107 Uppsatser om Creep coefficient - Sida 2 av 8
Termomekanisk utmattning av Sanicro 25 : Materialmodellering med finita elementmetoden
The report aims to describe the austenitic stainless steel Sanicro 25 from a thermomechanical point of view. The thermal and mechanical properties of the material make it suitable for use in coal ? and thermal power plants. By the use of Sanicro 25 it would be possible to bring the efficiency of these plants up while bringing the carbon emissions down.A material model is created from material testing and validated through simulation in the finite element software Abaqus. The model that has been derived describes the material behavior during loading and stress relaxation for the first cycle in a thermomechanical fatigue test well.
Objektiv utvärdering av hälta under ryttare
Background: The most common reason for veterinary care in horses is lameness. Lameness in riding horses is often difficult to evaluate and in many cases may require riding to come to a diagnosis. Evaluation of lameness has proven to be very subjective and depends on the examiner. There is a need to evaluate ridden horses in an objective way.
Hälsosamtal i elevhälsovården : Vad uppfattas som ett positivt och betydelsefullt hälsosamtal utifrån elev- och skolsköterskeperspektiv?
The aim: was to describe and compare a group of experts and critical care nurses' agreement in detecting delirium in intubated, ventilator treated patients with sedation / analgesia, before and after an in house training intervention with the instrument Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU).Method: A quasi-experimental study, one group pretest - posttest design. A convenience sample of 17 critical care nurses in a general intensive care unit included. To detect delirium the instrument CAM-ICU was used, 21 paired tests before and 22 after an educational intervention.Main Results: The results showed that after an in house training intervention sensitivity and kappa coefficient improved of the characteristic 1 "acute onset and fluctuating course," an improvement that was significant. In other features, and overall values were signs of numerical improvement and deterioration in sensitivity, specificity and kappa coefficient but no significant change.Conclusion: Implementing a new instrument for detecting delirium in clinical practice requires education and follow-up. A small sample of critical care nurses with varying ability to use the new instrument and the fact that patients' status may change rapidly making it difficult to draw any conclusions from this study.
Hur påverkar inavel fruktsamheten hos häst?
Inbreeding has become a problem in some horse breeds. Studies show that it may lead to inbreeding depression which affects e.g. reproduction traits. In the wild there are mechanisms that make horses avoid mating with close relatives. When selection is done by humans this mechanism is removed and intensive breeding for a few traits, for example good racing results, can become a problem.
Irrigation scheduling for efficient water use in dry climates
In this report the importance of irrigation scheduling in dry climate is shown, how it can save water and energy; how this method can improve crop yield by supplying the right amount of water at the right time. It is shown how irrigation scheduling and irri-gation technology together increase the irrigation efficiency..
Säkerhetsegenskaper hos en rymdreaktor
A Monte Carlo simulation of the ELECTRA reactor using (U,Zr)N fuel and a liquid lithium coolant is performed using the Serpent simulation code. The results show a reactor with a total reactivity coefficient of the coolant, fuel and material expansion that is strongly negative. These properties make the ELECTRA reactor a good candidate for a safe space reactor that could be used for propulsion of manned and unmanned space vehicles to Mars and other parts of our solar system..
Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda äldre personer som uppvisar beteendemässiga och psykologiska symtom vid demenssjukdom : en intervjustudie
The aim: was to describe and compare a group of experts and critical care nurses' agreement in detecting delirium in intubated, ventilator treated patients with sedation / analgesia, before and after an in house training intervention with the instrument Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU).Method: A quasi-experimental study, one group pretest - posttest design. A convenience sample of 17 critical care nurses in a general intensive care unit included. To detect delirium the instrument CAM-ICU was used, 21 paired tests before and 22 after an educational intervention.Main Results: The results showed that after an in house training intervention sensitivity and kappa coefficient improved of the characteristic 1 "acute onset and fluctuating course," an improvement that was significant. In other features, and overall values were signs of numerical improvement and deterioration in sensitivity, specificity and kappa coefficient but no significant change.Conclusion: Implementing a new instrument for detecting delirium in clinical practice requires education and follow-up. A small sample of critical care nurses with varying ability to use the new instrument and the fact that patients' status may change rapidly making it difficult to draw any conclusions from this study.
Priset på åkermark : påverkande faktorer
The price of farmland has risen sharply in the last 20 years. This has led to discussions about what creates the value of farmland. The aim in this study was to try and find what factors are affecting the price on farmland. The area that is studied is the counties around Mälardalen during the period 2005 to 2009.The method chosen to achieve the objective is the hedonic price model. The variables are chosen after a preliminary study where a literature search has been made and a number of interviews with people in the industry.
Claw and leg lesions in preweaning piglets : a comparative study of piglets reared on structured polyurethane coating and piglets reared on concrete floors
Floor surface in pig facilities can have an impact on animal welfare and pig health, as it can cause the pig physical damage and thereby increased risk of infectious diseases and lameness. The development of pig housing systems has resulted in a decreased use of bedding. It seems hard to find the optimal floor in farrowing pens, as it must suit both the sow and piglets. The floor friction needs to be adequate to avoid slips and at the same time should the floor be non-abrasive. Abrasions and lesions caused by the floor are not only causing the animal suffering, but are also negative from an economical aspect.
Att beskriva och jämföra en expertgrupp och intensivvårdssjuksköterskors överensstämmelse i att detektera delirium hos intuberade, respiratorbehandlade patienter med sedering/analgesi, före och efter en utbildningsintervention : En kvasiexperimentell stud
The aim: was to describe and compare a group of experts and critical care nurses' agreement in detecting delirium in intubated, ventilator treated patients with sedation / analgesia, before and after an in house training intervention with the instrument Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU).Method: A quasi-experimental study, one group pretest - posttest design. A convenience sample of 17 critical care nurses in a general intensive care unit included. To detect delirium the instrument CAM-ICU was used, 21 paired tests before and 22 after an educational intervention.Main Results: The results showed that after an in house training intervention sensitivity and kappa coefficient improved of the characteristic 1 "acute onset and fluctuating course," an improvement that was significant. In other features, and overall values were signs of numerical improvement and deterioration in sensitivity, specificity and kappa coefficient but no significant change.Conclusion: Implementing a new instrument for detecting delirium in clinical practice requires education and follow-up. A small sample of critical care nurses with varying ability to use the new instrument and the fact that patients' status may change rapidly making it difficult to draw any conclusions from this study.
Analys av bostadsrättspriset i Stockholms innerstad : En multipel linjär regression
In this study a multiple linear regression was carried out in the interest of analysing a number of variables effect on the final prices of apartments in Stockholm?s inner districts. The result may be employed to predict and observe percentage changes on the final price of apartments in Stockholm in the future. Five models were constructed after which they were analysed and compared. The construction of these models were supported by data from the real estate agency Erik Olsson.
Solvärme på Utö
The guest harbor on Utö, Utö Gästhamn, is currently using electricity for heating all of the water used in the showers and taps. Because of the large amount of visitors, especially during the summer months, the hot water usage gets very high and that is also the case for the electrical bills. During the year of 2011 the cost of electricity for Utö Gästhamn reached a total of 257 500 kr. Out of these 257 500 kr approximately 142 000 kr, 55 % of the total cost, were because of the water heating.The report is the result of a cooperation with Skärgårdsstiftelsen, the Green Islands-project and Utö Gästhamn where the mutual goal is to dimension a solar energy system, to promote the sustainable development.Initially the different techniques for the solar energy system are researched. The techniques are plane solar collectors, evacuated tube collectors, pool collectors and photovoltaic cells.
Magnesiumstatus hos mjölkkor : en fältstudie
Magnesium is an essential mineral that is important for several physiologic and biochemical processes in the body. Deficiency of magnesium is mainly associated with grass tetany, but can also appear in cows during the indoor period. Since long it is known that potassium has a negative effect on the absorption of magnesium. Due to the fact that potassium fertilisation leads to a higher potassium content in forage, it is of interest to study interactions of potassium on the magnesium balance in dairy cows. There are few studies about magnesium feeding to dairy cows in Sweden and the purpose of this study was to investigate how much magnesium and from which feed-sources dairy cows in Sweden get their magnesium.
Data was collected from seven farms in the northern part of Uppland and from seven farms in Skaraborg in Sweden.
Kvistreaktioner vid förhöjd torktemperatur
I föreliggande arbete har mätningar och utvärderingar av kvistreaktioner utförts. Mätningar av kvistkrypning har utförts på furubräder och mätningar av kvistsprickor i högtemperaturtorkad gran. En fältstudie innehållande en nulägesanalys och probleminventering följdes av ett antal provtorkningar. Torkningsförloppen filmades med en videokamera för att detektera när under torkningen som kvistarna kröp. Torkningsscheman togs fram med hjälp av ett torkningssimuleringsprogram samt med hjälp av erfarenheter från industrin.
Värdepremium på den svenska marknaden - En residualvinstvärdering med säkerhetsmarginal
This paper attempts to investigate the correlation of 12 month abnormal returns and the fundamental value of stocks in theSwedish stock market between the year 2000-2011. Also, the paper tries to apply and evaluate the concept of the margin ofsafety. In estimating the fundamental value we use the residual income valuation model and three different estimationapproaches of the beta coefficient in order to correct for financial and operational biases. We find that our different portfoliosearn abnormal returns. However, this could be explained by the size effect and P/B effect.