

1472 Uppsatser om Crisis Leadership - Sida 54 av 99

"Lite udda och inte riktigt som andra" : en tematisk undersökning av hur utanförskap och identitetssökande som motiv skildras i Inger Edelfeldts romaner

The main purpose of this study is to analyse how the main themes of alienation and the search for identity is portrayed by Swedish author Inger Edelfeldt. I have applied the theories of Rita Felski concerning feminist novels of self-discovery, in which the development of the female identity is the main question. As Edelfeldt?s writing consists of literature for the young as well as adults, I have included material from both of these genres. I have also taken use of Ulla Lundqvists theories about Swedish juvenile books when examining aspects of the main character?s feelings of alienation and identity searching.The results of my analysis show that the reading of my material as feminist novels of self-discovery has revealed pervading charachteristics of alienation, love, friendship and psychological development.

En ordförandegrupps känsla av samanhang

Back, I. & Hörberg, A. (2009). En ordförandegrupps känsla av sammanhang. C-uppsats i pedagogik.

Kan professionell skepticism användas för att förutse revisorers beteende?

Auditors have a big role in society. The question of auditor independence has been debated frequently after the financial crisis. Long auditor tenure with clients has both advantages and disadvantages so the question is hard to solve.One of the traits that are encouraged with auditors is professional skepticism. An important part of professional skepticism is the personal skepticism of the auditor. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate if a high professional skepticism can increase auditor independence by increasing profession identification and decreasing client identification.

Ukraina: Realismens återkomst? : En kvalitativ textanalys om hur fred och säkerhet bör skapas i Europa utifrån teorierna realism och liberalism

Ukraine shares a long history with Russia. In the early 21th century, Ukrainians wanted a freer Ukraine. Therefore the orange revolution started in 2004 by the Ukrainians and had a positive outcome. The situation later became worse because of the economic crisis in 2008 and a corrupt president. The pro-western politician Petro Poroshenko was elected to become president in 2014.

Arkeologi och den senmedeltida ödeläggelsen

This essay discusses the width of the late medieval desertion of farms in Sweden from an archaeological perspective. The object of the essay is to investigate if archaeological investigations and research during the last 10-15 years have changed the view of the late medieval desertion in relation to the Scandinavian research project on deserted farms and villages.The essay also deals with questions on causes to the desertion and when desertion occurred. An ambition of the essay is also to give a general picture of archaeological investigations during the last 10-15 years considering the late medieval desertion. The analyses-material consists mainly of reports from archaeological investigations.Most of the investigations analysed in this essay are investigations of single farms. Because of this it is natural these investigations do not say much about the width of the desertion.

Att stödja familjer med minderåriga barn när en förälder är svårt sjuk eller döende - vårdpersonalens upplevelser och erfarenheter : = Supporting families with under-age children when a parent is seriously ill or dying ? care personnel?s experiences.

Vårdpersonal känner ofta stor rädsla att gå in i vårdsituationer med en döende förälder. Tidiga stödinsatser har visat sig vara av värde för barns krisbearbetning och accepterande i dessa vårdsituationer. Vården är vanligen inte anpassad för att barnen ska involveras och många föräldrar upplever det svårt att förmedla information om sjukdom och förväntad död till sina barn. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vårdpersonalens upplevelser och erfarenheter av att stödja familjer med minderåriga barn när en förälder är svårt sjuk eller döende. I form av tre fokusgruppsintervjuer intervjuades 10 personer med olika vårdyrkesbakgrund.

Assuandammens påverkan på Nilen, Egypten

Regulation of rivers by dams and reservoirs is a good example where anthropogenic impact could be considerable both in the local environment, but also has major implications upstream and downstream. This study was accomplished as a literature study of the river Nile, which is extremely important for water supply. The purpose of this study was to investigate the consequences of the construction of the Aswan High Dam, to obtain a consistent flow for water supply, irrigation and power generation in Egypt. Since Egypt has a very hot and dry climate large amounts of water in reservoir is lost to the Nubian aquifer system and by evaporation. The consequences from constructing the dam are considerable.

Ledarskapets betydelse för hälsa och effektivitet : Ledarbeteenden och organisatoriska förutsättningar

Studien undersökte vilka ledarbeteenden och organisatoriska förutsättningar som upplevs vara viktiga för att ett ledarskap ska kunna skapa hälsa och effektivitet i en arbetsorganisation utifrån både ledare och medarbetarperspektiv. Metoden för studien bestod av gruppintervjuer. Deltagare var nio personal ledare, varav två kvinnor och tio medarbetare, varav tre kvinnor på en svensk tillverkningsindustri och underlaget bestod av fyra gruppintervjuer, varav två med personal ledare och två med medarbetare. Resultatet visade att ledarbeteenden som upplevdes viktiga för att skapa hälsa och effektivitet var tydlighet, regelbundna medarbetarkontakter, lyssnande och personalvård. Organisatoriska förutsättningar som ansågs viktiga var personalgruppens storlek och tid för medarbetarkontakter.

Lärares arbetstillfredsställelse och belåtenhet med den manliga respektive kvinnliga chefen

Syftet med denna studie var att med en enkät undersöka belåtenhet med chefen ocharbetsrelaterad tillfredsställelse i förhållande till kvinnlig/manlig chef samt medarbetarnas könoch verksamhetstyp. Totalt deltog 147 respondenter vilket gav en svarsfrekvens på 74 %.Resultaten visade signifikanta skillnader i hur manligt och kvinnligt ledarskap uppfattades, imeningen att de kvinnliga cheferna hade genomgående mer nöjda medarbetare. Resultatet visadeäven att av de tre verksamhetstyperna (förskola, grundskola och gymnasium) som ingick istudien var förskolan den verksamhet som var mest belåten med chefen, oberoende av kön. Denverksamhet som hade lägst arbetstillfredsställelse i alla kategorier var grundskolan. Den endasignifikanta skillnaden som visades när det gäller kvinnliga och manliga medarbetare, var idelmåttet förmåner.

Demokrati, inte populism ? en studie av en grupp ungdomars tankar kring folkbibliotekets uppdrag i en omvälvande samtid

This study deals with the Swedish public library in our changeable time. New technology, an altered media situation with a growing digitalization, globalization and a society focusing on the individual and the market have put the public library in a new, indistinct position. It is described as facing an identity crisis. The aim of this thesis is to, by interviewing a group of young people ages 15-16, find out what the public library is for this user group and what it ought to be according to them. How do they value the services provided by the public library? Are there services they miss? The thesis also aims at relating the opinions of the young people to earlier research.

Resolution 1325, lidandet i Liberia och kvinnors rättigheter

AbstractBetween 1989-1996 and 2000-2003 a civil war took place in Liberia. During the war many, many people were killed or were forced to flee. Another of the war's characteristics was the high number of women being sexually abused and beaten by the soldiers. The aim of this thesis is to analyze to what degree the peacekeeping personnel in Liberia, foremost staff working for the UN and agencies related to the UN, have implemented Resolution 1325 in their work. Resolution 1325 was adopted by the members of the United Nations Security Council in year 2000 and aims to increase the efforts made to secure women's rights and security in parts of the world where war and crisis prevail.

Kvalitetschefens Roll och Kompetens Inom Svenska Organisationer och Företag

The role of the quality manager has evolved from being a quality controller to work with a more global business. Within many organizations in Sweden, however, the traditional role of the quality manager's remains and the tasks categorized as quality control still takes up most of the quality manager's time. The survey conducted as part of this master thesis shows that the quality manager in most businesses has multiple roles in addition to the role of quality manager, which can create a role conflict. One consequence of this is that each improvement is not given priority due to time constraints. Although the importance of a clear and committed leadership is the key for succeeding as the quality manager.

Leva med Lean : Hur involveras och motiveras medarbetare till att ständigt arbeta med förbättringar?

The European Union is struggling to maintain democracy and tries to increase the participation among the citizens in Europe. The European Citizens? Initiative, ECI, is a platform established by the European Commission to allow citizens to propose new legislation. ?Water and sanitation are a human right! Water is a public good, not a commodity!? is the first ECI that has met the requirements.

Innovate or Evaporate : -En kvalitativ studie av idéhantering på IKEA AB

The thesis focus on how organizations can improve the ability of absorbing coworkers ideas in purpose of gaining long term competitive advantage through innovations. The study was conducted at IKEA AB where a campaign to collect coworkers ideas was a big success given the quantity of ideas collected. This fact allows a comparative analysis of idea management in the shape of campaigns and in comparison, idea management in the everyday line-organization.The analysis show that fundamental factors for innovative environments such as organizational climate, culture and leadership perceives auspiciously by the respondents. However, lack of infrastructure such as systems and processes hinders coworkers ambitions to contribute with ideas.An important issue in idea management is the treatment of incentives for innovation. Results of the study show that the ?soft? incentives ?feedback, encouragement and attention have a higher impact in coworkers willingness to the contribution of ideas than for instance monetary rewards..

Finns tröjan i grönt? : En retorisk analys av H&Ms Conscious Actions Sustainability Report.

As consumers we want to know from whom we buy, what we buy and the impact the company has on our planet. In recent years there been an increasing number of scandals concerning child labour, dangerous chemicals and falsely labelled meat. A good way for companies to communicate their environmental efforts is to establish a sustainability report, where they describe their work and their impact on our environment. By concentrating on H&M?s sustainability report, as well as conducting a rhetorical analysis, we have been able to focus on the following research questions:  ? Why do companies establish CSR reports? ? How do companies gain legitimacy through their rhetorical choices? ? How do companies try to influence recipients? attitudes to the company? We begin by studying the context, which is of importance when using a rhetorical method and thereby attempt to understand in what situation the text is created.

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