

2053 Uppsatser om Creative art activity - Sida 42 av 137

Beskrivning av patienters postoperativa vårdförlopp tre dagar efter kolorektalkirurgi enligt ERAS vårdprogram

AbstractThe purpose of this study was to describe the post-operative care during the three first days for patients who have undergone colorectal surgery according to ERAS care programs with a focus on the variables nutrition, elimination, activity, type of analgesia and the number of hospital days documented in the patient record and patient log books. ERAS means "Early Recovery After Surgery" and the purpose of the health care program is to accelerate recovery after colorectal surgery. The study had a descriptive design and a quantitative approach, in which 51 patient records were included. Log books and patient records were reviewed postoperatively. According to the log books estimated most of the patients, who had documented, that they ate and drank very good or good.

"Ibland hjälper han mig mer än vad alla ni i personalen gör." : Hur djur i vården påverkar välbefinnandet hos personer med långvarig ohälsa - en litteraturstudie

Background: Animals have been shown to have a positive effect on people. The nursing science approach says that a person can experience well-being despite illness. The positive attributes of animals can be used in health care to help ill people experience well-being. An animal-assisted intervention can be a form of activity or therapy involving pets (AAA / AAT) or horses (EAT).Aim: The purpose of this study was to elucidate how animals in health care promote well-being for people with long-term illness.Methods: Literature review based on fourteen original scientific articles, with both qualitative and quantitative approach.Results: The compilation of the results led to four main categories with two subcategories respectively. These were: Physical aspects with subcategories Physical well-being and Bodily functions; Psychic aspects with subcategories Psychic well-being and Reduced psychiatric symptoms; Existential aspects with subcategories Quality of Life and Safety; Social Aspects with subcategories Social behavior and Relationships.Discussions: Review and discussion of the selected method.

Hamburgare eller bajs? : en fallstudie om en funktionshindrad elevs undervisning i idrott och hälsa på en särskola

A child with functional disorder getting close to starting school has different types of schooling to choose between. Parents and the school of the matter have to agree in consultation. I use the conceptions included and segregated schooling to show different ways attend school. By included education I mean that all students with as well as without functional disorder in a group shall be completely comprised in the situation and not be separated from the group by individual exercises (Fors 2004). A segregated schooling is often pursued in special school where all the students have functional disorder and the education usually takes place in separate buildings (Emanuelsson 2001).I have completed a qualitative case study of a boy who is 14 years old and has the functional disorder Down?s syndrome and has been placed at a special school his entire schooling.


We have written this paper about gambling problems with the purpose to give us and all of our readers a sense of understanding. With the term understanding we mean that we all know what type of activity gambling is but not a lot of us know how it feels for individuals that due to their addiction play almost every day and sometimes several times a day. By somehow trying to explain what kind of experiences people who engage in gambling feel, we hope that we somehow can increase our knowledge towards these persons and towards gambling. We are well informed that the content of our particular subject that we?ve chosen is massive and that more research needs to be done about or subject since there are no simple answers that can explain gambling behavior so easily.

Inhalationssedering på CIVA : en retrospektiv beskrivning

Bakgrund: Patienter som ventilatorvårdas på intensivvårdsavdelning behöver ofta någon form av lätt sömn (sedering) för att tolerera endotrachealtuben och ventilatorbehandling. De traditionella intravenösa läkemedel som ges har lång halveringstid och det är stor risk för kvardröjande effekter. Syfte: Denna pilotstudie syftar till att studera sederingsdjupet enligt MAAS hos de patienter som blivit sederade med inhalationsgas, kontrollera vakenhetsgraden enligt GCS hos dessa patienter efter avslutad sedering, samt beskriva vilka patientgrupperna är som fått inhalationssedering. Metod: Journalgranskning där resultatet har analyserats och kategoriserats, därefter har en sambandsanalys gjorts. Resultat: I resultatet identifierades 3 patientkategorier som fått isofluransedering: patienter med hotad luftväg som förväntats behöva kort sederingstid och snabb väckning, patienter som var svåra att sedera optimalt med intravenös metod samt patienter med organsvikt där risk för ackumulation och/ eller förlängd elimination av läkemedel förelåg.

Inomorganisatorisk kreativitet och innovation

This essay discusses organizational culture and focus on corporate creativity and innovation. The aim is to see which organizational factors that foster creativity and innovation in organizations. The essay will provide answer on how organizational culture can encourage creativity and innovation and how organizations can promote the rise of a creative work environment. The research design of this essay is a qualitative case study with interviews at Gotland Energi AB (GEAB). The interviews provided insight in factors that can foster creativity and innovation in organizations.

En ny Upplevelse - En studie i formgivande av interaktioner på webben och effektivisering av arbetsflöden

We?re all aware that technology progresses forward with giant leaps on a daily basis. In one-way or another this affects us in our everyday life. It can affect us in the way we?re shopping, communicating, researching, planning future events or how we choose to be entertained. That the web is an increasingly stronger tool for communicating in more or less every type of business is becoming more evident for people.

Rekonstruktion av jordartsförhållanden i Ingarvet, Falun, från geotekniska rapporter

The Falun area has been undergoing mining activity for a very long time and miningslag piled up and was used as foundations for building houses and roads, Ingarvetstarted expanding in the 1970s to an industrial area. The main goal for this report is toreconstruct a soil map of how the landscape was before anthropogenic effects. With thehelp of ArcGIS and geotechnical reports a soil map for parts of Ingarvet, Falun werecreated..

Inventering av vecklare i Svenska äppelodlingar

Over the last couple of years, growers, researchers, advisors and plant protection companies have noticed increasing problems with tortricids in Swedish apple orchards. Since the insecticide Gusathion (azinphosmethyl) has been banned (end of 2008; KemI 2008), a further increase of tortricid populations can be expected. In order to get a picture of species composition and population densities among the tortricids, an inventory of seven species, Adoxophyes orana, Archips podana, Archips rosana, Cydia pomonella, Hedya nubiferana, Pandemis heparana and Spilonota ocellana was made in 11 orchards in southern Sweden (Skåne) in 2008. Population densities were estimated by bud sampling (April 20-25), pheromone trapping (May 5-September 22) and assessment of fruit damage (September 9-12). In all orchards A.

Att planera, markera och dokumentera tid

For a long time I have felt that there is a lack of time planning productson the market that attracts me to use them. Therefore I wantedto explore the possibilities of developing something that I reallywanted to use.At first I tried to come up with a more general tool for planningand structuring time, different from the products that are alreadyavailable. But soon I found it more interesting to see myself as theprimary user. This way I felt that I could experiment more and Ididn?t have to take things like production, cost and possible targetgroups into consideration.As I set out with an aim to try and understand my own problemswith planning and structuring time the project became a very personalone.

From a rough to a fair way of organizing : En analys av genomförandeorganisationen i Svenska Golfförbundet

AimThe aim of this study has been to inquire into how the Swedish Golf Federation can make their implementation organization more efficient. The intention with the essay has also been to conclude with a proposal for organization structure for the Swedish Golf Federation. The questions of issue have been: How does today?s implementation organization look like? At which level and within which areas do the interviewees consider that the major problems are found today? How do the interviewees consider that the implementation organization should look like?MethodThrough a strategic selection in cooperation with the assigner the Swedish Golf Federation 15 interviewees have been chosen. The data collection has been executed in form of semi structured interviews.ResultsToday?s organization for implementation consists of one central function in Golfens hus with approximately 75 salaried employees, 21 district federations and 485 clubs.

Patienters upplevelse av att få Fysisk aktivitet på recept samt följsamheten till FaR : En intervjustudie

Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelse av att få Fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR) samt följsamheten till FaR. Studien hade en deskriptiv design med kvalitativ ansats. Urvalet bestod av tio patienter från en vårdcentral i Mellansverige. Datainsamlingen gjordes med semistrukturerade intervjuer och data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet presenteras utifrån två frågeområden; patienters upplevelse av att få FaR och patienters följsamhet till FaR.

Populärmusikscenernas finansiering: en fallstudie av Pinkerton

The purpose of this thesis was to describe the economic situation for popular culture venues. During the study, four different ways of financing were encountered. These are sponsorship, volunteers, government funding and ticket sales. A case study, based on interviews, were conducted on Pinkerton, a non-profit organisation. The result showed that Pinkerton needs a solid subsidy from government funding.

Global form av reklam och dess vetenskapliga debatt : En kvalitativ studie av fyra globala kampanjer

I?ve chosen primary to analyze commercial form of advertising by world leading companies; McDonald?s, Coca-Cola and HP due to their implementation of global advertising. The fourth campaign that?s being analyzed is not of commercial type instead it?s characterized as an informative campaign that the ideal organization Amnesty is carring out.  The study has been successful in gathering data that could be presented in correlation with already established theories and then comparing the results. The goal of the research is to create an understanding regarding global advertising as well as the scientific debate that?s going on within the subject.

Nötkreaturens val av betesvegetation på naturliga betesmarker :

This study concerns the type of vegetation selected by cattle grazing on semi-natural pastures, and whether the selection depends on the nutrient content of the vegetation or on other factors. The study was carried out in three different semi-natural pastures in the Uppsala area during June, July and August in 2006. The three pastures were first surveyed, mapped out and divided into sub-areas with regard to the type of dominating vegetation. The vegetation types identified were: wet, mesic, dry, wooded, pasture with signs of former cultivation (arable). Within each vegetation type three 1x1 m sampling plots were laid out. The grazing behaviour of the cows was recorded in a behaviour study.

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