43 Uppsatser om Correction - Sida 3 av 3
Does tree removal along railroads in Sweden influence the risk of train accidents with moose and roe deer?
After the storm Gudrun in 2005, the Swedish Transport Administration started clear-cutting of railroad corridors to reduce the risk of trees falling down on the tracks. Simultaneously, train accidents with moose and roe deer have become more frequent and the costs for consequent delays and repairs of engines are of growing concern. There is reason to assume that tree-clearance of railroad corridors may have contributed to an increase in number of accidents with moose and roe deer because the cleared areas provide attractive forage and thus may attract wildlife. The objective of my study was to investigate how clearing of trees affected the number of accidents with moose and roe deer. I compared deer-train collision frequencies before and after clearance of the selected railroads and compared these with uncleared control railroads in a BACI (before-after control-impact) approach.
Materialhantering till och från robot
Material handling is a term that includes all kinds of handling of material from a raw product to a finished one. ABB is active in the following segments; foundry, packaging and palletizing, metal industry and plastics industry.The demands for efficiency and reliability have been set very high in the industrial sector. Optimizing of the material handling will give the company higher cost-effectiveness. Around the robot there are different kinds of material flows, to optimize the cycle time, consisting of carriages combined in different ways.Motion Control is a complex system with main functions such as; positioning, synchronizing, indexing and more. The products in the system need to cooperate to make these functions possible therefore integration of motor- and servo products are important.
Genomarbetade förfrågningsunderlag medför tids- och kostnadsbesparingar : En studie över handlingars påverkan i byggskedet
In order for construction projects to be completed within the specified time limit while at the same time be financially sustainable it requires thorough preparation and an extensive planning. Most essential is the groundwork and the design that determines the project's progress. There are many aspects to consider in order to avoid inconveniences such as delay, litigation, unexpected cost etcetera. If mistakes are made in an early stage it is very likely that the error will follow the process and become an expensive Correction cost towards the later part of the project. In other words, it is expensive to rectify defects later on.
Beräkning av värmeenergiförluster i flerbostadshus genom analys av den totala fjärrvärmeenergianvändningen :
This thesis has been carried out on behalf of IV Produkt AB and intends to set an average ratio of thermal energy losses in apartment buildings that were built during the 1960-1990. This shall be derived by analyzing the total district energy consumption that has been divided into three parts: heat energy losses (the actual heating requirements), the heating of domestic hot water and heating energy consumption for the controlled ventilation.Three different residential areas that were built during the years 1962-1966 and one that was built in 1993 has been analyzed. All residential areas are located in Växjö urban and contains between four and six apartment buildings.The analyzed objects have a mechanical exhaust ventilation systems and district heating as the heating method. No own laboratory work or experiments have been done in this thesis, the calculations have been done on the basis of parameters from VEAB, interviews with property managers, and literature studies. By calculations, we have got a result that is reported in Chapter 6.
Balkanisering och klassifikation : En komparativ studie av klassifikationen av forna Jugoslavien, beträffande språk, geografi och historia, i DDC och SAB
This master's thesis examines the possibilities of Correction and change in a classification scheme, with regard to the changes that occur in the world the classification system intends to describe.Applying a comparative method and classification theory, the classification of the example of the former Yugoslavia (1918-1941, 1945-1991), its republics and successor states, and the languages, formerly known as Serbo-Croatian are examined through a comparison of the main classes and divisions of language, geography, and history, in Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), and Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek [Classification for Swedish Libraries] (SAB). Eight editions of DDC, from 1876 to 2014, are compared to seven editions of SAB, from 1921 to 2013. The editions have been selected in order to show the changes prior to, and following, the First World War, changes after the Second World War, and changes following the collapse of Yugoslavia in 1991.The examination shows that both systems have updated their editions according to the changes in former Yugoslavia over the years. DDC has well constructed facet schedules, especially Table 2 concerning geography, but fails, in some cases, to construct a logic and hierarchical structure for the republics and languages of Yugoslavia, partly due to the fixed classes and divisions that survive from the very first edition of DDC from 1876, but also as a result of the decimal notation, and its limitations, itself.SAB seeks to construct a hierarchically logic and equal scheme for the languages, areas, and states of the former Yugoslavia. Although the facets for geography and chronology aren't as developed as the ones in DDC, the overall result is that of a logically consistent and hierarchically clear classification, with short notation codes, thanks to the alphabetic mixed notation, which allows more subdivisions than the numerals and the pure notation of DDC.This study is a two years master's thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies..
Simulering av simulinkmodeller med Extended Kalman Filter
Simulations of simulink models using Kalman filters are often very time-consuming. This problem depends mainly on the fact that the Kalman Correction has to be performed at each sample instance through the whole simulation. The goal for this thesis work is to reduce that time-consumption for the filtering part (the integration partis treated in a complementary report) of a simulation. Furthermore a Matlab routine to perform parameter tuning and finally a graphical user interface is developed.The filtering part of the simulation in this thesis is based on an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The time optimization of this filter considers searching for the possibility to replace the today?s existing Matlab functions that is used to perform the filtering calculations.
Regressionsmodellering av dynamiska råemissioner från statiska mätningar
By using steady-state measurements for predicting emissions under a dynamic drive cycle wouldsave a lot of time and money for the exhaust aftertreatment specialists at Volvo cars. The idea forthis thesis has been to investigate if statistical regression models can be used with good accuracy.Questions included are for example if common operating variables such as engine speed, air-fuelratio etc. is sufficient to predict engine-out emissions over the engine operating range with goodaccuracy. Focus was set on the modelling of warm engine, but also the more complex engineheat-up phase was investigated since it is a great contributor to total emissions. While NOxcouldnot be measured because of malfunctioning measurement equipment, only HC, CO andtemperature at inlet of first catalytic converter has been modelled.
Jämförelse av skattat och kört skotningsavstånd
Skotningskostnaden utgör ca 10 % av skogsindustrins totala råvarukostnad. Medelskotningsavståndet har stark inverkan på skotningskostnaden. Detta medför att skotningsavståndet är viktigt att skatta rätt, för bra planering och korrekta kostnadskalkyler. Vid gallring och föryngringsavverkning skattas terrängtransportavståndet subjektivt av SCA:s planerare. Körning under pålastning och lossning räknas inte in i det skattade avståndet, utan sträckan avser den bästa verkliga körsträckan från virkets tyngdpunkt på trakten till avläggets tyngdpunkt.
Framställning av digital höjdmodell för analys och visualisering av naturlik fiskväg : En tillämpning vid Strömdalens kraftverk, Gävle
Fiskvägar kan anläggas i anslutning till dammar för att överkomma de hinder som dammarna utgör mot migrerande fisk. En av de mest önskvärda lösningar som finns för detta är att anlägga naturlika fiskvägar, vilka har som syfte att efterlikna ett naturligt vattendrag. Ofta har dock dessa planerats för dåligt med avseende på exempelvis lutning och placering av ingången för att de ska kunna fungera riktigt effektivt. På grund av detta finns det behov av omfattande studier av topografi och kartering av området innan en fiskväg anläggs.I det här arbetet används topografin och de geografiska förutsättningarna för att studera möjliga sträckningar på en naturlik fiskväg förbi Strömdalens kraftverk i Gävle som en del av det fiskvandringsprojekt som Länsstyrelsen Gävleborg driver. I arbetet byggs en höjdmodell upp med hjälp av data från LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) och genom topografisk mätning, där mätpunkter från Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) och Totalstation används för att korrigera LiDAR-modellen över visst område.
SEO-vänligt CMS med ASP.NET MVC
Fossil fuels are affecting our climate negatively and there is a limited amount of them in the world, which leads to the importance of finding alternative fuels. One alternative is biogas, which is produced though a digestion process of different organic materials in a biogasreactor. Organic substrate that comes from farms has the biggest potential to increase the production of biogas in Sweden. Primarily crops from farms, but also waste products like manure are of great importance.Today there is a calculated theoretical potential for biogasproduction of 14TWh per year, which is around ten times larger than Sweden?s production today.
Utveckling av en diameterklassmodell för grandominerade bestånd i Sverige :
Growth models are very useful tools for forestry to predict growth and yield. With growth models and optimising tools you can manage forest stands in a way that maximize benefit and income. There are three major types of growth models. Stand models; stage structured models and single-tree models. The most advanced models give the most accurate forecasts.
Renal dysplasi hos hund :
Renal dysplasia is a developmental anomaly of the kidneys which is considered to be the primary lesion in juvenile progressive nephropathy, a condition leading to chronic renal failure in young dogs. It is defined as disorganised development of the renal parenchyma due to abnormal differentiation, and pathological lesions include persistent foetal structures, dysplastic tubules and cartilaginous and osseus metaplasia. The aetiology of renal dysplasia in dogs is still unknown, but possible causes are infection with canine herpesvirus, teratogenic substances or intrauterine ureteral obstruction. In some breeds renal dysplasia is a familial or inherited disease. Clinical signs of chronic renal failure, such as polyuria, polydipsia, vomiting, weight loss, anorexia, lethargy and anemia, usually appear before the age of 2 years.
Biogasrötning av socker- och foderbetor : Jämförelse av färska, stuklagrade samt ensilerade betor i laboratorieskala
Fossil fuels are affecting our climate negatively and there is a limited amount of them in the world, which leads to the importance of finding alternative fuels. One alternative is biogas, which is produced though a digestion process of different organic materials in a biogasreactor. Organic substrate that comes from farms has the biggest potential to increase the production of biogas in Sweden. Primarily crops from farms, but also waste products like manure are of great importance.Today there is a calculated theoretical potential for biogasproduction of 14TWh per year, which is around ten times larger than Sweden?s production today.