

312 Uppsatser om Court - Sida 21 av 21

Dialog om staden : En studie om medborgardialogens roll och betydelse för stadsplaneringen i Nacka kommun

This master thesis explores the nature of public participation as a central and most current subject in the field of urban planning. A first impression exposes a seemingly unanalyzed consensus on the values and benefits which public participation provides the process of urban planning. The city may be a concern to all its inhabitants; hence knowledge and opinions of the local public are of great importance for the urban development. But is there really something new to these assumptions, and are the advantages of increased public participation in urban planning always obvious?  By using action research as a main method, I have put myself into the context of the Swedish municipality of Nacka and their projects dealing with the development of public participation.

Proportionalitetsprincipen ? tillämpas eller tillplattas? Principens påverkan på svensk arbetsrätt

The principle of proportionality is a guideline to interpret laws and agreements. The guideline has emerged within the EC-law as a moral aid to interpret laws. During the development of the guideline the EC Court of Justice has had the expression "appropriate and necessary" in mind. To consider the act as proportional it must fullfill the purpose, but not be more invasive than necessary. The advantage of the act must be proportional to the risk of damage.

Kvittningsrätten inom fållan : En analys av reglernas förenlighet med den skatterättsliga neutralitetsprincipen

Den 1 juli 2013 meddelade Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen (HFD) beslut i ett mål gällande kvittningsrätten för kapitalvinster och kapitalförluster på delägarrätter. Frågan som be-handlades i målet var om aktiebolaget hade rätt att kvitta sina kapitalförluster mot kapital-vinsterna som uppkommit i den utländska delägarbeskattade juridiska personen. HFD beslutade att neka aktiebolaget möjligheten till kvittning på grund av att lagstöd saknades.Denna bedömning väcker frågor, då aktiebolag som väljer att placera delägarrätter i del-ägarbeskattade juridiska personer får en mindre utsträckt kvittningsrätt vid jämförelse om delägarrätterna hade placerats direkt i aktiebolaget. Vid närmare granskning av kvittnings-möjligheterna kan det konstateras att även kvittningsrätten för kapitalförluster (inte bara kapitalvinster) på delägarrätter i delägarbeskattade juridiska personer är begränsade, vid jämförelse om motsvarande kapitalförluster hade uppkommit direkt i aktiebolaget. Be-gränsningarna för kapitalförlusterna på delägarrätter i delägarbeskattade juridiska perso-ner innebär att kapitalförlusten ska kvoteras till 70 % innan kvittning kan ske, vilket inte är ett krav om kapitalförlusten hade uppkommit direkt i aktiebolaget.

Ränteavdragsbegränsningar : En analys av nuvarande ränteavdragsbegränsningar och  alternativa metoder

Interest deduction limitation rules have an important function as the regulations prevent the Swedish tax base to decrease. However, the restrictions must not be at the expense of the business environment. Interest deduction limitation rules that do not work in a satisfactory manner are likely to make Sweden a less favourable country to establish in. The first Swedish rules which were aimed to restrict interest deduction threaded into force in 2009. The rules were applicable to intercompany loans related to acquisitions of part ownership rights and the aim was to reduce tax avoidance through corporate group-loans. The rules proved to be ineffective since the avoidance continued and the Swedish rules could not tackle the problem.

Storbankerna på den svenska bankmarknaden : Argument för och emot infrastruktursamarbetet enligt 19 § KL

The retail banking market in Sweden is highly concentrated and oligopolistic. This has been confirmed by numerous reports from different competition authorities within the EU, for example the Swedish competition authority. A considerably high number of different sorts of competition barriers has been pointed out in these reports. The competition barriers are mainly directed to the smaller banks and the potential competition. The retail banking market in Sweden is dominated by four major banks, which together has over 80 percent of all market shares.

Medarbetaravtal vid motorproduktionen i Skövde - inverkan på anställningsrätten, förläggning av arbetstiden, arbetstagarorganisationernas inflytande, samt arbetstagares arbetsskyldighet

White- and blue collar workers traditionally belong to different unions and, therefore, are covered by different collective agreements. Collective agreements for different employee categories create internal divisions, which mean that white collar workers are not obliged to do work that falls under a blue collar agreement and reversed. Historically the difference between white- and blue collar work has been fairly sharp and so has the difference between collective agreements. Due to the continuous development of technology white- and blue collar work within production has become less clear. This has resulted in an increasing amount of disagreements regarding what collective agreement should apply and whether the employee is obliged to perform different work tasks.

Att ställa den skyddsbehövande inför rätta : Om de rättsliga förutsättningarna för att förhindra skyddslöshet vid tillämpningen av Flyktingkonventionens uteslutandeklausuler och samtidigt motverka straffrihet för de grova folkrättsbrott som faller under k

The purpose of this study has been to investigate the prospects for identifying and prosecuting individuals suspected of war crimes, within the process of exclusion from refugee status under article 1F(a) of the 1951 Refugee Convention, and using subsequent mechanisms for extradition or prosecution in international criminal law. A number of principles within human rights law and public international law have been advocated by the UNCHR and several human rights NGOs as necessary for a thorough application of the exclusion clauses; one that takes individual responsibility into account and upholds the aims and purposes of the exclusion clauses. There is a discussion as to whether specialised or accelerated exclusion procedures are justified for reasons of security and efficiency, or if they put the rights of the individual at risk and limit the opportunities for gathering information to support investigation and prosecution of the crime in question. Apart from the instruments of asylum law and procedure that have emerged within the EU harmonisation process, there are no general, binding rules on the procedural aspects of the exclusion clauses. One principle that regulates the consequences for the individual of exclusion from refugee status and decisions on extradition is, however, the principle of non-refoulement.

Utvärdering av öppna dikens status och funktion : en förstudie i Västmanlands län

Evaluations of open Ditch status and function, with an assessment of suitability of a conversion to a two stage ditch as a low maintenance alternative. To illustrate Swedish drainage problems this work focused on two agricultural drainage associations assessed in detail with a new method called MADRAS (Minnesota Agricultural Ditch Reach Assessment for Stability). With the assessment of the MADRAS method estimates were made to conclude the ditches operating problems. This was made through measurements of sediment depths, mass bank failures etc. in order to quantify ditch problems and propose practical actions for improved ditch stability and water quality. The MADRAS surveys were conducted in two main ditches that drains 2900 hectares of land on the northern shores of Mälaren. In the study measurements of the ditch cross-sections were also conducted to compare actual profiles with the original map profiles. The evaluation showed that parts of the studied ditch sections were operatively poor; main reason was mass bank failure, undercut channel banks, sediment aggregations and narrowed ditches. The profile survey shows that a majority of the profiles 80 % has sediment accumulations there remains only 64 % of the original profile from the map.

Ligghall för utegångsdjur ? en sammanställning och analys av domar i djurskyddsärenden som handlar om ligghall till utegångsdjur åren 2007-2013

There is currently an ongoing discussion in Sweden about the need for weather shelter for farm animals being kept outdoors during the winter season. Currently, the national animal welfare legislation requires weather shelter providing the animals? with access to a dry and clean place to rest, but under certain conditions exemptions can be granted. The Swedish Board of Agriculture has put forward a hypothesis that there is a difference between judicial decisions in animal welfare cases dealing with weather shelters, as to whether the animal has shown to be suffering or not. The aim of the study was to highlight any weaknesses or difficulties when assessing animal welfare issues associated to the absence of or design of weather shelters.

Rydboholms engelska park : historik och vårdprogram

The estate of Rydboholm is situated in the municipality of Österåker, north of Stockholm, Sweden, and has a long history dating back to the 14th century. Rydboholm was the home of several families of great national importance, such as the Finsta and Vasa clans. However, since the 1500s, the noble family Brahe was the most influential; leaving its mark on the castle and surroundings. The gardens of Rydboholm consist of two parts; The first is from the baroque era, dating back to the 1660s, and the second is an immense landscape park completed around the year 1800 by Magnus Fredrik Brahe. During his travels through Europe, Magnus Fredrik Brahe was influenced by the new English-style gardens and he brought a large collection of literature on the subject back to Sweden, still kept in the library of Rydboholm.

Landvinning : scenarier för efterbehandling och gestaltning av Aitikgruvan, Gällivare

Open pit mining creates huge amounts of tailings and waste rock deposits. Due to it's content of sulphide minerals, predominantly pyrite (FeS2), there is a risk of oxidation and formation of acid water containing heavy metals, known as Acid Rock Drainage (ARD). To prevent the process of oxidation, the tailings and waste rock have to be reclaimed. The most commonly used methods of reclamation are a coverage of water or soil. Mining also results in a large-scale interference in the landscape that will make an eternal change of its appearance.

Maorierna och marken: den brittiska kolonisationen
av Nya Zeeland och dess följder för Aotearoas

Denna C-uppsats handlar om den brittiska kolonisationen av Nya Zeeland och hur det maoriska samhället till följd av detta förändrades drastiskt. Mitt syfte är att belysa hur den brittiska kolonisationen av Nya Zeeland berövat maorierna deras mark och vilka konsekvenser det fått för maorisk samhällsutveckling. Frågeställningen är: Hur har förlusten av marken påverkat den maoriska samhällsutvecklingen? Kan markkonflikterna mellan maorier och pakhea lösas? Finns det någon framtid för maorierna på Nya Zeeland? Den brittiska kolonisationen av Nya Zeeland berodde dels på imperialistisk tävlan om att lägga under sig nya territorium, men det nya landet fungerade även som en säkerhetsventil för Englands befolkning som ökade kraftigt under 1800-talet. Det industrialiserade och kapitalistiska samhället hungrade efter utländska marknader, råvaror, billig arbetskraft och lönsam jord.

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