

14609 Uppsatser om Corporate social reporting in financial institutions - Sida 34 av 974

Corporate Social Responsibility : -Kan det bidra till demokratisering?

There is a growing awareness that multinational companies have opportunities to influence political conditions. Ethical activities made by multinational companies and ?Corporate Social Responsibility? (CSR) can therefore function as a positive input in society. The primary purpose of this master thesis is to investigate CSR´s contribution to strengthen human rights, and thereby to democratization. The research questions are listed below:1.

Finansiella rapporters påverkan på aktiekursen : - Ett bidrag till debatten om slopandet av kvartalsrapporter på Stockholmsbörsen.

This study is based on an ongoing debate regarding the Stockholm Stock Exchange, which centers around the possible abolition of quarterly reports. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to this debate by examining how the relationship between financial reports and stock price correlates. The study's methodological approach is based on the Capital Market Research frame-work in which an ERC model and an extended model are used to measure the relationship. Three hypotheses were formed to categorize the direction of the study, these categorizations treats the differences in impact between quarterly and annual reports on stock price, as well as differences in impact as a casual effect of company size and seasonal sensitivity. The results of the study show that quarterly reports have a stronger impact on the share price than annual reports.

Förväntningsgapets dynamik

Title: The dynamics of the Audit expectation gapIntroduction: The audit expectations gap is the difference that exists between what auditors and users of accounting information expects an independent auditor to do. Since the definition arose in 1974, much research has been done about the gap. What is relatively unexplored is how the gap changes over time within a country, and how it is affected by external events. This lack of knowledge has motivated this study.Problem: How has the audit expectation gap changed in Sweden, from the emergence of the definition until today? In which way have corporate scandals and legislative changes affected the gap?Purpose: The aim is to identify and create an understanding of how the audit expectation gap has changed in Sweden.

Appelroot och Spalding, en konkurs i 1770-talets Stockholm.

This paper aims to analyze the effect of the American Subprime crisis of 2007 through the perspective ofHaynes Minsky?s model according to Charles Kindleberger. The investigation revolves how the anatomyof a financial crisis develops and how it is applicable to the Subprime crisis. More specific conclusionsare derived from applying Minsky?s model to the three largest American indices; Dow Jones industrialaverage, S&P500 and NASDAQ.To deepen the analysis the Case-Shiller home price indices acts as a second parameter tocompliment Minsky?s perspective with Robert J.

De olympiska vinterspelen i spalterna : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Sportbladets bevakning av OS i Sotji 2014.

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish newspaper Sportbladet watches over the Olympic games in Sotji, 2014. This study aims to find out why certain topics is more popular writing about and why others are not. The study also analyses the news distribution in terms of gender and nationalism.To find answers to this questions, a quantitative content analyses was used.  The results is based on 220 texts collected from eleven days news reporting in Sportbladet. Ice hockey and cross-country skiing was, without a doubt, the most popular sports according to news, interest and reporting. These two sports occupied a great deal of space in the newspaper and also had most articles.Furthermore, this study shows the domination of men amongst news pages according to both space and frequency in Sportbladet during the Olympic games in Sotji. In spite of that fact, women was assigned more space in the news paper throughout the Olympic games compared to the daily reporting.

Lyssna på mig! : En kvalitativ studie om brukarinflytande för vuxna missbrukare

The aim of our study is to deepen our understanding of how both social workers and clients describe how user influence within substance abuse care for adults can work. What difficul-ties do they describe meeting, with regards to possibilities to influence the care? To achieve our purpose we had a qualitative approach for this study. It?s based on open thematic inter-views with 3 clients who have substance abuse problems, and with 3 social workers, working at Social Services in Stockholm.

Kommersiella Fastighetshyror och Finansiell Stabilitet

In recent years, global organizations safeguarding financial stability has started to track commercial property markets. One of the reasons for this refers to the fact that commercial property constitutes a large share of bank lending. Simultaneously, bank exposures to commercial property are extensive and risky since collateral values are strongly correlated to borrowers cash flows. Since banks are viewed to play a key role for financial stability, studying the relationship is well motivated. To better understand how commercial property markets interact with financial stability, this paper develops an econometric model for studying the commercial rental market.

Socialt ansvar i ett svenskt företag : En studie om hur ett företag inom livsmedelsbranschen arbetar med CSR

Bakgrund: Numera engagerar sig allt fler företag i sociala och miljömässiga frågor då det förekommer ett krav från intressenter om att företag ska ta sådant ansvar. Fler företag involverar verksamheten i aktiviteter som berör Corporate social responsibility (CSR), för att tillfredsställa externa intressenter och uppnå en fördelaktigare position hos verksamhetens intressentgrupper.Problemdiskussion: Det förekommer en uppfattning om att företag enbart involverar verksamheten i frågor kring CSR i syfte att endast främja den egna verksamheten. Forskare menar att CSR aktiviteter inom ett företag kan ha en god inverkan på varumärket medan en del anser att effekten av dessa inte är uppenbara och tydliga.Frågeställning: Hur inkorporerat är CSR i Coops affärsidé och hur implementeras dessa hållbarhetsstrategier på butiksnivå?Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur ett företag i Sverige arbetar med Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Vidare är syftet att undersöka hur företagets strategier inom CSR stärkt varumärket samt hur har resultatet av deras hållbarhetsstrategier gjort detta.Metod: Denna uppsats har utgått ifrån en kvalitativ ansats för att undersöka företaget Coop, där tillvägagångssättet delvis varit intervjuer med konsumenter och butikschefer samt företagets hållbarhetschef.

Inkludering på vitryska : Fältstudier i Vitryssland gällande inkludering av

The aim of this study is to describe and examine the characteristics of inclusion of children with disabilities in the kinder garden and primary school in Belarus. The data in this study were collected through interviews with special teachers and staff at the Developing and Rehabilitation center. The interviews were supported by child-observations and a literature study. Staying in boarding schools prevents handicap students from integrating with the society as well as getting social experience. Integrated education demands the combination of two regularities: education of children with normal development and special education of children with psycho-physiological problems.

Design och medveten närvaro : Ljusets förmåga till stressreducering och uppmuntran till medveten närvaro i förskolan.

The Swedish social insurance agency provides financial support for families and children, but also for people with work injury, illness and at old age. During 2012 they saw the amount of notifications of insurance increasing in Sweden, which is a development that cost our society a great deal of money. With the aim to pursue a sustainable development I have therefore devoted this project to wellness and stress management within preschool.The employees of preschool are often dealing with a lot of stress, due to the big groups of children that causes high noise and sound levels. The high noise and sound levels is a contributor to stress which additionally can damage the health and cause impaired hearing loss. About half of the people around their forties until the age of retirement have difficulties understanding speech in large groups.The purpose of this project has been to investigate the causes of negative stress for my target group, women between 30-60 years old who works in preschool.

Faktorer som påverkar kapitalstrukturen i nordiska fastighetsbolag

The bachelor's thesis is to examine the explanatory factors affecting the choice of capital structure in real estate companies. The analysis is based on data collected from the main financial reporting from 2007; all listed real estate companies listed on Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Finnish stock market. Based on previous research and theories, we have defined five independent variables that are linked to the debt ratio, which are: profitability, growth, firm size, cost of debt and operational risk. The statistical tests have resulted in that we can say with certainty that profitable firms tend to have a lower debt to equity ratio. We can also say with certainty that property companies with high interest costs have a high level of indebtedness..

Bonus relaterad till företagsstorlek : Jämförelse av stora och medelstora företag

Background: A debated subject in today?s society is CEO compensation. Companies which give the CEO compensation mean that it motivates them to maximize the company?s return. The compensations are based on various types of variables, such as financial measures and financial ratio.

"Runda Upp" en Corporate-Social-Responsibility-metod med en Positiv eller Negativ påverkan? : En kvantitativ studie om ?Runda Upp? ur ett konsumentperspektiv

?Runda Upp? En Corporate-Social-Responsibility-metod med en Positivt eller Negativt påverkan? En kvantitativ studie om ?Runda Upp? ur ett konsumentperspektiv Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka konsumenters intryck av företag som i samarbete med icke-statliga organisationer tillämpar CSR och mer specifikt metoden ?Runda Upp?. Huruvida intrycken blir mer positiva eller negativa eller om intrycken förblir lika då textilföretag använder sig av ?Runda Upp?-metoden som CSR-aktivitet. Vi ämnar även undersöka om metoden påverkar konsumenters köpbeteende.

Solvens II : En konkurrensfördel för de svenska försäkringsbolagen?

The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether the implementation of the Solvency II directive will create a competitive advantage for the Swedish insurance companies compared with other insurance companies in Europe.Therefore the theoretical perspective illustrates the specific requirements and risk culture of the insurance industry and defines the critical success factors for a successful implementation of the directive. The empirical foundation is built on the QIS 5 reports for Sweden and Europe, interviews with the financial services and If insurance company as well as information from a seminar organized by KPMG. The analysis shows that the Swedish insurance companies meets the capital requirements of Solvency II by a large margin and that they are accustomed to risk management and reporting requirements from the traffic light model. This implies that the three critical success factors for a successful implementation of Solvency II are met, although with some limitations, and that Swedish insurance companies could possibly have a competitive advantage.     .

Satsningar på samhällsansvar : Ett långsiktigt arbete startar idag

Bakgrund: Förutsättningar för företag förändras ständigt. Samtidigt har kunder och anställda fått nya betydelsefulla roller för hur verksamheten utformas och vilka värderingar som företaget arbetar efter. Företagen förväntas i allt högre grad ta ett aktivt samhällsansvar, men satsningarna har hittills varit för kortsiktiga och inte visat på några ekonomiska resultat. Samhällsansvaret bör därför ses ur ett långsiktigt perspektiv och förankras strategiskt i företagets affärsidé.Problemformulering: Vilka faktorer är viktiga för att företag ska kunna överföra långsiktigt samhällsansvar till sin affärsidé?Syfte: Att analysera och utvärdera sambandet mellan interna strategier och överensstämmelsen mellan ledning och anställda med avseende på samhällsansvar.Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ undersökning utifrån en deduktiv ansats.

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