792 Uppsatser om Core self-evaluations - Sida 9 av 53
Kursen TMS, en intervjuundersökning bland lärare om kursen Teknik, Människa, Samhälle
A query using telephone interviews of technology teachers teaching the course "Teknik, Människa, Samhälle", a core course of the technique programme at the swedish gymnasium..
Recipientundersökning av Ensjön : Bedömning av sulfidmalmgruvan Enåsens eventuella påverkan på sjöns vattenkvalitet
Ensåsengruvan is a mine situated within Ljusdals municipality in central Sweden. Themine was in use from 1984 to 1991 and has since been undergoing a remediation program. Mine tailings from sulfide rich ore is a potential environmental hazard due to its tendency to cause acid waters and heavy metal leakage. Lake Ensjön is situated one kilometer from the mine area. Due to the hydrological conditions it was not expected to receive inflowing water from the mining area.
Konsten att positionera sig : En studie om festivalers identitet, positionering och om kunders relation till festivalers märkesidentitet.
The purpose of this study is to examine what characterizes brand identity and positioning regarding festivals on the current Swedish festival market. In relation to our purpose we are also going to analyze how festival attendees relate to a festivals brand identity. Our research question is as follows:What characterizes festivals brand identity and positioning on the current Swedish festival market?This study has been written with a qualitative research method and an inductive approach. Our empirical foundation is built on a rich content based on personal interviews.
Marknadsplatsapplikation för Android
Målet med examensarbetet är att utveckla en marknadsplatsapplikation för Android. Marknadsplatsapplikationen ska tillhandahålla funktioner för att ge användaren förutsättningar att hitta och ladda ner applikationer över Internet ifrån marknadsplatsens serversida. Marknadsplatsapplikationen kommer likt en tunn klient vara helt beroende av innehåll från en serversida. Vid examensarbetets utförande existerade dock ingen serversida då denna ännu inte var färdigutvecklad.För att utveckla marknadsplatsapplikationen utan närvaron av en serversida, implementerades en emulerad serversida som utåt sett hade funktionaliteten av en framtida serversida. En mjukvaruarkitektur implementerades bestående av tre lager: användargränsnitt (GUI), kärnfunktionalitet (Core) och webbkommunikation (WebCom).
Säkerhetsanalys av Windos Server 2008 i militära system
This analysis recommends not to use Windows Server 2008 without properevaluation in any system containing classified information. The reasons are too lowassurance and too weak authentication. If Windows Server 2008 is to be used itshould be supplemented with a stronger authentication mechanism. The installationshould preferably be of Server Core type and the server should be maximallyhardened..
Bibliometrisk kartläggning av det idrottspsykologiska fältet
Objectives: The aim in this thesis has been to generate information relevant for strategic positioning and future evaluations within the scientific field of sport and exercise psychology. This has been done by request, and in collaboration with The Group of Sport and Exercise Psychology at the Institution of Psychology at the University of Umeå.Research questions: (1) How does the cognitive structure within the field of sport and exercise psychology take shape with respect to research topics in current sport-psychological research, i.e. the research front? (2) How does the social structure within the field of sport and exercise psychology take shape with respect to formal scientific collaboration?Data: 879 articles published between 2008-2011 were used in this study. The population of articles were collected from a set of 5 core journals: International Journal of Sport Psychology, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, The Sport Psychologist, Psychology of Sport and Exercise.
Den varumärkesuppbyggande processen : En fallstudie på en fackförening
Background: According to many authorities Trademark consideration will within the companies become all more prioritized objectives for competitive advantage and a strong organisational structure.Trade marking is becoming an important tool, not only Production oriented companies apply this on their products or services whereas it is today spread in many different sectors.Problems: On the basis of theoretical and empirical studies, we will try to see how a trademark is built up.This will guide us to our questions at issue:? How has the actual process for HTF been in order to strengthen and to build up their trademark, how have they achieved this in practice?? What are the underlying criteria?s to for this work and what role has the consultant company BMN in the actual process?Aim: The authors have for intention to create an understanding on why there is interesting for a trade union organisation like HTF to carry out a trademark development investment. A further understanding will be to highlighting a strong trademark's advantages and possible disadvantages.Results: As a trade union organisation where the relationship to the members and the potential members is becoming all more important is the interesting to highlight their trademark clear and in addition to that contribute to building and establishing strong relationships. on the basis of this study we can state that it is now one of the most important support activities that as a trade unions to highlight its core values through trademark. As a trade union, one can to a large extent work with and to apply the market the economic mocks-up for trademark build up.The most important aspect is that we can state , in the future developed to concentrate more on communication, positioning, segmentation and diversification, which the trademark act as intermediary.
From US, to Uganda, Handle with Care : en analys av USA:s HIV/AIDS bistånd till Uganda
This paper deals with the question: "Why does the U.S. aid project to cambat HIV/AIDS in Africa, called PEPFAR, use a strategy that has been shown to be couterproductive?" The author uses an anthropological approach, based on theory of "aid as a gift" inspired by work of Mauss and Stirrat& Henkel. The study demonstrates that the interests that lie behind PEPFAR have had a greater influence on the choice of strategy than the declared goals. It is concluded that evaluations of development assistance should focus as much on the background interests of the givers as the declared objectives..
Att skapa samförstånd i en organisationsförändring : ? En fallstudie om förändringskommunikation
Denna studie undersöker hur samförstånd skapas genom kommunikation i en organisationsförändring. Detta är intressant då tidigare studier visat på att kommunikation är en avgörande faktor för att en organisationsförändring ska bli lyckad. Det är också intressant då forskning kring den interna kommunikationen vid organisationsförändringar är sparsam. Speciellt då vi även valt att se kommunikationen utifrån en mottagares perspektiv, ett område som var särskilt outforskat. Vi har hämtat vårt empiriska material från en organisation som stod inför en organisationsförändring.
Barnpsykiatrins yttre gränser : en diskursanalys av journalanteckningar från bedömningssamtal
The purpose of this paper was to investigate how the Child mental Health Service, BUP Ektorp, textually constructs its demarcation, by studying case records from the first evaluations of the patients. The main questions were: In what way are the competitors and their problems represented in the texts, how is the solution justified and explained, and how do these factors relate to each other? The method being used is discourse analysis, influenced by Mörkenstam. The main conclusions are that the demarcation consists of a number of onceptions about the child, the parents, and the therapist. The conceptions, together with the way the problem is being described, justifies the proposed solution, proclaiming termination of the case..
Politisk sekterism i Libanon : En fallstudie av Taif-avtalet och den konsociationella demokratins hållbarhet
Aiming to contribute to the discourse on the sustainability of consociational democracy in plural societies, this case study provides an examination of Lebanon?s power sharing model. The study begins with an evaluation of the Taif Agreement. After acknowledging its effect on Lebanon?s consociational system the function and operation of Lijphart?s four consociational elements are analyzed.
Business Intelligence : en diskussion om begreppet och fenomenet
Our aim with this thesis was to closer study business intelligence to be able to present an overview of both the concept and the phenomenon. We have also developed a framework that show how business intelligence can be used effectively. We think that our framework can be of help to under-stand the areas which constitutes the core of business intelligence. We think that the framework we have developed is a good basis for the im-plementation of business intelligence in an organisation and that it also can be of help in the daily business intelligence work..
Once upon a time : En studie om storytelling som marknadsföringsverktyg
Berättelser har sedan urminnes tider fängslat och fascinerat människor men idag är berättelsen inte bara ett sätt att förmedla sagor och fabler utan sker även inom företag och organisationer. Kraften i berättelser har under de senaste decennierna börjat användas inom företagsvärlden för att förmedla berättelser om företag och varumärken. Detta sätt att använda berättelser har kommit att kallas storytelling och är en populär strategi inom marknadsföring idag. Storytelling har blivit ett allt viktigare inslag i marknadsföring hos företag inom livsmedelsbranschen då konkurrensen från inhemska och utländska varumärken har ökat i samband med Sveriges inträde i EU. Syftet med uppsatsen är att ur ett företagsperspektiv undersöka hur företag använder storytelling i sin marknadsföring för att stärka sitt varumärke.
Implementering av lean i ett gjuteri med låga volymer och hög variation
Valmets own foundry in Karlstad has during a long period of time had problems being profitable. The goal today is to turn this around. Today there are three different productionlines; engine blocks, Yankeecylinders and components for the wind turbine industry. This master thesis has focused on examining if value stream mapping is a useful tool to use in a foundry, and therefore outside the typical manufacturing industry. The target has also been to evaluate if there is a possibility to improve the flow in the foundry and also the results.During the 20 weeks this work has been done at the foundry data has been collected and analyzed.
Abstract The purpose of this project is to develop a modular processor card which is intended to work as a platform for Kitron Development Karlskoga. The modular processor card is meant to be used as a control system in development projects, mainly in medical and industrial products. The processor card will consist of a central unit with the basic functions for a control system. Furthermore there will be complete modules with machine commodity and programming, to pick exactly the necessary functions for a specific application. With consideration to the specification of the development and the main unit, I chose an adequate microprocessor (AT90CAN32) as core and interface circuits to stated border areas. The construction is first completed in the program MultiSim and then remade in the program OrCAD Capture. The programming language C was used in the software model.