107 Uppsatser om Creep coefficient - Sida 1 av 8
Chalmersmodellens applicering på starkt överkonsoliderad lera
In this master?s thesis real settlements for the over consolidated clay below Arenahallen in Halmstad are compared with two different models for settlement calculations; Chalmersmodellen without creep and Chalmersmodellen with creep. Chalmersmodellen with creep is based on Terzaghi?s consolidation theory with an addition to creep. The purpose has been to find out whether Chalmersmodellen with creep can be used for this clay or if Chalmersmodellen without creep should be used instead.
Tillskottsutfodring av smågrisar under digivningsperioden :
Weaning is one of the most critical events in the piglet production with problems such as growth check and post-weaning diarrhea as a result. The lighter the piglets are when the growth check occurs, the harder they have to get back to normal growth rate. Creep feeding of piglets is used to reduce the problems by increasing the weaning weight and adapting the digestive tract to a starter diet. Hodge (1974) showed that the sow?s milk can not provide enough nutrients for maximal growth rate.
Inverkan av Kiselhalten på Värmeutvidgningskoefficienten hos Aluminiumlegeringar
The purpose of this report is to document the experiments carried out, methods used and results gained during research into how the silicon content of an aluminium alloy affects the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE).The goal of this paper is to better understand and to find a relation between silicon content and the coefficient of thermal expansion.Experiments were carried out using carefully prepared samples of Al Si alloys (0, 7, 10 and 20% Si content). Using these alloys, the CTE could be measured using a dilatometer.Comparative analysis carried out could map the effects of silicon content on the coefficient of thermal expansion and an equation was created. Using simple graphs and the rule of mixture method, the authors were able to build a simple tool for calculating the CTE of specific aluminum silicon alloys..
Sammanvägda avrinningskoefficienter i rationella metoden : en jämförelse mellan idag och 1970-talet
Storm water is rain and melted snow that runs off, primarily from impervious surfaces.Future storm water management is facing the challenges of increased precipitation, asclimate changes, and increased areas of impervious surfaces due to the expansion anddensification of the cities. Impervious surfaces reduce the potential for water to infiltratein the ground leading to increased surface runoff and higher peak discharge.The runoff coefficient is closely related to the percentage of impervious surfaces andrepresents the maximum percentage of a catchment that can contribute to runoff. In thisstudy, the objective was to evaluate the weighted runoff coefficient for three differenturban types; apartment buildings, townhouses and residential areas and a comparisonbetween today and the 1970`s was made.The runoff coefficient was determined by manual mapping of the different surface typesin each area based on data in the form of orthophotos and aerial photographs. The surfacetypes that were mapped were asphalt, permeable areas, tiles, sand/gravel and roof.Tiles and sand/gravel were the most difficult surface types to map. In order to see towhat extent these categories influenced the weighted runoff coefficient a sensitivityanalysis was carried out and the runoff coefficient based on surface type was changed indifferent scenarios.The results of the sensitivity analysis showed that the surface types tiles and sand/gravelhad little impact on the weighted runoff coefficient which in mainly due to the fact thatthe percentage of these surfaces types of the total area is small.The result of the study showed that the largest change in the runoff coefficient occurredin residential areas where the increase in the percentage of impervious surfaces causedby new roofs in the form of porches and garages and from paved or tiled driveways.
Stabilisering av betongstommar : Beräkning av en ekvivalent beräkningsmodul med hänsyn till samverkande kort- och långtidslast
Vid stabilisering av betongstommar är det komplicerat att välja en korrekt elasticitetsmodul. Detta då stommens laster verkar under både kort och lång tid. I detta examensarbete utförs en noggrann kryptalsberäkning för varje plans vertikala element, där hänsyn tas till den varierande byggtiden. Utifrån det analyseras kort- och långtidslaster med respektive elasticitetsmodul för att erhålla en ekvivalent elasticitetsmodul som tar hänsyn till de olika belastningstiderna. Denna elasticitetsmodul bestäms efter förhållandet mellan stommens knäcksäkerhet, snedställning och den vindlast som verkar på byggnaden.Den ekvivalenta elasticitetsmodulen ligger till grund för mer noggrann indata än tidigare vid stabilitetsberäkningar och redovisas i diagram som sedan kan användas i det praktiska ingenjörsarbetet.Där inget annat anges utförs beräkningar enligt Eurokod 2.Där inget annat anges är figurerna ritade av författarna..
Utfodring av föl före och efter avvänjning :
Swedish horse breeders have generally very few mares producing a few foals a year and the
breeders have relatively few traditions, little knowledge and experience to breed foals
successfully. It is therefore important to provide adequate information about new findings in horse nutrition. However, there is not much research about feeding the suckling foal to ensure a sound growth. Current feeding recommendations in the literature seems to be different. This gives a confusing message and the information is difficult to apply.
This paper reviews some publications in the area of feeding the suckling and weaning foal.
Most authors stress that it?s important to start feeding the foal early in life.
Genetisk studie av inavel och fertilitet hos hund :
Inbreeding, the mating of related individuals, has been the one dominating breeding strategy for dog breeders during the last 200 years. However, its negative effects on fer-tility and other fitness traits, a phenomenon called inbreeding depression, have been ignored in the quest of perfect unity in conformation or performance. The purpose of this study was to test the hypotheses that litter size is reduced as a consequence of in-breeding, affected by both the inbreeding coefficient of the dam and the litter and that a rapid increase in the inbreeding coefficient affects litter size more than a slower rate.
Data were collected from the Swedish Kennel Club registry of origin. Breeds included in the study were the Bernese Mountain Dog, the Cocker Spaniel, the Golden Retriever, the Rottweiler and the West Highland White Terrier.
Frånluftsvärmepumpens möjligheter i flerbostadshus
If a building is heated by a heat pump, it is of high importance that the heat pump has a high coefficient of performance. An exhaust air heat pump extracts heat from the building?s exhaust air. The air has a relatively high and constant temperature all year around, leading to a high seasonal coefficient of performance. This thesis examines whether it is profitable to complement an exhaust ventilation system with an exhaust air heat pump in an apartment block that already has geothermal heat pump, district heating, oil- or biofuel heated system.
Det redovisade resultatets värderelevans - före och efter IFRS
This thesis aims to investigate if there are any differences in the value relevance of yearly earnings announcements before (2000-2004) and after (2005-2009) IFRS were implemented for listed companies in the European Union. To assess the value relevance of earnings, an earnings response coefficient (ERC) is estimated using a linear OLS-regression model. The regression model uses accounting earnings per share as the explaining variable, with the corresponding return starting from (but not including) the previous year's earnings announcement date, ending at (and including) the current earnings announcement date, as the dependent variable. This study finds that there is no statistically significant difference between the estimated ERCs for the two periods. Although no statistically significant difference is found, data shows that the R2-values, which measure the explanatory power of the regressions, are higher for the period before IFRS.
Passivhus vid polcirkeln : Fungerar det?
This report is the product of the course AF101X, a bachelors degree in Samhällsbyggnad atKTH. The task of the course is to design a small house at a given location and also implement adeepening study. The house in this report is located in Kiruna in the north of Sweden, where theclimate is much colder than in the rest of the country.The deepening study of this report is to evaluates how realistic passive housing north of thePolar Circle is based on those facts. The house will to some extent be designed to fit the passivehousing standard.
Akustisk mätning av U-värde
This pre-study investigates the possibility of U-value measurements through an acoustic method. A hypothesis about an acoustic model built on acoustic theories combined with U-value theories is presented to answer the questions:
? Can U-value theory be combined with acoustic theories?
? Can the coefficient of heat be affirmed trough an acoustic measurement?
The idea for this dissertation begun with a logical idea in mathematical similarity, between the coefficient of heat transmission units and sound intensity units.
The U-value theory is based on assumptions such as initial resistance for inner walls and initial resistance for outer walls. The resistance in the material is interpreted through sound intensity theory.
The argument is built upon mass law theory, which means if the frequency or thickness of the material layer doubles it implies an increase of sound reduction by 6 dB.
Validering av Casmo-5M / Simulate-3
The objective of this M. Eng. Diploma work was to validate the new version, CASMO-5M, and compare the results with CASMO-4E, by using the same input in both programs. The tasks that were included in this work was to compare TIP-measures, k-effective curves (warm), k-effective curves (cold), the effect of void on k-effective, the isothermal temperature coefficient (ITC), the moderator temperature coefficient (MTC), damping ratio calculations, internal effect in a fuel bundle of a BA-rod, the speed of BA-out burn, impact of xenon, falling control rod, margins and isotopes.The TIP-measures showed that the differences were small for all reactors, at most, 6% nodal improvement by C5M (Casmo-5M) for Oskarshamn 3. The warm measurements of k-effective showed that C5M had a higher value for all cycles of Oskarshamn 1, 2 and 3 in comparison to C4E (Casmo-4E).
Quantification of Tripeptidyl-peptidase II : Optimisation and evaluation of 3 assays
Abstract Tripeptidyl-peptidase II (TPPII), is present in most eukaryotic cells. It cuts tripeptides from the N-terminus of peptides and is especially important for degrading peptides longer than 15 amino acids. TPPII also tailors long peptides into suitable substrates for the enzymes which transport and produce the peptides that MHC I present. Increased levels of TPPII have also been found in certain cancer cells, thus it is of interest to determine if TPPII could be used as a tumour marker.The aim of this study was to optimise and evaluate 3 different methods for quantifying TPPII. Western blot, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and fluorophore-linked immunosorbent assay (FLISA) protocols were optimised regarding incubation times and antibody dilutions.
Samband mellan en längre tillväxtsäsong och en ökad smoltstorlek i Vänerområdet
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to see if there is a connection between smolt length from Brattfors salmon cultivation and temperature. Climate changes are expected to give a higher temperature that could result in a longer growing season for the fish.Cultivated smolt is today bigger than it was before, it is also bigger than the wild salmon. The growth season of salmonids depend on the water temperature, salmonids need 6-80C to grow. Water temperature has been surveyd since the late 50´s in Brattfors. The result shows that it?s now considerable more days per year with higher temperature.
Marknadens värdering av redovisningskvalitet
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether accounting quality is a priced factor by investors. The event studied is the release of year-end result and the release of the annual report. To assess accounting quality a sample of 30 companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during 2003 to 2007 are studied. We assess accounting quality by the absolute size of discretionary accruals using the modified Jones model developed by Dechow et al. (1995).