216 Uppsatser om Corporation - Sida 9 av 15
Konceptframtagning av pelletsförråd
This thesis work resulted in a template for how the thermal spray process can be controlled through robot programs. The robots today and their programs need to be replaced, therefore a new structure which can be matched with the new robot systems is needed. The work is limited to only concern structured programming on the new robots on Thermal Spray Centre (TC) with the programming language Rapid. The basic data for the program was retrieved from interviews with concerned personnel at TC, from studies on process parameters for thermal spray and from existing specifications at Volvo Aero Corporation (VAC). The thesis work briefly describes the process thermal spray and the four methods used at VAC.
Jämförande analys mellan svenska och portugisiska reklambyråer. : Saker som är bra att veta om man ska arbeta som grafisk formgivare i Sverige eller i Portugal
If you move from Sweden to Portugal to work as an Art Director at an Ad agency, there are certain things you ought to know. Perhaps even before you decide to move. There are a lot of things that are quite different if you compare Portugal to Sweden, not only the language, but also the design, software, working hours and much more. You have for example two month with double salary, you work till six p.m. and when it comes to maternity leave, you have 100% compensation with no taxes the first four months of every pregnancy.
Hematology-instruments that analyze blood cells can at specific cases
be followed by manual counting with a hemocytometer. The plastic hemocytometer which has a fixed coverslip and is assigned for disposable use, appears to reduce the problems arising from the use of the traditional glass hemocytometer, for instance coverslip-application difficulty and dust particles. Capillary whole blood sampling may be useful for patients at the emergency department and in addition, a smaller volume of blood is taken compared to venous blood sampling. This study will focus on the platelet- and leukocyte count (PLT and WBC) in venous and capillary blood, in order to compare the plastic- and glass hemocytometers with Sysmex XN-2000 (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan), and verify if capillary whole blood sampling can be used for the measurement of these hematological parameters. 30 subjects donated both capillary- and venous blood samples and these blood samples were analyzed with glass- and plastic hemocytometers with Sysmex XN-2000 as the reference method.
En jämförelse mellan kommunala och privata bostadsbolag : Studier i investeringskalkyler gällande upprustning av fastigheter byggda under Miljonprogrammet i Stockholm.
The intention of this study was to examine the interaction between authorities. More specifically it had a purpose to look at the ongoing cooperation between social workers and staff of special homes of closed institutional youth care. The sanction system for young offenders? reform of 1999 where young people between the ages of 15-17 who have committed serious crimes, can be sentenced to secure institutional treatment instead of prison, aims to counteract the harm which can result from a stay in prison. The social welfare board in the young person´s local authority and the national board of institutional care shall cooperate during the youth?s placement at the special home of closed institutional youth care.
Användning av balanserade styrkort på Volvo Aero Corporation
Inom vårdområdet hanteras en stor mängd känslig information och den bör finnas tillgänglig utan organisatoriska hinder. Många vårdanställda får snabbare och enklare tillgång till information genom informationsteknik (IT), men IT ställer även nya krav på medvetandet om informationssäkerhet.Den i detta arbete studerade litteraturen menar att användarna är den största orsaken till att brister uppkommer i informationssäkerheten. Det kan bland annat förebyggas genom upprättande av informationssäkerhetspolicy samt genom att ge information till och utbilda användaren vid införande av informationssystem.Syftet med arbetet var att fastställa hur användare av datorjournaler påverkas av kraven på informationssäkerhet och hur användarna påverkar informationssäkerheten. Vidare var syftet att ta reda på om de rekommendationer som Datainspektionen gett ut efterföljs av användarna. Observationer och intervjuer med vårdpersonal har legat till grund för att uppnå arbetets resultat.
Varför CSR?: En fallstudie på SAS om orsaker till företagets arbete med Corporate Social Responsibility
The term CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is frequently discussed today. Many large companies work actively with CSR related questions. However, few empirical studies exist on what this work entails and why it is undertaken. Instead, most of the academic research focuses on what the term itself should mean. To bridge this gap this study centers on the employees? perceptions of CSR.
Produktplacering i Solsidan - hur företag resonerar kring sin planerade exponering.
Titel: Produktplacering i Solsidan - hur företag resonerar kring sin planerade exponering.Författare: Anna Becker och Johanna Wållgren.Kurs: Examensarbete i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap. Institutionen för journalistik,medier och kommunikation, Göteborgs universitet.Termin: Vårterminen 2014.Handledare: Britt Börjesson.Sidantal: 43 inklusive bilagor.Ord: 14 885.Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur företagen som har produktplacerat i Solsidanupplever och resonerar kring produktplacering.Metod: Kvalitativa samtalsintervjuer.Material: Två samtalsintervjuer med försäljningschefen för Segway respektive Marketing Manager för Volvo Car Corporation.Huvudresultat: Det var svårare att få företag att prata om produktplacering än vi trodde i inledningsfasen av arbetet. Av 45 kontaktade företag var det endast två som var villiga att ställa upp på en intervju. Trots att resultatet av intervjuerna inte går att generalisera på grund av att det är för litet underlag för att få någon mättnad, är det ändå intressant att få en inblick i hur tvåföretag upplever och resonerar kring produktplacering. De två företagen hade olika motiv till att produktplacera - öka varumärkeskännedomen eller förbättra image - men båda var nöjda med resultatet av placeringen.
HemoCue Cognatus - Ett Intelligent Analysinstrument
HemoCue AB is a multinational Corporation targeted on manufacturing point-of-care analysisinstruments for medical treatment. Their main product, the DM 201, is outdated and has bigissues gaining new market shares. For example, no medical treatment center in Sweden usesDM 201 frequently. The project of developing a new instrument to replace it was assignedtwo students at the development engineering program at Halmstad University. The projectalso included integration of the new platform for DM 202 to HemoCue AB:s remainingproducts.The project began by defining the different technical areas concerned.
Accountability: En studie av hur omfattande omgivningens krav är på ett företags ansvar i tid och rum vid en etisk skandal
Internet and media have led to companies' operations becoming more visible and transparent to the public during the 21st century. Several notable corporate scandals have led to society placing greater demands on businesses to assume more accountability for their actions. This study aims to examine and develop existing research regarding accountability, by adding dimensions of time and space. More specifically, the study examines the extent to which stakeholders hold Corporations accountable after the revelation of an ethical corporate scandal, through a qualitative case study on a pending lawsuit against the Swedish Corporation Boliden. Our theory is based on John Roberts' (1991) research presented in the article "The Possibilities of Accountability" and Martin Messner's (2009) research presented in the article "The Limits of Accountability".
Kulturella skillnader inom ledarskap i England
Att allt fler och fler multinationella företag tar sig ut på marknaden är ingen nyhet, det harpågått under flera år, trots detta är det fortfarande ett högaktuellt ämne att forska kring då flerafrågetecken fortfarande kvarstår.Teorin talar för stora skillnader inom den nationella kulturen mellan de utvalda länderna,England, Spanien och Sverige. Men påvisar även att Spanien skiljer sig ytterligare från bådeEngland och Sverige som då har mer gemensamt.Uppsatsen undersöker teorins respektive våra intervjuobjekts syn på detta. Studien bygger påen kvalitativ ansats med hjälp av intervjuobjekt från tre olika företag; Lear Corporation iSverige, Mtorres i Spanien och Worcester Bosch Group i England. Empirin vi samlat in fråndessa företag jämfördes med teorin vi läst på och dessa jämförs i en analys och som följs avett slutsatsavsnitt.Undersökningen har funnit kulturella faktorer som bidrar till att påverka ledarskap och attdessa faktorer påverkar ledarna beroende på vilken kultur de kommer från. Vidare fann vi attdet svenska och engelska ledarskapet är mer likasinnade, i förhållande till det spanska somskiljer sig en aning från de två övriga.
Finanskrisens påverkan på bilbranschen under hög- och lågkonjunktur : en studie av hur bilbolagen påverkats av den globala finanskrisen
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the major car companies have been affected by the global financial crisis. We would also want to look at how revenues and profits have been affected, and what the consequences have been both within the company and the market in general. It?s also interesting to see how profitability and financial stability has been affected. We had chosen to do a ?before-after? comparison, and we chose to compare the years 2007 and 2009.Boundaries: We have chosen to concentrate on a Corporation in the Asian market, more specifically Toyota.
The Smart Grid technology has during the last decade been established as a way to create a greater flexibility on the electricity grid that will be needed as the development moves towards an increased share of renewable primary energy sources in the electricity production. One part of the Smart Grid technology is the ability to shift loads in time, to adapt to either price or emissions, known as Demand Response. This project, which was conducted at KTH in collaboration with the consulting Corporation Capgemini, examines the economic, environmental and social aspects of the Demand Response technology. In the project, three household products are used in a model that derives the potential savings in costs and emissions of CO2e. The results show that the actual savings measured in SEK are small, but that the savings measured in percent can be as high as 20 percent. Reduction of CO2e emissions is slightly lower.
Utveckling av loadlimiter för bilbarnstol
The Smart Grid technology has during the last decade been established as a way to create a greater flexibility on the electricity grid that will be needed as the development moves towards an increased share of renewable primary energy sources in the electricity production. One part of the Smart Grid technology is the ability to shift loads in time, to adapt to either price or emissions, known as Demand Response. This project, which was conducted at KTH in collaboration with the consulting Corporation Capgemini, examines the economic, environmental and social aspects of the Demand Response technology. In the project, three household products are used in a model that derives the potential savings in costs and emissions of CO2e. The results show that the actual savings measured in SEK are small, but that the savings measured in percent can be as high as 20 percent. Reduction of CO2e emissions is slightly lower.
Smarta Elnät ? Modell och Marknad
The Smart Grid technology has during the last decade been established as a way to create a greater flexibility on the electricity grid that will be needed as the development moves towards an increased share of renewable primary energy sources in the electricity production. One part of the Smart Grid technology is the ability to shift loads in time, to adapt to either price or emissions, known as Demand Response. This project, which was conducted at KTH in collaboration with the consulting Corporation Capgemini, examines the economic, environmental and social aspects of the Demand Response technology. In the project, three household products are used in a model that derives the potential savings in costs and emissions of CO2e. The results show that the actual savings measured in SEK are small, but that the savings measured in percent can be as high as 20 percent. Reduction of CO2e emissions is slightly lower.
Företags motiv till finansiering med realränteobligationer
The long-term external financing of a Corporation is satisfied through the bond market where issues of index-linked bonds, which are discussed in this thesis, is one alternative. (Finnerty&Emery 2001) An index- linked bond is a debt instrument where the investor is guaranteed the principal and premium amount in real terms. As the bonds cash flows are indexed to the inflation this implies that the issuer of an index-linked bond assumes an inflation risk. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe and examine corporate motives for choosing index-linked bonds as way of financing their business. Realization: Primary data was collected through interviews with corporate issuers of non-swapped index-linked bonds.