

14609 Uppsatser om Corporate social reporting in financial institutions - Sida 11 av 974

Corporate branding identity och det symboliska värdet av ett nationsvarumärke

Frågeställning: Hur profileras ett företags corporate branding identity i reklamkampanjer till utlandet och hur stort utrymme får nationstillhörigheten i denna kontext? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur, varför och i vilken utsträckning företag använder sig av corporate branding i sin marknadsföring till utlandet, samt värdet av och i vilken utsträckning nationstillhörigheten används i det avseendet. Genomförande: Uppsatsen utgår ifrån teori omfattande traditionell marknadsföring, varumärken och reklam, nationsvarumärken och nationers image vilket relateras till corporate branding och modellen the corporate branding toolkit. Med hjälp av en semiotisk näranalys, av en av respektive företags kampanjer, försöker författarna skönja hur företagens corporate branding identity och nationstillhörighet speglas i marknadsföringen. Summering: Även om det bör råda balans mellan komponenterna i ett företags corporate branding identity kan tyngdpunkten variera beroende på företag.

Lönar sig Supply Chain Management för mindre företag?

Purpose - To analyze the relationship between supply chain management maturity, supply chain performance and financial performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME:s).Design/methodology/approach - The data comprises 15 SME:s that participated in a local logistic study in Gävleborgs län. The levels of supply chain mature within these firms were based upon an interview study and the financial performance of the firms was then examined using financial reports-based data.Findings -The results of this study indicate that there is a strong relationship between SCM maturity and SC performance in SMEs, some relationships between SCM maturity and financial performance, as well as some relationships between SC performance and financial performance. This means that if firms use maturity indicators in the SCOR areas to improve their processes, they will most likely achieve a positive effect on supply chain performance and probably also on financial performance. The result implies that the supply chain maturities in these firms are higher than expected with no one at the adHoc level.While this study is based on a rather small number of participating firms, it would be valuable to further test the significance of the indicated correlations between SCM maturity and performance in a large-scale survey.Research limitations/Implications - The research is an attempt to understand supply chain maturity and it´s implication on financial performance. Developing supply chain maturity is an opportunity for a company to gain superior performance.

Behovet av normalisering av avvikande ungdomar: en kvalitativ studie om eftervård

The society has always tried to get rid of those who do not "fit in". They doesn't follow the normal behaviour and rules and have to be "dismissed". The community has developed different kinds of institutional care for individuals with dysfunctional behaviour. Those institutions are mental hospitals and prisons. Many of these institutions put the individuals in an extreme situation since they loses their independence and freedom.

Utveckling av nyckeltal : - ett redskap för prestationsmätning i idrottsförbund

The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether institutional ownership has an influence on CEO compensation in companies where the institutions have invested. In order to fulfil the purpose of the thesis a quantitative study was carried out within the Swedish corporate context where we have studied Swedish institutional investors and companies quoted on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Our period of study was the financial year of 2007.The empirical questions at issue is; Was there a connection between Swedish institutional ownership and the size of the CEO compensation, and, does Swedish institutional ownership lead to a certain type of CEO compensation in terms of structure?Our results did not suggest that an increased institutional ownership neither leads to a certain type of salary level nor a certain kind of salary structure. These results contradict earlier American research, which has been done within this area and has previously shown a secured connection.The reasons for our results may be many and it is difficult to state any concrete conclusions to why we received differing results.

Medling vid konsumenttvister : ett lämpligt komplement till förfarandet vid Allmänna reklamationsnämnden?

Since 2005 all companies listed on a regulated stock exchange within the European Union are required to present their financial reports in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Accounting Standards (IAS). The purposes of these standards are to accomplish international harmonization of accounting rules to make financial reports more comparable. However, recent research has shown that some firms tend to use goodwill strategically in a business combination by manipulating the acquired assets and consciously allocate the intangible assets to goodwill to reduce the depreciation in the income and decrease costs. This phenomenon may reduce the comparability between financial reports and thus has an opposite effect on the purpose of IFRS and IAS.The aim of this study is to show how the companies involved in this study allocate goodwill strategically. Furthermore, the introduction of the new standards has contributed to that goodwill now is a subject for impairment test, therefore we want to show whether this affected the comparability of the companies in this study.An empirical study was conducted, based on interviews with four Swedish managers.

Hållbarhetsredovisning i svenska företag: - en kvalitativ studie om drivkrafter och redovisningsmetod

Sustainability reporting in Sweden is a voluntary disclosure action for non-governmental companies. Since 2009 all state-owned companies must however publish a sustainability report according to GRI guidelines and with independent assurance statement. Three different sustainability reporting methods are primarily used: (1) Separate Sustainability Report, (2) Sustainability Report included in the Directors? Report, and (3) Sustainability Report forming part of the Printed Annual Report. The aim of this paper is to explore why some companies choose to publish a sustainability report and identify the motivational factors behind this decision, as well as attain an understanding for companies? choice of reporting method.

Redovisning av goodwill ? en kvalitativ studie av jämförbarhet i årsredovisningar och halvårsrapporter

The purpose of this paper is to investigate analysts' and investors' possibility to compare different companies' information in accounting for goodwill under IFRS in their annual and semi-annual reports. The study was based on IAS 34 on interim reporting, IAS 36 impairment of goodwill and the comparability requirement of the financial statements. Therefore, the comparability requirements? of the IASB Framework, previous studies on the comparability after the implementation of IFRS and also the relevance of goodwill was studied. We used a qualitative textual analysis to examine whether the recognition of goodwill is considered to be comparable between our sample of companies' annual and semi-annual reports from 2008 and 2009 data.

Värderingar, ansvar och affärer : En fallstudie om hur Löfbergs Lilas värderingar påverkar företagets CSR-arbete och affärer

AbstractThis master thesis is a hermeneutic inspired case study of how the value base regarding the environmental and social responsibility in the Swedish coffee company Löfbergs Lila AB is affecting the company's business. A thesis inspired by hermeneutics means that it is based on two ideas, the one of interaction between entirety and partitions and the one of interpretation (Alvesson & Sköldberg 1994). This cause that the emphasis is on how the reality is interpreted and that it never can be seen as completely objective.The case study was conducted during the spring semester of 2010 at Karlstad's University and consists of both empirical and theoretical material collected during this time. The empirical material in this thesis includes, among other things, interviews with four representatives of Löfbergs Lila AB, written material from the company regarding its work related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), some information about the coffee industry as a whole and different certifications for "ethical? coffee that exists on the Swedish market.The basic idea with CSR as a business strategy is that it can be financially beneficial for companies to take a social and environmental responsibility outside of the company (Vogel 2005).

Etiska Fonder : - Ett steg mot en mer hållbar värld?

Today, there is no uniform definition of what an ethical fund is. Fund management companies choose themselves what they believe is ethical and not. The lack of the definition makes it difficult for consumers to understand why these funds are special compared to other funds. The purpose of this study is to examine three Swedish companies; KPA Pension, Swedbank Robur and Folksam, to obtain a clearer picture of the concept ethical funds and its definition. The study describes each company's view of Ethics and how they may affect other companies to work for a more sustainable world.

Corporate Social Responsibility - en del i marknadsföringsstrategin : en fallstudie av ett svenskt och ett brittiskt fastighetsbolag

Denna uppsats behandlar fenomenet och begreppet Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Begreppet används synonymt med företags samhällsansvar och innebär att företag frivilligt vill medverka till ett bättre samhälle. Utgångspunkten är Carroll och Buchholtz mångciterade modell The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility, som förklarar CSR utifrån fyra ansvar: ekonomiskt-, legalt-, etiskt- och filantropiskt. Fokus ligger på CSR som en del i ett företags marknadsföringsstrategi, med betoning på det ekonomiska-, etiska- och filantropiska ansvaret. Problemformuleringen lyder: Hur ser chefers uppfattningar om Corporate Social Responsibility, som en del i marknadsföringsstrategin, i ett brittiskt respektive svenskt fastighetsbolag ut? Syftet är att ta reda på svaret på problemformuleringen samt att se om det finns likheter och skillnader i de båda studerade företagens chefers uppfattningar om CSR.

Förtroendet till samhällets institutioner : En komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Portugal

This study is about trust for public institutions and what the foundation is that builds this confidence. For this study I have used three dependent variables to define different aspects of public institutions. These are trust in the legal system, trust in political parties and state of health services nowadays.  The method that is used in the study is based on a comparative study between two countries, Sweden and Portugal.  The actual result is made up by comparing means and regressions by using 13 independent variables. Many of the independent variables that has been used is deriving from institutional theories of Putnam and Rothstein These theories points out the importance of strong traditions of civic engagement and that the success of the trust of the institutions depends in large part on the horizontal bonds that make up social capital.

SMICKRANDE KAPITALIST ELLER SANN IDEALIST? Företags sociala ansvar i årsredovisningen

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur svenska börsnoterade företag redogör för sitt sociala ansvar i årsredovisningar.Metod: Denna uppsats utgår från en kvalitativ metod. Vi har valt att göra en innehållsanalys för att strukturera det material som företag ger oss angående deras sociala ansvar. Teori: Den teoretiska referensramen har sin utgångspunkt i legitimitetsteorin. Därefter använder vi oss av intressentteorin för att kunna förklara vem företaget ska vara socialt ansvarsfulla emot. Teorier kring corporate social responsibility används för att förklara hur företag kan vara socialt ansvarsfulla.

Finansiell analys med avseende på risk: En studie av svenska fastighetsbolag

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the status of Swedish real estate companies in terms of financial health and risk of financial distress. The background is the ongoing financial crisis, which partly can be derived from the American real estate sector. Publicly available accounting information from 16 listed real estate companies has been analyzed for a period of one year using financial ratios covering both the operational and financial activities. We find that the deceleration in the economy and in the real estate sector have forced the real estate companies to make large write downs, in line with the relatively new accounting rules, IFRS. Write downs are likely to reoccur during the following periods and real estate companies will therefore probably be forced to continue to show negative results.

Kan företag genom sin redovisningsinformation påverka volatiliteten i aktiekursen?: en studie av sambandet mellan informationskvalitet och risk

The purpose of this paper was to examine the potential presence of a relationship between the quality of corporate financial disclosure and the volatility in stock price in the Swedish market. This was carried out by investigating the hypothesis that an accurate annual report with high information quality results in a decrease in volatility. Previous studies have been done with this approach and in some cases the above stated hypothesis was found to be true. Thus, in the absence of a perfect efficient market the level of information quality may to some extent explain the volatility in stock price. However, the result of our study gave no evidence in support of this hypothesis.

We make a living by what we get, but we make life by what we give : En studie om vad som driver mikrorosterier till att arbeta med CSR

Background: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a term that has become increasingly prominent in the corporate world. As the awareness of responsibly produced products is growing among both companies and consumers, it has become increasingly important for companies to get involved in sustainability issues. There may be several reasons why companies choose to integrate CSR in their business, where one reason may be related to company size. In the business category of micro, there is currently no widespread research, which makes this company size interesting to study. The choice of industry was made because coffee is one of the world's most important merchandise, and the coffee industry has come a long way with integrating CSR in comparision to many other industries.Purpose and research question: The purpose of this study is to create a deeper understanding of why coffee roasters in the business category of micro enterprises choose to incorporate CSR in their businesses.

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