

312 Uppsatser om Court - Sida 10 av 21

Jämställdhets- och föräldraledighetsregler : -regelverkens samverkande effekt för ett jämställt arbetsliv

The legal right to take time off from work to care for one`s children has been regulated in Swedish law since late 1930. This right was limited to mothers and was provided under restricted forms. There was a long qualification period and the length of parental leave was limited.Since then, the right to parental leave has been extended through several modifications of the law. The question of equality in both the labour market and the private sector has been one of the greatest forces behind these changes. By including men in the right to take parental leave, the work place has become more equal and it is now considered a natural part of the employee?s life to request time off to care for children.Labour Arbitration Court has shown through its case law that equality in the work place is of the utmost importance and has shown its support in this matter through its judgements.

Den polska lastbilschaufförens verksamhet : Att i Sverige betraktas som egenföretagare eller anställd och vad blir inkomstbeskattningskonsekvensen?

Export is a top priority for Sweden's economy but for Swedish companies it may involve uncomfortable risks of exporting without sincere consideration. When the United Nations Security Council puts an embargo against a country, this often mean an import and export restriction. The thought is to push undemocratic regimes into respecting human rights. When the embargo is in force, however, the parties are not able to fulfill their contractual obligations, which practically means that the agreement will be suspended. The problem is what happens when an embargo is in force for a longer period of time.

Rätten till naturaprestation : Bortfaller rätten efter det att ett långvarigt embargo har lyfts?

Export is a top priority for Sweden's economy but for Swedish companies it may involve uncomfortable risks of exporting without sincere consideration. When the United Nations Security Council puts an embargo against a country, this often mean an import and export restriction. The thought is to push undemocratic regimes into respecting human rights. When the embargo is in force, however, the parties are not able to fulfill their contractual obligations, which practically means that the agreement will be suspended. The problem is what happens when an embargo is in force for a longer period of time.

Principen mot rättsmissbruk inom det svenska mervärdesskatteområdet: är det hållbart?

The VAT Directive (2006/112/EC) does not regulate Member States? opportunities to intervene against tax evasion. The European Court of Justice has clarified the situation in case C-255/02 Halifax. This case establish that the universal principle against the abuse of rights applies to VAT, which means that Member States have the opportunity to redefine transactions not involving a breach of law but nevertheless goes past what the legislature envisaged at the introduction of the provision.A debate has risen as to whether the principle against the abuse of rights is equally ap-plicable in Swedish domestic law on VAT. The administrative Court of appeal in Go-thenburg, Case No.

Lojalitetsplikt och yttrandefrihet i sociala medier

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the employees´ duty of loyalty to their employer when making statements on social media networks and if this opposes the employees´ right to freedom of speech. Another purpose of this thesis is to investigate freedom of speech from an EU juridical point of view. Also a discussion concerning gender issues on this subject takes place is presented in the thesis. The questions to answer the purpose of this thesis are the following: Where is the line drawn for what an employee can publish on a social media network without breaching their duty of loyalty towards their employer?, and How does an employee´s freedom of speech relate to these types of statements on a social media network? The method used for this thesis is the classical legal method.The legal inquiry shows that duty of loyalty is a hidden clause in all employment contracts, and it must be respected by the employee.

Ett studium av olika aspekter av tid i Göran Tunströms roman Juloratoriet

Rosengren, Anna, 2006: Samiska kvinnor och osynlig historia. En komparativ studie av svenskar och samer vid 1600-talstinget. (Saami Women and Invisible Histories. A Comparative Study of Swedes and Saamis in Court during the 17th Century.)The purpose of the paper is to gain new knowledge about Saami women in the 17th century using Court protocols in the Luleå and Torneå Lappmarks, supplemented by secondary sources.Saami women did not write their own history, nor did Saami men. Information available about Saami is written by male representatives of the Swedish crown and church.

Mysteriernas mästare : En jämförande studie mellan tre manliga detektiver och deras likheter och olikheter

Rosengren, Anna, 2006: Samiska kvinnor och osynlig historia. En komparativ studie av svenskar och samer vid 1600-talstinget. (Saami Women and Invisible Histories. A Comparative Study of Swedes and Saamis in Court during the 17th Century.)The purpose of the paper is to gain new knowledge about Saami women in the 17th century using Court protocols in the Luleå and Torneå Lappmarks, supplemented by secondary sources.Saami women did not write their own history, nor did Saami men. Information available about Saami is written by male representatives of the Swedish crown and church.

Samiska kvinnor och osynlig historia : En komparativ studie av svenskar och samer vid 1600-talstinget

Rosengren, Anna, 2006: Samiska kvinnor och osynlig historia. En komparativ studie av svenskar och samer vid 1600-talstinget. (Saami Women and Invisible Histories. A Comparative Study of Swedes and Saamis in Court during the 17th Century.)The purpose of the paper is to gain new knowledge about Saami women in the 17th century using Court protocols in the Luleå and Torneå Lappmarks, supplemented by secondary sources.Saami women did not write their own history, nor did Saami men. Information available about Saami is written by male representatives of the Swedish crown and church.

Rätten att fritt uttrycka sigoch rätten att inte bli kränkt : ett gränsdragningsproblem

Purpose/Aim: We have a right to freedom of the press, but we do also have a right not to be exposed to slander, we have a right to not be insulted. A study about this rights and crimes in the swedish law.Material/Method: literature, Internet, cases, Commission of Inquiry's recommendation. A qualitative research methodMain results: There is a very strong freedom of the press in the Swedish constitution. Mostly it stands immovable. The freedom of press can be restricted in case of slander.

Arbetsanpassning och rehabilitering : Arbetsgivarens skyldighet

This essay addresses and treats the employer's obligation to work adaptation for people with a physical disability according to discrimination law and the work environment law. Furthermore it also treats the employer's obligation to rehabilitation of employees that has a reduced working ability as consequence of their work. The essay also intends to investigate if there are any differences in the employer?s obligation to work adaptation when recruiting and the employer?s obligation to work adaption for an existing employment. In this work, there is a background chapter which describes the UN and the European Union's approach to work reduction ability and disability. Furthermore, there is a detailed description of the work environment law, the discrimination law, the social insurance code and the employment protection legislation.

Ett försök att ta makten Äldre som överklagar avslagna beslut och illustration av verkställighetsprocessen som följer efter bifallen dom

Det övergripande syftet med denna masteruppsats är att skildra och analysera processen som följer efter det att äldre, över 65 år, överklagat ett avslaget socialnämndsbeslut till förvaltningsrätten.För att besvara syftet har uppsatsen brutits ner i två delsyftet. Det första delsyftet är att undersöka vilka äldre det är som överklagar och om makrofaktorerna ålder, kön och etnicitet påverkar förvaltningsrättens beslut gällande bifall eller avslag av ett överklagande. Det andra delsyftet är att illustrera olika aspekter som innefattas av den verkställighetsprocess som socialnämnden utför då en dom fått bifall i förvaltningsrätten.Det första delsyftet besvaras genom att göra en innehållsanalys med både kvantitativa och kvalitativa inslag av de 49 domar som tagits under en sexmånadersperiod i sammanlagt 15 kommuner i Västra Götalands län. Det andra delsyftet besvaras genom en fallstudie, där semistrukturerade intervjuer utförts med de inblandade aktörerna. Intervjuerna utfördes vid två olika tillfällen för att på så sätt kunna fånga eventuella förändringar i dynamiken mellan aktörerna under tidens gång.Uppsatsens resultat visar på att den absoluta majoriteten av överklaganden gällde beslut där socialnämnden avslagit ansökan om särskilt boende.

Fast etableringsställe : En skatteplanerares dröm?

This master?s thesis will examine the concept of ?fixed establishment? in VAT-law. The concept can be found in the new EC-directive on the common system of value added tax, however it has existed for thirty years in previous directives. Despite this, the legislator has never provided a proper definition of the concept. Its meaning has therefore evolved through the case-law of the ECJ.The Court has put forward a number of criteria which are all to be met if a fixed establishment is to be at hand.

Asfaltdjungeln: En ANT-analys av en svensk kartell

In the year of 2001 the largest known cartel in Swedish history wasexposed to the public and brought to justice. Eight years later, afterseveral trials, the so-called Asphalt Cartel was finally found guilty bythe Swedish Market Court for having been cooperating illegally anddistorting prices.The overall purpose of this paper is to study how the cartel wasmanaged in order to be sustained over time. By applying actornetworktheory I examine what kind of heterogeneous materials thatwere combined for purpose of creating the cartel and how in practicethey were held together.In order to understand how the cartel was sustained I also include ananalysis on why it suddenly fell apart in 2001. However, my studyshows that through the years the cartel repeatedly experiencedcrisis, and therefore constantly fell apart and was recreated throughprocesses of negotiation..

GODTROSFÖRVÄRV AV FRITIDSBÅTAR : En komparativ studie gällande köparens undersökningsplikt

 AbstractMedia has since a long time back been writing about extensive thievery of recreational boats and their engines. The value of the stolen goods is estimated to several hundreds of million Swedish crowns per year. The widespread stealing creates a secondary market where boats sometimes are sold by sellers that do not have the rights to sell the boat. This creates risk for the buyer who most often is a private person. A situation the buyer can face is that the boat was stolen and that the original owner can demand to get the boat or engine back.

Har en kortinnehavare skadeståndsansvar vid obehörigt användande av kontokort?

The purpose of this essay is to elucidate if there is a liability to damages for cardholders, in case of unauthorized use of bankcards, in the event a liability for payment, according to 34 § the Swedish Law concerning Consumer Credits, should not be established between card issuer and cardholder. The purpose is also to elucidate if card issuing companies, in the event a liability for payment is established between card issuer and cardholder, have any possibility to get a larger sum than is allowed by 34 § the Swedish Law concerning Consumer Credits, by demanding damages from the cardholder. Finally there is a judgement of how a Court could do if it wanted to hold a cardholder liable to damages because of unauthorized use of bankcards..

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