

1472 Uppsatser om Crisis Leadership - Sida 48 av 99

Bemötande av anhöriga vid traumatiska dödsfall - En litteraturstudie om omhändertagandet av de anhöriga och deras behov

Traumatic deaths hit relatives hard and a fast and professional encounter can make crisis management easier. The purpose of this literature review is to find partly how relatives after traumatic deaths are taken care of and how nursing staff fulfil the relatives' needs and also how nurses prepare themselves before this encounter with the realatives. The method in this study consists of a literature review. This was done through critical examining a number of articles within this area. The result shows how a nurse could encounter relatives after traumatic deaths.

Social ekonomi: Staten och det civila samhällets betydelse utifrån ett rättighetsperspektiv

The increasing significance of social economy as a concept is linked to general global processes such as the crisis of the welfare state, neoliberal globalization, anti-bureaucracy tendencies and decentralization, but also to a growing political interest in human rights and social development. In Sweden the idea of the social economy generates wide support within civil society as well as within the government and across party political boundaries. Furthermore, what is problematic in this context is the fact that the discussions on the subject tend to be relatively uncritical and often it seems as if though the expansion itself is the main objective. The emphasis on cooperation and the third sector in terms of welfare production implies a set of risks in relation to state responsibility, democracy and the autonomy of civil society. This paper aims to explore those risks and how they can be dealt with within the Swedish context..

?Varför är jag här? Varför sitter jag med de här gubbarna?? : En kvalitativ studie om att vara kvinna i den mansdominerade byggbranschen

This study aims to look at female executives? view of their leadership in the male-dominated construction industry. The study is  qualitative and focuses on the respondents' subjective perceptions. We have conducted six interviews with women in different companies whose positions within each company varied. Using theories of subjectivity, emotions, impression management and organizational structures, to support the analysis conducted, this study shows that there are obstacles for women in the industry, but it also shows that it  seems to be facing a brighter future.

Musiklärarens påverkan - Grundskolan som mötesplats

Denna studie bygger på huvudfrågan: Har musiken i grundskolan någon påverkan på elevens inställning till musik senare i livet? Under studien har nya infallsvinklar tagit form och lett studien till resultatet: Musiklärarens påverkan. Från en relativt smal syn på musikundervisningen i grundskolan har element som t ex läroplaner och ledarskapsteorier vidgat studiens syn för vad musiklärare i grundskolan har haft för styrmedel genom tiden för de fyra läroplanerna, Lgr 62, Lgr 69, Lgr 80 och Lpo 94. Denna studie kan urskilja att det har skett en progressiv utveckling av varje ny läroplan, och att lärarrollen har utvecklats med denna process. Musikundervisningen i grundskolan har gått från en traditionell till en mer öppen undervisningsform.

Användandet av propaganda i skapandet av en föreställd gemenskap

The purpose of this paper is to examine how propaganda has been used by two dictatorships, namely Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union under the leadership of Josef Stalin. By examining a number of propaganda posters and paintings, we aim to find similarities as well as differences in how the two nations attempted to create imagined communities amongst their people. While conducting this examination of the propaganda material, we have acquired and used some of the ideas of Benedict Anderson, who has coined a concept that he calls ?Imagined Communities?. In conclusion, it is established that the most obvious similarity is that both leaders are heavily included in their propaganda material, both pictured and mentioned in text.

Matematik och naturvetenskap i barnens fria utomhuslek - en observationsstudie

Title: Besparingar inom Barn- och utbildningsnämnden.Seminar date: 29th of May 2009Course: Degree thesis in Business Administration, bachelor thesisAuthors: Amela Smajlovic and Sten SundfeltAdvisor: Leif HolmbergPurpose: Our purpose is to explain the cost-saving process that many municipality organisations face because of the global financial crisis.Limitations: We have limited our study to the municipality of Landskrona and Kristianstad.Method: Our study has a qualitative approach. By using open interviews we have been able to get an open dialog with our respondents.Theory: We have compared with different theories, such as Rombach?s budget-theory and Wildavsky?s role theory.Empirics: The material is based on interviews and conversations with key figures in different levels of the organisations in Landskrona and Kristianstad.Conclusions: The success of a cost-saving process depends on the engagement, awareness and how inclined to changes the persons in the organisations are. Has everybody the willingness to take responsibility fore the organisation and the changes that the surrounding world claims?.

Krisinformation i sociala medier : Kommuners användning av Facebook och Twitterför att sprida information till kommuninvånare

Det blir allt vanligare att kommuner använder sociala medier i sitt kommunikationsarbete. I denna uppsats har det undersökts hur sociala medier används för spridning av krisinformation på kommunal nivå samt vilka faktorer som bidrar till att krisinformationen når kommuninvånarna. Vidare har det undersökts hur kommunernas delade krisinformation i sociala medier kan förtydligas genom aggregering till en annan plattform. Studien som innefattar intervjuer med tolv kommuner som är aktiva i sociala medier samt med tre i ämnet insatta personer visar på att sociala medier som kriskommunikationskanaler idag används i relativt liten utsträckning. Det beror, enligt kommunerna, främst på att få kriser drabbat kommunerna sedan användningen av sociala medier påbörjades.

Kvinnlig chef i byggbranchen : faktorer som utgör hinder till avancemang

Background: Studies that have been made in male-dominated organisations shows that only few women have succeeded in advancing to the higher positions in all businesses. Statistics shows that merely 4 % of the managers in all building companies are female. The manager role has earlier always been classified as most suitable for men resulting in barriers for women who strive for management positions. This problem is now very renowned and is called the glass ceiling. To improve the current situation, both the organization's structure and culture, have to be modernized for more women to succeed and get the courage to get into the industry.

Ledarstilar : en studie om hur ledare påverkas av skiftande förutsättningar

Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att se om ledare tenderar att ha skiftande ledarstilar i och med att de har skiftande förutsättningar. Vi vill även se hur stor medvetenhet ledare tenderar att ha beträffande sin egen ledarstil.Metod: Vi har valt att genomföra en kvalitativ studie, med intervjuer som ett viktigt inslag. Informationen som vi har insamlat ligger till grund för vår analys och slutdiskussion. Vi har utfört en intensiv studie där vi endast har intervjuat några få respondenter och utifrån de erhållna svaren bildat oss en uppfattning. Vi har studerat redan befintliga teorier och ställt dessa mot vårt empiriska material.

Indirekt varumärkesutvidgning på den svenska bilmarknaden

Today automotive manufacturers are facing a crisis with increased pressure to strengthen their brands. To prevent declining results many automakers have chosen to extend its brand to other industries i.e. various forms of brand extensions. Automotive manufacturers have developed an international strategy for what merchandise to offer. The strategy has received an overall positive response, however, it does not apply well within the Swedish market where merchandise is sold in less quantity than abroad.

"I leken kan man älska och hata fritt" : - Lekens betydelse i arbetet med barn i kris och sorg

Syftet med arbetet är att få en djupare förståelse för hur personal med utbildning inom beteendevetenskap tillämpar lek och vilken betydelse leken har i arbetet med barn i kris och sorg. Arbetets frågeställningar undersöker hur personal som i sitt yrke möter barn i kris och sorg använder lek som ett verktyg för att hjälpa barnet. Arbetet studerar även huruvida personalen anser att leken bidrar till barnets förståelse för det inträffade samt om personalen anser att leken påverkar barnets självbild och självkänsla. Arbetet tillämpar en kvalitativ metod och antar en hermeneutisk anstats för att förklara och förstå ämnet. Datan samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer.

Genus och FN: s fredsbevarande operationer : en studie av de fredsbevarande operationerna i Namibia och Kosovo

The purpose of this essay is to examine the United Nation?s work and structure to find possible factors that can explain why some peacekeeping operations have achieved to mainstream a gender perspective, when others have not. This study is based on two cases; the peacekeeping operation in Namibia and the peacekeeping operation in Kosovo.The theory I have chosen to apply is feminism, a theory that allows an alternative explanation to this phenomenon. The conclusion is that there are three decisive factors: The leadership and its will to recruit female personnel to decision-making positions, the number of female employees and whether the peacekeeping operation cooperates with local women-organisations or not. All this is of great importance whether the institutional hegemonic masculine culture within the United Nation and its peacekeeping operations, is challenged or not..

"Är det vårat hus bomben har träffat?" : En kvalitativ studie om vuxnas krigsupplevelser från barndomen

The purpose of this study was to illustrate how adult people think that, experiencing a war during their childhood has affected their lives. Questions at issue: 1. what does it mean to live in a war as a child? 2. How do the respondents think about possible significance of experiencing a war in their childhood and how their lives have turned out today?The study is performed with a qualitative method of research, based on studies of literature, two individual interviews and a group interview.

Kontraomvändelse - blivandet av en ateist : en religionspsykologisk undersökning av byte från religiöst orienteringssystem till ateistiskt

The purpose of this study in the psychology of religion is to explore the process of an individual?s shift in orienting system, from a religious to an atheistic. The materials used are autobiographical accounts obtained from two books. One that has been used as a primary source and one as a secondary. By using Rambo?s process oriented theory of religious conversion relevant themes and categories were chosen and later subjected to further analysis using Pargament?s theory of religion and coping.

Förväntningar och erfarenheter kring skolledarskap : en jämförande studie ur lärarperspektiv

Background: There have been several reforms within the Swedish educational system since the 1960´s, not only within the elementary school but also within the teachers? education and the school leaders´ educational program.Aim: My aim with this study is to explore if teachers´ expectations and experiences of school leadership have changed since the many educational reforms began in the 1960´s.Method: For this study I have a used a comparative design. By making qualitative interviews with five teachers born in the 1940´s and five teachers born in the 1980´s I have then analyzed the result.Result: Regardless of the 40 years of age difference and the multiple reforms within the educational system in Sweden the result shows that the teachers in this study did not have any clear expectations on their school leaders as they started their careers..

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