic paradigm affected the federal management of these crises. This comparison is made relevant by the fact that two differing paradigms were at play during these events. In the thirties, President Franklin D. Roosevelt launched his ?New Deal?, a series of counter cyclical measures in line with the Keynesian school of economics, as a response to the overwhelming economic depression as well as the raging drought.

Talang sökes! : En studie av två distriktsfotbollsförbunds talangidentifierings- och urvalsprocess till distriktslagen

The purpose of this bachelor essay was to analyze two Swedish district footballassociations and how the responsible coaches of the elite youth developmentteams identify and select talent. Key questions in the thesis were how thecoaches described their leadership and their own part in the team, how thecoaches identify talent, how they work with the selection process and theiropinions about the elite youth development team structure. The study wasbased on 7 semi-structured interviews. The interviews showed differencesbetween the district football associations but also many similarities in how theyselected the team during the talent identification process. All coaches wereinvolved in the selection process but the way they talked about developing eliteplayers varied.

Utveckling på höga höjder : en fallstudie av Åres destinationsutveckling över tiden

The aim of this paper is exploring questions regarding the problem of absenteeism among high-school students in Sweden. Fifteen students attending an urban high-school have been interviewed about their views and experiences of absenteeism. The author analyzes the students? answers by taking into account two different sociological approaches which give two different explanations about the way young people experience and estimate education. The French sociologist Bourdieu theorized that differences in cultural capital influence the permanent internalization of patterns of thought and behavior.

EU:s inflytande vid gränskonflikter: Fallet Cypern- En fallstudie av EU:s maktutövning i Cypernkonflikten

This study discusses the European Union´s influence regarding the Cyprus Conflict since 1998, when the EU began the official membership negotioations with Cyprus. The first aim of the study is to investigate in what way the EU has tried to practice influence concerning the Greek- and Turk Cypriots, but also Turkey, since Turkey is seen as a relevant party in the conflict. The second aim of the study is to examine what effects the EU´s influence has led to for the parties involved. The theoretical approach in the study is the theory Normative power, the theory stresses that Europe and the EU practices non-military power, and is able to do so because of the fact that the EU is based on internationally acknowledged desirable norms, as democracy and human rights and liberties. The result of the study shows that the EU has been an active participant concerning the Cyprus Conflict by successfully influencing the Greek- Cypriot government and Turkey e.g.

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