

2248 Uppsatser om Cooperation of the parents - Sida 2 av 150

Delad berättelse ? dubbel glädje! Gruppterapi utifrån ett narrativt förhållningssätt.

During the autumn of 2010 a group of parents met together with two therapist at Mini Maria Hisingen. These parents did have children who had experience of using drugs. This study purpose´s to describe, analyze and understand what has been effective in the work together with this group of parents.The interrogative sentence is; Did we use a narrative approach and what impact did this approach had on the groupprocess? What did the group sessions contribute to the parents and would they recommend other parents to participate in similar sessions? All the sessions were recorded in video. The work was highly inspired by Michael White and his book Maps (2007).

"ANDAS SKA MAN ÄNDÅ GÖRA" : - Föräldrars förlossningsupplevelser då psykoprofylax använts som förlossningsförberedelse

Several factors can affect the childbirth experience among parents. Previous research showed that parental education was insufficient. Parents who participated in both regular parental classes and psychoprophylaxis education were more satisfied with the psychoprophylaxis education compared to those who participated in only traditional parental classes. Psychoprophylaxis should be more considered as it could help the woman to handle her pain and contribute to increased self-esteem. The aim was to describe and illustrate the parents' childbirth experiences when psychoprophylaxis was used as childbirth preparation.

Det står ?jävlig mamma? skrivet i pannan på mig" : En kvalitativ studie om föräldrar till barn med diagnos inom autismspektrumet och deras vardag

The purpose of the study isto,based on network theory, systems theory and development ecological systems theory,understand parent?sexperiences of having children with autismspectrum, as well as understand the importance of social networksfor the parents. All of the intervieweeswere mothers. The results showed that it is important to parentsto have contact with other parents who are in the same situation as them. Many of the interviewees had a small social network.

Föräldrar med utvecklingsstörning : Intervjuer med professionella personer som arbetar med föräldrarna och deras barn

This is a qualitative interview study about intellectually disabled parents and their children. I have conducted interviews with six professional staff who have some experience working with intellectually disabled persons. In my investigation I used vignettes and those I interviewed had to read the same story about Anders and Britta in preparation for the interview. The six persons whom I interviewed were: a midwife at a mother care centre, a nurse at a child health centre, a social welfare officer at a rehabilitation centre, a "LSS administrator" at a local authority, and two social welfare secretaries. One of the two welfare secretaries works to assess the social situation of children and the other one works with fostercare.The conclusion that I have drawn is that the relationship between intellectually disabled parents and their children is very important.

Dåligt samvete och tidspress : en studie om modernt föräldraskap

The purpose of this study was to examine the problematic and frustrating aspects of parenthood in the modern runaway world of today. In other words, we wanted to study how parents in Sweden experienced their life as parents in the beginning of the 21th century.We wanted to find answers to the following questions:What kind of problems do parents experience and how do they deal with these problems?What would parents consider to be typical for them as parents compared to how they remember their own parents?What do parents think about family politics?Do parents think they need parent education?If parents want parent education, why do they want it?To answer these questions we used qualitative interviews. With this method we got information from six parents and five professional parent educators who was kind enough to let us interview them. We also gathered information about the subject through literature and news articles.The result of the study can be divided into three parts.

 Unga föräldrar :  En kvalitativ studie om ungt föräldraskap sett utifrån professionellas perspektiv

The purpose of this paper was to examine how young parenthood is represented by the professionals and their thoughts and experiences from meetings with the young parents, and how the professionals work with this group of parents. As professionals we refer to those who work with young parents, and the definition of young parents are parents in the ages 15-24. The paper also discusses what needs these parents have, and what kind of support the society offers, according to the professionals. The method we worked with was interviews and we interviewed six professionals to find out how the professionals looked upon the young parents and their situation. Earlier research has stated that young parenthood is associated with many risks and disadvantages for both the parents and their children.

Biblioteket, öppna förskolan och föräldrar i samarbete kring flyktingbarns språkliga och kulturella utveckling en undersökning bland flyktingföräldrar i stadsdelarna Hässleholmen och Norrby i Borås

The main purpose of this master thesis is to investigate in what ways library and public preschool cooperate with families with immigrants background in developing and protecting children's languages and cultures in two districts, Hässleholmen and Norrby, in the community of Borås. I want to investigate the parent's meaning of view according to which roles the libraries and public preschools involvement play. The study is based on qualitative interviews. Nine interviews were undertaken with parents who live in these two districts and five interviews with the librarians and preschool teachers who work in the libraries or the public preschools. The study of relevant literature, which describes topics such as psychological aspects of immigration, facts about children with immigrant's background and their language development and multicultural librarianship, provides a basis for the discussion.

Föräldrars behov och önskemål av föräldrastöd : en enkätundersökning i Landskrona kommun

The aim of the work was to gather information on parents' reflections on their own need for parental support in their role as parents. Where a need was expressed we investigated what form of support was desired and who should provided it. We also wished to find out if there were any differences or similarities in the needs and wishes expressed by the parents.The questions posed were: Did the parents feel that they needed support in their roles as parents? If so, what sort of support did they want? Who should provide this support? What differences or similarities were expressed in the parents needs and wishes for support?A questionnaire study was carried out within Landskrona. The results showed that a majority of parents expressed a limited need for some form of support in their parental role.

Upplevelse av stöd och hjälp : Föräldrar till barn & ungdomar med Aspergers syndrom

AbstractIn this survey the authors studied how having a child with Aspergers syndrome affects theparents. The purpose of this survey was getting a glimpse of the parent?s experiences ofsupport from governmental instances as well as from their own network. This survey has beenexecuted from a qualitative point of view. The authors have completed interviews with sixparents of children with Aspergers syndrome.

Det svåra samarbetet : En essä om möten mellan olika syn på normer, etik moral och fostran

In this essay, I discuss one of the recurring dilemmas for a working recreational pedagogue, namely the hard task of cooperation with parents. As a recreational pedagogue, I am required to work by the curriculum Läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet 2011. This policy document talks about what my responsibilities are, including establishing collaboration with parents in terms of the children?s development and education. It happens, however, that the pedagogue and the parent's ethical positions differ.

Förändring som väckte känslor, när olika världar möts : en essä om samverkan i förskolan

This essay deals with the complexity that I perceive in the collaboration processes between preschool and parents. In the essay I present my interpretation of two self-perceived situations where my experience has been that the cooperation has not worked satisfactorily for either part. As a basis for my conclusions I use different theories and studies within the domain. My own experiences - both from ten years of working in preschool as well as from an eight-year experience of being a parent also comes into use. The purpose of my essay is to investigate how different horizons of understanding can come into collision, and how limitations in our own understanding of the perspectives of others can complicate collaboration between educators and parents.In the first story I discuss a situation where, in my professional role, I go into a conflict with a parent about how we have chosen to implement some changes.

Ungdomars kännedom om sina föräldrars livsvärden

Do youths know what life values their parents have? Does this knowledge have a connection with the youth?s attachment to their parents? Do the youth?s life values differ from their parents? And could the youth?s life values affect how they estimate their parent?s life values? To answer these questions data from a survey were used. The respondents were 13-15 years old youths and their parents. The results show that youths do not know what life values their parents have, irrespective of if the attachment to them is good or bad. The results also show that the youth?s own life values to a high extend affect how they estimate their parent?s life values.

?Man blir specialist på sitt barn" : En studie kring hur sex föräldrar till barn i behov av särskilt stöd upplevt kontakten med förskolan

The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of how parents of children in need of special support have experienced their interaction with the pre-school. Our three main areas of interest were to investigate how several parents experienced their contact with the pre-school, if there were any experienced factors that had played a part in the contact with the pre-school and if we could conclude anything about how the curriculum had been followed in these cases, with assistance of the parents? experiences.Our study is qualitative and we chose to interview six parents. We both participated in all of the interviews. The theoretical base of this study is rooted in the phenomenological theory and we also used the framework factor theory to complement our analysis.One of our conclusions was that the parents expressed so many different experiences that we decide not to try compare them in general.

Men kära barn, jag har ju glömt bort alltihop : En fenomenografisk studie om hemmets möjligheter att stödja barnets utveckling i matematik i de yngre åldrarna

The aim of this research is to examine how the homes of children, in cooperation with the schools, are offered opportunities to communicate and discuss mathematics together with the children in relevant situations. The overall intent of the study is manifest in scientific questions with focus on how parents view the subject and the opportunities to support their children with math homework as well as possibilities to actively support their child´s mathematics progress. The paper has a pfenomenographic approach, which means that it in a qualitative way describes similarities and differences in the ways the homes perceive this issue. The examination is implemented through a survey in which responds from 73 parents in four classes have been studied. Within this study six semi constructed interviews have been conducted.

När livet förändras : En självbiografistudie om föräldrars upplevelse av att leva med ett barn med cancer.

Background: Cancer is the most common cause of death among children in Sweden. The disease and the treatment cause suffering among the children, which also affects their parents. Research has shown that parents of children with cancer have poorer health. It is the nurse?s responsebility to help, not only the child, but also the parents in their difficult situation.

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