273 Uppsatser om Creativity - Sida 12 av 19
Kunskapso?verfo?ring inom franchisena?tverk : En studie av utveckling och o?verfo?ring av kunskap inom franchisena?tverk
This case study has been conducted within the Swedish fitness chain World Class to explore the opportunities for knowledge development and transfers within franchise networks. We have interviewed the product manager at the World Class headquarter, the owner of a franchise club and a local product manager from the same facility. Our finding indicates that various forms of knowledge transfer occur within the World Class network, particularly in product development and sales. The transfer occurs within the framework set by World Class with regularly scheduled meetings. In addition informal networks provide other means of knowledge exchange between some units.
Mindfulness as business : Vad några mindfulnessinstruktörer anser att mindfulness kan tilllföra arbetslivet
The purpose of this paper is to critically examine and question the use of mindfulness in the workplace. Mindfulness in the workplace can be understood as an organization recipe and is now a so called trend. We believe that there may be an issue of how mindfulness at work is advertised when it is described in such a way that it could be the solution to many organizational problems, such as reducing stress, increasing efficiency, Creativity and productivity. To get a better understanding of what mindfulness is and what it can bring to a stressful work, we conducted semi-structured interviews with four mindfulness instructors. We analyzed the interviews from a theoretical analytical framework consisting of both a constructivist perspective and a power perspective.
?Auf Deutsch bitte? : Högstadielärare om undervisningsmetoder som främjar muntlig kommunikativ förmåga inom tyska som andraspråk
Title: How do you get a pupil from Year 7-9 in secondary school to communicate in German? Five high school teachers views on how to develop pupils oral communicative skill within the German language The aim of this essay is to explore Swedish secondary school teachers, from Year 7-9 in the German language, opinions regarding which work models and verbal strategies that are used and taught in order to foster the pupils oral communicative skill in the classroom. To achieve this aim, semi-structured interviews with five teachers are used.The results show that the teachers find that they encourage the pupils to speak German through creating possibilities for them to practise their oral language skills. The teachers also emphasize that they believe that alternating assignments in groups or pairs, where the students get the chance to be creative, activates the pupils to speak German the most. They also express an awareness for the fact that open or information questions encourage the pupils to use their Creativity and speak more German.
Det är bra för barnen att vara ute! : Fem fritidspedagogers uppfattningar om utomhusvistelsen på fritidshemmet
The purpose of this study is to examine some after-school teachers? perceptions about the outdoor stay at the after-school care centre in the schoolyard and in the leisure- environment.Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with the after-school teachers at five after-school care centres in the Stockholm area.In the theoretical part presents the leisure- governance and ongoing research on outdoor learning, research on the school playground and kindergarten local environment affects children in their development and learning, and after-school teachers? professional identity.The theoretical foundation is based on the phenomenographic approach.The questions are:? What is outdoor education according to the after-school teachers?? According to after-school teachers, what educational opportunities are provided by the schoolyard and the local environment?? How do the after-school teachers use the schoolyard and local environment?The result shows that outdoor education can be a knowledge invigorating complement to the indoor teaching and a way for the after-school centre to supplement the compulsory schoolday. The play outdoors can help to increase children's social development, Creativity and imagination. The after-school teachers used the schoolyard and local environment for various purposes which may be due to different circumstances, knowledge and experience to carry out educational activities outdoors. But it may also depend on whether the after-school teacher focuses on the regular school day or in the afternoon at the after-school care centre..
Reklambyråanställdas åsikter om yrkesrollen med fokus på kreativitet och kundrelationer : Semi-strukturerade djupintervjuer med art directors och originalare
Studiens syfte var att undersöka byråanställda art directors och originalares olika perspektiv på och förhållningssätt till sin yrkesroll med särskilt fokus på kreativitet och kundrelationer.Nio semi-strukturerade djupintervjuer genomfördes med sex art directors och fyra originalare. Respondenterna valdes ut genom ett kombinerat strategiskt bekvämlighetsurval från nio reklambyråer.Professionalism inom yrkesrollen visade sig vara något som respondenterna inte reflekterat över men det framkom att det främst handlar om hur art directors och originalare förhåller sig till kunden. Dessutom framkom det att respondenterna såg variation i arbetet som en positiv aspekt av yrket medan de såg prestationsångest och utomståendes oförståelse av yrket som negativa.Det framkom även att art directors och originalare i första hand ser på kreativitet som problemlösning, dock såg de olika på problemlösning i sina respektive roller. De använde sig av samma metoder för att finna inspirationsamt hanterade ångest på liknande sätt.Studien visade även att kunden och kundrelationen spelade en stor roll för yrket och ämnet berördes återkommande i respondenternas svar under intervjuernas gång. De använde sig av samma metoder för att finna inspiration.
POSITIV PSYKOLOGI PÅ ARBETET : -Karaktärsstyrkors samband med psykologiskt välbefinnande, arbetstillfredsställelse, harmonisk- respektive tvångsmässig passion och stress
Over a long time psychology was focusing on human frailties and mental diseases. In 1998, positive psychology was introduced - the scientific study of strengths, well-being and optimal functioning. Theory and research in the area has identified 24 character strengths, in which each individual owns and celebrates a number of top strengths, signature strengths. These strengths have been shown to be important in achieving happiness and well-being. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between character strength and psychological well-being, job satisfaction, harmonious- and obsessive passion and stress.
Musikstund i förskolan : En intervjustudie av förskollärares perspektiv
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur förskollärare ser på arbetet med musik i förskolan, vilket syfte de har med musikstunderna och på vilket sätt barnen ges inflytande över hur musikstunderna utformas och får möjlighet att använda sin kreativitet. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra förskollärare och den teoretiska bakgrunden utgår från ett sociokulturellt perspektiv.Musikstunderna på förskolor är vanligtvis spontana och initieras av både vuxna och barn. Förskollärarna är positivt inställda till musik men det förekommer en osäkerhet om den egna kompetensen inom ämnet. Musiken fungerar ofta som ett medel för att lära sig något annat, och inte som ett mål i sig. Förskollärarna upplever att barnen ges möjlighet till inflytande i musikstunderna och att barnen har tillgång till material av olika slag, som exempelvis instrument.
Sticka ut är silver, passa in är guld: - och fyra andra medaljer i det svenska moderacet
The fashion market is highly dynamic, and characterized complexity, abstract phenomena and Creativity. Further, differences between factors such as gender, countries and social classes pose increasing challenges to fashion companies and researchers active within this area. In light of these facts, the value of creating tools that help companies and professionals active within this industry becomes evident. Much research has been focused on creating a more thorough understanding of its underlying logics and its main drivers from a business perspective, whereas knowledge regarding fashion consumers and what drives their behavior are more limited. Through this study, insights about the Swedish fashion market and its consumers are generated.
Mer kreativitet med fler patent? En textanalys av förslaget till nytt EU-direktiv Patenterbarhet för datorrelaterade uppfinningar och anslutande dokument.
In February 2002 the European commission put forward a proposal for a new directive on The patentability of computer-implemented inventions, but which during my work on this essay has not been decided on yet. The directive has divided the decision-makers in the union, the commission and parliament, into two different positions regarding by which range computer-implemented inventions should be patentable. The parliament has amended the commissions proposal in a substantial way and the legal process has caused a heated debate both within the unions administration and among various interest groups both in favour of and against a patent on computer-implemented inventions. The loudest protests have come from a group that feels threatened by a possible software patent: Open Source. In this study I examine both the arguments by the decision-makers and by the lobbying for and against the proposal.
Hatar du också matte? : Essä om matematik, konst och motivation med utga?ngspunkt i ett pragmatistiskt bildningsbegrepp
Denna essä kan läsas som en reflektion över tre års arbete med och utveckling av estetiska lärprocesser pa? lärarutbildningen. Även om exemplen är hämtade från matematikdidaktiken rör sig diskussionen huvudsakligen på en mer generell nivå än detta specifika ämne. På många sätt handlar essän lika mycket om lärande i allmänhet som om matematikdidaktik.Utifrån den fenomenologiska undersökningen rör sig diskussionen mellan mina personliga erfarenheter och den filosofiska teorin. Jag använder mig av tankar från Aristoteles, Hans-?Georg Gadamer och John Dewey och låter dem möta några av de svenska forskare som under de senaste åren bidragit till det aktuella fältet eller till angränsande fält.Jag hoppas i denna essä kunna synliggo?ra olika aspekter av erfarenhetsbaserad undervisning och lärande likväl som de problem och möjligheter som finns i fenomenet estetiska lärprocesser ? förhoppningsvis kan mina iakttagelser och reflektioner vara av värde vid en utveckling av såväl matematikdidaktiken som av andra ämnen på lärarutbildningen .
Vad hände sen? : Medieelevers syn på arbete efter gymnasiet
I have in my thesis performed a survey that builds on interviews of five former students at Mediepedagogiskt Center (Mpc) that is located at Sundsta-Älvkullegymnasiet in Karlstad which is incorporated into Karlstads-Hammarö comprehensive upper secondary school. The sample group of students all has various withdrawal years between 1997 - 2004. The aim of the survey is to evaluate any direct qualities that these students have had that helped them to get a occupation within the media industry after the completion of their education at Mpc. This survey also tries to evaluate whether the orientation of their particular style of education is a factor for achieving employment. Before 1998 the course was divided into three A and B-level courses within the directions, photography, graphic design, text communication, sound production and film/television. After 1998 these are now divided into one A, B and C level courses, and one another level courses on A and B-level. The result shows that something more than? just? a good schooling with high grades is needed to succeed into getting a occupation within the media sector.
Omedveten tankeverksamhet och beslutsfattande - en användarmanual : En studie i det omedvetnas beskaffenhet
The investigation aims to clarify to what extent non-conscious thought has efficacy in for instance decision making,and also examine some aspects of the question whether decisions are caused by free will. This is done by an analysisof new research in neuroscience, economics, the combination of the two within neuroeconomics, evolutionarytheory and especially the new theory of Unconscious thought (Nordgren & Dijksterhuis 2006), which will enjoyspecial scrutiny due to its recentness in the scientific field. A decision strategy ought to put high-level consciouscognition to use where it is most effective, and this is on a different level than the canonized one. Meta decisionmaking is decision making concerning which decisions ought to be made consciously. It is the area where the largestamount of freedom can be obtained wherein the largest amount of thought effort ought to be invested.
Drop in-kultur : Ett sätt att tillgängliggöra och främja spontant kulturutövande?
The recent development in society, such as the increased digitalisation, has brought new terms for both production and consumption within the cultural field. One of the main goals within Swedish Cultural Policies today is that everyone should have the same opportunities to practice and participate in cultural activities, with the right to develop their creative abilities. The cultural policies also contain the possibility to encourage spontaneous culture practice. The question is how to reach this goal.During the spring of 2012 I have been examining the term ?spontankultur? (spontaneous culture practice) as it appears in the discussion around participation in cultural activities and its connection to Creativity.
Barnbibliotekariers syn på arbetet med små barn en kvalitativ studie
The aim with this thesis, based on five childrens librarians statements, is to highlight their view of their work, and what they deem to be of importance when working with small children within the library sphere. My main question is as follows: What motive compels childrens librarians in their work with small children, and will Vygotskys theories be recognised in their statements. I have two questions as a base for this main question: How do childrens librarians work with small children, and do they utilise any special methods in their work? How do childrens librarians view their work tasks, and what do they deem to be of importance regarding small children and libraries? The thesis is based on qualitative interviews. As a theory I have decided to concentrate on Vygotskys thoughts on imagination and Creativity, the Zone of Proximal Development, and childrens language development.
Drama i skolan och på fritidshemmet : En kvalitativ undersökning om några pedagogers och elevers uppfattningar om drama
The study aims to examine some teachers' and students' conceptions of drama in schools and in after-school centers. ?Educator? in this study refers to after-school leaders and drama teachers. The study is limited to three educators and three students at a public school in the Stockholm area. This study considers the following questions: How do educators use drama in schools and in after-school centers? How do students perceive drama in schools and in after-school centers? What importance do educators think that drama has for students?The study draws on the socio-cultural theory on teamwork and social interaction.